On the structure of Hopf algebras
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DOI10.2307/1970615zbMath0163.28202OpenAlexW1983373140WikidataQ55966988 ScholiaQ55966988MaRDI QIDQ2529098
Publication date: 1965
Published in: Annals of Mathematics. Second Series (Search for Journal in Brave)
Full work available at URL: https://polipapers.upv.es/index.php/AGT/article/view/2250
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Abstracts from the workshop held March 4--10, 2012., Connected braided Hopf algebras., Deconstructing Hopf spaces, Representation rings of Lie superalgebras, Bidendriform bialgebras, trees, and free quasi-symmetric functions., On the cohomology of algebraic and related finite groups, On the homotopy Lie algebra of an arrangement, Cohomology of the sub-Hopf algebra \(D\) of the Steenrod algebra, Dieudonné module structures for ungraded and periodically graded Hopf rings., The functor \(A^{\text{min}}\) for \((p-1)\)-cell complexes and EHP sequences, Dickson invariants and a new description of \(H^{*}(Q_{0}S^{0},{\mathbb{Z}}/p{\mathbb{Z}})\) via \(H^{*}(B\Sigma _{\infty }, {\mathbb{Z}} / p {\mathbb{Z}})\), The coherent cohomology ring of an algebraic group, The coalgebra structure of the cohomology of multiplicative fibrations, On the algebra of quasi-shuffles., Classes on the moduli space of Riemann surfaces through a noncommutative Batalin-Vilkovisky formalism, Gradings, braidings, representations, paraparticles: some open problems, Pontrjagin-Thom maps and the homology of the moduli stack of stable curves, Triality, characteristic classes, \(D_4\) and \(G_2\) singularities, Functorial homotopy decompositions of looped co-\(H\) spaces, Cohomological finite-generation for finite supergroup schemes, Locally symmetric spaces and \(K\)-theory of number fields, Milnor-Moore categories and monadic decomposition, Skew quasisymmetric Schur functions and noncommutative Schur functions, Lie algebras associated to systems of Dyson-Schwinger equations., Functorial constructions for non-associative algebras with applications to quasi-bialgebras, Perturbation theory and free resolutions for nilpotent groups of class 2, Characteristic classes for cohomology of split Hopf algebra extensions, Forms of K-theory, On the May spectral sequence and the algebraic transfer. II., A functorial LMO invariant for Lagrangian cobordisms, A theory of regularity structures, Homology of gauge groups associated with special unitary groups, Colored posets and colored quasisymmetric functions, Free and cofree Hopf algebras., The Hopf algebra of diagonal rectangulations., Lie theory for Hopf operads, Book review of: Camille Laurent-Gengoux, Anne Picherau and Pol Vanhaecke, Poisson structures, The \(T\)-algebra spectral sequence: comparisons, The monomial basis and the \(Q\)-basis of the Hopf algebra of parking functions., Quantum characteristic classes and the Hofer metric, New identities in dendriform algebras, Character groups of Hopf algebras as infinite-dimensional Lie groups, Groups of homotopy classes of phantom maps, Detecting periodic elements in higher topological Hochschild homology, Finite type invariants of w-knotted objects. II: Tangles, foams and the Kashiwara-Vergne problem, Spherical classes in some finite loop spaces of spheres, Filtrations in Dyson-Schwinger equations: Next-to\(^{\{j \}}\)-leading log expansions systematically, Rational algebraic \(K\)-theory of topological \(K\)-theory, A Milnor-Moore type theorem for primitively generated braided bialgebras., Hopf superquivers., Structure of the Malvenuto-Reutenauer Hopf algebra of permutations, On the Andreadakis-Johnson filtration of the automorphism group of a free group., Lattice congruences, fans and Hopf algebras., Clifford and Graßmann Hopf algebras via the BIGEBRA package for Maple, Classification of systems of Dyson-Schwinger equations in the Hopf algebra of decorated rooted trees., A structure theorem for Leibniz homology, On the center of the rational cohomology algebra of some loop spaces with respect to the Pontryagin product., The integral Pontrjagin homology of the based loop space on a flag manifold, Homology of certain matrix Lie superalgebras, The cohomology of \(F\Psi^ q\). The additive structure, Certain generalized higher derived functors associated to quasitoric manifolds, Homology exponents for \(H\)-spaces, Symmetric and quasi-symmetric functions associated to polymatroids, On the homology of