Metaheuristics: A bibliography
DOI10.1007/BF02125421zbMath0849.90097OpenAlexW1981689130MaRDI QIDQ1919858
Gilbert Laporte, Ibrahim. H Osman
Publication date: 18 September 1996
Published in: Annals of Operations Research (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL:
neural networksbibliographymetaheuristicssimulated annealingtabu searchgenetic algorithmsapproximate optimizationevolutionary computationlogic programmingadaptive searchthreshold algorithmshybrids
Learning and adaptive systems in artificial intelligence (68T05) Combinatorial optimization (90C27) General reference works (handbooks, dictionaries, bibliographies, etc.) pertaining to operations research and mathematical programming (90-00)
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- Genetic algorithms: Foundations and applications
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- An adaptive simulated annealing algorithm for global optimization over continuous variables
- Asymptotical behaviour of several interacting annealing processes
- Solving transportation problems with nonlinear side constraints with tabu search
- Optimal mutation probability for genetic algorithms
- A simulated annealing approach to the nesting problem in the textile manufacturing industry
- A neural network system for solving an assortment problem in the steel industry
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- Remarks on the ergodicity of simulated annealing algorithms on a graph
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- Job Shop Scheduling by Simulated Annealing
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- Tabu Search—Part I
- General Purpose Simulated Annealing
- Tabu Search—Part II
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- Genetic algorithms, function optimization, and facility layout design
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- Applied simulated annealing
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- Simulated annealing for resource-constrained scheduling
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- Constructive heuristic algorithms for the open shop problem
- Fast parallel constraint satisfaction
- Routeing winter gritting vehicles
- Genetic local search in combinatorial optimization
- Tabu search for the job-shop scheduling problem with multi-purpose machines
- The maximum clique problem
- Simulated annealing and the mapping problem: A computational study
- A neural network technique in modeling multiple criteria multiple person decision making
- Best-so-far vs. where-you-are: Implications for optimal finite-time annealing
- The noising method: A new method for combinatorial optimization
- On global optimization in two-dimensional scaling
- Seeking global minima
- A stochastic training algorithm for artificial neural networks
- Random restarting versus simulated annealing
- Simulated annealing: Practice versus theory
- Bin-packing by simulated annealing
- Entwicklung eines hybriden genetischen Algorithmus zur Tourenplanung
- A sequential sampling procedure for genetic algorithms
- Tabu search for nonlinear and parametric optimization (with links to genetic algorithms)
- Local optima topology for the \(k\)-coloring problem
- Solving simultaneous linear equations using recurrent neural networks
- Efficient genetic algorithms for training layered feedforward neural networks
- An experimental comparison of three heuristics for the WVCP
- On tabu search for the location of interacting hub facilities
- Multicriteria order acceptance decision support in over-demanded job shops: A neural network approach
- Parallel physical optimization algorithms for allocating data to multicomputer nodes
- A parallel tabu search algorithm for large traveling salesman problems
- Nearest-neighbour heuristics in accelerated algorithms of optimisation problems
- A fast optimization method based on a hierarchical strategy for the travelling salesman problem
- Directed mutation in genetic algorithms
- New upper bounds for the football pool problem for 11 and 12 matches
- Simulated annealing for selecting optimal initial seeds in the \(K\)-means algorithm
- A tabu search algorithm for computing an operational timetable
- A review of combinatorial problems arising in feedforward neural network design
- Experimental evaluation of preprocessing algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems
- Simulated annealing procedures for forming machine cells in group technology
- Simulated annealing for constrained global optimization
- Large-scale layout of facilities using a heuristic hybrid algorithm
- Simulated annealing and tabu search approaches to unidirectional flowpath design for automated guided vehicle systems
- Multiple-type, two-dimensional bin packing problems: Applications and algorithms
- Using the tabu search method for the distribution of supplies in a hospital
- Combinatorial optimization techniques for spacecraft scheduling automation
- Homogeneous grouping of nuclear fuel cans through simulated annealing and tabu search
- Parallel problem solving from nature -- PPSN III. International conference on evolutionary computation. The 3rd conference, Jerusalem, Israel, October 9--14, 1994. Proceedings
- Evolutionary computing, AISB workshop, Leeds, GB, April 11--13, 1994. Selected papers
- Unrelated parallel machine scheduling using local search
- A genetic approach to the Hopfield neural network in the optimization problems
- DSS for multiobjective project scheduling
- Optimization by ghost image processes in neural networks
- Simulated annealing and tabu search: Lessons from a line search
- A tabu search procedure for the resource constrained project scheduling problem with discounted cash flows
- Extensions of a tabu search adaptation to the quadratic assignment problem
- Tabu search performance on the symmetric travelling salesman problem
- Applying tabu search with influential diversification to multiprocessor scheduling
- A study of diversification strategies for the quadratic assignment problem
- Genetic search and the dynamic facility layout problem
- Knowledge-based artificial neural networks
- A parallel implementation of the tabu search heuristic for vehicle routing problems with time window constraints
- A genetic algorithm for flowshop sequencing
- A genetic algorithm for the job shop problem
- Evolution based learning in a job shop scheduling environment
- Genetic algorithm based heuristics for the mapping problem
- A genetic approach to the quadratic assignment problem
- Genetic algorithms and tabu search: Hybrids for optimization
- Effective job shop scheduling through active chain manipulation
- The depth and width of local minima in discrete solution spaces
- A deterministic annealing neural network for convex programming
- A massively parallel genetic algorithm for RNA secondary structure prediction
- A global competitive neural network
- Characterizing crossover in genetic algorithms.
