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DOI10.1070/SM1967v001n04ABEH001994zbMath0162.22501WikidataQ59620017 ScholiaQ59620017MaRDI QIDQ5544792
Leonid Pastur, Vladimir V. Marchenko
Publication date: 1968
Published in: Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (Search for Journal in Brave)
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matrices, Is future climate predictable with statistics?, Unnamed Item, Most powerful test against a sequence of high dimensional local alternatives, Fluctuations of Wigner-type random matrices associated with symmetric spaces of class DIII and CI, Eigenvalue distribution of large dilute random matrices, Two sample test for high-dimensional partially paired data, A memory-based method to select the number of relevant components in principal component analysis, Resolvent methods for steady premixed flame shapes governed by the Zhdanov–Trubnikov equation, Top eigenvalue of a random matrix: large deviations and third order phase transition, Large deviations of spread measures for Gaussian matrices, Optimal trading strategies—a time series approach, Statistical mechanics of complex economies, Non-interacting fermions in hard-edge potentials, A statistical mechanics approach to de-biasing and uncertainty estimation in LASSO for random measurements, On the Empirical Spectral Distribution of Lag-Covariance Matrix in Singular Spectrum Analysis, Positive-Definite ℓ1-Penalized Estimation of Large Covariance Matrices, Limiting Spectral Distribution for Large Sample Covariance Matrices withm-Dependent Elements, On the largest singular values of random matrices with independent Cauchy entries, The phase transition of matrix recovery from Gaussian measurements matches the minimax MSE of matrix denoising, 35 years of the Inverse Tangent Law, SPECKLE STATISTICS IN THE PHOTON LOCALIZATION TRANSITION, On completeness of random exponentials in the Bargmann–Fock space, Convergence of the spectrum of empirical covariance matrices for independent MRW processes, Random matrix techniques in quantum information theory, Free deterministic equivalent Z-scores of compound Wishart models: A goodness of fit test of 2D ARMA models, System Level Aspects for Single Cell Scenarios, Intrinsic Complexity and Scaling Laws: From Random Fields to Random Vectors, Structural Variability from Noisy 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I, Phase transition of the largest eigenvalue for nonnull complex sample covariance matrices, Moments of the transmission eigenvalues, proper delay times and random matrix theory II, Collective behavior in the North Rhine-Westphalia motorway network, Extension of the random matrix theory to the L-moments for robust portfolio selection, The conjugate gradient algorithm on a general class of spiked covariance matrices, Hidden noise structure and random matrix models of stock correlations, ESTIMATION OF TIME-VARYING COVARIANCE MATRICES FOR LARGE DATASETS