the space of knots, The homology of the stable nonorientable mapping class group, Braided bialgebras of Hecke-type., Cohomology of infinitesimal algebraic groups, Bordism rings with split normal bundles. II, Hopf-algebraic structure of families of trees, On Kontsevich's characteristic classes for higher dimensional sphere bundles. I: The simplest class, Trees, set compositions and the twisted descent algebra, Coassociative magmatic bialgebras and the Fine numbers., Cohomology rings of multiplicative fibrations, \(A\)-infinity structure on Ext-algebras., On the structure of graded \(\lambda\)-Hopf algebras., On the \(\mathrm{mod}p\) Steenrod algebra and the Leibniz-Hopf algebra, The beginnings of the theory of Hopf algebras., The Omega spectrum for mod 2 \(KO\)-theory, Rationalization of Hopf G-spaces, Quelques calculs en corbordisme lagrangien, A cohomological proof of the torus theorem, A propos de conjectures de Serre et Sullivan, Thom modules, Mod 2 exterior H-spaces, Locally finite approximation of Lie groups. I, On rationalized H- and co-H-spaces. With an appendix on decomposable H- and co-H-spaces, Commutative rings, algebraic topology, graded Lie algebras and the work of Jan-Erik Roos, Principal homogeneous spaces for arbitrary Hopf algebras, Cohomologies and extensions in monoidal categories, Lannes' \(T\) functor on Hopf algebras over the Steenrod algebra with applications to Carlsson modules and twisted algebras, On the algebraic structure of link-diagrams on a 2-dimensional surface, Commutative Hopf algebras, Lie coalgebras, and divided powers, A cohomology theory for \(A(m)\)-algebras and applications, Highest weight representations of the Neveu-Schwarz and Ramond algebras, On the mod p Betti numbers of loop spaces, Graded algebras and their Euler-Poincaré series, The homology of double loop spaces of complex Stiefel manifolds, Quantum independent increment processes on superalgebras, Notes on motivic cohomology, On the cohomology of the 2-connected cover of the loop space of simple Lie groups, Inert sets and the Lie algebra associated to a group, On rational co-Hopf G-spaces, The homology algebra of finite H-spaces, Realizing unstable injectives, The de Rham homotopy theory of complex algebraic varieties. I, On graded bundles and their moduli spaces, Homotopy associative finite H-spaces and the mod 3 reduced power operations, Stable maps to projective spaces, Gorenstein spaces, A characterization of rings over which Abelian Hopf algebras form an Abelian category, Mod \(p\) loop space homology, The equivariant Steenrod algebra, Hopf algebras of polynomial growth, Fock-type representation of the Lie superalgebra A(O,1), Characteristic cobordism classes and topological applications of the theories of one-valued and two-valued formal groups, Hopf algebras and derivations, A characterization of local complete intersections in terms of the Ext- algebra, Formal algebraic models of graded differential geometry, Lie coalgebras, Analytical properties of Poincaré series of a loop space, On the uniqueness of Dyer-Lashof operations on the Bott periodicity spaces, Zerlegbare Untergruppen affiner Gruppen, Two torsion in the cohomology of finite H-spaces, Vanishing lines for modules over the Steenrod algebra, The radius of convergence of Poincaré series of loop spaces, Laws obeyed by topological algebras - extending results of Hopf and Adams, Decomposing Hopf algebras over a field of non-zero characteristic, Hopf-algebraic structure of combinatorial objects and differential operators, \(\lambda\)-structures in algebraic \(K\)-theory and cyclic homology, Engel elements in the homotopy Lie algebra, A computer-aided study of the graded Lie algebra of a local commutative noetherian ring. -- Appendix A: Some technical details about how the computer was used. -- Appendix B (by Clas Löfwall): The Lie algebra structure of a ring satisfying \({\mathcal M}_ 3\) and variants, Coalgebraic foundations of the method of divided differences, Cup products and finite loop spaces, Symbolic computation of derivations using labelled trees, On the cohomology of mod \(p\) homotopy commutative H-spaces, Normal basis and transitivity of crossed products for Hopf algebras, Vecteurs de Witt non commutatifs et représentabilité de l'homologie modulo \(p\). (Noncommutative Witt vectors and representability of homology modulo \(p\)), Universal enveloping algebras and loop space homology, The equivalence of certain