scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3336465
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zbMath0212.21504MaRDI QIDQ5613647
Publication date: 1967
Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.
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Model evaluations and practical example., Moderate deviations for estimators under exponentially stochastic differentiability conditions, Categorizing a continuous predictor subject to measurement error, Some asymptotic distributions in the location-scale model, Asymptotic theory for estimating the parameters of a Levy process, Robust M-estimators of location vectors, Longitudinal data analysis using \(t\)-type regression., Bootstrap confidence bands for regression curves and their derivatives, Large sample theory for semiparametric regression models with two-phase, outcome dependent sampling., On \(M\)-estimators and normal quantiles., Shape mixtures of skew-\(t\)-normal distributions: characterizations and estimation, Large-sample results for optimization-based clustering methods, Shape constrained density estimation via penalized Rényi divergence, Multivariate and functional robust fusion methods for structured big data, Generalized conditioning based approaches to computing confidence intervals for solutions to stochastic variational inequalities, Chernoff index for Cox test of separate parametric families, A paradox from randomization-based causal inference, Relating supply network structure to productive efficiency: a multi-stage empirical investigation, Strong consistency of the MLE under random censoring, Penalized indirect inference, The effect of link misspecification on binary regression inference, On the asymptotic distribution of the Koenker-Bassett estimator for a parameter of the nonlinear model of regression with strongly dependent noise, Almost sure uniform convergence rates for M-smoothers with non-monotone score functions, Asymptotics of estimates in constrained nonlinear regression with long-range dependent innova\-tions, Maximum likelihood estimation for Markov processes, Asymptotic relations between the likelihood estimating function and the maximum likelihood estimator, Estimation of the Pareto law from underreported data. 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Event Times with Observations Subject to Informative Censoring, Differentially private inference via noisy optimization, Sample Size Estimates for Risk-Neutral Semilinear PDE-Constrained Optimization, Construction of optimal designs for quantile regression model via particle swarm optimization, Inference on Collapsibility in Generalized Linear Models, Predicting corporate bankruptcy using the framework of Leland-Toft: evidence from U.S., Information matrix estimation procedures for cognitive diagnostic models, Analysis of means: a generalized approach using R, Robust Estimators in High-Dimensions Without the Computational Intractability, A note on stable limit theory for the OLSE with non usual rates and the heteroskedasticity robust Wald test, Consistency of Parametric MLE Under Mixed Case Interval Censoring, Smooth Tests for the Zero‐Inflated Poisson Distribution, Threshold heteroskedastic models, The Two-Piece Normal-Laplace Distribution, Coordination in Dynamic Social Networks 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Privacy-Preserving Parametric Inference: A Case for Robust Statistics, Unit level small area estimation with copulas, General M-estimates for contaminated p th-order autoregressive processes: Consistency and asymptotic normality, Nonstationary nonlinear quantile regression, Asymptotic Properties of Stationary Solutions of Coupled Nonconvex Nonsmooth Empirical Risk Minimization, Bias in Small-Sample Inference With Count-Data Models, Most robust M-estimators in the infinitesimal sense, The Mean Value Theorem and Taylor’s Expansion in Statistics, Quasi-maximum likelihood estimation for conditional quantiles, Z-estimation and stratified samples: application to survival models, Measures of lack of fit from tests of chi-squared type, Estimation of mis-specified long memory models, The origin of spatial interaction, Non-parametric maximum likelihood estimation of censored regression models, A semi-parametric censored regression estimator, On Fréchet autoregressive conditional duration models, Semiparametric quantile regression using family of quantile-based asymmetric densities, Instrumental variable estimation based on conditional median restriction, Maximum likelihood inference for the multivariate \(t\) mixture model, A simplified approach to M-estimation with application to two-stage estimators, On stable laws for estimating functions and derived estimators, Parameter estimation in smooth empirical processes, The place of the \(L_ 1\)-norm in robust estimation, Assessing value at risk with CARE, the conditional autoregressive expectile models, Sequential nonlinear estimation with nonaugmented priors, Asymmetric Laplace regression: maximum likelihood, maximum entropy and quantile regression, Efficient estimation of limited dependent variable models with endogenous explanatory variables, Raw data maximum likelihood estimation for common principal component models: a state space approach, Non-parametric analysis of a generalized regression model. The maximum rank correlation estimator, A Dirichlet process functional approach to heteroscedastic-consistent covariance estimation, On the robustness of regularized pairwise learning methods based on kernels, Adjusting to natural