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zbMath0145.25601MaRDI QIDQ5522244

Schafer, R. D.

Publication date: 1966

17-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to nonassociative rings and algebras

17D05: Alternative rings

17Bxx: Lie algebras and Lie superalgebras

17Axx: General nonassociative rings

17Cxx: Jordan algebras (algebras, triples and pairs)

Related Items

On semimodular Mal'cev algebras, Lattice isomorphisms of alternative algebras, On nuclear Bernstein algebras, Nonrelativistic phase-space and octonions, Probabilistic checking of associativity in algebras, Jordan kinematics, Power-associative Lie-admissible algebras, On structurable algebras, Autour de la dupliquée. (Around the duplicate), Dupliquée d'une algèbre et le théorème d'Etherington. (Duplicate of an algebra and Etherington's theorem), Gradings on \(\mathfrak {g}_2\), Compact realifications of exceptional simple Kantor triple systems defined on tensor products of composition algebras, The Chevalley group \(G_2(2)\) of order 12096 and the octonionic root system of \(E_7\)., Strongly inner anisotropic forms of simple algebraic groups, On automorphisms and derivations of Cayley-Dickson algebras, Parabolic spaces, Space-time symmetries of superstring and Jordan algebras, Duplication of algebras. III, Models of the Lie algebra \(F_4\), A representation of quantum measurement in order-unit spaces, An algorithm for associative bilinear forms, Nonassociative unitary Banach algebras, Irreducible Lie-Yamaguti algebras, A Gelfand-Neumark theorem for C*-alternative algebras, Another construction of real simple Lie algebras, Durch graduierte Lie-Algebren definierte Paar-Algebren (Pair algebras defined by graded Lie algebras), Separable alternative algebras over commutative rings, A formula in simple Jordan algebras, Structurable bimodules, Simple locally (-1,1) nil rings, Nilpotence of the radical of a structurable algebra, On maximal subalgebras of central simple Malcev algebras, Units in alternative loop rings, Bernstein algebras, Scalar manifolds and Jordan pairs in supergravity, The uniqueness of the complete norm topology in complete normed nonassociative algebras, The Jordan regular ring associated to a finite JBW-algebra, On the construction of reductive Lie-admissible algebras, Derivations in gametic algebras. III, Jordan axioms for C*-algebras, Trace forms for structurable algebras, Sur les algèbres de Bernstein. II. (On Bernstein algebras. II), The exceptional Jordan algebra and the superstring, Derivations and automorphisms of matrices symmetric relative to a canonical involution, On the zeros of polynomials over arbitrary finite dimensional algebras, A topology on the set of nonassociative algebras of finite dimension over a local field, Prime ideals in a Lie algebra, Nicht assoziative separable Algebren über Ringen, Some new classes of division algebras, Symmetric spaces derived from algebras, Sur les dimensions des algèbres absolument valuees, Isotopes of some nonassociative algebras with involution, Partially ordered Jordan algebras of symmetric bilinear forms, Noncommutative Jordan C*-algebras, Algebras which satisfy a train equation for the first three plenary powers, Sur les algèbres de Bernstein. IV. (On Bernstein algebras. IV), Structurable \(H^*\)-algebras, On semialternative algebras, Fast change of basis in algebras, Composition algebras over a field with a discrete valuation, Right alternative rings, Prime right-alternative rings, Der Wedderburnsche Hauptsatz für alternative Tripelsysteme und Paare, Right representations of algebras, Radicals and nilpotent elements of free alternative algebras, Moufang-Hjelmslev-Ebenen, On some types of isoparametric hypersurfaces in spheres. II, A class of nonassociative algebras with involution containing the class of Jordan algebras, On the nilpotency of generalized alternative algebras, The calculus of finite differences over certain systems of numbers, \(\Gamma\)-foliations and semisimple flat homogeneous spaces, Moufang plane and octonionic quantum mechanics, Loops, their cores and symmetric spaces, Cubical species and nonassociative algebras, Isotropic trialitarian algebraic groups, On a class of commutative power-associative nilalgebras, New associative and nonassociative Gelfand-Naimark theorems, Prime factorization of integral Cayley octaves, Duplicate of an algebra and a theorem of Whitehead, \(S^ 7\) and \({\widehat {S^ 7}}\), The Wedderburn decomposition in finite-dimensional alternative superalgebras, Nahm algebras, Algebras and orthogonal groups. I, Composition algebras with large derivation algebras, Weyl quantization and star products, Absolute-valued algebraic algebras are finite-dimensional, Jordan-Lie super algebra and Jordan-Lie triple system, Continuity of homomorphisms into complete normed algebraic algebras, On the solvability of the commutative power-associative nilalgebras of dimension 6., Models of the octonions and \(G_2\)., Computational approach to the simplicity of \(f_{4}(O_{s},-)\) in the characteristic two case., Structurable