- Modeling genetic algorithms with Markov chains.
- The tabu search metaheuristic: How we used it
- Location and layout planning. A survey
- Problem space search algorithms for resource-constrained project scheduling
- Heuristics for biquadratic assignment problems and their computational comparison
- A comparative study of both standard and adaptive versions of threshold accepting and simulated annealing algorithms in three scheduling problems
- Job-shop scheduling: Computational study of local search and large-step optimization methods
- Global optimization of statistical functions with simulated annealing
- Optimization by Simulated Annealing
- Using tabu search techniques for graph coloring
- Some experiments with simulated annealing for coloring graphs
- On the performance guarantee of neural networks for NP-hard optimization problems
- Local search, reducibility and approximability of NP-optimization problems
- A note on the complexity of local search problems
- Parallel recombinative simulated annealing: A genetic algorithm
- The annealing evolution algorithm as function optimizer
- Isomorphisms of genetic algorithms
- Implicit parallelism in genetic algorithms
- Using reliability analysis to estimate the number of generations to convergence in genetic algorithms
- Genetic algorithms in coding theory -- a table for \(A_ 3(n, d)\)
- Single machine scheduling with flow time and earliness penalties
- Computing optimal triangulations using simulated annealing
- A parallel simulated annealing algorithm
- Good solutions to discrete noxious location problems via metaheuristics
- Avoiding local optima in the \(p\)-hub location problem using tabu search and GRASP
- The construction of minimal multilayered perceptrons: A case study for sorting
- Comparison of the performance of modern heuristics for combinatorial optimization on real data
- On the heuristic solution of the permutation flow shop problem by path algorithms
- TABARIS: An exact algorithm based on tabu search for finding a maximum independent set in a graph
- Modeling the satellite placement problem as a network flow problem with one side constraint
- An improved annealing scheme for the QAP
- Algorithms for the maximum satisfiability problem
- Stepwise-overlapped parallel annealing and its application to floorplan designs
- A study of the application of Kohonen-type neural networks to the travelling salesman problem
- Self-organization and associative memory
- Thermodynamical approach to the travelling salesman problem: An efficient simulation algorithm
- Efficient simulated annealing on fractal energy landscapes
- Tabu search for large scale timetabling problems
- Stochastic neural networks
- Simulated annealing type algorithms for multivariate optimization
- A convoy scheduling problem
- On the power of neural networks for solving hard problems
- The application of the simulated annealing algorithm to the solution of the \(n/m/C_{\max}\) flowshop problem
- Weak convergence of Markov chain sampling methods and annealing algorithms to diffusions
- Simulated annealing: A tool for operational research
- Serial and parallel simulated annealing and tabu search algorithms for the traveling salesman problem
- Threshold accepting: A general purpose optimization algorithm appearing superior to simulated annealing
- Experiments in projection and clustering by simulated annealing
- Scaling the neural TSP algorithm
- ``Neural computation of decisions in optimization problems
- The asymptotic behaviour of quadratic sum assignment problems: A statistical mechanics approach
- Simulated annealing, random search, MultiStart or SAD?
- On the stability of the travelling salesman problem algorithm of Hopfield and Tank
- A simulated annealing approach to the multiconstraint zero-one knapsack problem
- On the convergence of stationary distributions in simulated annealing algorithms
- Solving a combinatorial problem via self-organizing process: An application of the Kohonen algorithm to the traveling salesman problem
- Network-based heuristics for constraint-satisfaction problems
- Evolution algorithms in combinatorial optimization
- How easy is local search?
