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zbMath0417.15002MaRDI QIDQ3207128

Stephen L. Campbell, Carl D. jun. Meyer

Publication date: 1979

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Moore-Penrose inverse of incidence matrix of graphs with complete and cyclic blocks, Displacement rank of the Drazin inverse, A note on an algebraic version of Cochran's theorem, The reverse order law for the generalized inverse \(A^{(2)}_{T,S}\), DFOM algorithm and error analysis for projection methods for solving singular linear system, Relative errors versus residuals of approximate solutions of weighted least squares problems in Hilbert space, Drazin-Moore-Penrose invertibility in rings, New vector sequence transformations, Regular solutions of DAE hybrid systems and regularization techniques, The block independence in the generalized inverse \(A_{T,S}(2)\) for some ordered matrices and applications, Analysis of implicit hyperbolic multivariable systems, Control of interconnected nonlinear delay differential equations in \(W_ 2^{(1)}\), Optimal and minimum-energy optimal tracking of discrete linear time-varying systems, On semi-convergence and inexact iteration of the GSS iteration 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perturbation of generalized inverses, A note on the perturbation bound of the Drazin inverse, The representation and approximation of the \(W\)-weighted Drazin inverse of linear operators in Hilbert space., The generalized inverses of tensors and an application to linear models, Perturbation analysis of singular linear systems with arbitrary index., Condition number of Drazin inverse and their condition numbers of singular linear systems., Using rank formulas to characterize equalities for Moore-Penrose inverses of matrix products., The algorithm for computing the Drazin inverses of two-variable polynomial matrices, Iterative methods for the Drazin inverse of a matrix with a complex spectrum., The expression of the Drazin inverse with rank constraints, Numerical integration of positive linear differential-algebraic systems, Generalized invertibility in two semigroups of a ring., Closed-form formulas for calculating the max-min ranks of a triple matrix product composed by generalized 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Perron root at an essentially nonnegative matrix and the group inverse of an M-matrix, Subordination, rank, and determinism of multivariate stationary sequences, Nonnegative and positive definiteness of matrices modified by two matrices of rank one, The perturbation bounds for the solution of weighted Kronecker product linear systems using the \(W\)-weighted Drazin inverse, Condition number for the \(W\)-weighted Drazin inverse and its applications in the solution of rectangular linear system, Haifa 1985 conference on matrix theory, Reverse order laws for the generalized inverses of multiple matrix products, Co-solutions of algebraic matrix equations and higher order singular regular boundary value problems, Optical projection equations for reduced-order modelling, estimation, and control of linear systems with multiplicative white noise, The Drazin inverse of a semilinear transformation and its matrix representation, Generalized inverses of morphisms with kernels, Reverse order laws for least squares \(g\)-inverses and minimum norm \(g\)-inverses of products of two matrices, Index two linear time varying singular systems of differential equations, A parallel solver for large-scale Markov chains, Constraint programming and graph algorithms., The group inverse of the transformation \(\mathcal{S}(X)=AX-XB\), Existence, uniqueness and closed form solutions for boundary value matrix problems, A solution of a nonlinear system arising in spectral perturbation theory of nonnegative matrices, The perturbation theory for the Drazin inverse and its applications, Analytic solution with a priori error bounds for a class of mixed coupled partial differential equations, On the solution of singular linear systems of algebraic equations by semiiterative methods, Control of nonlinear delay differential equations in \(W_ 2^{(1)}\) with economic applications, The extreme points of a set of positive semidefinite operators, Algebraic and differential operator equations, On Löwner-ordering antitonicity of matrix inversion, The perturbation of consistent least squares problems, Generalized and hypergeneralized projectors, Integration schemes for highly oscillatory DAEs with applications to circuit simulation, Characterizations of generalized inverses associated with Markovian kernels, Equivalent conditions for generalized inverses of products, On the convergence of power scaled Cesàro sums, Asymptotic properties of powers of nonnegative matrices, with applications, A Cramer rule for finding the solution of a class of singular equations, A semi-iterative method for real spectrum singular linear systems with an arbitrary index, An input-output representation for implicit linear time-varying systems, New perturbation results for equality-constrained least squares problems, Generalized inversion of block Toeplitz matrices, On the regulator problem for linear degenerate control systems, Integral representation of the \(W\)-weighted Drazin inverse, Perturbation of null