Yan. V. Fyodorov

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zbMath Open fyodorov.yan-vWikidataQ41791531 ScholiaQ41791531MaRDI QIDQ946502

List of research outcomes

PublicationDate of PublicationType
Replica-symmetry breaking transitions in the large deviations of the ground-state of a spherical spin-glass2024-02-05Paper
Resonances in a single-lead reflection from a disordered medium: \(\sigma\)-model approach2024-01-05Paper
Non-orthogonal eigenvectors, fluctuation-dissipation relations and entropy production2023-10-13Paper
On the density of complex eigenvalues of Wigner reaction matrix in a disordered or chaotic system with absorption2023-08-10Paper
Superposition of random plane waves in high spatial dimensions: Random matrix approach to landscape complexity2023-03-24Paper
Statistics of off-diagonal entries of Wigner K-matrix for chaotic wave systems with absorption2023-01-12Paper
Eigenfunction non-orthogonality factors and the shape of CPA-like dips in a single-channel reflection from lossy chaotic cavities2022-11-16Paper
Optimization landscape in the simplest constrained random least-square problem2022-11-16Paper
Corrigendum: Counting equilibria in a random non-gradient dynamics with heterogeneous relaxation rates (2022 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 55 144001)2022-11-16Paper
Counting equilibria in a random non-gradient dynamics with heterogeneous relaxation rates2022-11-14Paper
Extreme eigenvalues and the emerging outlier in rank-one non-Hermitian deformations of the Gaussian Unitary Ensemble2022-10-31Paper
Statistics of the largest eigenvalues and singular values of low-rank random matrices with non-negative entries2022-08-19Paper
Superposition of Random Plane Waves in High Spatial Dimensions: Random Matrix Approach to Landscape Complexity2022-02-08Paper
The band structure of a model of spatial random permutation2021-04-16Paper
Condition numbers for real eigenvalues in the real elliptic Gaussian ensemble2021-01-29Paper
Pre-freezing of multifractal exponents in random energy models with a logarithmically correlated potential2020-08-11Paper
Large time zero temperature dynamics of the spherical p  =  2-spin glass model of finite size2020-08-11Paper
Topology trivialization transition in random non-gradient autonomous ODEs on a sphere2020-08-11Paper
Nonlinearity-generated Resilience in Large Complex Systems2020-08-11Paper
Counting equilibria of large complex systems by instability index2020-08-03Paper
Manifolds pinned by a high-dimensional random landscape: Hessian at the global energy minimum2020-04-15Paper
Statistical mechanics of logarithmic REM: duality, freezing and extreme value statistics of 1/fnoises generated by Gaussian free fields2020-03-27Paper
The Anderson localization transition and eigenfunction multifractality in an ensemble of ultrametric random matrices2020-03-27Paper
Statistics of extremes in eigenvalue-counting staircases2020-01-13Paper
Counting stationary points of the loss function in the simplest constrained least-square optimization2019-11-27Paper
Manifolds in high dimensional random landscape: complexity of stationary points and depinning2019-08-24Paper
Reflection Time Difference as a probe of S-matrix Zeroes in Chaotic Resonance Scattering2019-08-19Paper
A spin Glass model for reconstructing nonlinearly encrypted signals corrupted by noise2019-08-01Paper
Statistics of off-diagonal entries of Wigner $K$-matrix for chaotic wave systems with absorption2019-05-08Paper
Extreme values of CUE characteristic polynomials: a numerical study2019-03-27Paper
Hessian spectrum at the global minimum of high-dimensional random landscapes2019-03-27Paper
Separability gap and large deviation entanglement criterion2018-12-21Paper
On statistics of bi-orthogonal eigenvectors in real and complex Ginibre ensembles: combining partial Schur decomposition with supersymmetry2018-10-29Paper
Exponential number of equilibria and depinning threshold for a directed polymer in a random potential2018-10-18Paper
On characteristic polynomials for a generalized chiral random matrix ensemble with a source2018-05-30Paper
Log-correlated Random Energy Models with extensive free energy fluctuations: pathologies caused by rare events as signatures of phase transitions2017-12-16Paper
Distribution of zeros of theS-matrix of chaotic cavities with localized losses and coherent perfect absorption: non-perturbative results2017-08-25Paper
Nonlinear analogue of the May−Wigner instability transition2017-02-16Paper
Towards rigorous analysis of the Levitov–Mirlin–Evers recursion2017-02-03Paper
High values of disorder-generated multifractals and logarithmically correlated processes2016-12-20Paper
One step replica symmetry breaking and extreme order statistics of logarithmic REMs2016-10-07Paper
Fractional Brownian motion with Hurst index \({H = 0}\) and the Gaussian unitary ensemble2016-09-30Paper
On the distribution of the maximum value of the characteristic polynomial of GUE random matrices2016-09-26Paper
Moments of the position of the maximum for GUE characteristic polynomials and for log-correlated Gaussian processes2016-09-22Paper
Random Matrix Theory of Resonances: an Overview2016-06-09Paper
Freezing transitions and extreme values: random matrix theory, and disordered landscapes2015-09-09Paper
On the number of connected components of random algebraic hypersurfaces2015-08-19Paper
On random matrix averages involving half-integer powers of GOE characteristic polynomials2015-06-29Paper
