Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
Distributed fault estimation for linear systems with actuator faults | 2023-10-25 | Paper |
$\mathcal {H}_{2}$ and $\mathcal {H}_\infty$ Suboptimal Distributed Filters Design for Linear Systems | 2023-09-26 | Paper |
An Informativity Approach to the Data-Driven Algebraic Regulator Problem | 2023-09-25 | Paper |
Quadratic Matrix Inequalities with Applications to Data-Based Control | 2023-08-10 | Paper |
The informativity approach to data-driven analysis and control | 2023-02-21 | Paper |
A behavioral approach to data-driven control with noisy input-output data | 2022-06-16 | Paper |
Informativity of noisy data for structural properties of linear systems | 2021-12-14 | Paper |
\( \mathcal{H}_2\) suboptimal output synchronization of heterogeneous multi-agent systems | 2021-11-10 | Paper |
Strong structural controllability of colored structured systems | 2021-11-10 | Paper |
Data-driven dissipativity analysis: application of the matrix S-lemma | 2021-09-05 | Paper |
11 Reduced-order modeling of large-scale network systems | 2021-06-15 | Paper |
Strong Structural Controllability of Systems on Colored Graphs | 2021-03-12 | Paper |
Data Informativity: A New Perspective on Data-Driven Analysis and Control | 2021-03-12 | Paper |
A Unifying Framework for Strong Structural Controllability | 2021-03-12 | Paper |
Scalable controllability analysis of structured networks | 2020-12-16 | Paper |
Properties of pattern matrices with applications to structured systems | 2020-11-24 | Paper |
A Suboptimality Approach to Distributed Linear Quadratic Optimal Control | 2020-10-07 | Paper |
A suboptimality approach to distributed \(\mathcal{H}_2\) control by dynamic output feedback | 2020-10-05 | Paper |
Distributed Linear Quadratic Tracking Control for Leader-Follower Multi-Agent Systems: A Suboptimality Approach | 2019-11-23 | Paper |
Strong structural controllability and zero forcing | 2019-10-24 | Paper |
Controllability and Stabilizability of Networks of Linear Systems | 2019-08-12 | Paper |
Data informativity: a new perspective on data-driven analysis and control | 2019-08-01 | Paper |
Distributed Linear Quadratic Optimal Control: Compute Locally and Act Globally | 2019-02-28 | Paper |
A Simple Approach to Distributed Observer Design for Linear Systems | 2019-01-28 | Paper |
A Complement on Elimination and Realization in Rational Representations | 2018-11-30 | Paper |
Model reduction of linear multi-agent systems by clustering with \(\mathcal H_2\) and \(\mathcal H_\infty \) error bounds | 2018-07-13 | Paper |
A Distance-Based Approach to Strong Target Control of Dynamical Networks | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Model Reduction of Networked Multiagent Systems by Cycle Removal | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Towards a minimal order distributed observer for linear systems | 2018-06-19 | Paper |
A Suboptimality Approach to Distributed $\mathcal{H}_2$ Optimal Control | 2018-04-19 | Paper |
Robust cooperative output regulation of heterogeneous Lur'e networks | 2018-01-04 | Paper |
Projection-Based Model Reduction of Multi-Agent Systems Using Graph Partitions | 2017-09-21 | Paper |
Comments on “On the Necessity of Diffusive Couplings in Linear Synchronization Problems With Quadratic Cost” | 2017-09-08 | Paper |
A Simultaneous Balanced Truncation Approach to Model Reduction of Switched Linear Systems | 2017-09-08 | Paper |
Robust Synchronization of Uncertain Linear Multi-Agent Systems | 2017-09-08 | Paper |
Regular Implementability and Stabilization Using Controllers With Pre-Specified Input/Output Partition | 2017-08-08 | Paper |
Polynomial Embedding Algorithms for Controllers in a Behavioral Framework | 2017-07-27 | Paper |
Stabilization, pole placement, and regular implementability | 2017-06-20 | Paper |
Synthesis of dissipative systems using quadratic differential forms: Part I | 2017-06-20 | Paper |
Synthesis of dissipative systems using quadratic differential forms: part II | 2017-06-20 | Paper |
Internal Model Principles for Observers | 2017-05-16 | Paper |
Dynamic Feedback Synchronization of Lur'e Networks via Incremental Sector Boundedness | 2017-05-03 | Paper |
A converse to the deterministic separation principle | 2017-03-30 | Paper |
Input-output finite-region stability and stabilization for discrete 2-D Fornasini-Marchesini models | 2017-01-23 | Paper | | 2016-09-07 | Paper |
Robust synchronization of coprime factor perturbed networks | 2016-08-30 | Paper |
Uniform synchronization in multi-agent systems with switching topologies | 2016-08-30 | Paper |
Rational representations and robust stabilization in the behavioral framework | 2016-04-29 | Paper |
In memoriam Jan C. Willems, 1939--2013 | 2015-06-25 | Paper |
Fully distributed robust synchronization of networked Lur'e systems with incremental nonlinearities | 2014-11-19 | Paper |
