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  • Coordinate-Free Formulation of Nonholonomic Constraints for Wheeled Robots 2015-01-05 Paper Quasi-coordinates based dynamics modeling and control design for nonholonomic...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 20:03, 11 December 2023
  • Methodology and Design of a Family of Symplectic-Momentum Conserving Algorithms for Nonlinear Structural Dynamics 2010-02-05 Paper Algorithms by Design: Part III—A...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 20:41, 8 December 2023
  • 2010-12-29 Paper Computer-Aided Integrated Design for Mechatronic Systems with Varying Dynamics 2010-06-04 Paper Design of a Disturbance Observer and Model-Based...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 04:15, 12 December 2023
  • structural dynamics problems 2004-05-27 Paper A theory of development and design of generalized integration operators for computational structural dynamics 2003-06-02...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 20:41, 8 December 2023
  • Analysis of the relative dynamics of a charged spacecraft moving under the influence of a magnetic field 2020-10-23 Paper Relative dynamics of charged spacecraft...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 20:44, 11 December 2023
  • On the existence of solutions to some problems of optimal design for bars and plates 1984-01-01 Paper Exact estimates of conductivity of composites formed...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 15:45, 6 December 2023
  • Paper Integrated vehicle dynamics control via coordination of active front steering and rear braking 2014-08-12 Paper LPV design of fault-tolerant control...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 15:39, 6 December 2023
  • Nonlinear Structural Dynamics 2010-02-05 Paper Algorithms by design: A new normalized time-weighted residual methodology and design of a family of energy-momentum...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 20:41, 8 December 2023
  • index 2010-09-17 Paper Explicit dynamics equations of the constrained robotic systems 2010-03-29 Paper Optimal design of a new spatial 3-DOF parallel robot...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 19:52, 11 December 2023
  • Stabilization of a class of nonlinear control systems via dynamic output feedback 1996-06-10 Paper Application of a two-step compensating scheme to a class of nonlinear...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 00:10, 9 December 2023
  • applications to flexible multibody dynamics 2001-02-18 Paper Application of genetic algorithms to the design optimization of an active vehicle suspension system...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 02:04, 12 December 2023
  • Novel Design Approach of a Nonlinear Resistor Based on a Memristor Emulator 2017-04-12 Paper Dynamics, Synchronization and SPICE Implementation of a Memristive...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 03:00, 12 December 2023
  • 1993-01-16 Paper Modeling of uncertain dynamics for robust controller design in state space 1991-01-01 Paper Contractible controller design and optimal control...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 23:23, 11 December 2023
  • and dynamics of machines 1988-01-01 Paper Geometric non-linear substructuring for dynamics of flexible mechanical systems 1988-01-01 Paper Design sensitivity...
    10 bytes (18 words) - 09:26, 13 December 2023
  • analysis to design 2001-07-02 Paper Robust nonlinear control of feedforward systems with unmodeled dynamics 2001-05-07 Paper Robust nonlinear control of systems...
    10 bytes (17 words) - 15:18, 6 December 2023
  • for Bayesian adaptive design 2020-11-04 Paper An investigation of the impact of various geographical scales for the specification of spatial dependence 2020-10-28...
    10 bytes (17 words) - 10:57, 11 December 2023
  • 1991-01-01 Paper Robustness of continuous-time adaptive control algorithms in the presence of unmodeled dynamics 1985-01-01 Paper Some design guidelines for discrete-time...
    10 bytes (15 words) - 22:58, 12 December 2023
  • Sampled-Data Observer Design Based on a Continuous-Time Design 2020-01-28 Paper From Continuous-Time Design to Sampled-Data Design of Observers 2017-08-08...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 01:28, 9 December 2023
  • 2016-05-19 Paper Hierarchical design of an electro-hydraulic actuator based on robust LPV methods 2016-04-05 Paper Design of a two-level controller for an...
    10 bytes (14 words) - 13:18, 10 December 2023
  • Paper Parameterization of Suboptimal Solutions of the Nehari Problem for Infinite-Dimensional Systems 2017-07-27 Paper On the Design of AQM Supporting TCP...
    10 bytes (13 words) - 15:27, 6 December 2023
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