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zbMath0553.62046MaRDI QIDQ3347121

Herbert A. David

Publication date: 1981

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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distributions and a characterization of weibull distribution, Optimum linear unbiased estimation of scale parameter by absolute values of order statistics in symmetric distributions, Best Linear Unbiased Estimation of Location and Scale Parameters of the Half-Logistic Distribution Based on Type II Censored Samples, Generating subsets of order statistics with applications to trimmed means and means of trimmings, Order Statistics from Discrete Distributions, Improved bounds for expectations of linear functions of order statistics, Order statistics from extreme value distribution, i: tables of means, variances and covariances, Order statistics from extreme value distribution, ii: best linear unbiased estimates and some other uses, Exact linear inference for scaled exponential distribution based on doubly type-ii censored samples, A class of distributions connected to order statistics with nonintegral sample size, Relations and identities for the moments of order statistics from a sample containing a single outlier, Linear estimation of the location and scale parameters based on selected order statistics, O-statistics and their applications, Order statistics in goodness of fit tests, Parameter estimation for ihe birnbaum-saunders distribution based on symmetrically censored samples, Estimation for two-parameter weibull distribution and extreme-value distribution under multiply type-II censoring, Estimation of the location and scale parameters of the extreme value distmbution based on multiply type-II censored samples, Comparison of estimation methods in extreme value theory, Linear predictors of future order statistics, Estimating the box-cox transformation via an artificial regression model, Two identities involving order statistics in the presence of an outlier, Best linear unbiased estimators of location and scale parameters of the half logistic distribution, A class of goodness-of-fit tests based on a new characterization of the exponential distribution, Computing distributions of order statistics, Best linear unbiased estimation of location and scale parameters of the log-logistic distribution, Bayesian Inference Based on Robust Priors and MML Estimators: Part I, Symmetric Location-Scale Distributions, A comparison of two statistics for detecting clustering in one dimension, Estimation of a linear regression under microaggregation with the response variable as a sorting variable, A note on moments of order statistics from exchangeable variates, Saddlepoint approximations for multinomial distributions,with applications to the joint, Characterization of the Weibull and the inverse Weibulí Distributions through Conditional Moments, Modified maximum likelihood estimation for the bivariate normal, A relation for the covariances of order statistics from n independent and non-identically distributed random variables, Processing simulation output by riemann sums, Improvements in the Bias and Precision of Sample Quartiles, Value at risk linear exponent (VARLINEX) forecasts, Some New Identities for Single Moments of Order Statistics, Generalized runs tests for heteroscedastic time series, Acceptance sampling plans by variables for a class of symmetric distributions, Order statistics from the doubly truncated linear-exponential distribution and its characterizations, A Berry-Esseen Bound for Linear Combinations of Order Statistics, Alternating sums of sub-diagonal product moments of order statistics, SOME APPROXIMATIONS TO MULTIVARIATE PÓLYA-EGGENBERGER DISTRIBUTIONS WITH APPLICATIONS TO HYPOTHESIS TESTING, Using order statistics to assess the sampling variability of personnel selection utility estimates, Trend, Growth Rate, and Change Point Analysis—A Data Driven Approach, On Tests Based on Sample Quasi Ranges for Ordered Alternative (Scale Case of Exponential Distribution), Bayesian one-sample prediction of future observations under Pareto distribution, On special linear identities for order statistics, Generalized exponential distribution: Moments of order statistics, Identities in order statistics – from moments to arbitrary distributions, Controlled sampling using ranked set sampling, Quasi-nonparametric upper tolerance regions based on the bootstrap, Tables of order statistics of normal random variables under linear trend, Moments of order statistics from a non-overlapping mixture model with applications to truncated laplace distribution, Bootstrapping the sample median, Two characteristic properties of the exponential distribution based on order statistics, Optimal estimators for the importance sampling method, Quantile interval estimation, Hermitian quantile curves as statistical plots, Approximation of the normal sample median distribution using symmetrical johnson SUdistributions: application to quality control, Berücksichtigung von Groβschäden in der Kalkulation bei strukturierten Beständen, Order statistics from the half logistic distribution, Statistical estimation for the scale parameter of the gamma distribution based on grouped data, Tables of percentage points of the distribution of the maximum absolute value of equally correlated normal random variables, An identity for the conditional expectations of functions of adjacent order statistics, Optimal inventory control with fixed ordering cost for selling by Internet auctions, Testing for Upper Outliers in Gamma Sample, A representation of Gibbs measure for the random energy model., Using algebraic software to compute the moments of order statistics, \(R\)-charts for the exponential, Laplace and logistic processes, Saddlepoint approximations to the trimmed mean, Asymptotic dependence between random central quasi-ranges and random empirical quantiles, Paths in \(m\)-ary interval trees, Combined X-bar