Solving the 3d Ising model with the conformal bootstrap. II: \(c\)-minimization and precise critical exponents

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DOI10.1007/s10955-014-1042-7zbMath1310.82013arXiv1403.4545WikidataQ56212872 ScholiaQ56212872MaRDI QIDQ2254895

Slava Rychkov, Miguel F. Paulos, David Simmons-Duffin, Sheer El-Showk, David Poland, Alessandro Vichi

Publication date: 6 February 2015

Published in: Journal of Statistical Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL:

81T40: Two-dimensional field theories, conformal field theories, etc. in quantum mechanics

81R10: Infinite-dimensional groups and algebras motivated by physics, including Virasoro, Kac-Moody, (W)-algebras and other current algebras and their representations

82B20: Lattice systems (Ising, dimer, Potts, etc.) and systems on graphs arising in equilibrium statistical mechanics

82B27: Critical phenomena in equilibrium statistical mechanics

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