The bootstrap and Edgeworth expansion

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zbMath0744.62026MaRDI QIDQ5905499

Hall, Peter

Publication date: 18 September 1992

Published in: Springer Series in Statistics (Search for Journal in Brave)

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I. Consequences illustrated with linear regression, Models as approximations. II. 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application to maximum likelihood estimator, Nonparametric comparison of mean directions or mean axes, Strong approximation of density estimators from weakly dependent observations by density estimators from independent observations, The problem of regions, Theoretical comparisons of block bootstrap methods, Distributed statistical inference for massive data, On bootstrap accuracy with censored data, Simultaneous confidence intervals for multinomial proportions., Perturbation bootstrap in adaptive Lasso, Scaling limit of a directed polymer among a Poisson field of independent walks, Estimating high quantiles based on dependent circular data, Large-scale simultaneous testing using kernel density estimation, Empirical tail conditional allocation and its consistency under minimal assumptions, Approximation of SDE solutions using local asymptotic expansions, Confidence bands in generalized linear models., Finite sample nonparametric inference and large sample efficiency., Confidence 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Non-inferiority test based on transformations for non-normal distributions, Bootstrapping cointegrating regressions. (With discussion by D. V. Hinkley), Exact tests in single equation autoregressive distributed lag models, On the effect of inliers on the spatial median, When does Edgeworth beat Berry and Esséen? Numerical evaluations of Edgeworth expansions, Subsampling for heteroskedastic time series, The moving blocks bootstrap and robust inference for linear least squares and quantile regressions, Sharpening estimators using resampling, Edgeworth expansions for nonparametric distribution estimation with applications, Edgeworth approximations to the distribution of the sample mean under simple random sampling, Estimation of critical points in the mixture inverse Gaussian model, Weighted bootstraps for the variance, The second-order bias and mean squared error of nonlinear estimators, Granulometric smoothing, A discrete model for bootstrap iteration, On bootstrap and analytical bias corrections, Smoothed bootstrap confidence intervals with discrete data, Multidimensional strong large deviation results, Bootstrapping Hausman's exogeneity test, An application of Edgeworth expansion in Bayesian inferences: Optimal sample sizes in clinical trials, Statistical foundations for assessing the difference between the classical and weighted-Gini betas, How do bootstrap and permutation tests work?, A more powerful test for comparing two Poisson means, Second order correctness of perturbation bootstrap M-estimator of multiple linear regression parameter, Inverting a saddlepoint approximation., Asymptotics and the theory of inference, Finite-sample theory and bias correction of maximum likelihood estimators in the EGARCH model, A probabilistic construction of model validation, Assessing model mimicry using the parametric bootstrap., Coverage accuracy of confidence intervals in nonparametric regression, Random polytopes and the Efron-Stein jackknife inequality., Self-normalized Cramér-type large deviations for independent random variables., Bootstrapping impulse responses of structural vector autoregressive models identified through GARCH, Higher order semiparametric frequentist inference with the profile sampler, Residual bootstrap tests in linear models with many regressors, A multiple testing approach to the regularisation of large sample correlation matrices, Balanced augmented empirical likelihood for regression models, Large deviations of bootstrapped \(U\)-statistics, Multiple comparisons of several heteroscedastic multivariate populations, Hotelling's one-sample and two-sample \(T^2\) tests and the multivariate Behrens-Fisher problem under nonnormality, Edgeworth expansion for ergodic diffusions, On the asymptotic theory of new bootstrap confidence bounds, Bootstrapping heteroskedastic regression models: wild bootstrap vs. pairs bootstrap, Inference functions and quadratic score tests, On optimal spatial subsample size for variance estimation, Stein's method and exact Berry-Esseen asymptotics for functionals of Gaussian fields, Empirical likelihood confidence bands for distribution functions with missing responses, Edgeworth expansion for an estimator of the adjustment coefficient, Broadband ML estimation under model order