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zbMath0708.68002MaRDI QIDQ3993418

Paolo Toth, Silvano Martello

Publication date: 23 January 1993

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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precedence constraints., Upper and lower bounds for the single source capacitated location problem., Solving bicriteria 0--1 knapsack problems using a labeling algorithm., Average performance of greedy heuristics for the integer knapsack problem., The computation of the worst conditional expectation., A column generation approach to capacitated \(p\)-median problems, On the two-dimensional knapsack problem, Packing problems, The vehicle routing problem: An overview of exact and approximate algorithms, A note on 0.5-bounded greedy algorithms for the 0/1 knapsack problem, An algorithm for the generalized quadratic assignment problem, Convergent Lagrangian and domain cut method for nonlinear knapsack problems, On the convergence of the Weiszfeld algorithm for continuous single facility location-allocation problems, Algorithmic aspects for power-efficient hardware/software partitioning, Bounding approaches for operation assignment and capacity allocation problem in flexible manufacturing 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hyperplane search procedure for solving the general all-integer linear programming (ILP) problem, Lagrangean duals and exact solution to the capacitated \(p\)-center problem, Solving the bi-objective multi-dimensional knapsack problem exploiting the concept of core, Market-based pricing in grids: on strategic manipulation and computational cost, A lexicographic approach to bi-objective loading of a flexible assembly system, A decision support system for urban waste management, Integrated defect detection and optimization for cross cutting of wooden boards, Heuristic sensitivity analysis in a combinatoric environment: An exposition and case study, Forward-reserve allocation in a warehouse with unit-load replenishments, An exact search for the solution of the surrogate dual of the 0-1 bidimensional knapsack problem, A branch-and-bound algorithm for the two-dimensional vector packing problem, A set partitioning heuristic for the generalized assignment problem, Solving the 0-1 proportional knapsack problem by sampling, Families of non-IRUP instances of the one-dimensional cutting stock problem, Generalized average shadow prices and bottlenecks, Maximal covering code multiplexing access telecommunication networks, Integer optimization with penalized fractional values: the knapsack case, New exact approaches and approximation results for the penalized knapsack problem, Bi-dimensional knapsack problems with one soft constraint, An exact approach for the 0-1 knapsack problem with setups, VCS: A new heuristic function for selecting boxes in the single container loading problem, Lagrangian and branch-and-cut approaches for upgrading spanning tree problems, A low-space algorithm for the subset-sum problem on GPU, A relax-and-cut framework for large-scale maximum weight connected subgraph problems, Exact approaches for the knapsack problem with setups, Customized multi-period stochastic assignment problem for social engagement and opportunistic IoT, Relaxations and heuristics for the multiple non-linear separable knapsack problem, A decision-making tool for energy efficiency optimization of street lighting, A shortest-path-based approach for the stochastic knapsack problem with non-decreasing expected overfilling costs, On the product knapsack problem, Exact algorithms for the bin packing problem with fragile objects, A discrete-binary transformation of the reliability redundancy allocation problem, Solving the multiscenario max-MIN knapsack problem exactly with column generation and branch-and-bound, Change-making problems revisited: a parameterized point of view, Criteria of efficiency for set-valued classification, An effective dynamic programming algorithm for the minimum-cost maximal knapsack packing problem, Convex variational methods on graphs for multiclass segmentation of high-dimensional data and point clouds, Approximating the 3-period incremental knapsack problem, An improved balanced algorithm for the subset-sum problem, Lifting of probabilistic cover inequalities, Minimum tiling of a rectangle by squares, Optimized assignment patterns in mobile edge cloud networks, Lower bounds on the adaptivity gaps in variants of the stochastic knapsack problem, On the best choice of a branching variable in the subset sum problem, Improved Lagrangian bounds and heuristics for the generalized assignment problem, BPPLIB: a library for bin packing and cutting stock problems, Supermodular covering knapsack polytope, The multi-band robust knapsack problem -- a dynamic programming approach, Mixed-integer linear programming heuristics for the prepack optimization problem, The packing while traveling problem, Optimal allocation of buffer times to increase train schedule robustness, FPTAS for the two identical parallel machine problem with a single operator under the free changing mode, A new exact approach for the 