Remco van der Hofstad

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zbMath Open van-der-hofstad.remco-wMaRDI QIDQ203948

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
The winner takes it all but one2024-02-23Paper
Random Graphs and Complex Networks2024-01-03Paper
On a Near-Optimal \& Efficient Algorithm for the Sparse Pooled Data Problem2023-12-22Paper
Percolation on preferential attachment models2023-12-21Paper
Local limits of spatial inhomogeneous random graphs2023-12-15Paper
Long-range first-passage percolation on the complete graph2023-11-27Paper
Phase transition in random intersection graphs with communities2023-10-12Paper
Correcting for granularity bias in modularity-based community detection methods2023-10-04Paper
Detecting a late changepoint in the preferential attachment model2023-10-04Paper
Dynamic random intersection graph: Dynamic local convergence and giant structure2023-08-29Paper
Scaling of the clustering function in spatial inhomogeneous random graphs2023-07-24Paper
Universal `winner-takes-it-all' phenomenon in scale-free random graphs2023-07-19Paper
It is hard to kill fake news2023-04-19Paper
Unified approach for solving exit problems for additive-increase and multiplicative-decrease processes2023-03-09Paper
The rank of sparse symmetric matrices over arbitrary fields2023-01-30Paper
The number of partial Steiner systems and d-partitions2023-01-18Paper
Universality of the local limit of preferential attachment models2022-12-11Paper
Scale-free network clustering in hyperbolic and other random graphs2022-12-09Paper
Linking the mixing times of random walks on static and dynamic random graphs2022-10-07Paper
Global lower mass-bound for critical configuration models in the heavy-tailed regime2022-10-04Paper
Invasion Percolation on Power-Law Branching Processes2022-08-16Paper
Rank-k random graphs and finite type branching processes2022-07-23Paper
Detecting a botnet in a network2022-03-04Paper
Annealed Ising model on configuration models2022-02-25Paper
Correction to: ``NoBLE for lattice trees and lattice animals2022-02-02Paper
Two more ways of spelling Gini Coefficient with Applications2022-01-28Paper
Sparse random graphs with many triangles2021-12-13Paper
NoBLE for lattice trees and lattice animals2021-12-13Paper
Annealed inhomogeneities in random ferromagnets2021-12-06Paper
Random intersection graphs with communities2021-11-29Paper
Optimal subgraph structures in scale-free configuration models2021-11-04Paper
Glauber dynamics for Ising models on random regular graphs: cut-off and metastability2021-08-06Paper
Limit theorems for assortativity and clustering in null models for scale-free networks2021-08-04Paper
Detecting a planted community in an inhomogeneous random graph2021-07-09Paper
Multiscale genesis of a tiny giant for percolation on scale-free random graphs2021-07-08Paper
Barely supercritical percolation on Poissonian scale-free networks2021-07-08Paper
Degree-Degree Dependencies in Random Graphs with Heavy-Tailed Degrees2021-04-23Paper
Critical percolation on scale-free random graphs: new universality class for the configuration model2021-04-08Paper
The giant in random graphs is almost local2021-03-22Paper
Heavy-tailed configuration models at criticality2021-02-15Paper
Big Jobs Arrive Early: From Critical Queues to Random Graphs2020-12-18Paper
Long paths in first passage percolation on the complete graph. I: Local PWIT dynamics2020-09-29Paper
Long paths in first passage percolation on the complete graph II. Global branching dynamics2020-09-18Paper
Counting triangles in power-law uniform random graphs2020-08-07Paper
Universality for critical heavy-tailed network models: metric structure of maximal components2020-05-29Paper
Random walk on barely supercritical branching random walk2020-05-21Paper
Local weak convergence for PageRank2020-05-13Paper
Global lower mass-bound for critical configuration models in the heavy-tailed regime2020-05-05Paper
Heavy-Traffic Analysis Through Uniform Acceleration of Queues with Diminishing Populations2020-04-30Paper
Expansion of Percolation Critical Points for Hamming Graphs2020-04-06Paper
Large deviations of bivariate Gaussian extrema2020-02-20Paper
Consistency of the PLFit estimator for power-law data2020-02-17Paper
Cliques in rank-1 random graphs: the role of inhomogeneity2019-12-05Paper
Limit laws for self-loops and multiple edges in the configuration model2019-11-20Paper
Correction to: ``Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori. II: Volume, diameter and mixing time2019-11-07Paper
Component structure of the configuration model: Barely supercritical case2019-10-16Paper
Random walks on dynamic configuration models: a trichotomy2019-09-19Paper
Lace Expansion and Mean-Field Behavior for the Random Connection Model2019-08-29Paper
Diameter in ultra‐small scale‐free random graphs2019-06-07Paper
Tight fluctuations of weight-distances in random graphs with infinite-variance degrees2019-03-06Paper
Triadic closure in configuration models with unbounded degree fluctuations2018-12-21Paper
Large deviations for the annealed Ising model on inhomogeneous random graphs: spins and degrees2018-12-21Paper
Mesoscopic scales in hierarchical configuration models2018-12-10Paper
The number of partial Steiner systems and $d$-partitions2018-11-28Paper