uncertainty, Variable selection and transformation in linear regression models, Iterated smoothed bootstrap confidence intervals for population quantiles, On distribution of AIC in linear regression models, Bootstrap of deviation probabilities with applications, Asymptotic expansions for the pivots using log-likelihood derivatives with an application in item response theory, On inference validity of weighted U-statistics under data heterogeneity, Estimating the index of increase via balancing deterministic and random data, Reducing variance in univariate smoothing, Bootstrap approximation to distributions of finite population U-statistics, Clustering effect on the statistical estimation accuracy of distribution density, Third-order power comparisons for a class of tests for multivariate linear hypothesis under general distributions, A note on the stationary bootstrap's variance, Smoothed weighted empirical likelihood ratio confidence intervals for quantiles, The Feynman graph representation of convolution semigroups and its applications to Lévy statistics, Asymptotic expansions in mean and covariance structure analysis, Edgeworth expansions for stochastic approximation theory, Asymptotic expansions of the Robbins-Monro process, A bootstrap approach to test the conditional symmetry in time series models, Coverage of generalized confidence intervals, Testing the significance of the \textit{RV} coefficient, Poisson-Voronoi approximation, The power of bootstrap based tests for parameters in cointegrating regressions, Bartlett identities and large deviations in likelihood theory, On bootstrapping regressions with unit root processes, Empirically relevant critical values for hypothesis tests: A bootstrap approach, Saddlepoint approximations for multivariate \(M\)-estimates with applications to bootstrap accuracy, Accurate confidence intervals in regression analyses of non-normal data, Computationally efficient double bootstrap variance estimation, Bootstrapped White's test for heteroskedasticity in regression models, On confidence intervals in nonparametric binary regression via Edgeworth expansions, An Edgeworth expansion for the \(m\) out of \(n\) bootstrapped median, Approximate bias correction in econometrics, Countable state Markov process bootstrap, Efficient weighted bootstraps for the mean, Small sample approximations for spacing statistics, The likelihood ratio test for simple tree order: A useful asymptotic expansion, A simple consistent bootstrap test for a parametric regression function, Bootstrap confidence bands for shrinkage estimators, Bounds for probabilities of small relative errors for empirical saddlepoint and bootstrap tail approximations, Foundations of multivariate inference using modern computers, Bootstrap confidence intervals. With comments and a rejoinder by the authors, Normal approximation rate and bias reduction for data-driven kernel smoothing estimator in a semiparametric regression model, Asymptotic expansions and bootstrap approximations in factor analysis, Some improvements for bootstrapping regression estimators under first- order serial correlation, On the moving block bootstrap under long range dependence, On the relative accuracy of certain bootstrap procedures, Stochastically optimal bootstrap sample size for shrinkage-type statistics, ON BOOTSTRAP PREDICTIVE INFERENCE FOR AUTOREGRESSIVE PROCESSES, The Cornish-Fisher expansion for a class of statistics in first order autoregression, Iterative Bias Correction of the Cross-Validation Criterion, Asymptotic expansions for sums of block-variables under weak dependence, Calibration of the empirical likelihood for high-dimensional data, Economic neutral position: how to best replicate not fully replicable liabilities?, The effects of fiscal policy in a small open economy with a fixed exchange rate, Asymptotic Expansion in Reduced Rank Regression Under Normality and Nonnormality, Monitoring Field Variability Using Confidence Interval for Coefficient of Variation, Coverage error optimal confidence intervals for local polynomial regression, THE DETECTION OF A SINGLE ADDITIVE OUTLIER OF UNKNOWN POSITION, Tauberian Korevaar, On some connections between Esscher's tilting, saddlepoint approximations, and optimal transportation: a statistical perspective, General \(M\)-estimator processes and their \(m\) out of \(n\) bootstrap with functional nuisance parameters, Bootstrap mean squared error of a small-area EBLUP, A bootstrap procedure for panel data sets with many cross-sectional units, On the Edgeworth expansion and the \(M\) out of \(N\) bootstrap accuracy for a Studentized trimmed mean, A nonstandard empirical likelihood for time series, BOOTSTRAP AND k-STEP BOOTSTRAP BIAS CORRECTIONS FOR THE FIXED EFFECTS