0-1 collapsing knapsack problem, Multi-objective branch and bound, A branch-and-bound based heuristic algorithm for convex multi-objective MINLPs, A population-based fast algorithm for a billion-dimensional resource allocation problem with integer variables, A comparative study of the arcflow model and the one-cut model for one-dimensional cutting stock problems, A tailored two-phase constructive heuristic for the three-dimensional multiple bin size bin packing problem with transportation constraints, The load planning problem for double-stack intermodal trains, Lower bounds for a bin packing problem with linear usage cost, Mathematical models and decomposition methods for the multiple knapsack problem, A generalized bin packing problem for parcel delivery in last-mile logistics, A constructive periodicity bound for the unbounded knapsack problem, An incomplete \(m\)-exchange algorithm for solving the large-scale multi-scenario knapsack problem, Solving market split problems with heuristical lattice reduction, Special issue on knapsack problems and applications, Iterative semi-continuous relaxation 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the bounded knapsack problem, The stochastic transportation problem with single sourcing, Analysis of a multiobjective evolutionary algorithm on the 0-1 knapsack problem, Dynamic programming algorithms for the optimal cutting of equal rectangles, Design of test inputs and their sequences in multi-function system testing, Dynamic programming algorithms for generating optimal strip layouts, A subset-sum type formulation of a two-agent single-machine scheduling problem, Choosing the capacity of arcs with constraint on flow delay time, Exact and approximate algorithms for discounted \(\{0\text{-}1\}\) knapsack problem, Shortest path tour problem with time windows, Heuristics for packing semifluids, Upper and lower bounding procedures for the multiple knapsack assignment problem, On the complexity of project scheduling to minimize exposed time, A lexicographic pricer for the fractional bin packing problem, Optimization of the distribution of small scale linear Fresnel reflectors on roofs of urban buildings, Robust optimization-based heuristic algorithm for the chance-constrained knapsack problem using submodularity, A review of four decades of time-dependent scheduling: main results, new topics, and open problems, A matheuristic algorithm for the one-dimensional cutting stock and scheduling problem with heterogeneous orders, Multi-index stochastic collocation for random PDEs, A sparse-grid isogeometric solver, Formulations and algorithms for the recoverable \({\varGamma}\)-robust knapsack problem, An approximate dynamic programming approach to convex quadratic knapsack problems, The two-dimensional bin packing problem with variable bin sizes and costs, State-of-the-art exact and heuristic solution procedures for simple assembly line balancing, Generating optimal multi-segment cutting patterns for circular blanks in the manufacturing of electric motors, A scatter search method for bi-criteria \(\{0,1\}\)-knapsack problems, A path relinking approach with ejection chains for the generalized assignment problem, Approximate and exact algorithms for the fixed-charge knapsack problem, Branch-and-price algorithms for the dual bin packing and maximum cardinality bin packing problem, The influence of the fitness evaluation method on the performance of multiobjective search algorithms, Comparing metaheuristic algorithms for SONET network design problems, Bid evaluation in procurement auctions with piecewise linear supply curves, A branch-and-price algorithm for the temporal bin packing problem, On a class of covering problems with variable capacities in wireless networks, Hierarchical multiple criteria optimization of maintenance activities on power distribution networks, Average-case performance of rollout algorithms for knapsack problems, \(\gamma\)-robust facility relocation problem, An enumeration procedure for the assembly line balancing problem based on branching by non-decreasing idle time, Combining very large scale and ILP based neighborhoods for a two-level location problem, Knapsack problems with sigmoid utilities: approximation algorithms via hybrid optimization, Inversion of convection-diffusion equation with discrete sources, An analysis of lower bound procedures for the bin packing problem, A compact model and tight bounds for a combined location-routing problem, Ranking lower bounds for the bin-packing problem, The capacitated minimum spanning tree problem: On improved multistar constraints, Solving the biobjective zero-one knapsack problem by an efficient LP-based heuristic, An efficient pruning algorithm for value independent knapsack problem using a DAG structure, A branch-and-cut algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with two-dimensional loading constraints, An exact algorithm for the dual bin packing problem, Knapsack problems -- an overview of recent advances. I: Single knapsack problems, Knapsack problems -- an overview of recent advances. II: Multiple, multidimensional, and quadratic knapsack problems, Exact