Discussion on: ``Measurable signal decoupling with dynamic feedforward compensation and unknown-input observation for systems with direct feedthrough | 2014-08-12 | Paper |
The behavioral approach as a paradigm for modeling interconnected systems | 2014-08-07 | Paper |
Distance between Behaviors and Rational Representations | 2014-04-11 | Paper |
Realization and elimination in rational representations of behaviors | 2014-02-05 | Paper |
Algorithms for polynomial spectral factorization and bounded-real balanced state space representations | 2013-08-08 | Paper |
Stability and synchronization preserving model reduction of multi-agent systems | 2013-02-21 | Paper |
Tracking and regulation in the behavioral framework | 2011-11-17 | Paper |
Identification and data-driven model reduction of state-space representations of lossless and dissipative systems from noise-free data | 2011-10-27 | Paper |
Optimal Robust Stabilization and Dissipativity Synthesis by Behavioral Interconnection | 2011-05-17 | Paper |
Equivalence of rational representations of behaviors | 2011-03-03 | Paper |
A behavioral characterization of the positive real and bounded real characteristic values in balancing | 2011-02-18 | Paper |
Linear-quadratic control and quadratic differential forms for multidimensional behaviors | 2010-12-01 | Paper |
On Behavioral Equivalence of Rational Representations | 2010-10-04 | Paper |
Dissipativity preserving model reduction by retention of trajectories of minimal dissipation | 2010-08-06 | Paper |
Bounded real and positive real balanced truncation using \(\Sigma \)-normalised coprime factors | 2010-06-17 | Paper |
Regular implementation in the space of compactly supported functions | 2009-06-17 | Paper |
Algorithms for multidimensional spectral factorization and sum of squares | 2008-08-06 | Paper |
On the Parametrization of All Regularly Implementing and Stabilizing Controllers | 2007-11-16 | Paper |
Dissipative systems synthesis: A linear algebraic approach | 2007-08-27 | Paper |
On the regular implementability of \(nD\) systems | 2007-04-11 | Paper |
The canonical controllers and regular interconnection | 2006-09-25 | Paper |
On flat systems behaviors and observable image representations | 2006-09-21 | Paper |
The strict dissipativity synthesis problem and the rank of the coupling QDF | 2006-09-21 | Paper |
Linear Hamiltonian Behaviors and Bilinear Differential Forms | 2005-02-28 | Paper |
The Behavioral Approach to Systems and Modeling | 2004-05-18 | Paper |
Algorithmic Issues in the Synthesis of Dissipative Systems | 2004-05-18 | Paper |
Hamiltonian and Variational Linear Distributed Systems | 2004-05-18 | Paper |
Pick Matrix Conditions for Sign-Definite Solutions of the Algebraic Riccati Equation | 2002-06-23 | Paper |
Dissipative differential systems and the state space ?? control problem | 2001-07-04 | Paper |
Control theory for linear systems | 2001-03-14 | Paper |
H/sub ∞/ control in a behavioral context: the full information case | 2000-10-17 | Paper |
New algorithms for polynomial \(J\)-spectral factorization | 2000-04-04 | Paper |
On Quadratic Differential Forms | 1998-09-21 | Paper |
Every storage function is a state function | 1998-08-13 | Paper |
The Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma in a behavioural framework | 1998-08-13 | Paper |
Sampled-Data and Discrete-Time $H_2$ Optimal Control | 1996-06-25 | Paper | | 1994-04-28 | Paper | | 1994-01-13 | Paper |
Linear Quadratic Problems with Indefinite Cost for Discrete Time Systems | 1993-10-18 | Paper |
The finite-horizon singular \(H_{\infty}\) control problem with dynamic measurement feedback | 1993-08-29 | Paper | | 1992-06-26 | Paper | | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
The Quadratic Matrix Inequality in Singular $H_\infty $ Control with State Feedback | 1990-01-01 | Paper |
The regular indefinite linear-quadratic problem with linear endpoint contraints | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
The Regular Free-Endpoint Linear Quadratic Problem with Indefinite Cost | 1989-01-01 | Paper |
Almost invariance and noninteracting control: A frequency-domain analysis | 1988-01-01 | Paper |
Families of linear-quadratic problems: Continuity properties | 1987-01-01 | Paper | | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
Almost Disturbance Decoupling with Bounded Peaking | 1986-01-01 | Paper |
A note on stabilization by dynamic high gain output feedback | 1985-01-01 | Paper |
Reduction of observer order by differentiation, almost controllability subspace covers and minimal order PID-observers | 1984-01-01 | Paper |
Guaranteed roll-off in a class of high-gain feedback design problems | 1983-01-01 | Paper |
On the assignability of infinite root loci in almost disturbance decoupling | 1983-01-01 | Paper |