
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0179.40301MaRDI QIDQ5570370

Einar Hille

Publication date: 1969

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On Weyl-Titchmarsh theory for singular finite difference Hamiltonian systems, Stokes' phenomenon and the absolutely continuous spectrum of one-dimensional Schrödinger operators, Lower bound for the spectrum and the presence of pure point spectrum of a singular discrete Hamiltonian system, Value distribution of the Painlevé transcendents, Representations of solutions of abstract second order differential equations with applications to stiff equations and singular perturbations, The recurrent Hill's equation, On a functional equation for Jacobi's elliptic function cn(z;k), On the determinant of elliptic differential and difference finite operators in vector bundles over \(S^ 1\), Equilibrium distribution of species among vessels of a gradostat. A singular perturbation approach, Liouville-Green asymptotic approximation for a class of matrix differential equations and semi-discretized partial differential equations, Krein-space formulation of \(\mathcal{PT}\) symmetry, \(\mathcal{CPT}\)-inner products, and pseudo-Hermiticity, Painlevé analysis of a coupled Burgers-heat equation system, and non- classical similarity solutions of the heat equation, Lipschitz operators, On the zeros of certain linear differential polynomials, Exact solitary water waves with vorticity, Zeros of eigenfunctions of some anharmonic oscillators, The spectra of Jacobi operators for constant mean curvature tori of revolution in the 3-sphere, Sturmian comparison theory for linear and half-linear impulsive differential equations, Solving linear ordinary differential equations by exponentials of iterated commutators, The manifold structure for collision and for hyperbolic-parabolic orbits in the n-body problem, Battle-outcome prediction for an extended system of Lanchester-type differential equations, Some connections between excursion theory and the discrete Schrödinger equation with random potentials, Integration in Abelian \(C^*\)-dynamical systems, The reliability of life-critical computer systems, Gronwall-Bellman-type inequalities for systems, Half-range solutions of indefinite Sturm-Liouville problems, Proof of a conjecture of F. 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