The following pages link to Daniel Tanré (Q209694):
Displaying 50 items.
- The Deligne groupoid of the Lawrence-Sullivan interval (Q272833) (← links)
- Smooth manifolds with prescribed rational cohomology ring (Q292065) (← links)
- Higher Euler characteristics: variations on a theme of Euler (Q303923) (← links)
- Steenrod squares on intersection cohomology and a conjecture of M. Goresky and W. Pardon (Q312375) (← links)
- Rational equivariant cohomology theories with toral support (Q312379) (← links)
- Quadratic-linear duality and rational homotopy theory of chordal arrangements (Q341754) (← links)
- Representation theory for the Križ model (Q384642) (← links)
- The Schwarz genus of the Stiefel manifold (Q386847) (← links)
- The coalgebra structure of the cohomology of multiplicative fibrations (Q387218) (← links)
- Rational analogs of projective planes (Q395751) (← links)
- \(S^{2}\)- and \(P^{2}\)-category of manifolds (Q409566) (← links)
- On thick diagonals and their complements (Q496277) (← links)
- The rational homotopy type of the complement of the graph of a map (Q505022) (← links)
- Some naturally occurring examples of \(A_\infty \)-bialgebras (Q531335) (← links)
- Enveloping algebras up to homotopy, homologies and cohomologies (Q540785) (← links)
- Hopf invariants, Toda brackets and the reduced diagonal map (Q616938) (← links)
- Morava \(K\)-theory of groups of order 32 (Q625341) (← links)
- Lawrence-Sullivan models for the interval (Q649841) (← links)
- A geometric criterion for the boundedness of characteristic classes (Q652234) (← links)
- The intrinsic bracket on the deformation complex of an associative algebra (Q687592) (← links)
- Quantitative nullhomotopy and rational homotopy type (Q724263) (← links)
- Rational category of the space of sections of a nilpotent bundle (Q752541) (← links)
- Homotopie rationelle: modèles de Chen, Quillen, Sullivan (Q794021) (← links)
- Homotopie modérée et tempérée avec les coalgèbres. Applications aux espaces fonctionnels. (Tame homotopy via coalgebras. Applications to function spaces) (Q806099) (← links)
- The set of multiplicative predifferentials and the rational cohomology algebra of fibre spaces (Q808480) (← links)
- \(S\)-types of global towers of spaces and exterior spaces (Q839590) (← links)
- A history of algebraic and differential topology 1900--1960 (Q841998) (← links)
- Simplicial resolutions and Ganea fibrations (Q847571) (← links)
- Homotopy classification of maps into homogeneous spaces (Q847601) (← links)
- Stable splittings of classifying spaces of finite groups: bridging the work of Benson-Feshbach and Martino-Priddy (Q850844) (← links)
- The eta invariant and the ``twisted'' connective \(K\)-theory of the classifying space for cyclic 2-groups (Q850848) (← links)
- On the twisted \(K\)-homology of simple Lie groups (Q853481) (← links)
- A number-theoretic approach to homotopy exponents of \(\text{SU}(n)\) (Q863894) (← links)
- Betti number behavior for nilpotent Lie algebras (Q881912) (← links)
- Cellular properties of nilpotent spaces (Q888888) (← links)
- The Ganea conjecture for rational approximations of sectional category (Q898174) (← links)
- A geometric model for Hochschild homology of Soergel bimodules. (Q929209) (← links)
- Ganea and Whitehead definitions for the tangential Lusternik-Schnirelmann category of foliations (Q972503) (← links)
- \(p\)-primary homotopy decompositions of looped Stiefel manifolds and their exponents (Q982401) (← links)
- Homology exponents for \(H\)-spaces (Q1001598) (← links)
- \(L_\infty \) structures on mapping cones (Q1005846) (← links)
- Quasi-commutative cochains in algebraic topology (Q1011930) (← links)
- Annex: Some additions to the article of Max Karoubi (Q1011931) (← links)
- Cohomologie de Harrison et espaces projectifs tronques (Q1072158) (← links)
- (Q1178876) (redirect page) (← links)
- Engel elements in the homotopy Lie algebra (Q1178877) (← links)
- Exploring W. G. Dwyer's tame homotopy theory (Q1182631) (← links)
- \(p\)-formality of spaces (Q1183357) (← links)
- Derivations of differential forms along the tangent bundle projection (Q1184552) (← links)
- Intersection homology and free group actions on Witt spaces (Q1191906) (← links)