Karlheinz Gröchening

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zbMath Open grochenig.karlheinzWikidataQ1733799 ScholiaQ1733799MaRDI QIDQ1304744

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Necessary density conditions for sampling and interpolation in spectral subspaces of elliptic differential operators2024-03-14Paper
Spectral subspaces of Sturm-Liouville operators and variable bandwidth2024-03-12Paper
Lipschitz continuity of spectra of pseudodifferential operators in a weighted Sjöstrand class and Gabor frame bounds2024-01-31Paper
t-Design Curves and Mobile Sampling on the Sphere2023-12-11Paper
Sampling theorems with derivatives in shift-invariant spaces generated by periodic exponential B-splines2023-11-14Paper
Totally positive functions and Gabor frames over rational lattices2023-06-13Paper
Variable Bandwidth via Wilson bases2023-05-26Paper
Totally positive functions in sampling theory and time-frequency analysis2022-12-13Paper
Spectral Invariance of Quasi-Banach Algebras for Matrices and Pseudodifferential Operators2022-11-25Paper
Shift-Invariant Spaces of Entire Functions2022-11-21Paper
Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities for polynomials in Fock space2022-10-13Paper
Complete interpolating sequences for the Gaussian shift-invariant space2022-08-26Paper
Gauss Quadrature for Freud Weights, Modulation Spaces, and Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund Inequalities2022-08-01Paper
Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities for polynomials in Bergman and Hardy spaces2021-08-31Paper
Sampling the flow of a bandlimited function2021-08-31Paper
New Function Spaces Associated to Representations of Nilpotent Lie Groups and Generalized Time-Frequency Analysis2021-07-19Paper
Navier-Stokes equation in super-critical spaces \(E_{p,q}^s\)2021-04-20Paper
Balian-Low type theorems on homogeneous groups2020-12-18Paper
Sampling of entire functions of several complex variables on a lattice and multivariate Gabor frames2020-11-10Paper
Zeros of the Wigner distribution and the short-time Fourier transform2020-10-26Paper
Phase-retrieval in shift-invariant spaces with Gaussian generator2020-08-07Paper
Sampling, Marcinkiewicz-Zygmund inequalities, approximation, and quadrature rules2020-08-04Paper
Schoenberg's Theory of Totally Positive Functions and the Riemann Zeta Function2020-07-25Paper
Linear Perturbations of the Wigner Transform and the Weyl Quantization2020-07-08Paper
Gabor Frames: Characterizations and Coarse Structure2020-06-29Paper
Sharp results on sampling with derivatives in shift-invariant spaces and multi-window Gabor frames2020-01-08Paper
Kernel theorems in coorbit theory2019-11-15Paper
Strict density inequalities for sampling and interpolation in weighted spaces of holomorphic functions2019-10-17Paper
Harmonic analysis in phase space and finite Weyl-Heisenberg ensembles2019-06-14Paper
Sampling and reconstruction in distinct subspaces using oblique projections2019-06-05Paper
Orthonormal bases in the orbit of square-integrable representations of nilpotent Lie groups2018-10-23Paper
From Heisenberg uniqueness pairs to properties of the Helmholtz and Laplace equations2018-10-18Paper
Low-Complexity ICI/ISI Equalization in Doubly Dispersive Multicarrier Systems Using a Decision-Feedback LSQR Algorithm2018-07-18Paper
Distributed Field Reconstruction in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on Hybrid Shift-Invariant Spaces2018-07-18Paper
A Guide to Localized Frames and Applications to Galerkin-Like Representations of Operators2018-03-26Paper
Sampling theorems for shift-invariant spaces, Gabor frames, and totally positive functions2018-02-28Paper
Density of sampling and interpolation in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces2018-01-18Paper
What Is Variable Bandwidth?2017-11-02Paper
Discretized Gabor Frames of Totally Positive Functions2017-06-08Paper
New atomic decompositions for Bergman spaces on the unit ball2017-05-10Paper
Implementation of Discretized Gabor Frames and Their Duals2017-04-28Paper
Weaving frames2017-01-12Paper
Inverse-closed Banach subalgebras of higher-dimensional non-commutative tori2016-09-02Paper
Stability of Gabor frames under small time Hamiltonian evolutions2016-06-14Paper
Completeness of Gabor systems2016-05-11Paper
On accumulated spectrograms2016-03-07Paper
On minimal trajectories for mobile sampling of bandlimited fields2015-11-10Paper
