zbMath1133.22009MaRDI QIDQ5308978
Edward V. Frenkel'
Publication date: 9 October 2007
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
Gaudin model and Deligne's category,
An informal introduction to categorical representation theory and the local geometric Langlands program,
On Wronskians and 𝑞𝑞-systems,
Segal-Sugawara vectors for the Lie algebra of type \(G_2\),
Arc spaces and chiral symplectic cores,
Cyclotomic Gaudin models: construction and Bethe ansatz,
Hypergeometric sheaves for classical groups via geometric Langlands,
On the geometric interpretation of certain vertex algebras and their modules,
QFT, RG, and All That, for Mathematicians,
On the endomorphisms of Weyl modules over affine Kac-Moody algebras at the critical level,
Higher Sugawara operators for the quantum affine algebras of type \(A\),
DJKM algebras and non-classical orthogonal polynomials,
Non-Archimedean white noise, pseudodifferential stochastic equations, and massive Euclidean fields,
Local opers with two singularities: the case of \(\mathfrak{sl}(2)\),
Symmetrisation and the Feigin–Frenkel centre,
Gaudin models with irregular singularities,
Semi-infinite cohomology and the linkage principle for \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras,
Spectra of quantum KdV Hamiltonians, Langlands duality, and affine opers,
Representations of the Witt algebra and \(\mathrm{Gl}(n)\)-opers,
Positive energy representations of affine vertex algebras,
Cyclotomic Gaudin models with irregular singularities,
Representations of semisimple Lie algebras in prime characteristic and the noncommutative Springer resolution,
Loop group actions on categories and Whittaker invariants,
Geometry of the analytic loop group,
Suzuki functor at the critical level,
Screening operators and parabolic inductions for affine \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras,
Geometric realizations of affine Kac-Moody algebras,
Quantization of the shift of argument subalgebras in type \(A\),
Yangian Characters and Classical $$\mathcal{W}$$ -Algebras,
On the complete integrability of the periodic quantum Toda lattice,
Is there an analytic theory of automorphic functions for complex algebraic curves?,
Lorentzian 2D CFT from the pAQFT perspective,
Opers with irregular singularity and spectra of the shift of argument subalgebra,
Logarithmic conformal field theory, log-modular tensor categories and modular forms,
Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra in type \(A\),
Derived 2-functors in (2-SGp),
A Feigin-Frenkel theorem with \(n\) singularities,
Endomorphisms of Verma modules for rational Cherednik algebras,
Affine Gaudin models and hypergeometric functions on affine opers,
Free field realisation of the chiral universal centraliser,
Algebras of twisted chiral differential operators and affine localization of \(\mathfrak{g}\)-modules,
A chiral Borel-Weil-Bott theorem,
Langlands duality for representations of quantum groups,
\(q\)-opers, \(QQ\)-systems, and Bethe ansatz II: generalized minors,
Cyclotomic Gaudin models, Miura opers and flag varieties,
Center of the quantum affine vertex algebra associated with trigonometric R-matrix,
Feigin-Frenkel center in types \(B\), \(C\) and \(D\),
A note on constructing quasi modules for quantum vertex algebras from twisted Yangians,
Classical Whittaker modules for the classical affine Kac-Moody algebras,
Higher current algebras, homotopy Manin triples, and a rectilinear adelic complex,
Reduced arc schemes for Veronese embeddings and global Demazure modules,
Rationality and fusion rules of exceptional \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras,
On Miura maps for \(\mathcal{W}\)-superalgebras,
Twisted chiral algebras of class \({\mathcal{S}}\) and mixed Feigin-Frenkel gluing,
Frobenius-Ehresmann structures and Cartan geometries in positive characteristic,
Loop groups and noncommutative geometry,
Vertex Lie algebras and cyclotomic coinvariants,
Isomonodromic deformations of connections with singularities of parahoric formal type,
Center at the critical level for centralizers in type \(A\),
The monodromy of meromorphic projective structures,
Jordan Decomposition for Formal G-Connections,
Differential operator realizations of superalgebras and free field representations of corresponding current algebras,
Crystals and monodromy of Bethe vectors,
Bundle gerbes and moduli spaces,
Norm of logarithmic primary of Virasoro algebra,
Perfect integrability and Gaudin models,
An explicit formula for the generic number of dormant indigenous bundles,
On Segal-Sugawara vectors and Casimir elements for classical Lie algebras,
Quasi modules for the quantum affine vertex algebra in type \(A\),
Casimir elements and Sugawara operators for Takiff algebras,
An analog of the Feigin-Frenkel homomorphism for double loop algebras,
Frenkel-Gross' irregular connection and Heinloth-Ngô-Yun's are the same,
Eigenvalues of Bethe vectors in the Gaudin model,
The three point gauge algebra \(\mathcal{V} \ltimes \mathfrak{sl}(2, \mathcal{R}) \oplus(\Omega_{\mathcal{R}} / d \mathcal{R})\) and its action on a Fock space,
Superopers on supercurves,
A rigid irregular connection on the projective line,
\(h\)-adic quantum vertex algebras associated with rational \(R\)-matrix in types \(B\), \(C\) and \(D\),
Classical \(\mathcal W\)-algebras in types \(A\), \(B\), \(C\), \(D\) and \(G\),
Duality of subregular \(\mathcal{W} \)-algebras and principal \(\mathcal{W} \)-superalgebras,
Irregular Wakimoto modules and the Casimir connection,
Compatibility of the Feigin-Frenkel Isomorphism and the Harish-Chandra Isomorphism for jet algebras,
The 3-point Virasoro algebra and its action on a Fock space,
On the quantum affine vertex algebra associated with trigonometric \(R\)-matrix,
\(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras and Whittaker categories,
Periodic automorphisms, compatible Poisson brackets, and Gaudin subalgebras,
Universal two-parameter 𝒲∞-algebra and vertex algebras of type 𝒲(2, 3, …, N),
The BRST reduction of the chiral Hecke algebra,
Veneziano amplitudes, spin chains and abelian reduction of QCD,
Preservation of depth in the local geometric Langlands correspondence,
\(W\)-algebras as coset vertex algebras,
Quantisation and nilpotent limits of Mishchenko–Fomenko subalgebras,
On the restricted Verma modules at the critical level,
Opers for higher states of quantum KdV models,
Classical \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras for centralizers,
Higher-order Hamiltonians for the trigonometric Gaudin model,
The small quantum group as a quantum double,
Kondo line defects and affine Gaudin models,
Free Field Realizations of the Date-Jimbo-Kashiwara-Miwa Algebra,
Singular modules for affine Lie algebras, and applications to irregular WZNW conformal blocks,
Rationality of the exceptional \(\mathcal{W}\)-algebras \(\mathcal{W}_k(\mathfrak{sp}_4,f_{subreg})\) associated with subregular nilpotent elements of \(\mathfrak{sp}_4\),
Affine opers and conformal affine Toda,
Hamiltonian reduction for affine Grassmannian slices and truncated shifted Yangians