Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A recursive measure of voting power that satisfies reasonable postulates | 2025-01-17 | Paper |
Penalties and rewards for fair learning in paired kidney exchange programs | 2024-09-20 | Paper |
The price of anarchy of probabilistic serial in one-sided allocation problems | 2024-09-20 | Paper |
Fair algorithm design: fair and efficacious machine scheduling | 2024-05-29 | Paper |
One n Remains to Settle the Tree Conjecture | 2023-10-12 | Paper |
An improved bound for the tree conjecture in network creation games | 2023-07-28 | Paper |
The blocker postulates for measures of voting power | 2023-07-11 | Paper |
The price of anarchy of two-buyer sequential multiunit auctions | 2023-03-21 | Paper |
Two-buyer sequential multiunit auctions with no overbidding | 2022-12-21 | Paper |
How many freemasons are there? The consensus voting mechanism in metric spaces | 2022-12-21 | Paper |
The declining price anomaly is not universal in multi-buyer sequential auctions (but almost is) | 2022-06-21 | Paper |
Risk-free bidding in complement-free combinatorial auctions | 2022-06-21 | Paper |
Improved two sample revenue guarantees via mixed-integer linear programming | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
The price of stability of envy-free equilibria in multi-buyer sequential auctions | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
Descending the stable matching lattice: how many strategic agents are required to turn pessimality to optimality? | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
Two birds with one stone: fairness and welfare via transfers | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
Pirates in wonderland: liquid democracy has bicriteria guarantees | 2022-06-01 | Paper |
Tight bounds on the relative performances of pricing optimization mechanisms in storable good markets | 2022-01-18 | Paper |
The fair division of hereditary set systems | 2020-06-18 | Paper |
Risk-free bidding in complement-free combinatorial auctions | 2020-02-04 | Paper |
The declining price anomaly is not universal in multi-buyer sequential auctions (but almost is) | 2020-02-04 | Paper |
A 4/3-Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum 2-Edge Connected Subgraph Problem | 2019-12-02 | Paper |
Clique Cover on Sparse Networks | 2019-09-12 | Paper |
The finite horizon, undiscounted, durable goods monopoly problem with finitely many consumers | 2019-06-26 | Paper |
Computation in Causal Graphs | 2019-05-24 | Paper | | 2019-05-10 | Paper |
Pricing policies for selling indivisible storable goods to strategic consumers | 2019-03-06 | Paper |
Tight bounds on the relative performances of pricing mechanisms in storable good markets | 2018-11-08 | Paper |
Approximating Rooted Steiner Networks | 2018-10-30 | Paper |
On the Economic Efficiency of the Combinatorial Clock Auction | 2018-07-16 | Paper | | 2018-01-10 | Paper |
Large Supports are required for Well-Supported Nash Equilibria | 2017-08-31 | Paper |
Testing Consumer Rationality Using Perfect Graphs and Oriented Discs | 2016-01-08 | Paper |
Welfare and Rationality Guarantees for the Simultaneous Multiple-Round Ascending Auction | 2016-01-08 | Paper | | 2015-12-03 | Paper |
The Combinatorial World (of Auctions) According to GARP | 2015-11-04 | Paper |
Coalition Games on Interaction Graphs: A Horticultural Perspective | 2015-02-26 | Paper |
Routing regardless of network stability | 2015-01-19 | Paper |
Polylogarithmic Supports Are Required for Approximate Well-Supported Nash Equilibria below 2/3 | 2015-01-12 | Paper |
A Near-Optimal Mechanism for Impartial Selection | 2015-01-07 | Paper |
To Save Or Not To Save: The Fisher Game | 2015-01-07 | Paper |
An approximation algorithm for the maximum leaf spanning arborescence problem | 2014-11-18 | Paper | | 2014-05-06 | Paper |
The Complexity of the Simultaneous Cluster Problem | 2014-01-22 | Paper |
Defending Planar Graphs against Star-Cutsets | 2013-10-10 | Paper |
A Theoretical Examination of Practical Game Playing: Lookahead Search | 2013-03-13 | Paper |
Routing regardless of network stability | 2012-09-25 | Paper |
On the Efficiency of Markets with Two-Sided Proportional Allocation Mechanisms | 2010-10-19 | Paper |
Maximum Flows on Disjoint Paths | 2010-09-10 | Paper |
On clusterings | 2010-08-17 | Paper |
Approximation algorithms for network design with metric costs | 2010-08-16 | Paper |
(Almost) tight bounds and existence theorems for confluent flows | 2010-08-15 | Paper |
Approximation algorithms for minimum-cost k-vertex connected subgraphs | 2010-08-05 | Paper | | 2010-07-30 | Paper |
Galaxy cutsets in graphs | 2010-06-11 | Paper |
Bounds on the cleaning times of robot vacuums | 2010-03-18 | Paper |
On the odd-minor variant of Hadwiger's conjecture | 2009-01-21 | Paper |
A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Finding Nash Equilibria in Planar Win-Lose Games | 2009-01-19 | Paper |
(Almost) Tight bounds and existence theorems for single-commodity confluent flows | 2008-12-21 | Paper |
Approximation Algorithms for Network Design with Metric Costs | 2008-08-13 | Paper |
The Demand-Matching Problem | 2008-05-27 | Paper |
Planar graph bipartization in linear time | 2008-04-16 | Paper |
Nash equilibria in random games | 2008-01-08 | Paper |
An upper bound for the chromatic number of line graphs | 2007-11-21 | Paper |
Approximate Min-max Relations for Odd Cycles in Planar Graphs | 2007-08-30 | Paper | | 2007-05-29 | Paper |
Approximate min-max relations for odd cycles in planar graphs | 2007-04-19 | Paper |
Network design via iterative rounding of setpair relaxations | 2007-01-08 | Paper | | 2006-01-13 | Paper |
Approximation, Randomization, and Combinatorial Optimization. Algorithms and Techniques | 2005-08-25 | Paper |
Finding odd cycle transversals. | 2005-01-11 | Paper | | 2004-08-11 | Paper |
An Approximation Algorithm for the Minimum-Cost k-Vertex Connected Subgraph | 2003-09-28 | Paper | | 2002-01-30 | Paper | | 2001-11-11 | Paper |