ESTIMATOR IN NONLINEAR PANEL DATA MODELS, SMOOTHED ESTIMATING EQUATIONS FOR INSTRUMENTAL VARIABLES QUANTILE REGRESSION, The Third-Order Bias of Nonlinear Estimators, Convergence rates of empirical block length selectors for block bootstrap, Edgeworth Corrections for Realized Volatility, Some Properties of the Pivotal Statistic Based on the Asymptotically Distribution-Free Theory in Structural Equation Modeling, Bootstrap methods for the nonparametric assessment of population bioequivalence and similarity of distributions, Risk management for linear and nonlinear assets: a bootstrap method with importance resampling to evaluate value-at-risk, Edgeworth expansions for functions of weighted empirical distributions with applications to nonparametric confidence intervals, Bootstrapping impulse responses in VAR analyses, Asymptotic expansion for the null distribution of the \(F\)-statistic in one-way ANOVA under non-normality, Estimation in hidden Markov models via efficient importance sampling, Nonparametric bootstrap tests for neglected nonlinearity in time series regression models, Empirical Likelihood for Partially Linear Models with Missing Responses: The Fixed Design Case, Asymptotic expansions of the distributions of estimators in canonical correlation analysis under nonnormality, Bootstrapping cointegration tests under structural co-breaks: A robust extended ECM test, A Bootstrap Test for the Probability of Ruin in the Compound Poisson Risk Process, Empirical likelihood for partially linear models with missing responses at random, Asymptotic confidence intervals for impulse responses of near‐integrated processes, Nonparametric testing the similarity of two unknown density functions: local power and bootstrap analysis, Monotone Nonparametric Regression and Confidence Intervals, Optimizing Lengths of Confidence Intervals: Fourth-Order Efficiency in Location Models, Asymptotic Expansion of the Non Null Distribution of the Two-Samplet-Statistic Under Non Normality with Application in Power Comparison, An asymptotic expansion of the distribution of Rao's \(U\)-statistic under a general condition, Empirical likelihood for semiparametric varying-coefficient partially linear regression models, Bootstrapping in a high dimensional but very low-sample size problem, Studentized bootstrap confidence intervals based onM-estimates, Asymptotic expansions for the Laplace approximations of sums of Banach space-valued random variables, Bias and convergence rate of the coverage probability of prediction intervals in Box-Cox transformed linear models, Efficient bootstrap methods: A review, Response prediction in mixed effects models, COMPARISON OF INFERENTIAL METHODS IN PARTIALLY IDENTIFIED MODELS IN TERMS OF ERROR IN COVERAGE PROBABILITY, On some tests of the covariance matrix under general conditions, Comparing variances and other measures of dispersion, New Confidence Intervals for the Proportion of Interest in One-Sample Correlated Binary Data, Bias-corrected bootstrap prediction intervals for autoregressive model: new alternatives with applications to tourism forecasting, The delta expansion for the transition density of diffusion models, Asymptotic expansions for the ability estimator in item response theory, Improved omnibus test statistic for normality, A Robust Entropy-Based Test of Asymmetry for Discrete and Continuous Processes, Higher-order approximations to the quantile of the distribution for a class of statistics in the first-order autoregression, Asymptotic Inference for Waiting Times and Patiences in Queues with Abandonment, CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TWO PARTIAL AUCS, Empirical Likelihood for Nonparametric Models Under Linear Process Errors, OUTPUT FLUCTUATIONS PERSISTENCE: DO CYCLICAL SHOCKS MATTER?, Higher-order approximations to the distributions of fit indexes under fixed alternatives in structural equation models, One-Sided Tests in Clinical Trials with Multiple Endpoints, Parametric Modeling of Reaction Time Experiment Data, Asymptotic Expansion and Conditional Robustness for the Sample Multiple Correlation Coefficient Under Nonnormality, Higher-Order Asymptotic Standard Error and Asymptotic Expansion in Principal Component Analysis, EMPIRICAL-LIKELIHOOD-BASED CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR CONDITIONAL VARIANCE IN HETEROSKEDASTIC REGRESSION MODELS, Bartlett Correction of Empirical Likelihood for Non‐Gaussian Short‐Memory Time Series, Sharp connections between Berry-Esseen characteristics and Edgeworth expansions for stationary processes, Statistical analysis of a dynamic model for dietary contaminant exposure, Ranked simulated resampling: a more efficient and accurate resampling approximations for bootstrap inference, Non-null