Hodge theoretic aspects of mirror symmetry

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zbMath1206.14009arXiv0806.0107MaRDI QIDQ3545395

Maxim Kontsevich, Tony G. Pantev, Ludmil Katzarkov

Publication date: 10 December 2008

Full work available at URL: https://arxiv.org/abs/0806.0107

14A22: Noncommutative algebraic geometry

14J32: Calabi-Yau manifolds (algebro-geometric aspects)

19D55: (K)-theory and homology; cyclic homology and cohomology

14C30: Transcendental methods, Hodge theory (algebro-geometric aspects)

34M40: Stokes phenomena and connection problems (linear and nonlinear) for ordinary differential equations in the complex domain

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