scientific article; zbMATH DE number 729195

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zbMath0846.14032MaRDI QIDQ4324883

David A. Cox

Publication date: 26 September 1996

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I: The abelian case, Iteration of Cox rings of klt singularities, Hyperbola method on toric varieties, On K3 fibred Calabi-Yau threefolds in weighted scrolls, Genus 0 logarithmic and tropical fixed‐domain counts for Hirzebruch surfaces, Ein-Lazarsfeld-Mustopa conjecture for the blow-up of a projective space, The Manin–Peyre conjecture for smooth spherical Fano varieties of semisimple rank one, Deformation of pairs and Noether-Lefschetz loci in toric varieties, On parameterized toric codes, Small quotient minimal log discrepancies, Polyhedral homotopies in Cox coordinates, Comparing two Proj-like constructions on toric varieties, Logarithmic quasimaps, Homogeneous coordinate rings as direct summands of regular rings, La conjecture de Manin pour une famille de variétés en dimension supérieure, \({\mathcal D}\)-modules on smooth toric varieties, Resultant over the residual of a complete intersection., \(\mathbb{Z}\)-linear Gale duality and poly weighted spaces (PWS), Additive actions on complete toric surfaces, PL DENSITY INVARIANT FOR TYPE II DEGENERATING K3 SURFACES, MODULI COMPACTIFICATION AND HYPER-KÄHLER METRIC, Complete toric varieties with reductive automorphism group, A virtual fundamental class construction for the moduli space of \((\mathbb{C}^\ast)^n\)-equivariant morphisms, Multigraded Hilbert functions and toric complete intersection codes, On smooth Fano fourfolds of Picard number two, Remodeling the B-model, Imaginary quadratic points on toric varieties via universal torsors, The integral (orbifold) Chow ring of toric Deligne-Mumford stacks, Logarithmic geometry, minimal free resolutions and toric algebraic stacks, Twisted forms of toric varieties, On embeddings of homogeneous spaces with small boundary, Multigraded regularity: Coarsenings and resolutions, The 24-cell and Calabi-Yau threefolds with Hodge numbers \((1,1)\), Tilting bundles on toric Fano fourfolds, Symplectomorphism group relations and degenerations of Landau-Ginzburg models, The symplectic Deligne-Mumford stack associated to a stacky polytope, Group graded associated ideals with flat base change of rings and short exact sequences, Global residues for sparse polynomial systems, Parametrizations of toric varieties over any field, Asymptotic invariants of base loci, On orbits of the automorphism group on a complete toric variety, Segre classes on smooth projective toric varieties, The functor of a toric variety with enough invariant effective Cartier divisors, Moduli stacks of stable toric quasimaps, \(\mathbb{C}^2/\mathbb{Z}_{n}\) fractional branes and monodromy, On orbits of the automorphism group on an affine toric variety, On isotopies and homologies of subvarieties of toric varieties, Singularities of Cox rings of Fano varieties, Moment angle complexes and big Cohen-Macaulayness, On Chow quotients of torus actions, The Dixmier-Moeglin equivalence for twisted homogeneous coordinate rings., Laurent polynomials and Eulerian numbers, Quasicoherent sheaves on toric schemes, Toric residue codes. I., The Cox ring of a spherical embedding, A (0,2) mirror map, The implicit equation of a multigraded hypersurface, Some variants of Macaulay's and Max Noether's theorems, Rationality of Euler-Chow series and finite generation of Cox rings, Framed sheaves on root stacks and supersymmetric gauge theories on ALE spaces, \(\mathbb Q\)-factorial Laurent rings, Cox rings of surfaces and the anticanonical Iitaka dimension, New examples of compact manifolds with holonomy Spin(7), On the unipotence of autoequivalences of toric complete intersection Calabi-Yau categories, Sparse effective membership problems via residue currents, Special Lagrangian torus fibrations of complete intersection Calabi-Yau manifolds: a geometric conjecture, Additive group actions on affine \(\mathbb{T}\)-varieties of complexity one in arbitrary characteristic, The cone of curves and the Cox ring of rational surfaces given by divisorial valuations, Cox rings of rational complexity-one \(T\)-varieties, Big rational surfaces, Dynamical compactifications of \(\mathbb{C}^2\), Kähler-Ricci solitons on toric Fano orbifolds, The homology and cohomology of the complements to some arrangements of codimension two complex planes, A non-commutative homogeneous coordinate ring for the degree six del Pezzo surface, On restriction of roots on affine \(T\)-varieties, (0,2) deformations of linear sigma models, The canonical module of a Cox ring, Equivariant cohomology distinguishes toric manifolds, Weighted blowups and mirror symmetry for toric surfaces, Point configurations and translations, Complex-analytic quotients of algebraic \(G\)-varieties, Castelnuovo Mumford regularity with respect to multigraded ideals, On pliability of del Pezzo fibrations and Cox rings, A \(\mathbb {Q}\)-factorial complete toric variety is a quotient of a poly weighted space, The Cox ring of a complexity-one horospherical variety, Geometric invariant theory via Cox rings, GIT-equivalence beyond the ample cone, Rational surfaces with finitely generated Cox rings and very high Picard numbers, Hilbert functions of Cox rings of del Pezzo surfaces, The full automorphism group of \(\overline{T}\), On the homology of truncated affine Springer fibers, Del Pezzo surfaces with \(\frac{1}{3}(1,1)\) points, Equivariant primary decomposition and toric sheaves, A Lefschetz hyperplane theorem for Mori dream spaces, Hyperconifold transitions, mirror symmetry, and string theory, Positivity properties of toric vector bundles, Darboux-Jouanolou-Ghys integrability for one-dimensional foliations on toric varieties, Partial desingularizations of good moduli spaces of Artin toric stacks, The Cox ring of an algebraic variety with torus action, GIT quotients of products of projective planes, Picard-graded Betti numbers and the defining ideals of Cox rings, The orbifold cohomology ring of simplicial toric stack bundles, Toric Kempf-Ness sets, On the homology groups of arrangements of complex planes of codimension two, Categories of massless D-branes and del Pezzo surfaces, Positive links, Doubling construction of Calabi-Yau fourfolds from toric Fano fourfolds, Toric orbifolds associated to Cartan matrices, On the conjecture of King for smooth toric Deligne-Mumford stacks, A survey on Cox rings, \(\mathbb A^1\)-homotopy groups, excision, and solvable quotients, Towards toric absolute factorization, Combinatorics in \({\mathcal N}=1\) heterotic vacua, Discrete Wilson lines in F-theory, On the factoriality of Cox rings, Subvarieties of generic hypersurfaces in a nonsingular projective toric variety, Embedding non-projective Mori dream space, Counting curves on the plane blown up in three collinear points, The toroidal embedding arising from an irrational fan, On the \(\mathbb A^1\)-fundamental groups of smooth toric varieties, On the classification of toric Fano 4-folds