spaces with application to the eigenvalue problem and generalized inverses, Computing nonnegative rank factorizations, The Moore-Penrose inverse of a factorization, The representation and approximation of the Drazin inverse of a linear operator in Hilbert space., On the perturbation of the reduced minimum modulus of bounded linear operators., Drazin inverses and canonical forms in \(M_ 0(\)Z/h), Integer generalized inverses of incidence matrices, On an assumption guaranteeing boundary layer convergence of singularly perturbed systems, A geometric treatment of generalized inverses and semigroups of nonnegative matrices, Generalization of a fundamental matrix, Order and the index of singular time-invariant linear systems, Nonnegative matrices with power invariant zero patterns, The error bound of the perturbation of the Drazin inverse, Generalized inverses and their application to applied probability problems, Further results on the spectral decomposition of an incidence matrix, An implicit difference method for the numerical solution of coupled systems of partial differential equations, Algebraic properties of the rank-deficient equality-constrained and weighted least squares problems, Some open problems in matrix theory arising in linear systems and control, Extremal definitions of generalized inverses, A characterization of weak-monotone matrices, Explicit solutions for second-order operator differential equations with two boundary-value conditions. II, Solving coupled systems of linear second-order differential equations knowing a part of the spectrum of the companion matrix, A closed-form solution of singular regular higher-order difference initial and boundary value problems, Development of iterative techniques and extrapolation methods for Drazin inverse solution of consistent or inconsistent singular linear systems, On principal angles between subspaces in \(\mathbb{R}^n\), Taylor expansions of eigenvalues of perturbed matrices with applications to spectral radii of nonnegative matrices, Monotone iterative technique for nonlinear boundary-value problem of first-order differential systems with rectangular coefficients, Analysis of high-dimensional repeated measures designs: the one sample case, About the generalized \(LM\)-inverse and the weighted Moore-Penrose inverse, On strata of degenerate polyhedral cones. II: Relations between condition measures, Resistance distance in wheels and fans, Solving an analytic dynamic Leontief model with time dependent capital matrix, The representations of the Drazin inverse of differences of two matrices, Google pageranking problem: The model and the analysis, Nearest southeast submatrix that makes multiple a prescribed eigenvalue., The Drazin inverses of sum and difference of idempotents, Convergence and quotient convergence of iterative methods for solving singular linear equations with index one, A Hoeffding inequality for Markov chains using a generalized inverse, Contragredient transformations applied to the optimal projection equations, On a matrix decomposition of Hartwig and Spindelböck, Existence and uniqueness of solutions of linear variable coefficient discrete-time descriptor systems, An oblique projection iterative method to compute Drazin inverse and group inverse, Expression of the Drazin and MP-inverse of partitioned matrix and quotient identity of generalized Schur complement, A note on the Drazin inverses with Banachiewicz-Schur forms, Semistable operators and singularly perturbed differential equations, On the Drazin inverse of block matrices and generalized Schur complement, DFT calculation for the \(\{2\}\)-inverse of a polynomial matrix with prescribed image and kernel, Graphical description of group inverses of certain bipartite matrices, On the perturbation of the group inverse and oblique projection, Analytic-numerical solutions with a priori error bounds for a class of strongly coupled mixed partial differential systems, Idempotency of the Hermitian part of a complex matrix, On semi-orthogonality and a special class of matrices, The perturbed nonhomogeneous Markov system, Generalized inversion of finite rank Hankel and Toeplitz operators with rational matrix symbols, Consistent initial conditions for singular nonlinear systems, On the generation of updates for quasi-Newton methods, Reverse order law for reflexive generalized inverses of products of matrices, Report on test matrices for generalized inverses, Perturbation analysis for the projection of a point to an affine set, EP morphisms, Closed form general solution of nonhomogeneous implicit higher order difference systems, The generalized inverse of integral matrices, The \(\{\) 2\(\}\)-inverse with applications in statistics, An alternative limit expression of Drazin inverse and its application, Projection filter, Wiener filter, and Karhunen-Loève subspaces in digital image restoration, Boundary value problems for coupled systems of second order differential equations with a singularity of the first kind: Explicit solutions, An efficient basis update for asymptotic linear programming, A two-step algorithm for solving singular linear systems with index one, On Drazin inverse of singular Toeplitz matrix, Positive solutions to the equations \(AX=C\) and \(XB=D\) for Hilbert space operators, Trees