semi-parametric inference for the Mann–Whitney measure, BOOTSTRAP ASSISTED SPECIFICATION TESTS FOR THE ARFIMA MODEL, Two-Sample Bootstrap Hypothesis Tests for Three-Dimensional Labelled Landmark Data, Inferences from Cross-Sectional, Stochastic Frontier Models, ENHANCEMENT OF THE APPLICABILITY OF MARKOWITZ'S PORTFOLIO OPTIMIZATION BY UTILIZING RANDOM MATRIX THEORY, Invalidity of the bootstrap and the m out of n bootstrap for confidence interval endpoints defined by moment inequalities, Confidence intervals for nonparametric regression functions under negatively associated errors, Variance Stabilization for a Scalar Parameter, Simulation-Based Estimation Methods for Financial Time Series Models, On the inconsistency of bootstrap distribution estimators, Regeneration-based statistics for Harris recurrent Markov chains, SECOND-ORDER REFINEMENT OF EMPIRICAL LIKELIHOOD FOR TESTING OVERIDENTIFYING RESTRICTIONS, Applied regression analysis bibliography update 1994-97, Large sample theory of intrinsic and extrinsic sample means on manifolds. II., Sharp large deviations in nonparametric estimation, Pivotal Quantities Based on Sequential Data: A Bootstrap Approach, Second-order accurate inference on eigenvalues of covariance and correlation matrices, Bootstrap hypothesis testing in regression models, Testing the Significance of Categorical Predictor Variables in Nonparametric Regression Models, Bootstrapping regression quantiles, Maximum likelihood analysis of masked series system lifetime data, Comparisons Between Local Linear Estimator and Kernel Smooth Estimator for a Smooth Distribution Based on MSE Under Right Censoring, A robust process capability index, Resampling Methods for Time Series Level Crossings, Approximate and estimated saddlepoint approximations, Improving the finite sample performance of autoregression estimators in dynamic factor models: A bootstrap approach, Assessing the impact of the economic crises in 1997 and 2008 on suicides in Hong Kong, Taiwan and South Korea using a strata-bootstrap algorithm, TESTING RESTRICTIONS IN NONPARAMETRIC EFFICIENCY MODELS, The estimating function bootstrap, Stabilizing bootstrap‐t confidence intervals for small samples, Wilcoxon‐type rank‐sum precedence tests: large‐sample approximation and evaluation, Asymptotic expansion of the null distribution of one-way anova test statistic for heteroscedastic case under nonnormal1ty, IMPORTANCE BOOTSTRAP RESAMPLING FOR PROPORTIONAL HAZARDS REGRESSION, Inferences for the Fatigue Life Model Based on the Birnbaum–Saunders Distribution, Assumption Lean Regression, Testing symmetry in nonparametric regression models, Empirical likelihood for linear regression models under imputation for missing responses, Extrapolation of subsampling distribution estimators: The i.i.d. and strong mixing cases, Statistical bootstrapping methods in VaR calculation, The comparison study of the model selection criteria on the Tobit regression model based on the bootstrap sample augmentation mechanisms, FAST DOUBLE BOOTSTRAP TESTS OF NONNESTED LINEAR REGRESSION MODELS, A Kinetic-Diffusion Asymptotic-Preserving Monte Carlo Algorithm for the Boltzmann-BGK Model in the Diffusive Scaling, On the Effect of Bias Estimation on Coverage Accuracy in Nonparametric Inference, VISION AND INFLUENCE IN ECONOMETRICS: JOHN DENIS SARGAN, Penalized empirical likelihood for quantile regression with missing covariates and auxiliary information, COMPARISON OF APPROXIMATIONS FOR COMPOUND POISSON PROCESSES, Improvement of the Likelihood Ratio Test Statistic in ARMA Models, Improved prediction intervals for stochastic process models, Empirical likelihood for moving average models, Gram–Charlier methods, regime-switching and stochastic volatility in exponential Lévy models, Bootstrap Methods for Time Series, Jackknife empirical likelihood-based inference for S-Gini indices, Oracle GMM estimation for misspecified models via thresholding, Improved bootstrap confidence intervals for the process capability indexCpk, Comparison of two methods in estimating standard error of the method of simulated moments estimators for generalized linear mixed models, Parametric bootstrap mean squared error of a small area multivariate EBLUP, On the estimation of the influence curve, Coverage probabilities of confidence intervals for the slope parameter of linear regression model when the error term is not normally distributed, Bootstrapping periodically autoregressive models, Nonparametric Estimation of Time-Variant Parametric Models with Application to Cross-Sectional Data, Better Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Regression Curve Estimation, Exact Asymptotics for a Multitimescale Model with Applications in Modeling Overdispersed Customer