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zbMath1145.65316MaRDI QIDQ3525855

C. William Gear

Publication date: 19 September 2008

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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nonlinear thermistor equations, A uniform scheme for the singularly perturbed Riccati equation, A comparison of stiff ODE solvers for astrochemical kinetics problems, Models for age structured populations with distributed maturation rates, Stability of space-charge limited electron flow, Genetic demographic networks: mathematical model and applications, Nonequidistant modified predictor-corrector methods for solving systems of differential equations, Numerical simulation of the in vivo fluorescence in plants, Parameter estimation in dynamic systems, Generalized symmetric Runge-Kutta methods, Electron transport enhanced molecular dynamics for metals and semi‐metals, A structured-population model of Proteus mirabilis swarm-colony development, A new exact, closed-form a priori global error estimator for second- and higher-order time-integration methods for linear elastodynamics, Design of order-preserving algorithms for transient first-order systems with controllable numerical 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of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations, Efficient exponential time integration for simulating nonlinear coupled oscillators, Time step selection for the numerical solution of boundary value problems for parabolic equations, High order formulas with second derivatives for the numerical integration of stiff ordinary differential equations, Quantitative and qualitative analysis of a piecewise-linear symmetrical oscillator, Applying the method of integration of ordinary differential equations based on the Chebyshev series to the restricted plane circular three-body problem, Time Step for Numerically Solving Parabolic Problems, A novel design of an isochronous integration [iIntegration framework for first/second order multidisciplinary transient systems], 3-point block backward differentiation formula with an off-step point for the solutions of stiff chemical reaction problems, On variable step highly stable 4-stage Hermite-Birkhoff solvers for stiff ODEs, Dahlquist's barriers and much 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recent advances in vector and scalar formalisms: space/time discretizations in computational dynamics -- a unified approach, Direct integrators of Runge-Kutta type for special third-order ordinary differential equations, Instability and local truncation error estimate in runge-kutta type methods, Critical state plasticity. Part VII: Triggering a shear band in variably saturated porous media, BDF integrators for constrained mechanical systems on Lie groups, Solution of coupled systems by distinct operators, Optimization of \(\mathrm{CO}_2\) vibrational kinetics modeling in the full state-to-state approach, Pseudo-transient continuation for nonlinear transient elasticity, On solving systems of ordinary differential equations on MIMD-computers, An improved quartic B-spline based explicit time integration algorithm for structural dynamics, Numerical solution of a third-order nonlinear boundary-value problem by automatic differentiation, An improved sub-step time-marching procedure for linear and nonlinear dynamics with high-order accuracy and high-efficient energy conservation, New predictor corrector formulas for initial value problems in ordinary differential equations, Numerical Methods for Non-Linear Black–Scholes Equations, A Runge-Kutta numerical method to approximate the solution of bipolar fuzzy initial value problems, A simple and efficient computational approach for the forward dynamics of elastic robots, Numerical integration methods in dynamical astronomy, Implementation of parallel three-point block codes for solving large systems of ordinary differential equations, Promotion of Crystal Phase Transitions by Mass-of-cell Control in Molecular Dynamics Simulations: Phase Transitions in Benzene Crystals, The RKGL method for the numerical solution of initial-value problems, Chebyshev solution for stiff delay differential equations, Higher order corrections in the approximation of low-dimensional manifolds and the construction of simplified problems with the CSP method, Quasi-periodic motions in a special class of dynamical equations with dissipative effects: a pair of detection methods, Unitary partitioning in general constraint preserving DAE integrators, Stress update algorithm for elastoplastic models with nonconvex yield surfaces, Partial chemical equilibrium in fluid dynamics, A block method for the numerical integration of stiff systems of ordinary differential equations, Improvements in a single-step integration algorithm, Development of a robust nonlinear observer for