algorithms for the 0-1 time-bomb knapsack problem, Solution approaches for equitable multiobjective integer programming problems, Minimizing the sum of weighted completion times with unrestricted weights, Smallest covering regions and highest density regions for discrete distributions, A nonlinear knapsack problem, Exact algorithms for scheduling programs with shared tasks, Optimal trade-off between sample size, precision of supervision, and selection probabilities for the unbalanced fixed effects panel data model, Heuristics for the generalised assignment problem: Simulated annealing and tabu search approaches, A two-phase algorithm for the partial accessibility constrained vehicle routing problem, An exact algorithm for the capacitated shortest spanning arborescence, Local search with memory: Benchmarking RTS, The Modular Subset-Sum Problem and the size of deletion correcting codes, A stochastic approach to handle 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on single and parallel batch processing machines, Analysis of divide-and-conquer strategies for the \(0-1\) minimization knapsack problem, The knapsack problem with neighbour constraints, On the calculation of stability radius for multi-objective combinatorial optimization problems by inverse optimization, Optimal partial hedging of an American option: shifting the focus to the expiration date, The symmetric quadratic knapsack problem: approximation and scheduling applications, A new discrete electromagnetism-based meta-heuristic for solving the multidimensional knapsack problem using genetic operators, An exact approach for the bilevel knapsack problem with interdiction constraints and extensions, A branch-and-bound approach to the optimization of redundant software under failure correlation, Conservative scales in packing problems, An exact algorithm for bilevel 0-1 knapsack problems, Resource allocation based on redundancy models for high availability cloud, Scheduling jobs with release dates and tails on two unrelated parallel machines to minimize the makespan, Two linear approximation algorithms for the subset-sum problem, Valid inequalities for non-unit demand capacitated spanning tree problems with flow costs, Solving linear programming relaxations associated with Lagrangean relaxations by Fenchel cutting planes, A note on the complexity of solving Poisson's equation for spaces of bounded mixed derivatives, Approximating the product knapsack problem, Approximate minimization algorithms for the 0/1 knapsack and subset-sum problem, A parallel implementation of the maximum likelihood method in positron emission tomography image reconstruction., Heuristic methods for the single-machine scheduling problem with periodical resource constraints, A heuristic for the problem of one-dimensional steel coil cutting, Minimizing the number of machines with limited workload capacity for scheduling jobs with interval constraints, Introduction of an underground waste container system-model and solution approaches, Arc flow formulations based on dynamic programming: theoretical foundations and applications, Bridging game theory and the knapsack problem: a theoretical formulation, A column and constraint generation algorithm for the dynamic knapsack problem with stochastic item sizes, Complexity results and exact algorithms for robust knapsack problems, A quantum particle swarm optimization for the 0-1 generalized knapsack sharing problem, Evolution of new algorithms for the binary knapsack problem, A branch-and-bound algorithm for assembly line worker assignment and balancing problems, Analysis of integer programming algorithms with \(L\)-partition and unimodular transformations, Bees algorithm for generalized assignment problem, Fixed charge transportation problems: a new heuristic approach based on Lagrangean relaxation and the solving of core problems, Efficient crowdsourcing of unknown experts using bounded multi-armed bandits, Studying properties of Lagrangian bounds for many-to-many assignment problems, Exact solution approach for a class of nonlinear bilevel knapsack problems, New symmetry-less ILP formulation for the classical one dimensional bin-packing problem, Cooperative multiobjective optimization with bounds on objective functions, Grids for cutting and packing problems: a study in the 2D knapsack problem, Bin packing problem with conflicts and item fragmentation, Parallel machine scheduling with the total weighted delivery time performance measure in distributed manufacturing, Modeling and solving a real-world cutting stock problem in the marble industry via mathematical programming and stochastic diffusion search approaches, A new combinatorial branch-and-bound algorithm for the knapsack problem with conflicts, The multiple multidimensional knapsack with family-split penalties, The assignment and loading transportation problem, On the Stackelberg knapsack game, Polynomial-size formulations and relaxations for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem, Improved online algorithms for Knapsack and GAP in the random order model, Competence-based assignment of tasks to workers in factories with