tori and extended affine Lie algebras of type BC\(_{1}\)., Quadratic Malcev superalgebras., Magic squares and matrix models of Lie algebras., Multiplicative quadratic forms on algebraic varieties., The reductive pair \((B_4, B_3)\) and affine connections on \(S^{15}\), Cohomologies of finite-dimensional simple alternative superalgebras of characteristic 3, On automorphisms and isomorphisms of quasi-simple Lie algebras, On triality and automorphisms and derivations of composition algebras, On Lie-admissible algebras whose commutator Lie algebras are Lie subalgebras of prime associative algebras, Quadratic differential equations in $\mathbb {Z}_2$-graded algebras, Solvable Assosymmetric Rings are Nilpotent, Jordan *-derivations and quadratic functionals on octonion algebras, Square-central elements in alternative algebras of characteristic 2, Noncommutative matrix jordan algebras, cayley-dickson algebras, and schafer's theorem1, Minimal representations of exceptional 𝑝-adic groups, Baric, bernstein and jordan algebras, On algebras of generic elements of simple Lie algebras, On idempotents and isomorphisms of multiplication algebras of bernstein algebras, Alternative rings of small order, The Wedderburn decomposition in finite-dimensional alternative superaigebras of characteristic 3, On Symmetries of Chern-Simons and BF Topological Theories, Unnamed Item, Lie Admissible Non-Associative Algebras, STRUCTURABLE ALGEBRAS AND MODELS OF COMPACT SIMPLE KANTOR TRIPLE SYSTEMS DEFINED ON TENSOR PRODUCTS OF COMPOSITION ALGEBRAS, Power associativity in mutations o f associative algebras, A quantum octonion algebra, QUASI-CLASSICAL LIE SUPERALGEBRAS AND LIE SUPERTRIPLE SYSTEMS, Composition Algebras Over Algebraic Curves of Genus Zero, Algebraic commutative Moufang loops, THE MULTIPLICATION ALGEBRA OF WEIGHTED ALGEBRAS OF DEGREE 4, JORDAN NILALGEBRAS OF NILINDEXNAND DIMENSIONN+1, Colour algebras and Cayley–Dickson algebras, The multiplication algebra of a bernstein algebra: basic results, On Monocomposition Algebras, Extended centroid and central closure of the multiplication algebra, Cayley-dickson algebras andRAloops, Cayley-dickson algebras and alternative loop algebras, A Wedderburn Theorem for Alternative Algebras With Identity Over Commutative Rings, On flexible composition algebras, ON LEFT NILALGEBRAS OF LEFT NILINDEX FOUR SATISFYING AN IDENTITY OF DEGREE FOUR, Unnamed Item, Examples of Commutative Right-Nilalgebras Over Small Fields, A Valuation Theory for Nonassociative Quaternion Algebras, Compact Exceptional Simple Kantor Triple Systems Defined on Tensor Products of Composition Algebras∗, On an Ingelstam's Theorem, Unnamed Item, Semiprimality and Nilpotency of Nonassociative Rings Satisfyingx(yz) = y(zx), Representations of Rank 3 Algebras, On commutativity in certain rings, Octonion planes in characteristic two, Realization of irreducible bounded symmetric domain of type $\left( V \right)$, Finite Power-Associative Division Rings, The Open Case for Simple Alternative Rings, On a class of power-associative periodic rings, On the Wedderburn Principal Theorem, A Note on a Theorem of Jacobson, A Note on a Theorem of Kokoris, Lie-Admissible, Nodal, Noncommutative Jordan Algebras, The Levitzki Radical in Jordan Rings, Nil Algebras Satisfying an Identity of Degree Three, Infinite Nodal Noncommutative Jordan Algebras; Differentiably Simple Algebras, Noncommutative Jordan Rings, Cyclic Generalized Galois Rings, Noncommutative Jordan Division Algebras, A generalization of an algebra of Chevalley, On Cartan Subalgebras of Alternative Algebras, Sedenions: Algebra and analysis, Alternative Rings Without Nilpotent Elements, Jordan Algebras with Minimum Condition, The octonionic eigenvalue problem, Analytic loops and gauge fields, Geometrical properties of the product of a \(C^*\)-algebra, On the Classification of Simple Antiflexible Algebras, On the tensor product of composition algebras, Local triality and some related algebras, Conditions satisfied by characteristic polynomials in fields and division algebras, The Rost invariant has trivial kernel for quasi-split groups of low rank, On maximal subalgebras, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Generalizing alternative rings, The derivations of Mn(C), Multiplicative forms and nonassociative algebras, A note on train algebras, A theorem of semisimple antiflexible algebras, On a Wedderburn Principal Theorem for the Flexible Algebras, Composition Series and Intertwining Operators for the Spherical Principal Series. II, Über die Einzigkeit der Ternionenalgebra und linksalternative Algebren kleinen Ranges, Prime commutative power-associative algebras with descending chain condition, Rings with Idempotents in Their Nuclei, Linear Factorization of Conical Polynomials Over Certain Nonassociative Algebras, On Chain Varieties of Linear Algebras, On Derivation Algebras of Malcev Algebras and Lie Triple Systems, A Nonembedding Theorem for Algebras, A Wedderburn Decomposition for Certain Generalized Right Alternative Algebras, Algebras Satisfying Congruence