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zbMath0652.90067MaRDI QIDQ4040221

Nemhauser, George I., Laurence A. Wolsey

Publication date: 5 June 1993

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Implicit cover inequalities, Improving branch-and-cut performance by random sampling, Mathematical models and a heuristic method for the multiperiod one-dimensional cutting stock problem, Exact MIP-based approaches for finding maximum quasi-cliques and dense subgraphs, A mixed integer programming approach to multi-skilled workforce scheduling, Dynamic programming approximation algorithms for the capacitated lot-sizing problem, Decomposition and mean-field approach to mixed integer optimal compensation problems, Total variation bounds on the expectation of periodic functions with applications to recourse approximations, Obtaining lower bounds from the progressive hedging algorithm for stochastic mixed-integer programs, Cutting planes for the multistage stochastic unit commitment problem, An implicit enumeration algorithm for the passenger service planning problem: application to the Taiwan railways administration line, Asymptotic independence of servers' activity in queueing systems with limited resource pooling, Optimization-based heuristics for underground mine scheduling, Global optimization with spline constraints: a new branch-and-bound method based on B-splines, Double system parts optimization: static and dynamic model, Local convex hulls for a special class of integer multicommodity flow problems, Solving disjunctive optimization problems by generalized semi-infinite optimization techniques, Estimating the strength of poker hands by integer linear programming techniques, A polyhedral study of production ramping, Duality for mixed-integer convex minimization, A purely proactive scheduling procedure for the resource-constrained project scheduling problem with stochastic activity durations, Using cuts for mixed integer knapsack sets to generate cuts for mixed integer polyhedral conic sets, On sublinear inequalities for mixed integer conic programs, A decompose-and-fix heuristic based on multi-commodity flow models for driver rostering with days-off pattern, Multi-level facility location as the maximization of a submodular set function, Aggregation heuristic for the open-pit block scheduling problem, Supplier selection in the processed food industry under uncertainty, An approximate dynamic programming approach for improving accuracy of lossy data compression by Bloom filters, An integer programming approach for solving the \(p\)-dispersion problem, Allocation of flows in closed bipartite queueing networks, An implementation of exact knapsack separation, Revising history for cost-informed process improvement, Impact of fairness and heterogeneity on delays in large-scale centralized content delivery systems, A Lagrangian relaxation-based method and models evaluation for multi-level lot sizing problems with backorders, A parallel hybrid greedy branch and bound scheme for the maximum distance-2 matching problem, Solving quality control problems with an algorithm for minimax programs with coupled constraints, Optimization procedures for the bipartite unconstrained 0-1 quadratic programming problem, Integer programming methods for large-scale practical classroom assignment problems, Modelling and planning public cultural schedules for efficient use of resources, A two-phase adaptive variable neighborhood approach for nurse rostering, \(p\)-median and \(p\)-dispersion problems: a bi-criteria analysis, Two-stage stochastic programming supply chain model for biodiesel production via wastewater treatment, Optimizing experimental design in genetics, Alternative formulations for the set packing problem and their application to the winner determination problem, Separable relaxation for nonconvex quadratic integer programming: Integer diagonalization approach, A branch-and-cut algorithm for the maximum benefit Chinese postman problem, Shrinking of time Petri nets, Classes of submodular constraints expressible by graph cuts, Reconstructing convex matrices by integer programming approaches, Approximating the Pareto optimal set using a reduced set of objective functions, The stable set polytope of claw-free graphs with stability number at least four. I. 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II: The case of inconsistent primal problems, On the core of routing games with revenues, Maximum utility product pricing models and algorithms based on reservation price, Compressor scheduling in oil fields. 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covering problems, Mathematical programs with a two-dimensional reverse convex constraint, An approximate method for local optima for nonlinear mixed integer programming problems, A review of open queueing network models of manufacturing systems, Design of manufacturing systems using queueing models, Mingling: mixed-integer rounding with bounds, Mixing MIR inequalities with two divisible coefficients, Polyhedral results for the precedence-constrained knapsack problem, The expressive power of binary submodular functions, Optimal selection of forest patches using integer and fractional programming, A polyhedral approach to the stability of a family of coalitions, Solving a cut problem in bipartite graphs by linear programming: application to a forest management problem, Piecewise-linear approximations of multidimensional functions, Routing traffic at hub facilities, Scheduling internal audit activities: a stochastic combinatorial optimization problem, On the equivalence of the Max-min 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problem, Facets for node packing, Airline network revenue management by multistage stochastic programming, Optimal scrap combination for steel production, On the complexities of selected satisfiability and equivalence queries over Boolean formulas and inclusion queries over hulls, The submodular knapsack polytope, Surrogate gradient algorithm for Lagrangian relaxation, Optimizing glass coating lines: MIP model and valid inequalities, Weak \(k\)-majorization and polyhedra, Minimum cost capacity installation for multicommodity network flows, Condition measures and properties of the central trajectory of a linear program, Discrete convex analysis, L-shaped decomposition of two-stage stochastic programs with integer recourse, Lagrangian heuristics for the two-echelon, single-source, capacitated facility location problem, Heuristics for the 0-1 multidimensional knapsack problem, Capacity planning for phased implementation of flexible manufacturing systems under budget restrictions, Network-based formulations of the quadratic assignment problem, Optimal television schedules in alternative competitive environments, The rural postman problem with deadline classes, Impact of learning and fatigue factors on single machine scheduling with penalties for tardy jobs, On a multiconstrained model for chromatic scheduling, Calculating uncertainty intervals in approximate equation systems, Models for concurrent product and process design, Multistage hybrid flowshop scheduling with identical jobs and uniform parallel machines, A dual ascent method for the portfolio selection problem with multiple constraints and linked proposals, Integrated defect detection and optimization for cross cutting of wooden boards, Mixed-integer column generation algorithms and the probabilistic maximum satisfiability problem, A catalog of minimally nonideal matrices, On the Glivenko-Cantelli problem in stochastic programming: mixed-integer linear recourse., On using an automatic scheme for obtaining the convex hull defining inequalities of a Weismantel 0-1 knapsack constraint, On surrogating 0-1 knapsack constraints, A solution approach to the fixed charge network flow problem using a dynamic slope scaling procedure, A linear-time algorithm for the bottleneck transportation