with matrix weights: Laplacian matrix and characteristic-like vertices, A note on formulae for the generalized Drazin inverse of anti-triangular block operator matrices in Banach spaces, Properties of the CMP inverse and its computation, Generalized inverses of a normal matrix, Group inverse for a class \(2\times 2\) block matrices over skew fields, Outer-star and star-outer matrices, Representations and properties for the MPCEP inverse, A note on preconditioned GMRES for solving singular linear systems, An algorithm to check the nonnegativity of singular systems, Symbolic computation of weighted Moore-Penrose inverse using partitioning method, On linear combinations of two commuting hypergeneralized projectors, The direct updating of damping and gyroscopic matrices, Computing the outer and group inverses through elementary row operations, Some representations of Moore-Penrose inverse for the sum of two operators and the extension of the Fill-Fishkind formula, Semi-convergence analysis of the GSS iteration methods for singular saddle point problems, \(P\)-proper splittings, A divide-and-conquer approach for the computation of the Moore-Penrose inverses, Necessary and sufficient conditions for nonlinear matrix identities to always hold, Computation of weighted Moore-Penrose inverse through Gauss-Jordan elimination on bordered matrices, An efficient method for computing the outer inverse \(A_{T,S}^{(2)}\) through Gauss-Jordan elimination, Effective partitioning method for computing weighted Moore-Penrose inverse, On parallel sum of operators, Weighted weak group inverse for Hilbert space operators, On semi-convergence of parameterized SHSS method for a class of singular complex symmetric linear systems, Perturbation theory for the Fokker-Planck operator in chaos, More results on generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in Banach algebras, On the Drazin inverse of the linear combinations of two idempotents in a complex Banach algebra, Performance and stability of direct methods for computing 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a matrix \(A\), An algebraic interpretation of cointegration, Left and right generalized Drazin inverses for closed operators and application to singular linear equations, Solvability of some constrained matrix approximation problems using core-EP inverses, Optimal control for linear systems with state equality constraints, Representations for the weak group inverse, Sign pattern, usability, representations and perturbation for the core-EP and weighted core-EP inverse, Properties and computation of continuous-time solutions to linear systems, The generalized weighted Moore-Penrose inverse, Exact solutions and convergence of gradient based dynamical systems for computing outer inverses, Numerical methods for a class of differential algebraic equations, Expressions and properties of weak core inverse, New representations of the Moore-Penrose inverse of \(2 \times 2\) block matrices, A generalized preconditioned HSS method for singular saddle point problems, Full-rank representation of generalized inverse \(A_{T,S}^{(2)}\) and its application, Semi-convergence analysis of Uzawa methods for singular saddle point problems, Matrix left symmetry factor and its applications in generalized inverses \(A_{T,S}^{(2,4)}\), On the perturbation of the group generalized inverse for a class of bounded operators in Banach spaces, On the semi-convergence of regularized HSS iteration methods for singular saddle point problems, A note on different subclass of index-proper splittings for singular matrices, Moore-Penrose inverse of the incidence matrix of a distance regular graph, Explicit expressions of the generalized inverses and condensed Cramer rules, A discrete Fourier method for numerical solution of strongly coupled mixed parabolic systems, Inversion and pseudoinversion of block arrowhead matrices, The representations of generalized inverses of lower triangular operators, Drazin inverse of partitioned matrices in terms of Banachiewicz-Schur forms, On exact series solution of strongly coupled mixed parabolic problems, PCR algorithm for the parallel computation of the solution of a class of singular linear systems, Formulae for the generalized Drazin inverse of a block matrix in terms of Banachiewicz-Schur forms, Characterizations and perturbation analysis of a class of matrices related to core-EP inverses, The Drazin inverses of infinite triangular matrices and their linear preservers, New perturbation bounds for the \(W\)-weighted Drazin inverse, On a new class of generalized normal operators, The forward order laws for \(\{1,2,3\}\)- and \(\{1,2,4\}\)-inverses of multiple matrix products, Resistance distance of blowups of trees, A note on computational formulas for the Drazin inverse of certain block matrices, Group inverse for a class of \(2\times 2\) anti-triangular block matrices over skew fields, Constrained matrix optimization with applications, Application of the spectral pseudo-inversion to solving Hermitian systems of differential-algebraic 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matrices in Banach algebras, A framework of conjugate direction methods for symmetric linear systems in optimization, Mean hitting times of quantum Markov chains