a single-link flexible manipulator, An operator-integration-factor splitting method for time-dependent problems: Application to incompressible fluid flow, Numerical solution of initial value problems based on the double exponential transformation, Non-linear stability of a general class of differential equation methods, Steady-state non-isothermal flow model for natural gas transmission in pipes, Chebyshev collocation method for the constant mobility Cahn-Hilliard equation in a square domain, Polynomial chaos based uncertainty quantification in Hamiltonian, multi-time scale, and chaotic systems, Boundary value technique for initial value problems with continuous second derivative multistep method of Enright, Solving differential-algebraic equations through variational iteration method with an auxiliary parameter, SM Stability for Time-Dependent Problems, Local and global bifurcations in magnetic resonance force microscopy, Numerical analysis of a 4th-order time parallel algorithm for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations, THEORETICAL STUDIES OF ANHARMONIC EFFECT IN THE RICE–RAMSPERGER–KASSEL–MARCUS THEORY, INFLUENCES ON OTTO E. RÖSSLER'S EARLIEST PAPER ON CHAOS, A fast and robust numerical scheme for solving models of charge carrier transport and ion vacancy motion in perovskite solar cells, A Posteriori Error Analysis of Two-Stage Computation Methods with Application to Efficient Discretization and the Parareal Algorithm, Implicit finite incompressible elastodynamics with linear finite elements: a stabilized method in rate form, Construction of new generating function based on linear barycentric rational interpolation for numerical solution of fractional differential equations, An alternative to the Bathe algorithm, A priori error estimates of an extrapolated space-time discontinuous galerkin method for nonlinear convection-diffusion problems, A dynamic load balancing method for the evaluation of chemical reaction rates in parallel combustion simulations, Asymptotic upper bounds for the errors of Richardson extrapolation with practical application in approximate computations, On Numerical Issues in Time Accurate Laminar Reacting Gas Flow Solvers, A prediction-correction dynamic method for large-scale generalized eigenvalue problems, Numerical solution of space fractional diffusion equation by the method of lines and splines, Incomplete Iterations in Multistep Backward Difference Methods for Parabolic Problems with Smooth and Nonsmooth Data, Stiffness 1952--2012: sixty years in search of a definition, A new variable step size block backward differentiation formula for solving stiff initial value problems, Stiffness in numerical initial-value problems: A and L-stability of numerical methods, On an approach to integration of ordinary differential equations with the use of series, Three optimal families of three‐sub‐step dissipative implicit integration algorithms with either second, third, or fourth‐order accuracy for second‐order nonlinear dynamics, Explicit two-step peer methods with reused stages, Superconvergence analysis of an energy stable scheme with three step backward 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Equations with Damping Mechanism, Mathematical modeling and computational aspects of multi-criteria optimization of the conditions of the laboratory catalytic reaction, Multi-Level Adaptive Solutions to Boundary-Value Problems, A Class of Novel Space Platform-Based Manipulators With Slewing and Deployable Links: Analyses and Experiments, AN EFFICIENT BLOCK SOLVER OF TRIGONOMETRICALLY FITTED METHOD FOR STIFF ODEs, A Double Shooting Scheme for Certain Unstable and Singular Boundary Value Problems, Многокритериальная интервальная оптимизация химических реакций на основе кинетической модели, Parallel R-Point Explicit Block Method for Solving Second Order Ordinary Differential Equations Directly, Implementing Second-Derivative Multistep Methods Using the Nordsieck Polynomial Representation, A Simplified Galerkin Method for Hyperbolic Equations, Block Implicit One-Step Methods, The Method of Envelopes, A highly accurate ρ method for structural dynamic analysis, Constant and quadratic damping of free oscillations: easy solutions, Correction in the Dominant Space: A Numerical Technique for a Certain Class of Stiff Initial Value Problems, Applications of the methods of weighted residuals in system science, Initial conditions for integrable-square solutions to singular differential equations, Unnamed Item, On the History of Differential-Algebraic Equations, Stability of Sequences Generated by Nonlinear Differential Systems, Nonlinear evolution of a thin anodic film, The Numerical Solution of Boundary Value Problems for Stiff Differential Equations, A Special Class of Explicit Linear Multistep Methods as Basic Methods for the Correction in the Dominant Space