Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The barycentric rational numerical differentiation formulas for stiff ODEs and DAEs | 2024-08-21 | Paper |
Modular time integration of coupled problems in system dynamics | 2022-10-07 | Paper |
A Lie group variational integration approach to the full discretization of a constrained geometrically exact Cosserat beam model | 2022-01-11 | Paper |
RATTLie: a variational Lie group integration scheme for constrained mechanical systems | 2021-02-03 | Paper |
BDF integrators for constrained mechanical systems on Lie groups | 2021-02-03 | Paper |
DAE Aspects of Multibody System Dynamics | 2018-11-16 | Paper |
Energy conservation in modified Nyström methods for separable Hamiltoniansystems | 2017-01-25 | Paper |
From Multibody Dynamics to Multidisciplinary Applications | 2015-10-29 | Paper |
Modular Time Integration of Block-Structured Coupled Systems Without Algebraic Loops | 2015-07-23 | Paper |
Error Analysis and Error Estimates for Co-simulation in FMI for Model Exchange and Co-Simulation v2.0 | 2015-07-23 | Paper |
Error analysis of generalized-\(\alpha\) Lie group time integration methods for constrained mechanical systems | 2015-02-03 | Paper |
Semi-analytical methods for singularly perturbed multibody system models | 2014-07-17 | Paper |
Numerical aspects in the dynamic simulation of geometrically exact rods | 2012-09-26 | Paper |
Stabilized overlapping modular time integration of coupled differential-algebraic equations | 2012-09-26 | Paper |
Numerical solution of multiscale problems in atmospheric modeling | 2012-09-26 | Paper |
Quasistatic approximations for stiff second order differential equations | 2012-09-26 | Paper |
Smooth velocity approximation for constrained systems in real-time simulation | 2011-06-08 | Paper |
Multi-Rate Time Integration for Large Scale Multibody System Models | 2011-04-01 | Paper |
Multi-body dynamics simulation of geometrically exact Cosserat rods | 2011-03-15 | Paper |
On plastic incompressibility within time-adaptive finite elements combined with projection techniques | 2010-09-14 | Paper |
Numerical methods for simulation in applied dynamics | 2009-08-05 | Paper |
Multirate Runge-Kutta schemes for advection equations | 2009-03-30 | Paper |
Convergence of the generalized-\(\alpha\) scheme for constrained mechanical systems | 2007-10-31 | Paper |
Linearly implicit time integration methods in real-time applications: DAEs and stiff ODEs | 2007-06-07 | Paper |
DAE time integration for real-time applications in multi-body dynamics | 2007-02-02 | Paper | | 2006-03-17 | Paper |
A modal multifield approach for an extended flexible body description in multibody dynamics | 2005-06-22 | Paper |
Numerical analysis of structure preserving Nyström methods for Hamiltonian systems | 2005-04-21 | Paper |
Preconditioned dynamic iteration for coupled differential-algebraic systems | 2002-06-11 | Paper | | 2000-12-19 | Paper |
Solving problems with unilateral constraints by DAE methods | 2000-07-12 | Paper |
Apporoximation of contact geometry in the dynamical simulation of wheel-rail | 1999-12-19 | Paper |
Half-explicit Runge-Kutta methods with explicit stages for differential-algebraic systems of index 2 | 1999-11-10 | Paper | | 1999-11-08 | Paper |
Non-stiff integrators for differential-algebraic systems of index 2 | 1999-03-22 | Paper | | 1997-04-09 | Paper |
A perturbation analysis for the dynamical simulation of mechanical multibody systems | 1996-02-26 | Paper | | 1995-02-28 | Paper |
Half-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for semi-explicit differential- algebraic equations of index 1 | 1994-07-07 | Paper |
Stability of numerical methods for differential-algebraic equations of higher index | 1994-05-30 | Paper |
Partitioning strategies in Runge-Kutta type methods | 1993-05-03 | Paper | | 1992-09-18 | Paper |