demand-driven manufacturing, Modified greedy heuristic for the one-dimensional cutting stock problem, The continuous knapsack problem with capacities, New exact techniques applied to a class of network flow formulations, A benders squared \((B^2)\) framework for infinite-horizon stochastic linear programs, Mirror scheduling problems with early work and late work criteria, Minimizing the weighted number of tardy jobs on a single machine: strongly correlated instances, A branch-and-bound algorithm for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem, New formulations and solutions for the strategic berth template problem, When two-constraint binary knapsack problem is equivalent to classical knapsack problem?, Efficiently solving the thief orienteering problem with a max-min ant colony optimization approach, Packing-based branch-and-bound for discrete malleable task scheduling, Learning-based multi-objective evolutionary algorithm for batching decision problem, On the exact separation of cover inequalities of maximum-depth, MDDs boost equation solving on discrete dynamical systems, A New Lagrangian Based Branch and Bound Algorithm for the 0-1 Knapsack Problem, Solving the Hub location problem in telecommunication network design: A local search approach, Minimal Subsidies in Expense Sharing Games, Optimal bounds for the change-making problem, Cover inequalities for robust knapsack sets-Application to the robust bandwidth packing problem, New heuristic methods for the capacitated multi-facility Weber problem, Allocation of resources of modular sizes with an application to Internet Protocol (IP) address allocation, A Dynamic Programming Algorithm for Solving Bi-Objective Fuzzy Knapsack Problem, Optimizing the half-product and related quadratic Boolean functions: approximation and scheduling applications, Method for solving the Backpack Problem with an additional restriction on the number of items types, Unnamed Item, Initial Shipment Decisions for New Products at Zara, An Iterated Dual Substitution Approach for Binary Integer Programming Problems Under the Min-Max Regret Criterion, Une approche hybride pour le sac à dos multidimensionnel en variables 0–1, A Branch-and-Price Algorithm for the Multiple Knapsack Problem, Solving a real-world train-unit assignment problem, Bilevel Knapsack with Interdiction Constraints, A theoretical and experimental study of fast lower bounds for the two-dimensional bin packing problem, Integer knapsack problems with set-up weights, On a nonseparable convex maximization problem with continuous Knapsack constraints, An improved typology of cutting and packing problems, A cutting-plane approach for the two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting problem, A hybrid genetic algorithm for the two-dimensional single large object placement problem, The one dimensional Compartmentalised Knapsack problem: a case study, Computing the asymptotic worst-case of bin packing lower bounds, Accelerating column generation for variable sized bin-packing problems, An integrated cutting stock and sequencing problem, Optimising the cutting of wood fibre plates in the hardboard industry, Heuristic and Exact Algorithms for the Interval Min–Max Regret Knapsack Problem, Bilevel “Defender–Attacker” Model with Multiple Attack Scenarios, A Lexicographic 0.5-Approximation Algorithm for the Multiple Knapsack Problem, Table space designs for implicit and explicit concurrent tabled evaluation, A faster algorithm for the continuous bilevel knapsack problem, Combinatorial Benders Decomposition for the Two-Dimensional Bin Packing Problem, Lower and upper bounds for the non-linear generalized assignment problem, Multi-objective temporal bin packing problem: an application in cloud computing, A Bayesian Monte Carlo method for computing the Shapley value: application to weighted voting and bin packing games, Optimal strategy for solving a special case of the knapsack problem by the branch and bound method, A new upper bound for the multiple knapsack problem, A reinforcement learning iterated local search for makespan minimization in additive manufacturing machine scheduling problems, Compact integer linear programming formulations for the temporal bin packing problem with fire-ups, Multi-period bin packing model and effective constructive heuristics for corridor-based logistics capacity planning, Reinforcement learning for combinatorial optimization: a survey, The replenishment problem with multiple articles and an order threshold, Cover by disjoint cliques cuts for the knapsack problem with conflicting items, Optimal selection of touristic packages based on user preferences during sports mega-events, A Fast Approximation Algorithm For The Subset-Sum Problem, Epsilon-transformation: exploiting phase transitions to solve combinatorial optimization problems, Multi-objective Problems in Terms of Relational Algebra, Capacitated clustering problems applied to the layout of IT-teams in software factories, An Introduction to Geometric Semantic Genetic Programming, Solving Medium-Density Subset Sum Problems in Expected Polynomial Time: An Enumeration Approach, A Branch-and-Bound