Peter D. Jarvis

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zbMath Open jarvis.peter-dMaRDI QIDQ304033

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Generalized quadratic commutator algebras of PBW-type2023-03-29Paper
Indecomposable doubling for representations of the type I Lie superalgebras sl(m/n) and osp(2/2n)2023-02-22Paper
Finite W-superalgebras and quadratic spacetime supersymmetries2023-01-24Paper
Systematics and symmetry in molecular phylogenetic modelling: perspectives from physics2023-01-04Paper
Quantum channel simulation of phylogenetic branching models2022-11-24Paper
Gauge invariant formulation of the self-interacting Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equations2022-08-02Paper
Construction of matryoshka nested indecomposable N-replications of Kac-modules of quasi-reductive Lie superalgebras, including the sl(m/n) and osp(2/2n) series2022-07-13Paper
Brauer and partition diagram models for phylogenetic trees and forests2021-11-30Paper
Correction to: ``Matrix group structure and Markov invariants in the strand symmetric phylogenetic substitution model2021-06-30Paper
SU(2/1) superchiral self-duality: a new quantum, algebraic and geometric paradigm to describe the electroweak interactions2021-06-11Paper
Quasicharacters, recoupling calculus, and Hamiltonian lattice quantum gauge theory2021-04-15Paper
Gauge invariant formulation of the self-interacting Duffin-Kemmer-Petiau equations2021-03-13Paper
Finite $W$-superalgebras and quadratic spacetime supersymmetries2020-05-05Paper
The self-coupled Einstein–Cartan–Dirac equations in terms of Dirac bilinears2019-10-07Paper
Markov invariants and the isotropy subgroup of a quartet tree2018-11-14Paper
Markov invariants, plethysms, and phylogenetics2018-10-16Paper
Lie Markov models2018-09-26Paper
Hidden supersymmetry and quadratic deformations of the space-time conformal superalgebra2018-05-09Paper
Algebraic random walks in the setting of symmetric functions2018-04-19Paper
Developing a statistically powerful measure for quartet tree inference using phylogenetic identities and Markov invariants2017-11-08Paper
A representation-theoretic approach to the calculation of evolutionary distance in bacteria2017-09-29Paper
Maximum likelihood estimates of pairwise rearrangement distances2017-09-12Paper
Off-shell \(\kappa\)-symmetry of the superparticle and the spinning superparticle2017-02-14Paper
Quantum deformations andq-boson operators2016-11-24Paper
Plethystic vertex operators and boson-fermion correspondences2016-11-11Paper
Matrix group structure and Markov invariants in the strand symmetric phylogenetic substitution model2016-08-23Paper
Lie Markov models with purine/pyrimidine symmetry2015-02-23Paper
Ribbon Hopf algebras from group character rings2014-08-07Paper
Hopf algebras, distributive (Laplace) pairings and hash products: a unified approach to tensor product decompositions of group characters2014-06-19Paper
The mixed two qutrit system: local unitary invariants, entanglement monotones, and the SLOCC group $SL(3,{\mathbb {C}})$2014-06-19Paper
Tensor Rank, Invariants, Inequalities, and Applications2013-12-13Paper
The Hopf algebra structure of the character rings of classical groups2013-05-17Paper
Algebraic inversion of the Dirac equation for the vector potential in the non-Abelian case2012-12-17Paper
Hidden supersymmetry—a ‘no superpartner’ theorem for representations of deformed conformal superalgebra2012-09-05Paper
The algebra of the general Markov model on phylogenetic trees and networks2012-04-27Paper
Projective representations of the inhomogeneous Hamilton group: noninertial symmetry in quantum mechanics2012-03-02Paper
A class of quadratic deformations of Lie superalgebras2011-07-07Paper
Conformal supermultiplets without superpartners2011-06-23Paper
Extended two-level quantum dissipative system from bosonization of the elliptic spin-\frac{1}{2} Kondo model2011-03-31Paper
Plethysms, replicated Schur functions and series, with applications to vertex operators2010-11-03Paper
Exactly solvable three-level quantum dissipative systems via bosonization of fermion gas-impurity models2010-07-07Paper
Symmetric functions, tableaux decompositions and the fermion-boson correspondence2010-05-02Paper
Constraint quantization of a worldline system invariant under reciprocal relativity: II2008-12-12Paper
Regularized tripartite continuous variable EPR-type states with Wigner functions and CHSH violations2008-09-24Paper
The molecular asymmetric rigid rotor Hamiltonian as an exactly solvable model2008-03-17Paper