Resonance width distribution in RMT: Weak coupling regime beyond Porter-Thomas2015-03-23Paper
Topology trivialization and large deviations for the minimum in the simplest random optimization2014-06-20Paper
UniversalK-matrix distribution in β = 2 ensembles of random matrices2013-07-24Paper
Complexity of Random Energy Landscapes, Glass Transition, and Absolute Value of the Spectral Determinant of Random Matrices2013-07-11Paper
High-Dimensional Random Fields and Random Matrix Theory2013-07-09Paper
Counting function fluctuations and extreme value threshold in multifractal patterns: the case study of an ideal \(1/f\) noise2013-02-25Paper
Critical Behaviour of the Number of Minima of a Random Landscape at the Glass Transition Point and the Tracy-Widom distribution2012-07-29Paper
Freezing Transition, Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices, and the Riemann Zeta-Function2012-02-21Paper
Statistics of resonance width shifts as a signature of eigenfunction non-orthogonality2012-01-16Paper
Level curvature distribution: from bulk to the soft edge of random Hermitian matrices2011-08-03Paper
Integral formulae for the eigenvalue density of complex random matrices2009-12-14Paper
Hyperbolic Hubbard–Stratonovich transformation made rigorous2009-01-23Paper
On the mean density of complex eigenvalues for an ensemble of random matrices with prescribed singular values2009-01-15Paper
Freezing and extreme-value statistics in a random energy model with logarithmically correlated potential2008-10-08Paper
On absolute moments of characteristic polynomials of a certain class of complex random matrices2008-09-23Paper
Statistical mechanics of a single particle in a multiscale random potential: Parisi landscapes in finite-dimensional Euclidean spaces2008-09-01Paper
Replica symmetry breaking condition exposed by random matrix calculation of landscape complexity2008-02-27Paper
A conjecture on Hubbard–Stratonovich transformations for the Pruisken–Schäfer parameterizations of real hyperbolic domains2007-11-26Paper
Classical particle in a box with random potential: exploiting rotational symmetry of replicated Hamiltonian2007-05-22Paper
On matrix model partition functions for QCD with chemical potential2007-04-05Paper
A few remarks on colour–flavour transformations, truncations of random unitary matrices, Berezin reproducing kernels and Selberg-type integrals2007-03-07Paper
On permanental polynomials of certain random matrices2007-01-04Paper
The density of stationary points in a high-dimensional random energy landscape and the onset of glassy behaviour2006-11-22Paper
Introduction to the random matrix theory: Gaussian Unitary Ensemble and beyond2006-08-15Paper
Scattering, reflection and impedance of waves in chaotic and disordered systems with absorption2006-01-13Paper
On the largest singular values of random matrices with independent Cauchy entries2005-06-30Paper
On Hubbard-Stratonovich Transformations over Hyperbolic Domains2004-09-05Paper
Negative moments of characteristic polynomials of random GOE matrices and singularity-dominated strong fluctuations2004-06-10Paper
Real roots of random polynomials: universality close to accumulation points2004-03-29Paper
An exact formula for general spectral correlation function of random Hermitian matrices2004-01-19Paper
Random matrices close to Hermitian or unitary: overview of methods and results2004-01-19Paper
Universal results for correlations of characteristic polynomials: Riemann-Hilbert approach2003-10-15Paper
Universal random matrix correlations of ratios of characteristic polynomials at the spectral edges2003-07-13Paper
Induced vs Spontaneous Breakdown of S-matrix Unitarity: Probability of No Return in Quantum Chaotic and Disordered Systems2003-04-29Paper
Level Curvature distribution in a model of two uncoupled chaotic subsystems2003-03-18Paper
On correlation functions of characteristic polynomials for chiral Gaussian unitary ensemble2002-11-26Paper
On the supersymmetric partition function in QCD-inspired random matrix models2002-10-29Paper
Characteristic polynomials of random Hermitian matrices and Duistermaat-Heckman localisation on non-compact Kähler manifolds2002-05-02Paper
Negative moments of characteristic polynomials of random matrices: Ingham-Siegel integral as an alternative to Hubbard-Stratonovich transformation2002-01-07Paper
Scaling properties of localization in random band matrices: A σ-model approach2000-07-16Paper
Almost Hermitian Random Matrices: Crossover from Wigner-Dyson to Ginibre Eigenvalue Statistics2000-07-16Paper
Spectral properties of random reactance networks and random matrix pencils2000-06-12Paper
Almost-Hermitian random matrices: Eigenvalue density in the complex plane2000-03-07Paper
S-matrix poles for chaotic quantum systems as eigenvalues of complex symmetric random matrices: from isolated to overlapping resonances1999-11-02Paper
Log - normal distribution of level curvatures in the localized regime: analytical verification1999-10-05Paper
Statistics of resonance poles, phase shifts and time delays in quantum chaotic scattering: Random matrix approach for systems with broken time-reversal invariance1997-10-19Paper
Passive scalar convection in a 2D long-range delta-correlated velocity field: Exact results1996-07-21Paper
Universality of level correlation function of sparse random matrices1992-06-27Paper

Research outcomes over time

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