problem with a fixed number of sources, Dual decomposition in stochastic integer programming, The partial constraint satisfaction problem: Facets and lifting theorems, Lifting theorems and facet characterization for a class of clique partitioning inequalities, On dependent randomized rounding algorithms, The 2-hop spanning tree problem, The complexity of cover inequality separation, Application of the simulated annealing algorithm to the combinatorial optimization problem with permutation property: An investigation of generation mechanism, Algorithms for a multi-level network optimization problem, Order selection on a single machine with high set-up costs, Boolean polynomials and set functions, Optimal consumption and arbitrage in incomplete, finite state security markets, A deep cut ellipsoid algorithm for convex programming: Theory and applications, A new global approach for \(0\)-\(1\) polynomial programs, The maximum clique problem, Multidimensional assignment formulation of data association problems arising from multitarget and multisensor tracking, A generalized Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition principle for a class of nonconvex programming problems, Min-cut clustering, The Steiner tree polytope and related polyhedra, Order cones: a tool for deriving \(k\)-dimensional faces of cones of subfamilies of monotone games, On the complexity of sequentially lifting cover inequalities for the knapsack polytope, Routing of uncertain traffic demands, Extended formulations for the cardinality constrained subtree of a tree problem, A two-stage stochastic programming approach for project planning with uncertain activity durations, Genetic algorithms applied to the solution of hybrid optimal control problems in astrodynamics, Computing generating sets of lattice ideals and Markov bases of lattices, Efficient reformulation and solution of a nonlinear PDE-controlled flow network model, A cutting plane algorithm for the capacitated facility location problem, MIR closures of polyhedral sets, Lifting inequalities: a framework for generating strong cuts for nonlinear programs, The traveling salesman problem with pickup and delivery: Polyhedral results and a branch-and-cut algorithm, Conic mixed-integer rounding cuts, Coefficient strengthening: a tool for reformulating mixed-integer programs, A generalization of column generation to accelerate convergence, Computing sparse and dense realizations of reaction kinetic systems, Cross-layer packet scheduling for downlink multiuser OFDM systems, On solving the Lagrangian dual of integer programs via an incremental approach, A FPTAS for a class of linear multiplicative problems, Polyhedral analysis for concentrator location problems, Solving the \(p\)-median problem with a semi-Lagrangian relaxation, On some geometry and equivalence classes of normal form games, Analysis of bounds for a capacitated single-item lot-sizing problem, Decision support system for mass dispensing of medications for infectious disease outbreaks and bioterrorist attacks, Polyhedral results on single node variable upper-bound flow models with allowed configurations, Hypergraphs and the Clar problem in hexagonal systems, Exact algorithms and applications for tree-like Weighted Set Cover, Lifting two-integer knapsack inequalities, Mixed-integer cuts from cyclic groups, On `informationally robust equilibria' for bimatrix games, In situ column generation for a cutting-stock problem, Two fast algorithms for all-pairs shortest paths, Space-aware ambients and processes, Optimizing over the first Chvátal closure, Pre-emptive scheduling problems with controllable processing times, Cyclic preference scheduling of nurses using a Lagrangian-based heuristic, A hybrid clustering algorithm, Static and dynamic source locations in undirected networks, The multiple traveling salesmen problem with moving targets, Sequence independent lifting for mixed knapsack problems with GUB constraints, Reverse split rank, On a class of subadditive duals for the uncapacitated facility location problem, Progress in presolving for mixed integer programming, Facets of the axial three-index assignment polytope, A survey of dynamic network flows, Strong valid inequalities for the resource-constrained scheduling problem with uniform resource requirements, Global solution of optimization problems with signomial parts, Mathematical model for cyclic scheduling with work-in-process minimization, The mixing-MIR set with divisible capacities, Multi-item single source ordering problem with transportation cost: A Lagrangian decomposition approach, Boolean-controlled systems via receding horizon and linear programing, Lago: a (heuristic) branch and cut algorithm for nonconvex minlps, A multi-stop routing problem, Some observations about the extreme points of the generalized cardinality-constrained shortest path problem polytope, Benders decomposition for the uncapacitated multiple allocation hub location problem, Computing exact solution to nonlinear integer programming: convergent Lagrangian and objective level cut method, A weighted even factor algorithm, Simultaneously lifting sets of binary variables into cover inequalities for knapsack polytopes, How tight is the corner relaxation?, Computing robust basestock levels, Nonconvex, lower semicontinuous piecewise linear optimization, Production-process optimization algorithm: application to fed-batch bioprocess, Multi-level multi-item lot size planning with limited resources and general manufacturing structure., The time-dependent traveling salesman problem and single machine scheduling problems with sequence dependent setup times, A polynomial-time algorithm for computing the yolk in fixed dimension, On simple combinatorial optimization problems. A collection of contributions in honour of Jack van Lint, A mixed integer programming model for multiple stage adaptive testing, Polyhedral study of the capacitated vehicle routing problem, Testing balancedness and perfection of linear matrices, Forecast horizons and dynamic facility location planning, On cardinality constrained cycle and path polytopes, On the equivalence of strong formulations for capacitated multi-level lot sizing problems with setup times, Ideal clutters, New Lagrangian relaxation based algorithm for resource scheduling with homogeneous subproblems, New bundle methods for solving Lagrangian relaxation dual problems, Adapting polyhedral properties from facility to hub location problems, Mixing polyhedra with two non divisible coefficients, Parallel Cholesky-based reduction for the weighted integer least squares problem, Inverse integer programming, Exact computational approaches to a stochastic uncapacitated single allocation \(p\)-hub center problem, Separating valid odd-cycle and odd-set inequalities for the multiple depot vehicle scheduling problem, Branch-and-cut approaches for chance-constrained formulations of reliable network design problems, The sparse signomial classification and regression model, A combinatorial optimization approach to the selection of statistical units, Decomposition algorithms for submodular optimization with applications to parallel machine scheduling with controllable processing times, Large-scale 0-1 linear programming on distributed workstations, Quantitatively fair scheduling, A model for two-stage fixed charge transportation problem with multiple objectives and fuzzy linguistic preferences, A class of exponential neighbourhoods for the quadratic travelling salesman problem, Interior-point algorithms for global optimization, Models for planning capacity expansion in local access telecommunication networks, Multicriteria branch and bound: a vector maximization algorithm for mixed 0-1 multiple objective linear programming, Locating stops along bus or railway lines -- a bicriteria problem, Locating active sensors on traffic networks, The multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem -- bounds and computational aspects, Logic-based modeling and solution of nonlinear discrete/continuous optimization problems, On compact formulations for integer programs solved by column generation, Integer-programming software systems, Some classes of valid inequalities and convex hull characterizations for dynamic fixed-charge problems under nested constraints, Solving planning and design problems in the process industry using mixed integer and global optimization, The disjunctive procedure and blocker duality, An exact algorithm for the maximum stable set problem, Obtaining clique, cover and coefficient reduction inequalities as Chvatal-Gomory inequalities and Gomory fractional cuts, A global approach for general \(0-1\) fractional programming, Arborescence polytopes for series-parallel graphs, Partial cover and complete cover inequalities, Efficient inference in Bayes networks as a combinatorial optimization problem, On weighted multiway cuts in trees, A projection method for \(l_ p\) norm location-allocation problems, Theoretical complexity of grid cover problems used in radar applications, Solving \(0/1\) integer programs with enumeration cutting planes, Vertex packing problem application to the design of electronic testing fixtures, Unrelated machine scheduling with time-window and machine downtime constraints: An application to a naval battle-group problem, A distance constrained \(p\)-facility location problem on the real line, A new mixed integer linear programming model for the multi level uncapacitated facility location problem, A surrogate heuristic for set covering problems, Supernode processing of mixed-integer models, A comparison of \(p\)-dispersion heuristics, Practical issues on the projection of polyhedral sets, Theoretical challenges towards cutting-plane selection, Mathematical programming formulations for the efficient solution of the \(k\)-sum approval voting problem, A minimum expected regret model for the shortest path problem with solution-dependent probability distributions, Implementation of an integer optimization platform using object oriented programming, Sonet ring sizing with genetic algorithms, Sample-path optimization of convex stochastic performance functions, Approximation algorithms for multi-index transportation problems with decomposable costs, A branch-and-price algorithm for solving the cutting strips problem, Finding a maximal element of a non-negative convex set through its characteristic cone: an application to finding a strictly complementary solution, Piece-wise linear approximation of functions of two variables, General purpose heuristics for integer programming. I, On facets of knapsack equality polytopes, Some properties of cliques in 0-1 mixed integer programs, Convex analysis and duality over discrete domains, Solving MIPs via scaling-based augmentation, The skiving stock problem and its relation to hypergraph matchings, Fast integer-valued algorithms for optimal allocations under constraints in stratified sampling, Solving the anti-covering location problem using Lagrangian relaxation, Majorization, polyhedra, and statistical testing problems, Finding the minimum weight IIS cover of an infeasible system of linear inequalities, Max Horn SAT and the minimum cut problem in directed hypergraphs, An extended formulation of the convex recoloring problem on a tree, Solving discrete linear bilevel optimization problems using the optimal value reformulation, Fractional 0-1 programming: applications and algorithms, On approximately fair cost allocation in Euclidean TSP games, Algebraic and dynamical cancellations associated to spectral sequence, Branch-and-price algorithm for fuzzy integer programming problems with block angular structure, Multiple facility location on a network with linear reliability order of edges, A method for the cutting stock problem with different qualities, On imposing connectivity constraints in integer programs, An abstract model for branching and its application to mixed integer programming, The connected facility location polytope, Another pedagogy for mixed-integer Gomory, A novel probabilistic clustering model for heterogeneous networks, Complete description of a class of knapsack polytopes., A dynamic discrete network design problem for maintenance planning in traffic networks, On properties of multi-dimensional statistical tables, Scheduling cleaning activities on trains by minimizing idle times, Analysis and optimization of resource control in high-speed railway wireless networks, Integration of COTS software products ARENA \& CPLEX for an inventory/logistics problem., The rank pricing problem: models and branch-and-cut algorithms, Monoidal cut strengthening and generalized mixed-integer rounding for disjunctions and complementarity constraints, Compact linearization for binary quadratic problems subject to assignment constraints, Convex approximations for complete integer recourse models, A review of operations research models in invasive species management: state of the art, challenges, and future directions, Combinatorial investigations on the maximum gap for skiving stock instances of the divisible case, On total \(f\)-domination: polyhedral and algorithmic results, The maximum clique interdiction problem, Location routing problems on trees, Compact models for critical node detection in telecommunication networks, An improved cut-and-solve algorithm for the single-source capacitated facility location problem, Pseudo basic steps: bound improvement guarantees from Lagrangian decomposition in convex disjunctive programming, A two-stage stochastic programming approach for influence maximization in social networks, On the relative strength of different generalizations of split cuts, Single-machine scheduling with supporting tasks, Branch-and-bound algorithms: a survey of recent advances in searching, branching, and pruning, Polyhedral studies of vertex coloring problems: the standard formulation, Minimizing flowtime for paired tasks, An algorithmic framework for tool switching problems with multiple objectives, Stochastic survivable network design problems: theory and practice, A comparative study of the arcflow model and the one-cut model for one-dimensional cutting stock problems, Polyhedral study of the maximum common induced subgraph problem, The one-warehouse multi-retailer problem: reformulation, classification, and computational results, Discrete and geometric branch and bound algorithms for~medical image registration, Problem reduction heuristic for the \(0\)-\(1\) multidimensional knapsack problem, Theorems of the alternative for inequality systems of real polynomials, Rounding-based heuristics for nonconvex MINLPS, Mixed integer programming models for dispatching vehicles at a container terminal, The edge-weighted clique problem: Valid inequalities, facets and polyhedral computations, Formal methods in pattern recognition: A review, Tool capacity planning for semiconductor fabrication facilities under demand uncertainty, A mini-line approach for pull production, Heuristic and exact algorithms for the precedence-constrained knapsack problem, A cutting plane algorithm for a single machine scheduling problem, Approximating separable nonlinear functions via mixed zero-one programs, Evolution and state-of-the-art in integer programming, A two-phase optimization procedure for integer programming problems, Arterial-based control of traffic flow in urban grid networks, A fast interactive solution method for large capital expenditure selection problems, A column generation based decomposition algorithm for a parallel machine just-in-time scheduling problem, Compact vs. exponential-size LP relaxations, Greedy heuristics for single-machine scheduling problems with general earliness and tardiness costs, Reliability, covering and balanced matrices, A quick and effective method for capacitated lot sizing with startup and