and CRL charts for the gamma process, Weak limiting behaviour of a simple tail Pareto-index estimator, Recurrence relations for moments of record values, Asymptotic distribution of maximal autoregressive process with weight tending to 1, Estimation of parameters in a two-parameter exponential distribution using ranked set sample, Tukey's linear sensitivity and order statistics, On the joint distribution of Grubbs' statistics, Maximum variance of order statistics, Estimation for the scaled half logistic distribution under type II censoring, A random model for the scale parameter in the Fréchet populations, General estimators for the reliability of qualitative data, Recurrence relations among moments of order statistics from two related sets of independent and non-identically distributed random variables, AR models for wideband source location, A useful property of order statistics and its application to UMVU estimation, Robust estimation and hypothesis testing under short-tailedness and inliers, Age statistics in the Moran population model, Order statistics from the type i generalized logistic distribution, Means, variances and covariances of order statistics blue's for the type i generalized logistic, Recurrence Relations And Identities For Moments Of Order Statistics, II; Specific Continuous Distributions, Extremes,extreme spacings and outliers in the tukey and weibull families, Likelihood ratio test for testing equality of location parameters of two exponential distributions from doubly censored samples, Limit theorems for induced extreme values, Sample quantiles and additive statistics: Information, sufficiency, estimation, Unnamed Item, A comparative study of various tests for the equality of two opulation variances, On characterizing distributions by conditional expectations of functions of order statistics, On a modified test of equality of scale parameters of exponential distributions, Moments of order statistics from one truncation parameter densities, Exact goodness-of-fit tests for censored data, Nonparametric estimation of location and scale parameters, On delocalization of eigenvectors of random non-Hermitian matrices, Confidence Limits for Global Optima Based on Heuristic Solutions to Difficult Optimization Problems: A Simulation Study, Almost Euclidean sections in symmetric spaces and concentration of order statistics, Approximate MLEs for the location and scale parameters of the skew logistic distribution, Inference for generalized inverse Lindley distribution based on generalized order statistics, Long-range last-passage percolation on the line, A note on the recurrence relations between moments of order statistics from right truncated log-logistic distribution, A new skew generalization of the normal distribution: properties and applications, Bounds for the expected value of spacings from discrete distributions, Generalized order statistics from exponential distribution, A note on the sequence of expected extremes, Limit laws for multidimensional extremes, Parametric estimation for the simple linear regression model under moving extremes ranked set sampling design, Conditional Distribution Inverse Method in Generating Uniform Random Vectors Over a Simplex, Estimation of the location and scale parameters of generalized exponential distribution based on order statistics, The participatory Vickrey-Clarke-Groves mechanism, On distributions Of generalized order statistics, Fisher information in censored data, Right-tail probability estimation in the exponential model, Inequality indices: theoretical and empirical aspects of their asymptotic behaviour, Lower bounds for confidence coefficients for confidence intervals for finite population quantiles, Global optima results for the Kauffman \(NK\) model, The dynamics of choice among multiple alternatives, Multivariate order statistics, Generalized exponential distribution: different method of estimations, Estimation of the Mean and Standard Deviation of the Logistic Distribution Based on Multiply Type-II Censored Samples, Impact of supply base heterogeneity in electronic markets, A conversation with H. 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Willan, Bounds on expectations of order statistics for dependent samples, Generalized secant hyperbolic order statistics and associated inferences, Parameter free limiting distribution for a random optimization algorithm, Detection of outliers and robust estimation using fuzzy clustering, Asymptotic distribution of the maximum interpoint distance for high-dimensional data, An identity for the product moments of order statistics, Review of median stable distributions and Schröder's equation, On the Bayesian Estimation for the Uniform Scale Parameter via a Functional Equation, Estimating the loading of the largest claims covers, On the exact distribution of the sum of the largestnkout ofnnormal random variables with differing mean values, Practical volume approximation of high-dimensional convex bodies, applied to modeling portfolio dependencies and financial crises, On exceedances of record and order statistics, A smooth nonparametric quantile estimator for IFR distributions, Inference for quantile measures of skewness, A comparison of the maximum likelihood estimators under ranked set sampling and some of its modifications, Improved quantile inference via fixed-smoothing asymptotics and Edgeworth expansion, Some reliability properties of order statistics, Robust confidence bounds for extreme upper quantiles, Efficient computation of the performance of bootstrap and jackknife estimators of the variance ofL-statistics, Some identities among moments of order statistics, Precedence probabilities and their applications, Non-directed polymers in heavy-tail random environment in dimension \(d\geq 2\), Bayesian prediction based on type-I censored data from a mixture of Burr type XII distribution and its reciprocal, Tails of Lorenz curves, A SLLN for a one-dimensional class cover problem