disasters, Uniform distribution width estimation from data observed with Laplace additive error, Convergence rates of large deviations probabilities for point estimators, Rates of convergence of \(L_p\)-estimators for a density with an infinity cusp, On approximate pseudo-maximum likelihood estimation for LARCH-processes, Quasi-concave density estimation, On parameter orthogonality in symmetric and skew models, Robust identification, Bootstrap confidence sets under model misspecification, Assessing large sample bias in misspecified model scenarios with reference to exposure model misspecification in errors-in-variable regression: a new computational approach, A robust version of the hurdle model, The asymptotic behaviour of maximum likelihood estimators for stationary point processes, Continual reassessment and related dose-finding designs, Uniform asymptotics for S- and MM-regression estimators, Consistency of support vector machines using additive kernels for additive models, Least absolute error estimation in the presence of serial correlation, Asymptotically minimax bias estimation of the correlation coefficient for bivariate independent component distributions, Bias corrected estimation for generalized probit regression with covariate measurement error and censored responses, A jackknife type approach to statistical model selection, Misspecifying the shape of a random effects distribution: why getting it wrong may not matter, Robust estimation for nonparametric generalized regression, Unbiased estimators in the sense of Lehmann and their discrimination rates, On differential stability in stochastic programming, A global consistency result for the two-dimensional Pareto distribution in the presence of misspecified inflation, Global self-weighted and local quasi-maximum exponential likelihood estimators for ARMA-GARCH/IGARCH models, Redescending \(M\)-estimators, The large sample properties of the solutions of general estimating equations, High-dimensional inference in misspecified linear models, VAR for VaR: measuring tail dependence using multivariate regression quantiles, Linear quantile regression models for longitudinal experiments: an overview, Polynomial measurement error modeling, Resurrecting weighted least squares, Model misspecification effects for biased samples, Finite mixtures of quantile and M-quantile regression models, Some aspects of measurement error in a censored regression model, Relative mortality for correlated lifetime data, The influence of violations of assumptions on multilevel parameter estimates and their standard errors, Small sample inference for the fixed effects in the mixed linear model, Dynamic misspecification in nonparametric cointegrating regression, A joint quantile and expected shortfall regression framework, On qualitative robustness of support vector machines, Model-robust regression and a Bayesian ``sandwich estimator, Decomposing Treatment Effect Variation, Properties and estimation of asymmetric exponential power distribution, Semiparametric inference based on a class of zero-altered distributions, A high-dimensional Wilks phenomenon, Sieve estimation of constant and time-varying coefficients in nonlinear ordinary differential equation models by considering both numerical error and measurement error, The progressively truncated estimating functions and estimators, Robust estimation and regression with parametric quantile functions, Point estimation with exponentially tilted empirical likelihood, An extended Gaussian max-stable process model for spatial extremes, A note on bias due to fitting prospective multivariate generalized linear models to categorical outcomes ignoring retrospective sampling schemes, On depth measures and dual statistics. A methodology for dealing with general data, Efficient estimation in dynamic conditional quantile models, A generalized asymmetric Student-\(t\) distribution with application to financial econometrics, Semiparametric estimation of a simultaneous game with incomplete information, Nonparametric likelihood based estimation for a multivariate Lipschitz density, Generalized linear models with unspecified reference distribution, Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood estimation in misspecified hidden Markov models, Robust methods to improve efficiency and reduce bias in estimating survival curves in randomized clinical trials, Effect of the initial estimator on the asymptotic behavior of one-step M- estimator, Generalized linear modeling methods for selection component experiments, Worst-case estimation for econometric models with unobservable components, Differentiability of \(t\)-functionals of location and scatter, A Bayesian propensity score adjustment for latent variable modeling and MCMC algorithm, Distributional specification tests against semiparametric alternatives, Effects of coordinated strategies on product and process R\&D, Approximation by randomly weighting method in censored regression model, Misspecified models with dependent observations, Consistency and asymptotic normality of least absolute value estimates, Least absolute deviations estimation for the censored regression model, Normalized convergence in stochastic optimization, The change-of-variance function for dependent data, Some extension of Haldane's multivariate median and its application, Heteroscedasticity: multiple degrees of freedom vs. sandwich estimation, Limit theorems for the median deviation, Expectation-robust algorithm and estimating equations for means and dispersion matrix with missing data