- Schedule synchronization for public transit networks
- New approaches for heuristic search: A bilateral linkage with artificial intelligence
- Boltzmann machines for travelling salesman problems
- A new heuristic method for the flow shop sequencing problem
- Tabu search techniques. A tutorial and an application to neural networks
- A probabilistic heuristic for a computationally difficult set covering problem
- A comparison of stochastic scheduling rules for maximizing project net present value
- Minimizing makespan for flow shop scheduling by combining simulated annealing with sequencing knowledge
- Guillotineable bin packing: A genetic approach
- Packing different-sized circles into a rectangular container
- Dynamic grouping of parts in flexible manufacturing systems. A self-organizing neural networks approach
- Modified simulated annealing algorithms for the flow shop sequencing problem
- Algodesk: An experimental comparison of eight evolutionary heuristics applied to the quadratic assignment problem
- Self-organized formation of topologically correct feature maps
- Global optimization and simulated annealing
- Tabu search and design optimization
- On the convergence of ``threshold accepting
- The parallel genetic algorithm as function optimizer
- Least-cost network topology design for a new service: An application of tabu search
- A note on the effect of neighborhood structure in simulated annealing
- A GRASP for a difficult single machine scheduling problem
- A feedforward neural network for multiple criteria decision making
- Finding a feasible course schedule using Tabu search
- Finding approximate solutions to NP-hard problems by neural networks is hard
- Self-organizing maps: Ordering, convergence properties and energy functions
- Nested annealing: A provable improvement to simulated annealing
- Location and sizing of offshore platforms for oil exploration
- Composite stock cutting through simulated annealing
- Solution to the assortment problem via the genetic algorithm
- Knowledge based approach to the cutting stock problem
- Experimental analysis of simulated annealing based algorithms for the layout problem
- Simulated annealing for machine layout problems in the presence of zoning constraints
- Application of statistical mechanics methodology to term-structure bond- pricing models
- Large-step Markov chains for the TSP incorporating local search heuristics
- The afforestation problem: A heuristic method based on simulated annealing
- Simulated annealing applied to the process allocation problem
- Local search in coding theory
- Neural networks and operations research: An overview
- Neural network methods in combinatorial optimization
- Scheduling with neural networks -- the case of the Hubble Space Telescope
- A stochastic neural network for resource constrained scheduling
- A connectionist approach to the quadratic assignment problem
- Recurrent neural networks for linear programming: Analysis and design principles
- Rough large deviation estimates for simulated annealing: Application to exponential schedules
- A randomized heuristics for the mapping problem: The genetic approach
- Restricted neighborhood in the tabu search for the flowshop problem
- The logic of constraint satisfaction
- Constraint satisfaction using constraint logic programming
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- Steady-state genetic algorithms for discrete optimization of trusses
- Tabu search-based heuristics for cellular manufacturing systems in the presence of alternative process plans
- Stochastic assembly line balancing using simulated annealing
- Determining the number of kanbans and lotsizes in a generic kanban system: a simulated annealing approach
- Heuristic, storage space minimization methods for facility layouts served by looped AGV systems
- A hierarchical bicriterion approach to integrated process plan selection and job shop scheduling
- Optimization of cube-per-order index warehouse layouts with zoning constraints
- Manufacturing cell formation in the presence of lot splitting and multiple units of the same machine
- Fractional cell formation in group technology
- A knowledgeable simulated annealing scheme for the early/tardy flow shop scheduling problem
- Due-date setting methodologies based on simulated annealing—an experimental study in a real-life job shop
- A simulated annealing solution to the cell formation problem
- A fast and robust network bisection algorithm
- Properties of Some Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Their Effect on the Performance of Integer Programming and Constraint Logic Programming
- A simulated annealing approach to the cyclic staff-scheduling problem
- Implementation and Comparison of Three Neural Network Learning Algorithms
- The time complexity of maximum matching by simulated annealing
- Simulated annealing algorithm for the minimum weighted perfect euclidean matching problem
- Some Experiences On Solving Multiconstraint Zero-One Knapsack Problems With Genetic Algorithms
- A Tabu Search Algorithm for the Resource-Constrained Assignment Problem
- A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem
- Clustering for the Design of SONET Rings in Interoffice Telecommunications
- Feedforward Artificial Neural Networks for Solving Discrete Multiple Criteria Decision Making Problems
- A GRASP for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
- Solving a General Routing and Scheduling Problem by Chain Decomposition and Tabu Search
- Genetic algorithms for drawing bipartite graphs
- Ordonnancement de tâches sur un système multiprocesseur - modèles déterministes et modèles stochastiques
- A multi-criteria tabu search approach to cell formation problems in group technology with multiple objectives
- Advanced search techniques for the job shop problem : a comparison
- Cell division and migration in a ‘genotype’ for neural networks