categories of twisted Lie and Hopf algebras over a commutative ring, Z/p bordism, Steenrod squares in Cotor, Untergruppen formeller Gruppen von endlichem Index, The structure of Morava stabilizer algebras, An algebraic framework for the supersymmetry theory, Minimal models in homotopy theory, Higher torsion in SG and BSG, Reguläre idempotente Multiplikationen, Local rings and Golod homomorphisms, The diamond lemma for ring theory, The kernel of the rationalized Freudenthal suspension homomorphism, Extension of \(C^\infty\) function algebra by integrals and Malcev completion of \(\pi_1\), Semi-direct products of Hopf algebras, Rationale Homotopietypen, Representatives for p-typical curves, On the extended functoriality of Tor and Cotor, Differential homological algebra and homogeneous spaces, H-spaces without simple torsion, Cohomology of sub-Hopf-algebras of the Steenrod algebra, Abelian Hopf algebras with waists, Graded generalizations of Weyl- and Clifford algebras, Bipolynomial Hopf algebras \(H^*(BSU;\mathbb{Z})\) et al, Hopf algebra structure of mod 2 cohomology of simple Lie groups, On the homology of filtered and graded rings, Small homomorphisms of local rings, Dimension and lower central subgroups, On algebras, manifolds, and fibre bundles in physics, Effet d'un attachement cellulaire dans l'homologie de l'espace des lacets. (The effect of attaching cells to the homology of loop spaces), Loop space homology of spaces of LS category one and two, Primitive subspaces of Hopf algebras of finite depth, On modules associated to coalgebra Galois extensions, Split dual Dyer-Lashof operations, Coalgebraic algebra, Relations in the homotopy of simplicial abelian Hopf algebras, Bicommutativity for a class of graded connected Hopf algebras, \(\mathcal Q\)-subalgebras, Milnor basis, and cohomology of Eilenberg-MacLane spaces, Finite Hopf algebras in braided tensor categories, A Leray theorem for the generalization to operads of Hopf algebras with divided powers, Chern-Simons theory with finite gauge group, On rational equivariant \(H\)-spaces, Minimal models of loop spaces and suspensions, Local rings over which all modules have rational Poincaré series, Loop space homology -- problems and questions, The first homotopy group of a finite \(H\)-space, The weight decomposition of Hopf algebras, The dual Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem, Determination of the irreducible divided power Hopf algebras, On exotic characteristic classes for spherical fibrations, Zero divisors in enveloping algebras of graded Lie algebras, On the mod p torus theorem of John Hubbuck, Adjoints to tensor for graded algebras and coalgebras, Abel transformation and harmonic analysis. I, Pseudo-dualizing complexes of bicomodules and pairs of t-structures, A pair of dual Hopf algebras on permutations, Localising embeddings of comodule categories with applications to tame and Euler coalgebras, Monadic vs adjoint decomposition, Structure of polyzetas and explicit representation on transcendence bases of shuffle and stuffle algebras, Loop homological invariants associated to real projective spaces, On the non-existence of torus actions, Resolutions of operads via Koszul (bi)algebras, Complete intersections in rational homotopy theory, On the same \(N\)-type of the suspension of the infinite quaternionic projective space, Graded analogues of one-parameter subgroups and applications to the cohomology of \(\mathrm{GL}_{m|n(r)}\), Computation of the cohomology rings of Kac-Moody groups, their flag manifolds and classifying spaces, On the birational motive of hyper-Kähler varieties, Sheaf coalgebras and duality., On the cohomology of highly connected covers of finite Hopf spaces, The Milnor-Moore theorem in tame homotopy theory, On the invertibility of quantization functors, Symmetric functions, noncommutative symmetric functions and quasisymmetric functions. II., Exponential growth and an asymptotic formula for the ranks of homotopy groups of a finite 1-connected complex, Smooth rough paths, their geometry and algebraic renormalization, \(\mathcal {E}_\infty \) ring spectra and elements of Hopf invariant 1, Noncommutative formality implies commutative and Lie formality, Homology of Lie algebras of orthogonal and symplectic generalized Jacobi matrices, The Sewing lemma for \(0 < \gamma \leq 1\), Values of the \(\mathfrak{sl}_2\) weight system on complete bipartite graphs, Height four formal groups with