in terms of generalized inverses, Semi-convergence analysis of the Uzawa-SOR methods for singular saddle point problems, The generalized Drazin inverse of a block matrix in a Banach algebra, Gauss-Jordan elimination method for computing all types of generalized inverses related to the {1}-inverse, Estimation of the firing frequencies in discrete and continuous Petri nets models, Asymptotic Behavior of First Passage Probabilities in the Perturbed Non-homogeneous Semi-Markov Systems, The Condition of a Finite Markov Chain and Perturbation Bounds for the Limiting Probabilities, Unnamed Item, On the classes of D-normal operators and D-quasi-normal operators on Hilbert space, Representations and cramer rules for the solution of a restricted Matrix Equation, Exact and approximate boundary conditions at artificial boundaries, On the optimal parameters of GMSSOR method for saddle point problems, Difference Methods for the Numerical Solution of Time-Varying Singular Systems of Differential Equations, A local implicit function theorem and application to systems of differential equations, Using the QR Factorization and Group Inversion to Compute, Differentiate, and Estimate the Sensitivity of Stationary Probabilities for Markov Chains, Mean square error matrix comparisons of estimators in linear regression, Algebraic characterizations of the singular value decompositions in the transportation problem, About the group inverse and Moore-Penrose inverse of a product, On the resolvent approach to the spectral decomposition of a regular matrix pencil, On the block independence in \(g\)-inverse and reflexive inner inverse of a partitioned matrix, Zum Einfluß symmetrischer Reduktion auf die Berechnung von Moore-Penrose-Inversen und die Lösung linearer Gleichungssysteme, The Drazin inverses of products and differences of orthogonal projections, Generalized inversion and weak bi-complementarity, On the Euler matrix differential equation \(A_ 2t^ 2X+A_ 1tX'+A_ 0X=0\), THE ARITHMETIC MEAN METHOD FOR FINDING THE STATIONARY VECTOR OF MARKOV CHAINS, Displacement structure of the core inverse, Global-DGMRES method for matrix equationAXB = C, Characterizations and representations for the Drazin inverse of anti-triangular block operator matrices with index less than two, Regular factorizations and group inverses of linear operators in Banach spaces, The Drazin invertibility of the difference and the sum of two idempotent operators, Explicit closed form solutions of boundary value problems for systems of difference equations, On the matrix convexity of the moore—penrose inverse and some applications, Homotopy methods for solving the optimal projection equations for theH2reduced order model problem, Mean squared error matrix comparisons between biased estimators — An overview of recent results, The generalized inverses of differentiation and integration, Pseudospectra of Matrix Pencils for Transient Analysis of Differential-Algebraic Equations, Nonnegative definite matrices and their applications to matrix quadratic programming problems, Inner, outer, and generalized inverses in banach and hilbert spaces, Conditions for exponomial output control, On the use of periodicity properties for the efficient numerical solution of certain Markov chains, On the use of two QMR algorithms for solving singular systems and applications in Markov chain modeling, Adjoints of a matrix, Sequential design of decentralized dynamic compensators using the optimal projection equations, Linear hypotheses made explicit, Finite algorithms for the (2)-generalized inverse, Perturbation bounds for the group inverse and its oblique projection, A generalized orthotropic hyperelastic material model with application to incompressible shells, An Efficient Factorization for the Group Inverse, An Approximation to the Stationary Distribution of a Nearly Completely Decomposable Markov Chain and Its Error Analysis, Computing generalized inverses using LU factorization of matrix product, Representations for generalized Drazin inverse of operator matrices over a Banach space, Unnamed Item, Computation of {2,4} and {2,3}-inverses based on rank-one updates, Expression for the multiplicative perturbation of the Moore–Penrose inverse, A Short-Cut Derivation for the Solution of Autoregressive Models from Sharp Algebraic Arguments, On generalized inverses of singular matrix pencils, A generalized Poincaré inequality for a class of constant coefficient differential operators, Stable discrete solution of coupled singular mixed partial differential problems, TOWARD A THEORY OF CHAOS, Generalized inverses and the total stopping times of collatz sequences, Probabilistic Semantics and Program Analysis, Rank equalities related to outer inverses of matrices and applications, A modification of the kruskal-wallis statistic for the generalized behrens-fisher problem, Constructive stable numerical solutions for strongly coupled diffusion mixed partial differential systems, Operators on Banach spaces with complemented ranges, A Sequence of Nearest Polynomials with Given Factors, On the Generalized Drazin Inverse and Generalized Resolvent, A note on semi-convergence of generalized parameterized inexact Uzawa method for singular saddle point problems, On the Drazin inverse of the sum of two operators