Relations, On algebras of rank three, The torsion product property in alternative algebras ii, On the Cartan-Jacobson theorem, Nilpotent linear transformations and the solvability of power-associative nilalgebras, Symmetric triality relations and structurable algebras, Representations on train algebras of rank 3, Structure of Bernstein algebras, \(H\)-type groups and Iwasawa decompositions, Bernstein algebras which are Jordan algebras, Zur Struktur der vierdimensionalen quadratischen Algebren, Structure and representations of noncommutative C*-Jordan algebras, Funzioni regolari nell'algebra di Cayley, On the geometry of inner ideals, Malcev's theorem for alternative algebras, Classification of division \({\mathbb Z}^n\)-graded alternative algebras., The structure group of an alternative algebra, A construction of \(G_2\) holonomy spaces with torus symmetry, Identities for algebras of matrices over the octonions, Three-line theorem on the octonions, The magic square and symmetric compositions, On the Moore-Penrose generalized inverse matrix, Structure theory for multiplicatively semiprime algebras, Quaternionic superconformal field theory, Twisted incidence algebras and Kazhdan-Lusztig-Stanley functions, Similarity and consimilarity of elements in the real Cayley-Dickson algebras., Eigenvalue problem for symmetric \(3\times 3\) octonionic matrix, Pseudo-composition superalgebras, Cross-ratios over local alternative rings, On nuclear algebras, The reductive pair \((B_ 3,G_ 2)\) and affine connections on \(S^ 7\), New simple Lie superalgebras in characteristic 3, Albert algebras over curves of genus zero and one, The extended Freudenthal magic square and Jordan algebras, An extended Freudenthal magic square in characteristic 3, The structure of assosymmetric algebras, On representations on right nilalgebras of right nilindex four, Algebraic properties of some quadratic dynamical systems, Indecomposable forms of higher degree, Geometry over composition algebras: projective geometry, Division composition algebras through their derivation algebras, Über das Verhältnis der Theorie der Elementarlänge zur Quantentheorie, Rings with finitely many subrings, Funktionalgleichungen in Vektorräumen, Kompositionsalgebren und Systeme partieller Differentialgleichungen, Mutationen und polarisierte Fundamentalformel, Eine Identität fünften Grades, der gewisse Isotope von Kompositions- Algebren genügen, Automorphisms of Cayley algebras, Alternative rings with d.c.c. II, Generalized standard algebras, Homotopes of alternative algebras, Borel subalgebras of alternative and Jordan algebras, Quasi composition algebras, Cohomology of Jordan algebras, Varieties of algebras, Alternative Tripelsysteme, Prime alternative rings. III, Nil systems and radicals in alternative Artin rings, Submodules of Cayley algebras, Tensorial extensions of central simple algebras, Forms permitting composition, Alternative algebras satisfying polynomial identities, Generalizations of nilpotence and solvability in universal classes of algebras, \((-1,-1)\)-balanced Freudenthal Kantor triple systems and noncommutative Jordan algebras, Sur les algèbres de Bernstein d'ordre 2. (On Bernstein algebras of order 2), Alternative quasialgebras, GROUPS OF TYPEE7OVER ARBITRARY FIELDS, EXTENDED CENTROID AND CENTRAL CLOSURE OF MULTIPLICATIVELY SEMIPRIME ALGEBRAS, THE MULTIPLICATION ALGEBRA OF A B-SEMISIMPLE BARIC ALGEBRA, COMMUTATIVE ALTERNATIVE RINGS: A CONSTRUCTION, A natural s-identity of jordan algebras, Primitive and Non Primitive Finite Semifields, Describing units of integral group rings of some 2-groups, Invariant theory of 𝐺₂, Noncommutative matrix jordon algebras from lie algebras, Models of Compact Simple Kantor Triple Systems Defined on a Class of Structurable Algebras of Skew-Dimension One, On the Classification of Commutative Right-Nilalgebras of Dimension at Most Four, The Wedderburn Principal Theorem for Generalized Almost-Jordan Algebras, Multi-instantons in seven dimensions, Euler angles for G2, A Cayley-Dickson Process for a Class of Structurable Algebras, Structurable Tori, On Nilpotency of Generalized Almost-Jordan Right-Nilalgebras, LEFT-SYMMETRIC BIALGEBRAS AND AN ANALOGUE OF THE CLASSICAL YANG–BAXTER EQUATION, The Bar-Radical of a Class of Almost Alternative Baric Algebras, On the noncommutative and nonassociative geometry of octonionic space time, modified dispersion relations and grand unification, On a class of gauge theories, Unnamed Item, Non-associative Algebras with n-Exponential Functions, Loops whose loop rings are alternative, The classification of finite simple Moufang loops, Mal'cev H*-algebras, Primitive Noncommutative Jordan Algebras with Nonzero Socle, Models of isotropic simple lie algebras, Erbliche moduln und nichtassoziative ringe, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Tensor Products of Composition Algebras, Albert Forms and Some Exceptional Simple Lie Algebras, Torsion Units in Alternative Loop Rings, Commutativity ofC*-algebras and associativity ofJB*-algebras, Dimensionally Nilpotent Jordan Algebras