reservation costs, Boole's conditions of possible experience and reasoning under uncertainty, Scheduling with safety distances, An algorithm for large scale 0-1 integer programming with application to airline crew scheduling, A unifying approach to heuristic search, On structure and stability in stochastic programs with random technology matrix and complete integer recourse, Valid inequalities and facets for a hypergraph model of the nonlinear knapsack and the FMS part selection problems, Beyond unimodular transformations, Locating flow-intercepting facilities: New approaches and results, Optimizing constrained subtrees of trees, Constructing the value function for an integer linear programme over a cone, Scheduling jobs of equal length: Complexity, facets and computational results, Demurrage costs optimization in ports using binary mathematical programming models, A unifying geometric solution framework and complexity analysis for variational inequalities, A comparison of two methods for solving 0-1 integer programs using a general purpose simulated annealing algorithm, Metaheuristics: A bibliography, Ideal polytopes and face structures of some combinatorial optimization problems, Mixed \(n\)-step MIR inequalities: facets for the \(n\)-mixing set, A branch-and-cut algorithm for the Steiner tree problem with delays, Algebraic connectivity of an even uniform hypergraph, The opportunistic replacement problem: theoretical analyses and numerical tests, Convex envelopes generated from finitely many compact convex sets, Conservative scales in packing problems, Explicit convex and concave envelopes through polyhedral subdivisions, Totally unimodular stochastic programs, ConsNet -- a tabu search approach to the spatially coherent conservation area network design problem, On a generalization of the master cyclic group polyhedron, On the Chvátal rank of polytopes in the 0/1 cube, Valid inequalities and separation for capacitated fixed charge flow problems, Solving a class of multiplicative programs with 0-1 knapsack constraints, Storage management of items in two levels of availability, Solving linear programming relaxations associated with Lagrangean relaxations by Fenchel cutting planes, Reduced first-level representations via the reformulation-linearization technique: Results, counterexamples, and computations, Online budgeted maximum coverage, A two-stage robust model for a reliable \(p\)-center facility location problem, New solution approaches for the maximum-reliability stochastic network interdiction problem, Three methods for robust grading, Most recent changepoint detection in censored panel data, Algorithmic expedients for the \(S\)-labeling problem, Valid inequalities for the topology optimization problem in gas network design, Avoiding redundant columns by adding classical Benders cuts to column generation subproblems, Probability logic and optimization SAT: The PSAT and CPA models, Mixed integer programming for a special logic constrained optimal control problem, \( \mathrm{A}^*\) -based construction of decision diagrams for a prize-collecting scheduling problem, Aggregation-based cutting-planes for packing and covering integer programs, Stochastic capacity expansion with multiple sources of capacity, Split cuts and extended formulations for mixed integer conic quadratic programming, Totally unimodular multistage stochastic programs, Valid inequalities for a time-indexed formulation, Note on the complexity of the mixed-integer hull of a polyhedron, Integration of progressive hedging and dual decomposition in stochastic integer programs, On the existence of compact $\varepsilon$-approximated formulations for knapsack in the original space, A polyhedral characterization of the inverse-feasible region of a mixed-integer program, A polyhedral study on 0-1 knapsack problems with set packing constraints, The assignment and loading transportation problem, The \(k\)-regular induced subgraph problem, Optimal codon randomization via mathematical programming, On characterizing the extreme points of the generalized transitive tournament polytope, Conditions for discreteness of the spectrum to Schrödinger operator via non-increasing rearrangement, Lagrangian relaxation and perturbations, Not-all-equal and 1-in-degree decompositions: algorithmic complexity and applications, Valid inequalities for separable concave constraints with indicator variables, On the in-out-proper orientations of graphs, The \(m\)-Steiner traveling salesman problem with online edge blockages, The graphical relaxation: A new framework for the symmetric traveling salesman polytope, A computational study of several heuristics for the DRPP, Three algorithms for bicriteria integer linear programs, \(O(n)\) procedures for identifying maximal cliques and non-dominated extensions of consecutive minimal covers and alternates, The minimum concave cost network flow problem with fixed numbers of sources and nonlinear arc costs, Polyhedra for lot-sizing with Wagner-Whitin costs, A linear equation for the classification of progressive and hyperactive spermatozoa, An iterative improvement approach for the nonpreemptive open shop scheduling problem, The plant location problem with demand-dependent setup costs and centralized allocation, Parametric linear programming and cluster analysis, Decision making under partial probability information using pair-wise comparisons, Lotsizing with backlogging and start-ups: The case of Wagner-Whitin costs, Notes on polyhedra associated with hop-constrained paths, Some new perspectives for solving 0--1 integer programming problems using balas method, Lagrangian-relaxation-based solution procedures for a multiproduct capacitated facility location problem with choice of facility type, An optimality cut for mixed integer linear programs, New formulations and solution procedures for the hop constrained network design problem., Computational study of a family of mixed-integer quadratic programming problems, \(\{ 0,\frac12\}\)-Chvátal-Gomory cuts, A Gilmore-Gomory construction of integer programming value functions, New exact techniques applied to a class of network flow formulations, Matroid optimization problems with monotone monomials in the objective, An exact cutting plane method for \(k\)-submodular function maximization, Facets and algorithms for capacitated lot sizing, Refined cut selection for Benders decomposition: applied to network capacity expansion problems, Directed fixed charge multicommodity network design: a cutting plane approach using polar duality, When two-constraint binary knapsack problem is equivalent to classical knapsack problem?, The aggregation closure is polyhedral for packing and covering integer programs, LP models for bin packing and cutting stock problems, A cutting plane algorithm for the unrelated parallel machine scheduling problem, Submodular maximization of concave utility functions composed with a set-union operator with applications to maximal covering location problems, Submodular function minimization and polarity, Sequence independent lifting for a set of submodular maximization problems, A combinatorial cut-and-lift procedure with an application to 0-1 second-order conic programming, On multiflow lexicographics, The triangle \(k\)-club problem, Robust and reliable portfolio optimization formulation of a chance constrained problem, An SDP-based approach for computing the stability number of a graph, Scalable branching on dual decomposition of stochastic mixed-integer programming problems, Tight MIP formulations for bounded up/down times and interval-dependent start-ups, Convex hull of two quadratic or a conic quadratic and a quadratic inequality, A distributed exact algorithm for the multiple resource constrained sequencing problem, Symbolic integration of logic in MILP branch and bound methods for the synthesis of process networks, A parametric programming methodology to solve the Lagrangian