and its application to operator matrices, Representations for the weighted Drazin inverse of a modified matrix, Perturbation for a pair of oblique projectors \(AA_{MN}^\dagger \) and \(BB_{MN}^\dagger\), The representation of generalized inverse \(A_{T,S}^{(2,3)}\) and its applications, Singular linear systems of differential equations with delays, On most perfect magic squares of order four, An Hybrid Approach for the Parallelization of a Block Iterative Algorithm, Monotone iterative for nonlinear IVP 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W-weighted Drazin inverse of linear operator in Banach space, Index Two Linear Time-Varying Singular Systems of Differential Equations, Distance matrix and Laplacian of a tree with attached graphs, The Drazln inverse and systems of second order linear differential equations, On the perturbation of least squares problems with equality constraints, Monotone runs of uniformly distributed integer random variables: A probabilistic analysis, Distribution of the generalised inverse of a random matrix and its applications, The weighted g-Drazin inverse for operators, On the uniform boundedness and convergence of generalized, Moore-Penrose and group inverses, Some additive results for the Drazin inverse and its application, Counting Matrices by Drazin Index, Expressions for the generalized Drazin inverse of a block matrix in a Banach algebra, Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse, The vector cross product in, On properties of 3 X 3 semi-magic squares, On the parallel addition and subtraction of operators on a Hilbert space, MOORE–PENROSE LOCALIZATION, On the exact solution of a class of homogeneous strongly coupled mixed parabolic problems, Three limit representations of the core-EP inverse, Explicit formulae for the generalized drazin inverse of block matrices over a Banach algebra, Generalizations of some conditions for Drazin inverses of the sum of two matrices, Characterizations and Perturbations of the Core-EP Inverse of Tensors Based on the T-Product, Jacobson's lemma for generalized Drazin-Riesz inverses, Hitting time expressions for quantum channels: beyond the irreducible case and applications to unitary walks, Application of \(m\)-weak group inverse in solving optimization problems, GD1 inverse and 1GD inverse for bounded operators on Banach spaces, Quaternion Two-Sided Matrix Equations with Specific Constraints, Certain properties of T-EP operators, Stochastic response determination of structural systems modeled via dependent coordinates: a frequency domain treatment based on generalized modal analysis, Generalized bilateral inverses, The perturbation of Drazin inverse and dual Drazin inverse, EP-nilpotent decomposition and its applications, Complex Neural Network Models for Time-Varying Drazin Inverse, Smoothness of generalized inverses, Some additive results on Drazin inverse, Smoothness of generalized inverses, Explicit solutions of Riccati equations appearing in differential games, Explicit solutions of Riccati equations appearing in differential games, On the Stable Perturbation and Nashed’s Condition for Generalized Inverses, Drazin Invertibility in a Certain Finite-Dimensional Algebra Generated by Two Idempotents, Composite outer inverses for rectangular matrices, The Drazin inverse of the sum of two bounded linear operators and it’s applications, The representation and approximation for Drazin inverse, Additive results for the generalized Drazin inverse in a Banach algebra, On the Variances and Convariances of the Duration State Sizes of Semi-Markov Systems, Operator and matrix representation for the generalized inverse \(A_{T,S}^{(2)}\), Lower and upper bounds in the perturbation of general linear algebraic equations, Data-Driven Polynomial Ridge Approximation Using Variable Projection, On the spectrum and pseudoinverse of a special bordered matrix, Convergent discrete numerical solutions of coupled mixed partial differential systems, The Moore-Penrose inverse of von Neumann regular matrices over a ring, DGMRES: A GMRES-type algorithm for Drazin-inverse solution of singular nonsymmetric linear systems, Analytic and numerical solution of coupled implicit semi-infinite diffusion problems, A representation of the general common solution to the matrix equations \(A_1XB_1=C_1\) and \(A_2XB_2=C_2\) with applications, Robust fixed-structure controller synthesis using the implicit small-gain bound., An improvement on the perturbation of the group inverse and oblique projection, On the classes of (n,m)-power D-normal and (n,m)-power D-quasi-normal operators, A note on the formulas for the Drazin inverse of the sum of two matrices, Group inverse and core inverse in Banach and C*-algebras, A note on the formulas for the Drazin inverse of the sum of two matrices, Unnamed Item, On deriving the generalized Drazin inverse of block matrices in a Banach algebra, The existence and representation of the Drazin inverse of a 2 × 2 block matrix over a ring, Convergence of Inner-Iteration GMRES Methods for Rank-Deficient Least Squares Problems, On linear operators for which TTD is normal, Drazin invertibility, characterizations and structure of polynomially normal operators, Characterizations and representations for the CMP inverse and its application