Streams, Sequential interval estimation via replicated piecewise stopping times and accelerated stopping times in a class of two-parameter exponential family of distributions, ASYMPTOTIC CUMULANTS OF SOME INFORMATION CRITERIA, Unnamed Item, Measures of Dependence and Tests of Independence, Saddlepoint approximations of marginal densities and confidence intervals for regressionR-Estimators, Some results on bootstrap prediction intervals, Robust BCa–JaB method as a diagnostic tool for linear regression models, Confidence intervals for the ratio of two variances, Accurate inference for recapture experiments with behavioural response, Bootstrapping time series models, On bartlett and bartlett-type corrections francisco cribari-neto, New bootstrap inference for spurious regression problems, Inexact control variates for the iterated bootstrap, Test for the existence of finite moments via bootstrap, Second order asymptotics for score tests in exponential family nonlinear models, Comparison of pivotals for confidence bounds and intervals for the mean of a stationary time series, On Properties of Percentile Bootstrap Confidence Intervals for Period Using Periodogram, Value at risk linear exponent (VARLINEX) forecasts, Unnamed Item, Assessing circular error probable when the errors are elliptical normal, A coverage probability of bootstrap-t confidence interval for the variance, Asymptotic normality of the posterior given a statistic, Can we trust the bootstrap in high-dimension?, Edgeworth expansions for triangular arrays, A comparison between bootstrap methods and generalized estimating equations for correlated outcomes in generalized linear models, A simulation study of iterated and non-iterated bootstrap methods for bias reduction and confidence interval estimation, The Automatic Construction of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals, Bootstrapping the Hausman Test in Panel Data Models, A bootstrap for point processes, Inference using attributable risk for a 2×2 case–control study, Power Transformations to Induce Normality and their Applications, Interval Estimation for Log-Linear Models with One Variable Subject to Non-Ignorable Non-Response, Data Tilting for Time Series, Iterated Residuals and Time-Varying Covariate Effects in Cox Regression, Symmetric Tests and Confidence Intervals for Survival Probabilities and Quantiles of Censored Survival Data, A Penalized Likelihood Approach for a Progressive Three‐State Model with Censored and Truncated Data: Application to AIDS, A Fast Iterated Bootstrap Procedure for Approximating the Small-Sample Bias, Calibration for Nonlinear Mixed Effects Models: An Application to the Withdrawal Time Prediction, Confidence Intervals for the Mean of Diagnostic Test Charge Data Containing Zeros, Exact confidence intervals generated by conditional parametric bootstrapping, A Confidence Interval and Test for the Mean of an Asymmetric Distribution, Monte carlo approximation to edgeworth expansions, A Bootstrap Test for Circular Data, Robust multivariate control charts based on Birnbaum–Saunders distributions, Parallel and bootstrapped stochastic approximation, Edgeworth and Cornish Fisher expansions and confidence intervals for the distribution, density and, EXPLICIT NONPARAMETRIC CONFIDENCE INTERVALS FOR THE VARIANCE WITH GUARANTEED COVERAGE, ASYMPTOTIC NORMALITY OF GOODNESS-OF-FIT STATISTICS FOR SPARSE POISSON DATA, Likelihood Ratio Confidence Bands in Non-parametric Regression with Censored Data, Partial Saddlepoint Approximations for Transformed Means, Bootstrap Testing of the Rank of a Matrix via Least-Squared Constrained Estimation, Bootstrap test for a structural break under possible heteroscedasticity, A radial basis function artificial neural network test for neglected nonlinearity, EDGEWORTH AND SADDLEPOINT EXPANSIONS FOR NONLINEAR ESTIMATORS, A new approximation of the posterior distribution of the log–odds ratio, Asymptotic tail approximations for some nonparametric test statistics, On descriptive confidence intervals for the mean of asymmetric populations, Regression Modeling for Size-and-Shape Data Based on a Gaussian Model for Landmarks, A uniform-in-P Edgeworth expansion under weak Cramér conditions, Quasi‐maximum likelihood and the kernel block bootstrap for nonlinear dynamic models, Bootstrap tests: how many bootstraps?, ACCURACY OF NONPARAMETRIC DENSITY ESTIMATION FOR UNIVARIATE GAUSSIAN MIXTURE MODELS: A COMPARATIVE STUDY, Transformation tests and their asymptotic power in two-sample comparisons, Bootstrapping a Universal Pivot When Nuisance Parameters are Estimated, The Size and Power of Bootstrap and Bartlett-Corrected Tests of Hypotheses on the Cointegrating Vectors, Edgeworth Expansion of the Moment-Based Test for Homogeneity