dual for network problems with multiple side-constraints, Subadditive approaches in integer programming, Pyomo.GDP: an ecosystem for logic based modeling and optimization development, An effective decomposition approach and heuristics to generate spanning trees with a small number of branch vertices, Improved algorithms for some competitive location centroid problems on paths, trees and graphs, An algorithm for optimizing a linear function over an integer efficient set, Two-phase method and Lagrangian relaxation to solve the bi-objective set covering problem, A multicriteria approach for optimizing bus schedules and school starting times, A combinatorial optimization approach to scenario filtering in portfolio selection, Equilibrium computation in resource allocation games, Circulation of railway rolling stock: a branch-and-price approach, Generating functions and duality for integer programs, Set covering with almost consecutive ones property, Min-up/min-down polytopes, Exploiting complete linear descriptions for decentralized power market problems with integralities, Generalized mixed integer rounding inequalities: Facets for infinite group polyhedra, On the facets of mixed integer programs with two integer variables and two constraints, A cutting plane method for knapsack polytope, Sufficient pruning conditions for MINLP in gas network design, The flexible break assignment problem for large tour scheduling problems with an application to airport ground handlers, Lexicographical order in integer programming, A branch-and-cut algorithm for the maximum \(k\)-balanced subgraph of a signed graph, Relating single-scenario facets to the convex hull of the extensive form of a stochastic single-node flow polytope, An exact method for constrained maximization of the conditional value-at-risk of a class of stochastic submodular functions, Exact algorithms to minimize makespan on single and parallel batch processing machines, A particle swarm optimization algorithm for solving pricing and lead time quotation in a dual-channel supply chain with multiple customer classes, On the structure of the inverse-feasible region of a linear program, An integer optimality condition for column generation on zero-one linear programs, The blockwise coordinate descent method for integer programs, Maximum-likelihood detection based on branch and bound algorithm for MIMO systems, A polyhedral study of the diameter constrained minimum spanning tree problem, Approximability of the firefighter problem. Computing cuts over time, Generating valid linear inequalities for nonlinear programs via sums of squares, \(n\)-step mingling inequalities: new facets for the mixed-integer knapsack set, A simultaneous inventory control and facility location model with stochastic capacity constraints, Cost optimal periodic train scheduling, Location of slaughterhouses under economies of scale, On the facet defining inequalities of the mixed-integer bilinear covering set, Integer programming ensemble of temporal relations classifiers, Scenario-based cuts for structured two-stage stochastic and distributionally robust \(p\)-order conic mixed integer programs, Local search with a SAT oracle for combinatorial optimization, Valid inequalities for quadratic optimisation with domain constraints, Arc flow formulations based on dynamic programming: theoretical foundations and applications, \(\mathrm{A}^\ast\) search for prize-collecting job sequencing with one common and multiple secondary resources, Analysis of trophic networks: an optimisation approach, Design and verify: a new scheme for generating cutting-planes, Lifted inequalities for \(0-1\) mixed-integer bilinear covering sets, On valid inequalities for mixed integer \(p\)-order cone programming, An analytical comparison of the LP relaxations of integer models for the \(k\)-club problem, Feasible partition problem in reverse convex and convex mixed-integer programming, Optimal berth allocation and time-invariant quay crane assignment in container terminals, Workweek optimization of experimental designs: exact designs for variable sampling costs, Timetabling with passenger routing, A primal heuristic for optimizing the topology of gas networks based on dual information, Fixed charge transportation problems: a new heuristic approach based on Lagrangean relaxation and the solving of core problems, Evaluating the impact of AND/OR search on 0-1 integer linear programming, Scheduling projects with multi-skilled personnel by a hybrid MILP/CP Benders decomposition algorithm, Minimal infeasible constraint sets in convex integer programs, Mixed-integer programming models for nesting problems, Tailoring parallel alternating criteria search for domain specific MIPs: application to maritime inventory routing, Mixed integer formulations for a routing problem with information collection in wireless networks, Correntropy based feature selection using binary projection, Exact algorithm for solving a special fixed-charge linear programming problem, Daily course pattern formulation and valid inequalities for the curriculum-based course timetabling problem, Polyhedral results for position-based scheduling of chains on a single machine, Design of a reliable logistics network with hub disruption under uncertainty, Core group placement: allocation and provisioning of heterogeneous resources, A survey of network interdiction models and algorithms, Convex hull representations of special monomials of binary variables, On solving two-stage distributionally robust disjunctive programs with a general ambiguity set, Assortment planning for multiple chain stores, On the maximum small-world subgraph problem, A computational comparison of compact MILP formulations for the zero forcing number, Parametric convex quadratic relaxation of the quadratic knapsack problem, The incremental connected facility location problem, ``Facet separation with one linear program, Improved flow-based formulations for the skiving stock problem, Problems and algorithms for covering arrays via set covers, Linear programming insights into solvable cases of the quadratic assignment problem, A note on constraint aggregation and value functions for two-stage stochastic integer programs, A framework for generalized Benders' decomposition and its application to multilevel optimization, Decomposition of loosely coupled integer programs: a multiobjective perspective, The stochastic opportunistic replacement problem. I: Models incorporating individual component lives, Impulsively-controlled systems and reverse dwell time: a linear programming approach, Lifting for mixed integer programs with variable upper bounds, Unbiasing in iterative reconstruction algorithms for discrete compressed sensing, Branch-and-refine for solving time-expanded MILP formulations, An algorithm-independent measure of progress for linear constraint propagation, The \(b\)-chromatic index of direct product of graphs, Approximability of capacitated network design, Mathematical optimization ideas for biodiversity conservation, Mixed-integer linear methods for layout-optimization of screening systems in recovered paper production, An Exact Algorithm for the Steiner Tree Problem with Delays, Exact estimation of multiple directed acyclic graphs, A min-cut approach to functional regionalization, with a case study of the Italian local labour market areas, Optimizing the half-product and related quadratic Boolean functions: approximation and scheduling applications, Automorphisms of projective K3 surfaces with minimum entropy, Separation algorithms for 0-1 knapsack polytopes, Two row mixed-integer cuts via lifting, Global optimization of a quadratic function subject to a bounded mixed integer constraint set, PHoMpara-parallel implementation of the polyhedral homotopy continuation method for polynomial systems, An optimization model to determine master designs and runs for advertisement printing, A cutting-plane