Algorithm for the Knapsack Problem with Conflict Graph, Exact solution of network flow models with strong relaxations, Probabilistic Tabu search with multiple neighborhoods for the Disjunctively Constrained Knapsack Problem, A Dynamic Programming Heuristic for the Quadratic Knapsack Problem, The Unbounded Knapsack Problem, MYOPIC POLICIES FOR NON-PREEMPTIVE SCHEDULING OF JOBS WITH DECAYING VALUE, Smart Production by Integrating Product-Mix Planning and Revenue Management for Semiconductor Manufacturing, Hybrid algorithms for the earliness–tardiness single-machine multiple orders per job scheduling problem with a common due date, Sparse, Continuous Policy Representations for Uniform Online Bin Packing via Regression of Interpolants, Solving TSP through the Integration of OR and CP Techniques, Relaxation Analysis for the Dynamic Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Item Sizes, Models and heuristics for the k ‐degree constrained minimum spanning tree problem with node‐degree costs, The stochastic single resource service-provision problem, Checkerboard pattern: proposals for its generation, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Modeling and analyzing multiple station baggage screening security system performance, The continuous-time single-sourcing problem with capacity expansion opportunities, Optimized general sparse grid approximation spaces for operator equations, Capacity allocation problem in flexible manufacturing systems: branch and bound based approaches, A branch-and-cut algorithm for the undirected prize collecting traveling salesman problem, Bin-Packing-Based Planning of Agile Releases, Measurable Multiattribute Value Functions for Portfolio Decision Analysis, Subset Selection in Sparse Matrices, Dual Inequalities for Stabilized Column Generation Revisited, On the Proximity of the Optimal Values of the Multi-dimensional Knapsack Problem with and Without the Cardinality Constraint, An Exact Algorithm for the Multiple-Choice Multidimensional Knapsack Based on the Core, Semi-Infinite Relaxations for the Dynamic Knapsack Problem with Stochastic Item Sizes, A New Branch-and-Price-and-Cut Algorithm for One-Dimensional Bin-Packing Problems, Dynamic Scheduling of Multiclass Many-Server Queues with Abandonment: The Generalized /h Rule, An asymptotically optimal greedy heuristic for the multiperiod single-sourcing problem: The cyclic case, A Survey on Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling with Machine Unavailability, Indices of Power in Optimal IDS Default Configuration: Theory and Examples, Optimization-Based Very Large-Scale Neighborhood Search for Generalized Assignment Problems with Location/Allocation Considerations, Exact Solution Methods for a Generalized Assignment Problem with Location/Allocation Considerations, Combinatorial algorithms for inverse absolute and vertex 1-center location problems on trees, Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks on Seven League Boots, Robust Multiperiod Vehicle Routing Under Customer Order Uncertainty, An ejection chain approach for the generalized assignment problem, A branch-and-cut-and-price algorithm for one-dimensional stock cutting and two-dimensional two-stage cutting, Comparative Analysis of Constraint Handling Techniques Based on Taguchi Design of Experiments, Fast lifting procedures for the bin packing problem, The capacitated centred clustering problem, Exact and heuristic algorithms for dynamic tree simplification, Some integer programs arising in the design of main frame computers, Memory and Learning in Metaheuristics, A Fast Algorithm for Knapsack Problem with Conflict Graph, Dimensioning multicast-enabled communications networks, Design of a quality control network for an international food company, Metaheuristics for the vehicle routing problem with loading constraints, A bilevel “Attacker–Defender” model to choosing the composition of attack means, Lagrangian matheuristics for the quadratic multiple knapsack problem, A lifted-space dynamic programming algorithm for the quadratic knapsack problem, A minimal algorithm for the Bounded Knapsack Problem, A framework for tightening 0–1 programs based on extensions of pure 0–1 KP and SS problems, A three-phase matheuristic algorithm for the multi-day task assignment problem, A novel reformulation for the single-sink fixed-charge transportation problem, Integer knapsack problems with profit functions of the same value range, Constrained two‐dimensional guillotine cutting problem: upper‐bound review and categorization, Solving the 1-median problem on a network with continuous demand and demand surplus, Lower and upper bounding procedures for the bin packing problem with concave loading cost, The min-Knapsack problem with compactness constraints and applications in statistics, Ejection chain moves for automatic neighborhood synthesis in constrained cardinality‐minimization problems, Wireless IoT sensors data collection reward maximization by leveraging multiple energy- and storage-constrained UAVs, Prioritizing municipal lead mitigation projects as a relaxed knapsack optimization: a method and case study, The bus sightseeing