On Isolated Rational Singularities of Surfaces

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DOI10.2307/2373050zbMath0142.18602OpenAlexW2021925500WikidataQ60034073 ScholiaQ60034073MaRDI QIDQ5517498

Michael Artin

Publication date: 1966

Published in: American Journal of Mathematics (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.2307/2373050

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An analytic approach, Classification of weighted dual graphs consisting of $-2$-curves and exactly one $-3$-curve, Open books decompositions of links of minimally elliptic singularities, Algebraic Classification and Obstructions to Embedding of Strongly Pseudoconvex Compact 3-dimensional CR Manifolds in C3, Equivariant Jacobian conjecture in dimension two, Angehrn-Siu-Helmke’s method applied to abelian varieties, Universal filtered quantizations of nilpotent Slodowy slices, Du Val singularities, Families of K-3 Surfaces, Homological Bondal-Orlov localization conjecture for rational singularities, Counting elliptic fibrations on \(\mathrm{K}3\) surfaces, Coble surfaces in characteristic two, On explicit birational geometry for minimal n$n$‐folds of canonical dimension n−1$n-1$, Rigid divisors on surfaces, A note on the defining equations of singular varieties, A note on resolution of rational and hypersurface singularities, Unnamed Item, Triple root systems, rational quivers and examples of linear free divisors, Contact structures on AR-singularity links, Ultrametric Spaces of Branches on Arborescent Singularities, The embedded Nash problem of birational models of rational triple singularities, On certain isolated normal singularities, Unnamed Item, Brauer–Manin obstruction for Erdős–Straus surfaces, The geometric genus of splice-quotient singularities, On Milnor’s fibration theorem and its offspring after 50 years, Complete Ideals and Monoidal Transforms, Arcs and wedges on rational surface singularities, On the Torelli problem for kählerian $K-3$ surfaces, Reflexive modules over rational double points, Arrangements of curves and algebraic surfaces, Unnamed Item, Weighted homogeneous surface singularities homeomorphic to Brieskorn complete intersections, Jumping numbers on algebraic surfaces with rational singularities, On symplectic fillings of links of rational surface singularities with reduced fundamental cycle, On a class of normal surface singularities determined by weierstrass points on algebraic curves, Arcs and wedges on rational surface singularities, On Quintic Surfaces of General Type, Normal surface singularities with \(\mathbb{C}^*\) action, Automorphisms of finite order on rational surfaces. With an appendix by I. Dolgachev, RELATIONS BETWEEN MULTIPLICITY AND DIVISOR CLASS GROUP FOR RATIONAL SURFACE SINGULARITIES, On almost minimally elliptic singularities, Equations defining rational singularities, Unnamed Item, F-rationality of Rees algebras, Rees algebras of F-regular type., Unnamed Item, A Note on Del Pezzo Fibrations of Degree 1, Automorphic forms and singularities of complex surfaces, Obstructions and Hypersurface Sections (Minimally Elliptic Singularities), Resolving symplectic orbifolds with applications to finite group actions, Del Pezzo surfaces and Mori fiber spaces in positive characteristic, Classification of weighted dual graphs with only complete intersection singularities structures, Introduction to Heegaard Floer homology, GENERAL HYPERPLANE SECTIONS OF THREEFOLDS IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC, The double point formula with isolated singularities and canonical embeddings, A FINITENESS THEOREM FOR DUAL GRAPHS OF SURFACE SINGULARITIES, Obstructions to semiorthogonal decompositions for singular threefolds I: K-theory, Normal quintic surfaces with Kodaira dimension one, Normal surface singularities with \(\mathbb{C}^*\) action, On the periods of Enriques surfaces. II, Complex singularities and contact topology, Unnamed Item, INVOLUTIVE HEEGAARD FLOER HOMOLOGY AND PLUMBED THREE-MANIFOLDS, On the classification of rational surface singularities, KAWACHI'S INVARIANT FOR NORMAL SURFACE SINGULARITIES, Unnamed Item, Frobenius categories, Gorenstein algebras and rational surface singularities, OPEN BOOK DECOMPOSITIONS OF LINKS OF SIMPLE SURFACE SINGULARITIES, Orbifold singularities, Lie algebras of the third kind (LATKes), and pure Yang–Mills with matter, Normal Reduction Numbers of Normal Surface Singularities, Unnamed Item, On Maximally Elliptic Singularities, Fibrations of low genus, I, Unnamed Item, On the Factoriality of Local Rings of Small Embedding Codimension