From trees to graphs: collapsing continuous-time branching processes2018-11-19Paper
Mixing times of random walks on dynamic configuration models2018-11-07Paper
Nonuniversality of weighted random graphs with infinite variance degree2018-09-26Paper
Finite-pool queueing with heavy-tailed services2018-09-26Paper
Lace expansion for dummies2018-06-01Paper
Cluster tails for critical power-law inhomogeneous random graphs2018-05-29Paper
The multiplicative coalescent, inhomogeneous continuum random trees, and new universality classes for critical random graphs2018-02-12Paper
Counting graphs and null models of complex networks: configuration model and extensions2018-01-04Paper
Erratum to: ``First passage percolation on random graphs with finite mean degrees2018-01-04Paper
When is a scale-free graph ultra-small?2017-12-14Paper
Generalized approach to the non-backtracking lace expansion2017-11-30Paper
Switch chain mixing times through triangle counts2017-11-16Paper
The dynamics of power laws: fitness and aging in preferential attachment trees2017-11-09Paper
Diameter of the Stochastic Mean-Field Model of Distance2017-10-27Paper
Consistent estimation in general sublinear preferential attachment trees2017-10-23Paper
Critical Window for Connectivity in the Configuration Model2017-10-10Paper
Universality for first passage percolation on sparse random graphs2017-10-05Paper
Progress in high-dimensional percolation and random graphs2017-08-02Paper
Backbone scaling limit of the high-dimensional IIC: extended version2017-06-09Paper
Explosion and distances in scale-free percolation2017-06-08Paper
Clustering Spectrum of scale-free networks2017-06-06Paper
Mean-field behavior for nearest-neighbor percolation in \(d>10\)2017-06-01Paper
Hypercube percolation2017-04-05Paper
A criterion for convergence to super-Brownian motion on path space2017-03-22Paper
Critical window for the configuration model: finite third moment degrees2017-03-03Paper
Random Graphs and Complex Networks2016-11-17Paper
The winner takes it all2016-11-16Paper
Strongly reinforced Pólya urns with graph-based competition2016-11-16Paper
Local clustering in scale-free networks with hidden variables2016-11-09Paper
Ising critical behavior of inhomogeneous Curie-Weiss models and annealed random graphs2016-10-21Paper
Connectivity threshold for random subgraphs of the Hamming graph2016-05-23Paper
Personalized PageRank with node-dependent restart2016-04-13Paper
Large deviations for power-law thinned Lévy processes2016-04-04Paper
Annealed central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs2016-03-03Paper
Hierarchical Configuration Model2015-12-28Paper
Fixed speed competition on the configuration model with infinite variance degrees: unequal speeds2015-11-27Paper
Quenched central limit theorems for the Ising model on random graphs2015-10-21Paper
Personalized PageRank with node-dependent restart2015-09-09Paper
Degree distribution of shortest path trees and bias of network sampling algorithms2015-07-27Paper
The front of the epidemic spread and first passage percolation2015-04-14Paper
Fixed speed competition on the configuration model with infinite variance degrees: equal speeds2015-03-31Paper
Cycle structure of percolation on high-dimensional tori2014-09-05Paper
High-dimensional incipient infinite clusters revisited2014-08-06Paper
Random walk on the high-dimensional IIC2014-07-01Paper
Ising critical exponents on random trees and graphs2014-05-30Paper
Unlacing hypercube percolation: a survey2014-03-24Paper
Scale-free percolation2013-10-09Paper
The survival probability and \(r\)-point functions in high dimensions2013-09-02Paper
Short paths for first passage percolation on the complete graph2013-08-12Paper
Critical behavior in inhomogeneous random graphs2013-07-26Paper
Weak disorder in the stochastic mean-field model of distance. II2013-05-30Paper
Non-backtracking random walk2013-03-18Paper
Backbone scaling limit of the high-dimensional IIC2013-01-15Paper
Novel scaling limits for critical inhomogeneous random graphs2012-12-10Paper
Unlacing the lace expansion: a survey to hypercube percolation2012-10-30Paper
Weak disorder asymptotics in the stochastic mean-field model of distance2012-04-20Paper
An Elementary Proof of the Hitting Time Theorem2012-01-01Paper
An expansion for self-interacting random walks2011-12-28Paper
First Passage Percolation on the Erdős–Rényi Random Graph2011-12-08Paper
Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori. II: volume, diameter and mixing time2011-10-11Paper
Convergence of the critical finite-range contact process to super-Brownian motion above the upper critical dimension: the higher-point functions2011-09-09Paper
Scaling limits for critical inhomogeneous random graphs with finite third moments2011-09-09Paper
Critical epidemics, random graphs, and Brownian motion with a parabolic drift2011-02-09Paper
Ising models on power-law random graphs2011-01-07Paper
Extreme value theory, Poisson-Dirichlet distributions, and first passage percolation on random networks2010-11-26Paper
The second largest component in the supercritical 2D Hamming graph2010-11-10Paper
First passage percolation on random graphs with finite mean degrees2010-10-04Paper
Diameters in preferential attachment models2010-04-30Paper