Partitions of Unity and New Obstructions for Gabor Frames2015-07-30Paper
Linear independence of time-frequency shifts?2015-05-11Paper
Deformation of Gabor systems2015-04-29Paper
Time-frequency localization operators and a Berezin transform2015-04-23Paper
The mystery of Gabor frames2015-01-09Paper
Uniqueness and reconstruction theorems for pseudodifferential operators with a bandlimited Kohn-Nirenberg symbol2014-09-29Paper
Generalized metaplectic operators and the Schrödinger equation with a potential in the Sjöstrand class2014-09-12Paper
Exact and Approximate Expansions with Pure Gaussian Wave Packets2014-09-05Paper
Relevant sampling of band-limited functions2014-07-30Paper
Norm‐controlled inversion in smooth Banach algebras, II2014-07-16Paper
Sampling and Reconstruction in Different Subspaces by Using Oblique Projections2013-12-06Paper
The range of localization operators and lifting theorems for modulation and Bargmann-Fock spaces2013-09-04Paper
Norm-controlled inversion in smooth Banach algebras, I2013-08-27Paper
Gabor frames and totally positive functions2013-05-24Paper
Phase space localization of Riesz bases for \(L^2(\mathbb{R}^d)\)2013-03-11Paper
Wiener algebras of Fourier integral operators2013-02-19Paper
Approximation of Fourier integral operators by Gabor multipliers2012-12-06Paper
Banach Gabor frames with Hermite functions: polyanalytic spaces from the Heisenberg group2012-11-27Paper
Isomorphism properties of Toeplitz operators and pseudo-differential operators between modulation spaces2012-05-09Paper
The Wiener Property for a Class of Fourier Integral Operators2012-01-19Paper
Multivariate Gabor frames and sampling of entire functions of several variables2011-07-11Paper
Representation and approximation of pseudodifferential operators by sums of Gabor multipliers2011-04-21Paper
Time-frequency partitions and characterizations of modulation spaces with localization operators2011-03-21Paper
Convolution-dominated integral operators2011-03-21Paper
Random sampling of bandlimited functions2010-12-13Paper
Noncommutative approximation: inverse-closed subalgebras and off-diagonal decay of matrices2010-11-22Paper
Convergence analysis of the finite section method and Banach algebras of matrices2010-08-23Paper
Frame constants of Gabor frames near the critical density2010-08-16Paper
Wiener’s Lemma: Theme and Variations. An Introduction to Spectral Invariance and Its Applications2010-07-09Paper
The Homogeneous Approximation Property and the Comparison Theorem for Coherent Frames2010-03-12Paper
Pseudospectral Fourier reconstruction with the modified inverse polynomial reconstruction method2010-01-25Paper
Optimal adaptive computations in the Jaffard algebra and localized frames2010-01-19Paper
Convolution-dominated operators on discrete groups2009-10-19Paper
Gabor (super)frames with Hermite functions2009-09-22Paper
Molecules in coorbit spaces and boundedness of operators2009-03-16Paper
Banach algebras of pseudodifferential operators and their almost diagonalization2009-02-10Paper
Note on B-splines, wavelet scaling functions, and gabor frames2008-12-21Paper
Landau's necessary density conditions for LCA groups2008-11-12Paper
Pseudodifferential operators on locally compact abelian groups and Sjöstrand's symbol class2008-04-25Paper
Composition and spectral invariance of pseudodifferential operators on modulation spaces2008-04-01Paper
Time-frequency partitions for the Gelfand triple $(S_0,L^2,S_0')$2008-02-22Paper
Sampling theorems on locally compact groups from oscillation estimates2008-02-18Paper
Gabor Frames without Inequalities2008-01-30Paper
On the Product of Localization Operators2007-09-24Paper
Random Sampling of Entire Functions of Exponential Type in Several Variables2007-06-26Paper
Unimodular Fourier multipliers for modulation spaces2007-06-26Paper
Time-frequency analysis of Sjöstrand's class2007-05-14Paper
Gabor frames with Hermite functions2007-02-26Paper
Learning Trigonometric Polynomials from Random Samples and Exponential Inequalities for Eigenvalues of Random Matrices2007-01-26Paper
Intrinsic localization of frames2006-11-17Paper
Operators commuting with a discrete subgroup of translations2006-10-31Paper
Quantitative Estimates for the Finite Section Method2006-10-19Paper
Symbolic calculus and Fredholm property for localization operators2006-10-16Paper
SYMMETRY OF WEIGHTED $L{\uppercase{\footnotesize{L^1}}}$-ALGEBRAS AND THE GRS-CONDITION2006-08-24Paper