in an NEF-QVF Mixture Model, Robust Winsorized Regression Using Bootstrap Approach, Bootstrap confidence interval estimation of mean via ranked set sampling linear regression, Fast and flexible methods for monotone polynomial fitting, A WILD BOOTSTRAP FOR DEPENDENT DATA, A SIMPLE NONPARAMETRIC APPROACH FOR ESTIMATION AND INFERENCE OF CONDITIONAL QUANTILE FUNCTIONS, High order asymptotic expansion for Wiener functionals, Distributed inference for two‐sample U‐statistics in massive data analysis, The asymptotic expansion of the 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Heteroscedasticity, Error Serial Correlation and Slope Heterogeneity in Linear Models with Interactive Effects for Large Panel Data, An identification and testing strategy for proxy-SVARs with weak proxies, Bootstrap consistency for the Mack bootstrap, What Teachers Should Know About the Bootstrap: Resampling in the Undergraduate Statistics Curriculum, The Hellinger Correlation, A LOCAL GAUSSIAN BOOTSTRAP METHOD FOR REALIZED VOLATILITY AND REALIZED BETA, A Progressive Block Empirical Likelihood Method for Time Series, Second-order and resampling approximation of finite populationU-statistics based on stratified samples, Large-sample inference in the general AR(1) model, Evaluation of a three-step method for choosing the number of bootstrap repetitions, Some multiple comparison procedures for variances from non-normal populations., Interval estimation for the ratio in means of log-normally distributed medical costs with zero values., An exact iterated bootstrap algorithm for small-sample bias reduction., On the bootstrap in misspecified regression models., Bandwidth selection for the smoothed bootstrap percentile method., Asymptotic expansions of the distributions of some test statistics in generalized linear models, On improving the robustness and reliability of Rao's score test, Robust kernel estimator for densities of unknown smoothness, Asymptotic expansion and asymptotic robustness of the normal-theory estimators in the random regression model, Rate of convergence of bootstrapped empirical measures, Edgeworth expansions in Gaussian autoregression, Sequential determination of the number of bootstrap samples, Bootstrap tests for autocorrelation., Asymptotic Expansions for the Distributions of Maximum and Sum of Quasi-Independent Hotelling'sT2Statistics Under Non Normality, Recent developments in bootstrap methodology, Introduction to the bootstrap world, The impact of the bootstrap on statistical algorithms and theory, The impact of bootstrap methods on time series analysis, A bootstrap approach to moment selection, A simulation study on the confidence interval procedures of some mean cumulative function estimators, Statistical inference for the extreme value distribution under adaptive Type-II progressive censoring schemes, Bootstrapping probability-proportional-to-size samples via calibrated empirical population, Asymptotically refined score and GOF tests for inverse Gaussian models, Incomplete Generalized U‐Statistics for Food Risk Assessment, On the LBI criterion for the multivariate one-way random effects model under non-normality, Rooted edges of a minimal directed spanning tree on random points, Bootstrap diagnostics and remedies, On the bootstrap in cube root asymptotics, Block empirical likelihood for longitudinal partially linear regression models, Improved nonparametric confidence intervals in time series regressions, Bootstrapping High-Frequency Jump Tests, Estimation of an Exponential Distribution, Bayesian Likelihood Methods for Estimating the End Point of a Distribution, Volatility Estimation and Jump Testing via Realized Information Variation, Asymptotic Behavior of Optimal Weighting in Generalized Self‐Normalization for Time Series, Nonparametric Statistical Methods for Cost‐Effectiveness Analyses, Variable selection in Bayesian generalized linear‐mixed models: An illustration using candidate gene case‐control association studies, Bootstrap Joint Prediction Regions, A Smooth Block Bootstrap for Statistical Functionals and Time Series, Bootstrap Inference in Regressions with Estimated Factors and Serial Correlation, A PRIMER ON BOOTSTRAP TESTING OF HYPOTHESES IN TIME SERIES MODELS: WITH AN APPLICATION TO DOUBLE AUTOREGRESSIVE MODELS, Finite-sample Resampling-based Combined Hypothesis Tests, with Applications to Serial Correlation and Predictability, Diagnostics for the bootstrap and fast double bootstrap, Detection of the symmetry of model errors for partial linear single-index models, A Cheap Trick to Improve the Power of a Conservative Hypothesis Test, Comparison of naïve, Kenward–Roger, and parametric bootstrap interval approaches to small-sample inference in linear mixed models