Technique, Superconvergence analysis for a semilinear parabolic equation with BDF-3 finite element method, An Attempt to Avoid Exact Jacobian and Nonlinear Equations in the Numerical Solution of Stiff Differential Equations, On the numerical solution of partial differential equations defined on domains limited by curves 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Integrated System of a Micro-Manipulator with a Single Flexible Beam, Mean Displacement Near an Interface in a Nonlinear String, Bifurcation scenario for a two-dimensional static airfoil exhibiting trailing edge stall, Variable step stiffly stable methods, Runge-Kutta methods with a multiple real eigenvalue only, A remark on pressure correction schemes for transient viscous incompressible flow, Local Extrapolation in the Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations, Stability and convergence of difference schemes of a high order of approximation for parabolic equations, Preconditioning methods for high‐order strongly stable time integration methods with an application for a DAE problem, Explicit time-scale splitting algorithm for stiff problems: Auto-ignition of gaseous mixtures behind a steady shock, A Note on Modified Optimal Linear Multistep Methods, Local diffusion models for stochastic reacting systems: estimation issues in equation-free numerics, The control of order and steplength for backward differentiation methods, Variational optimisation by the solution of a series of Hamilton-Jacobi equations, A stability and error analysis of block methods for the numerical solution ofy″=f(x,y), Exponentially fitted multistep methods by generalized Hermite-Birkhoff interpolation, Convergence of a step-doubling Galerkin method for parabolic problems, On a class of cyclic methods for the numerical integration of stiff systems of O.D.E.s, Macro-kinetic theory of electron transport in gases, Differential equations as deterministic models in science and technology Part II: Simulation, Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for a Flexible Single-Link Robotic Manipulator, A semi-Lagrangian high-order method for Navier-Stokes equations, An overview and generalization of implicit Navier-Stokes algorithms and approximate factoriza\-tion., Unnamed Item, Arithmetic tests forA-stability,A[α-stability, and stiff-stability], The common basis of the theories of linear cyclic methods and Runge-Kutta methods, An Algorithm for Solving Reactive Advection-Dispersion Problems, Stability of nonequidistant variable order multistep methods for stiff systems, The calculation of global error for initial value problem of ordinary differential equations, Fast, accurate and robust adaptive finite difference methods for fractional diffusion equations, The differential transform approximation for the system of ordinary differential equations, A class of p-stable linear multistep numerical methods, An extension ofA-stability to alternating direction implicit methods, A new stability criterion for linear discrete systems, An Iterative Variable-timestep Algorithm for Molecular Dynamics Simulations, A variational formulation of the BDF2 method for metric gradient flows, Unnamed Item, Sensitivity Analysis of Optimal Control for a Class of Parabolic PDEs Motivated by Model Predictive Control, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Consistency of local dynamics and bifurcation of continuous-time dynamical systems and their numerical discretizations, Solving stiff differential equations in the simulation of physical systems, Limiting Precision in Differential Equation Solvers, Optimal control of non-linear distributed parameter systems by a finite-element collocation technique, Stable integrators for fluid dynamics simulation, Implementation of chebyshevian linear multistep formulas, A New Stabilization of Adaptive Step Trapezoid Rule Based on Finite Difference Interrupts, A (α)-Stable Cyclic Composite Multistep Methods of Orders 6 and 7 for Numerical Integration of Stiff Ordinary Differential Equations, Unnamed Item, A PRIORI ESTIMATION OF A TIME STEP FOR NUMERICALLY SOLVING PARABOLIC PROBLEMS, Multistep Methods Using Higher Derivatives and Damping at Infinity, Exponential Rosenbrock Methods and Their Application in Visual Computing, SOLVING NONLINEAR PDES USING THE HIGHER ORDER HAAR WAVELET METHOD ON NONUNIFORM AND ADAPTIVE GRIDS, Reactive control of second Mack mode in a supersonic boundary layer with free-stream velocity/density variations, PHYSBE in the Raytheon Scientific Simulation Language (RSSL), On the extended one-step schemes for solving stiff systems of ordinary differential equations, A New Leapfrog Integrator of Rotational Motion. The Revised Angular-Momentum Approach, On the efficiency of a class of a-stable methods, An improved stiff-ODE solving framework for reacting flow simulations with detailed chemistry in OpenFOAM