approach for the two-dimensional orthogonal non-guillotine cutting problem, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Chvátal-Gomory cuts for the Steiner tree problem, The stable set problem: clique and nodal inequalities revisited, Solving the \(p\)-median problem on regular and lattice networks, Performance guarantees of forward and reverse greedy algorithms for minimizing nonsupermodular nonsubmodular functions on a matroid, Lagrange dual bound computation for stochastic service network design, Enhancing CLP branch and bound techniques for scheduling problems, \texttt{EXPEDIS}: an exact penalty method over discrete sets, On routing and scheduling a fleet of resource-constrained vessels to provide ongoing continuous patrol coverage, Derivation and generation of path-based valid inequalities for transmission expansion planning, A note on the implications of approximate submodularity in discrete optimization, Exact solution of network flow models with strong relaxations, A 0-1 integer linear programming approach to schedule outages of nuclear power plants, Polyhedral results and a branch-and-cut algorithm for the \(k\)-cardinality tree problem, A polyhedral study of the semi-continuous knapsack problem, An algorithm for the separation of two-row cuts, The problem of trains formation and scheduling: integer statements, Stochastic optimization for power system configuration with renewable energy in remote areas, Approximating the least core value and least core of cooperative games with supermodular costs, 2-clique-bond of stable set polyhedra, Facets for the single node fixed-charge network set with a node set-up variable, The maximum vertex coverage problem on bipartite graphs, Balanced compact clustering for efficient range queries in metric spaces, Decomposition algorithms with parametric Gomory cuts for two-stage stochastic integer programs, Rational approximation of vertical segments, A dynamic programming based reduction procedure for the multidimensional 0-1 knapsack problem, Manufacturer's mixed pallet design problem, A relax-and-cut algorithm for the set partitioning problem, Generating facets for the cut polytope of a graph by triangular elimination, Robust branch-cut-and-price for the capacitated minimum spanning tree problem over a large extended formulation, Convergence properties of the cross-entropy method for discrete optimization, New cutting-planes for the time- and/or precedence-constrained ATSP and directed VRP, A simulated annealing algorithm for transient optimization in gas networks, Vertex Structure of Master Corner Polyhedra, A cutting plane algorithm for graph coloring, Methods based on discrete optimization for finding road network rehabilitation strategies, Solving 0-1 programming problems by a penalty approach., Sequential pairing of mixed integer inequalities, Using mixed-integer programming to solve power grid blackout problems, Projected Chvátal-Gomory cuts for mixed integer linear programs, Polyhedral combinatorics of the cardinality constrained quadratic knapsack problem and the quadratic selective travelling salesman problem, A simplicial branch-and-bound algorithm conscious of special structures in concave minimization problems, Reformulation of the support set selection problem in the logical analysis of data, Chromatic scheduling polytopes coming from the bandwidth allocation problem in point-to-multipoint radio access systems, A LAD-based method for selecting short oligo probes for genotyping applications, A cut and branch approach for the capacitated \(p\)-median problem based on Fenchel cutting planes, Analysis of backtrack algorithms for listing all vertices and all faces of a convex polyhedron., The selection and scheduling of telecommunication calls with time windows, Competitive strategies of U.S. presidential candidates in election campaigns, Solving the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands using the cross-entropy method, A branch-and-cut algorithm for scheduling of projects with variable-intensity activities, A branch-and-cut algorithm for graph coloring, Graph layering by promotion of nodes, Valid inequalities based on the interpolation procedure, Decomposition and dynamic cut generation in integer linear programming, A polyhedral study of the generalized vertex packing problem, A constraint generation algorithm for large scale linear programs using multiple-points separation, Facets of the polytope of the asymmetric travelling salesman problem with replenishment arcs, On the high multiplicity traveling salesman problem, A linear-size zero?one programming model for the minimum spanning tree problem in planar graphs, Optimal timeslot and channel allocation considering fairness for multicell CDMA/TDD systems, Two-stage integer programs with stochastic right-hand sides: A superadditive dual approach, A class of stochastic programs with decision dependent uncertainty, A local relaxation approach for the siting of electrical substations, A constraint programming approach to extract the maximum number of non-overlapping test forms, Airport management: taxi planning, Hybrid systems modeling and control, Semidefinite Programming and Constraint Programming, Mixed Integer Linear Programming Formulation Techniques, Structural Search and Optimization in Social Networks, Parallelization of the FICO Xpress-Optimizer, A First Implementation of ParaXpress: Combining Internal and External Parallelization to Solve MIPs on Supercomputers, A note on modeling multiple choice requirements for simple mixed integer programming solvers, Material allocation in MRP with tardiness penalties, Block matrices and multispherical structure of distance matrices, Developing interval global optimzation algorithms on the basis of branch-and-bound and constraint propagation methods, Cutting plane method for multiple objective stochastic integer linear programming, A stochastic integer programming model for incorporating day-ahead trading of electricity into hydro-thermal unit commitment, Decomposition of integer matrices and multileaf collimator sequencing, The Inequality Process Versus the Saved Wealth Model: Which Is the More Likely to Imply an Analogue of Thermodynamics in Social Science?, Polyhedral description of the integer single node flow set with constant bounds, Conditional value-at-risk in stochastic programs with mixed-integer recourse, Sequence independent lifting for mixed integer programs with variable upper bounds, Mixed integer models for the stationary case of gas network optimization, A branch-and-cut algorithm for the stochastic uncapacitated lot-sizing problem, Approximate fixed-rank closures of covering problems, A note on balancedness of dominating set games, A branch-and-price-and-cut algorithm for the pattern minimization problem, Algorithms and Software for Convex Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programs, Using Interior-Point Methods within an Outer Approximation Framework for Mixed Integer Nonlinear Programming, A Polytope for a Product of Real Linear Functions in 0/1 Variables, The clique partitioning problem: Facets and patching facets, Exact algorithms for minimum routing cost trees, Stochastic allocation of inspection capacity to competitive processes, A Triplet-Based Exact Method for the Shift Minimisation Personnel Task Scheduling Problem, Obtaining Tighter Relaxations of Mathematical Programs with Complementarity Constraints, Necessary Conditions for Tractability of Valued CSPs, Approximate solutions of capacitated fixed-charge minimum cost network flow problems, Un Algorithme pour la Bipartition d'un Graphe en Sous-graphes de Cardinalité Fixée, On dependent randomized rounding algorithms, Balanced Paths in Colored Graphs, Structured Sparsity: Discrete and Convex Approaches, Valid Inequalities for Separable Concave Constraints with Indicator Variables, Minimum K-Adjacent Rectangles of Orthogonal Polygons and its