problem, Combinatorial algorithms for solving the constrained knapsack problems with divisible item sizes and penalties, Balanced-evolution genetic algorithm for combinatorial optimization problems: the general outline and implementation of balanced-evolution strategy based on linear diversity index, A strong integer linear optimization model to the compartmentalized knapsack problem, An integer linear optimization model to the compartmentalized knapsack problem, Risk-aware autonomous localization in harsh urban environments with mosaic zonotope shadow matching, A Faster Exponential Time Algorithm for Bin Packing With a Constant Number of Bins via Additive Combinatorics, Balancing the profit and capacity under uncertainties: a target‐based distributionally robust knapsack problem, A mixed‐integer linear model for the multiple heterogeneous knapsack problem with realistic container loading constraints and bins' priority, Perfect matching in bipartite hypergraphs subject to a demand graph, Benders' decomposition based exact solution method for multi-manned assembly line balancing problem with walking workers, Lifting for the integer knapsack cover polyhedron, A Survey of the Generalized Assignment Problem and Its Applications, How to charge while driving: scheduling point-to-point deliveries of an electric vehicle under overhead wiring, Mathematical models for the two-dimensional variable-sized cutting stock problem in the home textile industry, An improved approximation algorithm for scheduling monotonic moldable tasks, Pseudo-polynomial algorithms for solving the knapsack problem with dependencies between items, An iterated local search algorithm for latency vehicle routing problems with multiple depots, Application of parallel heuristic algorithms for speeding up parallel implementations of the branch-and-bound method, A distributed optimization approach via symmetric group actions under time-varying communication networks, Incremental subgradient algorithms with dynamic step sizes for separable convex optimizations, FAST NON-NEGATIVE LEAST-SQUARES LEARNING IN THE RANDOM NEURAL NETWORK, LP relaxation and dynamic programming enhancing VNS for the multiple knapsack problem with setup, Intuitionistic fuzzy knapsack problem trough the index matrices prism, Knapsack problems with position-dependent item weights or profits, A large neighborhood search algorithm and lower bounds for the variable-sized bin packing problem with conflicts, Features for the 0-1 knapsack problem based on inclusionwise maximal solutions, Priority-based bin packing with subset constraints, A decomposition approach for multidimensional knapsacks with family‐split penalties, Unnamed Item, Logarithmic Regret in the Dynamic and Stochastic Knapsack Problem with Equal Rewards, On Bilevel Optimization with Inexact Follower, Approximations to Stochastic Dynamic Programs via Information Relaxation Duality, Fast Approximation Methods for Online Scheduling of Outpatient Procedure Centers, Interdiction Games and Monotonicity, with Application to Knapsack Problems, Integrating Symmetry, Dominance, and Bound-and-Bound in a Multiple Knapsack Solver, Bi-objective Branch-and-Cut Algorithms Based on LP Relaxation and Bound Sets, Dynamic Programming for an Optimal and Equitable Public Load Shedding Schedule, Improved Online Algorithms for Knapsack and GAP in the Random Order Model, Constraint programming-based column generation, Basket problems in margin calculation: modelling and algorithms., Budgeting with bounded multiple-choice constraints., A Decentralized Heuristic for Multiple-Choice Combinatorial Optimization Problems, Optimal resource allocation with minimum activation levels and fixed costs, The stochastic generalised assignment problem with Bernoulli demands, A tabu search heuristic for the generalized assignment problem, Lower bounds and algorithms for the 2-dimensional vector packing problem, Bounds for the cardinality constrained \(P \|C_{max}\) problem, Constraint programming-based column generation, A polynomially solvable special case of the unbounded knapsack problem, Unnamed Item, Analysis of Solution Quality of a Multiobjective Optimization-Based Evolutionary Algorithm for Knapsack Problem, A time-dependent multiple criteria single-machine scheduling problem, Using fuzzy numbers in knapsack problems, An exact algorithm for the subset sum problem, The peak load minimization problem in cyclic production, A tabu search algorithm for large-scale guillotine (un)constrained two-dimensional cutting problems, A pegging algorithm for the nonlinear resource allocation problem, Algorithms for minclique scheduling problems, Random knapsack in expected polynomial time, Approximation algorithms for scheduling with reservations, Lagrangian heuristics for the quadratic knapsack problem, Strong geodetic problem on complete multipartite graphs, When Human Visual Performance Is Imperfect—How to Optimize the Collaboration Between One Human Operator and Multiple Field Robots, Bicriteria Data Compression, Bin packing with directed stackability conflicts, Optimal Individualized Decision Rules Using Instrumental Variable Methods