Random subgraphs of the 2D Hamming graph: The supercritical phase2010-04-12Paper
Monotonicity for excited random walk in high dimensions2010-04-12Paper
An extension of the inductive approach to the lace expansion2009-11-20Paper
A local limit theorem for the critical random graph2009-11-20Paper
A preferential attachment model with random initial degrees2009-09-14Paper
Universality for distances in power-law random graphs2009-04-30Paper
A Phase Transition for the Diameter of the Configuration Model2009-04-28Paper
Large deviations for eigenvalues of sample covariance matrices, with applications to mobile communication systems2009-02-16Paper
Weak and almost sure limits for the parabolic anderson model with heavy tailed potentials2009-01-13Paper
Performance of ds-cdma systems with optimal hard-decision parallel interference cancellation2008-12-21Paper
The Effect of System Load on the Existence of Bit Errors in CDMA With and Without Parallel Interference Cancelation2008-12-21Paper
Mean-field behavior for long- and finite range Ising model, percolation and self-avoiding walk2008-12-16Paper
Universality for the distance in finite variance random graphs2008-12-16Paper
Pattern theorems, ratio limit theorems and Gumbel maximal clusters for random fields2008-02-27Paper
Distances in random graphs with finite mean and infinite variance degrees2007-11-23Paper
The survival probability for critical spread-out oriented percolation above \(4+1\) dimensions. II: Expansion2007-09-18Paper
Joint density for the local times of continuous-time Markov chains2007-07-12Paper
The universality classes in the parabolic Anderson model2007-05-31Paper
Random graph asymptotics on high-dimensional tori2007-05-31Paper
Distance in random graphs with infinite mean degrees2007-05-29Paper
Extension of the generalised inductive approach to the lace expansion: Full proof2007-05-25Paper
The survival probability for critical spread-out oriented percolation above \(4 + 1\) dimensions. I. Induction.2007-05-21Paper
The weight of the shortest path tree2007-05-11Paper
Size and Weight of Shortest Path Trees with Exponential Link Weights2007-02-07Paper
Infinite canonical super-Brownian motion and scaling limits2007-01-25Paper
Random subgraphs of finite graphs. III: The phase transition for the \(n\)-cube2007-01-08Paper
Expansion in ${\boldsymbol{n^{-1}}}$ for Percolation Critical Values on the $n$-cube and ${\boldsymbol{{\mathbb Z}^n}}$: the First Three Terms2006-12-05Paper
Counting connected graphs asymptotically2006-11-15Paper
Maximal clusters in non-critical percolation and related models2006-06-14Paper
Deviations of a random walk in a random scenery with stretched exponential tails2006-04-28Paper
Critical points for spread-out self-avoiding walk, percolation and the contact process above the upper critical dimensions2005-12-08Paper
Asymptotic expansions inn−1 for percolation critical values on then-Cube and ℤn2005-11-15Paper
Random subgraphs of finite graphs. II: The lace expansion and the triangle condition2005-11-14Paper
Joint density for the local times of continuous-time Markov chains: Extended version2005-11-07Paper
Random subgraphs of finite graphs: I. The scaling window under the triangle condition2005-09-22Paper
Distances in random graphs with finite variance degrees2005-08-29Paper
The incipient infinite cluster for high-dimensional unoriented percolation2005-05-25Paper
Improving the performance of third-generation wireless communication systems2005-04-05Paper
Gaussian scaling for the critical spread-out contact process above the upper critical dimension2005-03-08Paper
Random graphs with arbitrary i.i.d. degrees2005-02-28Paper
Distances in random graphs with infinite mean degrees2004-07-06Paper
Large deviations for the one-dimensional Edwards model.2004-07-01Paper
The flooding time in random graphs2004-03-16Paper
The lace expansion on a tree with application to networks of self-avoiding walks2003-09-15Paper
Weak interaction limits for one-dimensional random polymers2003-07-08Paper
Convergence of critical oriented percolation to super-Brownian motion above \(4+1\) dimensions2003-05-25Paper
Critical two-point functions and the lace expansion for spread-out high-dimensional percolation and related models.2003-05-06Paper
Self-attractive random polymers.2003-05-06Paper
Construction of the Incipient Infinite cluster for spread-out oriented percolation above \(4 + 1\) dimensions2003-03-27Paper
The lace expansion approach to ballistic behaviour for one-dimensional weakly self-avoiding walks2002-10-21Paper
On the covariance of the level sizes in random recursive trees2002-08-08Paper
The critical attractive random polymer in dimension one2002-06-11Paper
A generalised inductive approach to the lace expansion2002-06-10Paper
Large Deviations for Code Division Multiple Access Systems2002-04-17Paper
A survey of one-dimensional random polymers.2001-11-19Paper
Mean-field lattice trees2000-04-17Paper
The constants in the central limit theorem for the one-dimensional Edwards model2000-02-01Paper
A new inductive approach to the lace expansion for self-avoiding walks1999-01-31Paper
Central limit theorem for the Edwards model1997-10-16Paper
Scaling for a random polymer1995-08-22Paper

Research outcomes over time

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