Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
A Solution for Large-Scale Multi-Object Tracking | 2022-09-23 | Paper |
Distributed Multi-Object Tracking Under Limited Field of View Sensors | 2022-09-23 | Paper |
Multi-Sensor Multi-Object Tracking With the Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter | 2020-01-29 | Paper |
A Multi-Scan Labeled Random Finite Set Model for Multi-Object State Estimation | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
Online UAV Path Planning for Joint Detection and Tracking of Multiple Radio-Tagged Objects | 2019-10-28 | Paper |
Multiple Object Tracking in Unknown Backgrounds With Labeled Random Finite Sets | 2019-02-12 | Paper |
A Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter With Object Spawning | 2019-02-12 | Paper |
An Efficient Implementation of the Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Void Probabilities and Cauchy–Schwarz Divergence for Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Models | 2019-02-08 | Paper |
Multiple Extended Target Tracking With Labeled Random Finite Sets | 2019-02-07 | Paper |
Visual Tracking in Background Subtracted Image Sequences via Multi-Bernoulli Filtering | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
A Tutorial on Bernoulli Filters: Theory, Implementation and Applications | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
Labeled Random Finite Sets and Multi-Object Conjugate Priors | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
The Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Filter | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
A Particle Marginal Metropolis-Hastings Multi-Target Tracker | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
Labeled Random Finite Sets and the Bayes Multi-Target Tracking Filter | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
Bayesian Multi-Target Tracking With Merged Measurements Using Labelled Random Finite Sets | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
Generalized Labeled Multi-Bernoulli Approximation of Multi-Object Densities | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
Derivation of the PHD and CPHD Filters Based on Direct Kullback–Leibler Divergence Minimization | 2018-08-22 | Paper |
A Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Target Tracking Algorithms | 2018-07-18 | Paper |
CPHD Filtering With Unknown Clutter Rate and Detection Profile | 2018-07-18 | Paper |
Bernoulli Forward-Backward Smoothing for Joint Target Detection and Tracking | 2018-07-18 | Paper |
Closed-Form Solutions to Forward–Backward Smoothing | 2018-07-18 | Paper |
Reply to "Comments on 'Joint Detection and Estimation of Multiple Objects from Image Observations'" | 2018-07-18 | Paper |
Bayesian Multi-Object Filtering With Amplitude Feature Likelihood for Unknown Object SNR | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Nonlinear Bayesian Filtering Using the Unscented Linear Fractional Transformation Model | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Joint Detection and Estimation of Multiple Objects From Image Observations | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Error Bounds for Joint Detection and Estimation of a Single Object With Random Finite Set Observation | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
The Cardinality Balanced Multi-Target Multi-Bernoulli Filter and Its Implementations | 2018-07-09 | Paper |
Efficient Large-Scale Filter/Filterbank Design via LMI Characterization of Trigonometric Curves | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Symmetric Orthogonal Complex-Valued Filter Bank Design by Semidefinite Programming | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Bayesian Filtering With Random Finite Set Observations | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
A Consistent Metric for Performance Evaluation of Multi-Object Filters | 2018-06-27 | Paper |
Convergence Analysis of the Gaussian Mixture PHD Filter | 2018-06-12 | Paper |
Analytic Implementations of the Cardinalized Probability Hypothesis Density Filter | 2018-06-12 | Paper |
Blind ML detection of orthogonal space-time block codes: efficient high-performance implementations | 2017-10-30 | Paper |
Tracking an unknown time-varying number of speakers using TDOA measurements: a random finite set approach | 2017-10-30 | Paper |
The Optimal Observability of Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes: Discrete State Space | 2017-08-25 | Paper |
The Cauchy–Schwarz Divergence for Poisson Point Processes | 2017-04-28 | Paper |
Random finite sets for robot mapping and SLAM. New concepts in autonomous robotic map representations. | 2011-08-08 | Paper |
Sensor control for multi-object state-space estimation using random finite sets | 2011-01-19 | Paper |
Filters for Spatial Point Processes | 2010-08-16 | Paper |
Simulation-based optimal sensor scheduling with application to observer trajectory planning | 2007-06-04 | Paper |
Convergence of the SMC implementation of the PHD filter | 2006-10-27 | Paper |
Iterative algorithms for envelope constrained recursive filter design via Laguerre functions | 2001-05-01 | Paper |
Envelope constrained filter with linear interpolator | 1998-02-25 | Paper |