Symmetry and inverse-closedness of matrix algebras and functional calculus for infinite matrices2006-03-08Paper
Necessary conditions for Schatten class localization operators2005-08-29Paper
A class of Fourier multipliers for modulation spaces2005-08-01Paper
Random Sampling of Multivariate Trigonometric Polynomials2005-02-28Paper
Counterexamples for boundedness of pseudodifferential operators2005-02-18Paper
Spaces of test functions via the STFT2004-10-28Paper
Generalized Anti-Wick operators with symbols in distributional Sobolev spaces2004-10-05Paper
Localization of frames, Banach frames, and the invertibility of the frame operator2004-10-01Paper
Localization of frames. II2004-08-06Paper
Weighted group algebras on groups of polynomial growth2004-07-07Paper
Time-frequency analysis of localization operators.2004-02-03Paper
Fast Local Reconstruction Methods for Nonuniform Sampling in Shift-Invariant Spaces2004-01-18Paper
Wiener’s lemma for twisted convolution and Gabor frames2004-01-07Paper
Letter to the editor: A new criterion for Gabor frames2003-06-23Paper
Localized frames are finite unions of Riesz sequences2003-04-10Paper
The Balian-Low theorem for symplectic lattices in higher dimensions2003-04-02Paper
Direct and inverse approximation theorems for local trigonometric bases2003-04-02Paper
Nonperiodic sampling and the local three squares theorem2003-03-25Paper
Uncertainty principles as embeddings of modulation spaces2003-02-11Paper
Compactness criteria in function spaces2003-01-28Paper
Hardy's Theorem and the Short-Time Fourier Transform of Schwartz Functions2002-10-22Paper
Nonuniform Sampling and Reconstruction in Shift-Invariant Spaces2002-04-15Paper
Self-similar lattice tilings2002-01-13Paper
Beurling-Landau-type theorems for non-uniform sampling in shift invariant spline spaces2001-07-09Paper
Gabor meets Littlewood–Paley: Gabor expansions in Lp(Rd)2001-06-17Paper
Foundations of time-frequency analysis2001-01-18Paper
A new approach to interpolating scaling functions2000-06-25Paper
Modulation spaces and pseudodifferential operators2000-05-18Paper
Regularity of multivariate refinable functions2000-05-15Paper
Self-affine tilings with several tiles. I2000-02-08Paper
Invariant measures for certain linear fractional transformations mod 11999-10-28Paper
Irregular sampling, Toeplitz matrices, and the approximation of entire functions of exponential type1999-03-22Paper
On Landau's Necessary Density Conditions for Sampling and Interpolation of Band-Limited Functions1998-08-03Paper
Gabor frames and time-frequency analysis of distributions1998-05-25Paper
Tight compactly supported wavelet frames of arbitrarily high smoothness1998-03-24Paper
An uncertainty principle related to the Poisson summation formula1997-07-07Paper
Backward continued fractions, Hecke groups and invariant measures for transformations of the interval1997-06-15Paper
Backward Continued Fractions and their Invariant Measures1997-06-03Paper
Acceleration of the frame algorithm1996-05-28Paper
Efficient numerical methods in non-uniform sampling theory1996-05-21Paper
Error analysis in regular and irregular sampling theory1995-07-23Paper
Orthogonality criteria for compactly supported scaling functions1994-08-29Paper
A discrete theory of irregular sampling1994-03-27Paper
Irregular sampling of wavelet and short-time Fourier transforms1993-08-17Paper
A Riesz basis for Bargmann-Fock space related to sampling and interpolation1993-06-29Paper
Irregular sampling theorems and series expansions of band-limited functions1993-01-16Paper
Wilson Bases and Modulation Spaces1992-12-14Paper
Compact open sets in duals and projections inL1-algebras of certain semi-direct product groups1992-09-27Paper
Reconstruction Algorithms in Irregular Sampling1992-09-27Paper
Multiresolution analysis. Haar bases, and self-similar tilings of R/sup n/1992-06-28Paper
Iterative Reconstruction of Multivariate Band-Limited Functions from Irregular Sampling Values1992-06-28Paper
Describing functions: Atomic decompositions versus frames1992-06-27Paper
Banach spaces related to integrable group representations and their atomic decompositions. I1989-01-01Paper
Banach spaces related to integrable group representations and their atomic decompositions. II1989-01-01Paper
Almost constant sequences and well-distribution in compact groups1985-01-01Paper

Research outcomes over time

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