Application, Probabilistische analyse von heuristiken der kombinatorischen optimierung – ein überbllck, Simulating Dynamic Systems Using Linear Time Calculus Theories, A pseudopolynomial network flow formulation for exact knapsack separation, Describing Global Musical Structures by Integer Programming on Musical Patterns, Parallelization of the FICO Xpress-Optimizer, Mathematical Models and Solutions for the Analysis of Human Genotypes, Ellipsoidal Relaxations of the Stable Set Problem: Theory and Algorithms, Hybrid Metaheuristics: An Introduction, Combining (Integer) Linear Programming Techniques and Metaheuristics for Combinatorial Optimization, Spherical cuts for integer programming problems, Combinatorial flexibility problems and their computational complexity, Modeling Disjunctive Constraints with a Logarithmic Number of Binary Variables and Constraints, Budgeted Matching and Budgeted Matroid Intersection Via the Gasoline Puzzle, A Polynomial Time Algorithm for the Stochastic Uncapacitated Lot-Sizing Problem with Backlogging, Lifting Integer Variables in Minimal Inequalities Corresponding to Lattice-Free Triangles, Multistart Branch and Bound for Large Asymmetric Distance-Constrained Vehicle Routing Problem, Optimal Field Splitting, with Applications in Intensity-Modulated Radiation Therapy, Pattern search in the presence of degenerate linear constraints, Towards optimal formwork pairing on construction sites, Reservation table scheduling: branch-and-bound based optimizationvs. integer linear programming techniques, Another pedagogy for pure-integer Gomory, Facet Generating Techniques, LS-LIB: A Library of Tools for Solving Production Planning Problems, Local Monotonicity in Probabilistic Networks, Stable Payment Schemes of Tu-Games With Multiple Crieria1, Comparison of Sampling Methods for Dynamic Stochastic Programming, Unnamed Item, Detecting critical node structures on graphs: A mathematical programming approach, Probabilistic Partial Set Covering with an Oracle for Chance Constraints, Branch-and-Bound Method for Just-in-Time Optimization of Radar Search Patterns, Unnamed Item, Extreme lattices: symmetries and decorrelation, Constrained target controllability of complex networks, On the minimum cost multiple-source unsplittable flow problem, OPTIMAL CONSUMPTION AND PORTFOLIO SELECTION WITH INCOMPLETE MARKETS AND UPPER AND LOWER BOUND CONSTRAINTS, Combining Progressive Hedging with a Frank--Wolfe Method to Compute Lagrangian Dual Bounds in Stochastic Mixed-Integer Programming, Valid Inequalities for the Pooling Problem with Binary Variables, Design and Verify: A New Scheme for Generating Cutting-Planes, A New Approach to the Stable Set Problem Based on Ellipsoids, Integer multicommodity flow problems, A supermodular relaxation for scheduling with release dates, Transitive packing, A Lagrangian-Based Algorithm for a Combinatorial Motion Planning Problem, Modeling and Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem on Trees, Optimal designs for simultaneous item estimation, On finding and detecting efficient assignments in the case of multiple inputs and outputs, A branch-and-cut algorithm for solving an intraring synchronous optical network design problem, Unnamed Item, A strong cutting plane algorithm for the robotic assembly line balancing problem, A neural network model for on-line control of flexible manufacturing systems, Dual methods for discrete structural optimization problems, Lower and upper bounds for the degree-constrained minimum spanning tree problem, Unnamed Item, Simulated annealing for single minimum optimization problems, On the computational complexity of combinatorial flexibility problems, Coordinated scheduling of customer orders for quick response, A branch and bound algorithm for the minimum storage-time sequencing problem, Opening a web site at which one can get a benchmark input data set to solve the set covering problem, Solving the Multiple Objective Integer Linear Programming Problem, Connectivity-splitting models for survivable network design, Column-Generation in Integer Linear Programming, Least-Cost Influence Maximization on Social Networks, Convex Relaxations for Quadratic On/Off Constraints and Applications to Optimal Transmission Switching, On three approaches to length-bounded maximum multicommodity flow with unit edge-lengths, Challenges in Enterprise Wide Optimization for the Process Industries, Mixed integer nonlinear programming using interior-point methods, Efficient quantization algorithms for discrete functions, An algorithm and new penalties for concave integer minimization over a polyhedron, A computational study of a genetic algorithm to solve the set covering problem, Graphs and Algorithms in Communication Networks on Seven League Boots, Branch-and-Cut Techniques for Solving Realistic Two-Layer Network Design Problems, Optimization of OSPF Routing in IP Networks, The 2-path network problem, The maximum-leaf spanning tree problem: Formulations and facets, Acceleration of cutting-plane and column generation algorithms: Applications to network design, Solving minimum K-cardinality cut problems in planar graphs, Approximate dynamic programming methods for an inventory allocation problem under uncertainty, Models for machine-part grouping in cellular manufacturing, Packing Problems in Space Solved by CPLEX: An Experimental Analysis, A new mathematical model for tiling finite regions of the plane with polyominoes, Optimization and reconstruction of hv-convex (0,1)-matrices, Subgraph Matching with Semidefinite Programming, Dimensioning multicast-enabled communications networks, Shortest-path network interdiction, Polynomial-time algorithms for single resource stochastic capacity expansion models with lost sales, Sequence Independent Lifting for the Set of Submodular Maximization Problem, A catalog of steiner tree formulations, Shortest paths, single origin‐destination network design, and associated polyhedra, The Boolean Quadric Polytope, Unnamed Item, The constrained minimum spanning tree problem, Consistency Cuts for Dantzig-Wolfe Reformulations, A Polyhedral Study on Fuel-Constrained Unit Commitment, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, The Gap Function: Evaluating Integer Programming Models over Multiple Right-Hand Sides, A branch‐and‐cut algorithm for the ring spur assignment problem, Integer Programming Formulations for Minimum Spanning Tree Interdiction, Bilevel Integer Programs with Stochastic Right-Hand Sides, A Randomly Weighted Minimum Arborescence with a Random Cost Constraint, Influence Maximization with Latency Requirements on Social Networks, Efficient Solution Methods for a General r-Interdiction Median Problem with Fortification, Extended Graph Formulation for the Inequity Aversion Pricing Problem on Social Networks, The single allocation problem in the interacting three-hub network, Decomposition Branching for Mixed Integer Programming, Using ℓ1-Relaxation and Integer Programming to Obtain Dual Bounds for Sparse PCA, Simplifying clausal satisfiability problems, The interval order polytope of a digraph, Scheduling unit jobs with compatible release dates on parallel machines with nonstationary speeds, Sequence independent lifting of cover inequalities, Convex Maximization via Adjustable Robust Optimization, Collective dynamics of phase-repulsive oscillators solves graph coloring problem, Direct Gravitational Search Algorithm for Global Optimisation Problems, Exact First-Choice Product Line Optimization, Stable Matching with Proportionality Constraints, Solving Stochastic and Bilevel Mixed-Integer Programs via a Generalized Value Function, Approximation Algorithms for Product Framing and Pricing, The Benders Dual Decomposition Method, On Resolving Simultaneous Congruences Using Belief Propagation, On coloring problems with local constraints, Exploring the Limits of Subadditive Approaches: Parallels between Optimization and Complexity