World-line quantization of a reciprocally invariant system2007-10-22Paper
Hopf algebras and characters of classical groups2007-10-14Paper
A mixed two-qubit system and the structure of its ring of local invariants2007-09-07Paper
Conformal fluid dynamics2007-04-20Paper
Using the tangle: A consistent construction of phylogenetic distance matrices for quartets2007-02-19Paper
Born reciprocity and the granularity of spacetime2007-02-14Paper
Erratum: Entanglement invariants and phylogenetic branching2006-10-27Paper
New branching rules induced by plethysm2006-04-06Paper
Path integral formulation and Feynman rules for phylogenetic branching models2006-03-09Paper
A Hopf algebraic approach to the theory of group branchings2005-08-17Paper
Entanglement invariants and phylogenetic branching2005-08-17Paper
On the structure of the observable algebra of QCD on the lattice2005-08-02Paper
Resolution of theGL(3) ⊃O(3) state labelling problem via theO(3)-invariant Bethe subalgebra of the twisted Yangian2005-05-03Paper
On associative superalgebras of matrices.2004-10-01Paper
U(1) ×U(1) ×U(1) symmetry of the Kimura 3ST model and phylogenetic branching processes2004-06-09Paper
A Hopf laboratory for symmetric functions2004-06-08Paper
Polynomial super-gl(n) algebras2004-02-15Paper
On schizosymmetric superfields and $sl(2/1, \Bbb{ C})_\Bbb{R}$ supersymmetry2002-09-01Paper
Quantum field theory and phylogenetic branching2002-05-30Paper
Algebraic solution for the vector potential in the Dirac equation2001-12-05Paper
Generalized scalar particle quantization in 1+1 dimensions andD(2,1;α)2001-09-04Paper
Covariant spinor representation ofiosp(d,2/2) and quantization of the spinning relativistic particle2000-04-25Paper
On boson algebras as Hopf algebras1999-10-25Paper
Covariant scalar representation of and quantization of the scalar relativistic particle1999-07-15Paper
The BRST operator ofUq(sl(2)) and real forms1996-09-03Paper
Determinantal forms for composite Schur and Q-functions via the boson-fermion correspondence1995-05-07Paper
Symmetric functions and the KP and BKP hierarchies1994-12-18Paper
Combinatorial description of the Fock representation of the affine Lie algebra \(\text{go}(\infty)\)1994-05-19Paper
Hirota polynomials for the KP and BKP hierarchies1994-01-26Paper
Vertex operators and composite supersymmetric S-functions1993-12-16Paper
q-deformation of radial problems: the simple harmonic oscillator in two dimensions1993-12-15Paper
Unified models from gauged supergroups. II. Exceptional series D(2,1;α), G(3), F(4)1993-09-05Paper
Unified models from gauged supergroups. I. Dimensional reduction formalism. Unitary and orthosymplectic series1993-09-05Paper
Unified models from gauged supergroups. III. The ‘‘super-2-sphere’’ OSp(3‖2)/OSp(2‖2)1993-06-29Paper
The Schur function realization of vertex operators1993-04-20Paper
BRST cohomology for Uq(sl(2)) representations1993-01-17Paper
Quasiperiodic tilings with tenfold symmetry and equivalence with respect to local derivability1992-08-13Paper
Characteristic identities for Kac-Moody algebras1992-06-26Paper
Unified models from gauged supergroups. I. Dimensional reduction formalism. Unitary and orthosymplectic series1990-01-01Paper
Branching rules for a class of typical and atypical representations of gl(mn)1990-01-01Paper
Affine superalgebras, unitary representations and the Sugawara construction1989-01-01Paper
Unitary Sugawara constructions for affine superalgebras1988-01-01Paper
Generalized quasispin for supergroups1987-01-01Paper
Supersymmetric quantum mechanics and the index theorem for arbitrary Lorentz irreps1987-01-01Paper
Supersymmetry in second-order relativistic equations for the hydrogen atom1986-01-01Paper
Representations of orthosymplectic superalgebras. II. Young diagrams and weight space techniques1984-01-01Paper
Representations of low-rank orthosymplectic superalgebras by superfield techniques1983-01-01Paper
Casimir invariants, characteristic identities, and Young diagrams for color algebras and superalgebras1983-01-01Paper
Casimir invariants, characteristic identities, and tensor operators for ‘‘strange’’ superalgebras1983-01-01Paper
Diagram and superfield techniques in the classical superalgebras1981-01-01Paper
Casimir invariants and characteristic identities for generators of the general linear, special linear and orthosymplectic graded Lie algebras1979-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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