- Reactive scheduling: improving the robustness of schedules and restricting the effects of shop floor disturbances by fuzzy reasoning
- An Evolutionary Tabu Search Algorithm And The NHL Scheduling Problem
- A New Heuristic Method for the Permutation Flow Shop Scheduling Problem
- Faster Simulated Annealing
- Integer Linear Programs and Local Search for Max-Cut
- A piecewise Markovian model for simulated annealing with stochastic cooling schedules
- Single and multiobjective structural optimization in discrete‐continuous variables using simulated annealing
- Note: A local-search heuristic for large set-covering problems
- Optimization of truss topology using tabu search
- Efficient Solution of the Single-item, Capacitated Lot-sizing Problem with Start-up and Reservation Costs
- Improving Personnel Scheduling at Airline Stations
- Solving the CLSP by a Tabu Search Heuristic
- Tabu Thresholding: Improved Search by Nonmonotonic Trajectories
- Problem and Heuristic Space Search Strategies for Job Shop Scheduling
- Ghost Image Processing for Minimum Covariance Determinants
- Statistical mechanics of the knapsack problem
- Genetic algorithm based approach to bi-level linear programming
- Global optimization by artificial life : a new technique using genetic population evolution
- Estimating Missing Values Using Neural Networks
- Sequential-analysis Based Randomized-regret-methods for Lot-sizing and Scheduling
- Evolutionary computation techniques for nonlinear programming problems
- Tabu search within a pivot and complement framework
- Capacitated clustering problems by hybrid simulated annealing and tabu search
- The m-Traveling Salesman Problem with Minmax Objective
- The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Part I: Tabu Search
- The Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows Part II: Genetic Search
- Improving the Efficiency of Tabu Search for Machine Sequencing Problems
- Solving the Graphical Steiner Tree Problem Using Genetic Algorithms
- A Comparison of Discriminant Analysis versus Artificial Neural Networks
- A shortest path algorithm for a nonrotating object among obstacles of arbitrary shapes
- Some Computer Organizations and Their Effectiveness
- Hybrid Heuristics for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows
- A Tabu Search Heuristic for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands and Customers
- Local Search Algorithms for the Maximal Planar Layout Problem
- The optimal simulated annealing schedule for a simple model
- A genetic algorithm for public transport driver scheduling
- Bandwidth Packing: A Tabu Search Approach
- Locating a transit line using tabu search
- Comparison of iterative searches for the quadratic assignment problem
- Efficient facility layout planning in a maximally planar graph model
- Necessary and sufficient condition for absolute stability of neural networks
- Neural networks for constrained optimization problems
- Categorized Assignment Scheduling: a Tabu Search Approach
- An algorithm for constructing optimal resolvable incomplete block designs
- Decision tree design by simulated annealing
- Variable-Depth Search for the Single-Vehicle Pickup and Delivery Problem with Time Windows
- A distributed search algorithm for global optimization on numerical spaces
- A near-optimal initial seed value selection in K-means means algorithm using a genetic algorithm
- Scheduling the Australian State Cricket Season Using Simulated Annealing
- A Simulated Annealing Approach to the Solution of Flexible Labour Scheduling Problems
- Neural Networks, Decision Tree Induction and Discriminant Analysis: an Empirical Comparison
- Technical Note—Algorithms for Weber Facility Location in the Presence of Forbidden Regions and/or Barriers to Travel
- Parallel iterative search methods for vehicle routing problems
- A Greedy Look-ahead Heuristic for Combinatorial Optimization: An Application to Vehicle Scheduling with Time Windows
- Needed: An Empirical Science of Algorithms
- Parallel Taboo Search Techniques for the Job Shop Scheduling Problem
- A Computational Study of Local Search Algorithms for Job Shop Scheduling
- The Reactive Tabu Search
- Fast Clustering Algorithms
- Genetic Algorithms and Random Keys for Sequencing and Optimization
- Genetic Algorithms for Combinatorial Optimization: The Assemble Line Balancing Problem
- A Double-Layered Learning Approach to Acquiring Rules for Classification: Integrating Genetic Algorithms with Similarity-Based Learning
- A delaunay triangulation‐based heuristic for the euclidean steiner problem
- Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problems with Time Deadlines
- Analog circuit for solving assignment problems
- Analysis and design of a recurrent neural network for linear programming
- Computable Robust Estimation of Multivariate Location and Shape in High Dimension Using Compound Estimators
- A Rigorous Computational Comparison of Alternative Solution Methods for the Generalized Assignment Problem
- A Greedy Randomized Adaptive Search Procedure for Maximum Independent Set
- A Tabu Search Approach for Delivering Pet Food and Flour in Switzerland
- Solving Location-Allocation Problems with Rectilinear Distances by Simulated Annealing
- An enhancement scheme for constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs)
- Cluster analysis by simulated annealing
- Gates towards evolutionary large-scale optimization: A software-oriented approach to genetic algorithms—I. General perspective
- Gates towards evolutionary large-scale optimization: A software-oriented approach to genetic algorithms—II. Toolbox description
- Bandwidth reduction by simulated annealing
- A GRASP for graph planarization
- A Fast Taboo Search Algorithm for the Job Shop Problem
- Algorithm 754: Fortran subroutines for approximate solution of dense quadratic assignment problems using GRASP
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