Theory, A branch-and-price algorithm for a targeting problem, Constraint Integer Programming: A New Approach to Integrate CP and MIP, Counting Solutions of Integer Programs Using Unrestricted Subtree Detection, Bi-objective Branch-and-Cut Algorithms Based on LP Relaxation and Bound Sets, Prolong the Lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks Through Mobility: A General Optimization Framework, Adaptive Matching for Expert Systems with Uncertain Task Types, Faster Algorithms for Integer Programs with Block Structure, Classical cuts for mixed-integer programming and branch-and-cut, Exploring the complexity boundary between coloring and list-coloring, Separating maximally violated comb inequalities in planar graphs, Characterizing IRDP-instances of the skiving stock problem by means of polyhedral theory, Initial ideals of unimodular integer programs, Radar pulse interleaving for multi‐target tracking, Proactive release procedures for just-in-time job shop environments, subject to machine failures, Lattice Reformulation Cuts, Approximation algorithms for finding low-degree subgraphs, Polyhedral methods for piecewise-linear functions. I: The lambda method, On the Weisfeiler-Leman dimension of fractional packing, A New Theoretical Framework for Robust Optimization Under Multi-Band Uncertainty, Disconnecting graphs by removing vertices: a polyhedral approach, Tight LP‐based lower bounds for wavelength conversion in optical networks, An efficient algorithm for multi-dimensional nonlinear knapsack problems, A Lagrangian relaxation approach to the edge-weighted clique problem, Elementary closures for integer programs., A quadratic programming approach to the determination of an upper bound on the weighted stability number, Optimality conditions for mixed discrete bilevel optimization problems, A mathematical model for zoning of protected natural areas, Parallel machine scheduling with job assignment restrictions, A branch‐and‐price algorithm for the capacitated p‐median problem, Algorithms for solving the conditional covering problem on paths, The continuous-time single-sourcing problem with capacity expansion opportunities, Capacity allocation with machine duplication in semiconductor manufacturing, Polyhedral studies for minimum‐span graph labelling with integer distance constraints, Benchmark data set with service programs to approximately solve the set covering problem, Lifting, superadditivity, mixed integer rounding and single node flow sets revisited, Models and solution techniques for frequency assignment problems, Unnamed Item, Four Good Reasons to Use an Interior Point Solver Within a MIP Solver, Bouma2 – A High-Performance Input-Aware Multiple String-Match Algorithm, A note on characterizing canonical cuts using geometry, Optimal control of plotting and drilling machines: A case study, Intersection cuts for nonlinear integer programming: convexification techniques for structured sets, Subdeterminants and Concave Integer Quadratic Programming, On the Facets of Mixed Integer Programs with Two Integer Variables and Two Constraints, Unnamed Item, On the decidability of finding a positive ILP-instance in a regular set of ILP-instances, A branch and bound method for stochastic integer problems under probabilistic constraints, Convex Analysis in $\mathbb{Z}^n$ and Applications to Integer Linear Programming, Restricted b‐factors in bipartite graphs and t‐designs, A column generation approach for SONET ring assignment, Polyhedral techniques in combinatorial optimization I: Theory, Construction de facettes pour le polytope du sac-à-dos quadratique en 0-1, Solution of a certain class of network flow problems with cascaded demand aggregation and capacity allocation, An efficient algorithm for nonlinear integer programming problems arising in series–parallel reliability systems, A bidirected generalization of network matrices, On Subadditive Duality for Conic Mixed-integer Programs, Computational study of a family of mixed-integer quadratic programming problems, Automatic Generation of Symmetry-Breaking Constraints, Scheduling target illuminators in naval battle-group anti-air warfare, A New Binary Programming Formulation and Social Choice Property for Kemeny Rank Aggregation, A Polynomial Algorithm for a Class of 0–1 Fractional Programming Problems Involving Composite Functions, with an Application to Additive Clustering, A versatile optimization framework for sustainable post-disaster building reconstruction, Coping with shortages caused by disruptive events in automobile supply chains, Column elimination for capacitated vehicle routing problems, Optimizing wind farm cable layout considering ditch sharing, Minimum cost flow problem with conflicts, The invisible‐hand heuristic for origin‐destination integer multicommodity network flows, An integer program and new lower bounds for computing the strong rainbow connection numbers of graphs, A robust optimization model for affine/quadratic flow thinning: A traffic protection mechanism for networks with variable link capacity, Using submodularity in solving the robust bandwidth packing problem with queuing delay guarantees, An integer linear programming approach to solving the Eternity puzzle, The bus sightseeing problem, On the firefighter problem with spreading vaccination for maximizing the number of saved nodes: the IP model and LP rounding algorithms, Monoidal strengthening of simple \(\mathcal{V} \)-polyhedral disjunctive cuts, Weighted target set selection on trees and cycles, A new modeling approach for the biobjective exact optimization of satellite payload configuration, A strong integer linear optimization model to the compartmentalized knapsack problem, An exact algorithm for the maximum quasi‐clique problem, Heuristics for the connected assignment problem in arrays, An integer program for positive semidefinite zero forcing in graphs, A branch‐and‐cut approach for the least cost influence problem on social networks, Globally optimal univariate spline approximations, Lifting for the integer knapsack cover polyhedron, Solving graph partitioning on sparse graphs: cuts, projections, and extended formulations, New pricing strategies and an effective exact solution framework for profit-oriented ring arborescence problems, Fixed set search applied to the clique partitioning problem, Scalable timing-aware network design via Lagrangian decomposition, Sensitivity analysis of combinatorial optimization problems using evolutionary bilevel optimization and data mining, Valid inequalities and extended formulations for lot-sizing and scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setups, Characterizing linearizable QAPs by the level-1 reformulation-linearization technique, A distributed optimization approach via symmetric group actions under time-varying communication networks, Risk‐averse optimization and resilient network flows, Methods for the graph realization problem, Equivalence, Unambiguity, and Sequentiality of Finitely Ambiguous Max-Plus Tree Automata, Solving the skiving stock problem by a combination of stabilized column generation and the reflect arc-flow model, Clique Inequalities Applied to the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows, On a Multi-stage Stochastic Programming Model for Inventory Planning, Supermodularity and valid inequalities for quadratic optimization with indicators, Complete characterizations of the 2-domination and \(\mathcal{P}_3\)-hull number polytopes, Consensus-based Dantzig-Wolfe decomposition, Comparison of MINLP formulations for global superstructure optimization, Balanced graph partitioning based on mixed 0-1 linear programming and iteration vertex relocation algorithm, Valid inequalities and facets for multi‐module survivable network design problem, Tailored presolve techniques in branch‐and‐bound method for fast mixed‐integer optimal control applications, Tool switching problems with tool order constraints