quadratic complex multiplication, Twisted Morava \(K\)-theory and connective covers of Lie groups, What is loop multiplication anyhow?, The mod 2 dual Steenrod algebra as a subalgebra of the mod 2 dual Leibniz-Hopf algebra, The rational cohomology Hopf algebra of a generic Kac-Moody group, Split Hopf algebras, quasi-shuffle algebras, and the cohomology of \(\Omega \Sigma X\), A simplicial James-Hopf map and decompositions of the unstable Adams spectral sequence for suspensions, A measure theoretic perspective on the space of Feynman diagrams, Invariants of framed graphs and the Kadomtsev-Petviashvili hierarchy, Local Gorenstein duality for cochains on spaces, The rational homology ring of the based loop space of the gauge groups and the spaces of connections on a four-manifold, Logarithmic derivatives and generalized Dynkin operators, Yangian of the general linear Lie superalgebra, General Dyson-Schwinger equations and systems, Hopf algebras and Markov chains: two examples and a theory, On the topology of Kac-Moody groups, MOD-2 (co)homology of an abelian group, Primitives and central detection numbers in group cohomology., Separated Lie models and the homotopy Lie algebra, On the \(K(1)\)-local homotopy of \(\mathrm{tmf}\wedge\mathrm{tmf}\), An algebraic model for the loop space homology of a homotopy fiber, Support schemes for infinitesimal unipotent supergroups, Homological stability for the mapping class groups of non-orientable surfaces, Faà di Bruno subalgebras of the Hopf algebra of planar trees from combinatorial Dyson-Schwinger equations., Singular cochains and rational homotopy type, Infinite magmatic bialgebras., Gruppen von Homotopieklassen von Abbildungen in Produkte von Eilenberg- Maclane-Räumen, Cocommutative Hopf algebras of permutations and trees., Detecting stable homotopy classes by primary BP cohomology operations, Principal bundles and group extensions with applications to Hopf algebras, Duan's fixed point theorem: proof and generalization, Twisted representation rings and Dirac induction, On the Hopf algebra structure of the mod 2 cohomology of a finite H- space, On injective homomorphisms for pure braid groups, and associated Lie algebras., A rigidity theorem for pre-Lie algebras, The homotopy Lie algebra of symplectomorphism groups of 3-fold blowups of \((S^2\times S^2,\sigma_{\text{std}}\oplus\sigma_{\text{std}})\), Tensor products of affine and formal abelian groups, Abelian Hopf algebras, Categories with convergence, exponential functors, and the cohomology of compact abelian groups, The cohomology of restricted Lie algebras and of Hopf algebras, Burnside's theorem for representations of Hopf algebras, On the type of an associative H-space of rank two, The cohomology of Massey-Peterson algebras, The structure of BSC, On the enveloping algebra and the descending central series of a Lie algebra, Covering-space-like algebras, Ranks of tensors and change of base field, On the associated graded ring of a group ring, On the complex bordism of finite complexes, On the cohomology of the Steenrod algebra, Hopf-Algebren und Coradikal, Algebraic paths, Affine Hopf algebras. I, Hopf algebras with divided powers, Etude de la catégorie des algèbres de Hopf commutatives connexes sur un corps. (Study of the category of connected Abelian Hopf algebras over a field), Local forms of invariant differential operators. I, Spherical classes in \(H_*(\omega ^ls^{l+n};{\mathbb{Z}}/2)\) for \(4\leqslant l \leqslant 8\), Some remarks on \(C^*\)-bigebras and duality, A bimodule structure for the bounded cohomology of commutative local rings, Extension theory for connected Hopf algebras, Finite presheaves and \(\mathscr{A}\)-finite generation of unstable algebras mod nilpotents, Big polynomial rings and Stillman's conjecture, Twisted differential cohomology, Some extension groups between exponential functors, The fundamental correspondences in super affine groups and super formal groups., Koszul modules, A history of the Poincaré-Birkhoff-Witt theorem, Hopf algebra structure on topological Hochschild homology, Variations on the cohomology of loop spaces on generalized homogeneous spaces, Commutativity and cocommutativity of cogroups in the category of connected graded algebras., Of Sullivan models, Massey products, and twisted Pontrjagin products, Higher hairy graph homology, The Milnor-Moore theorem for \(L_\infty\) algebras in rational homotopy theory, Universal enveloping algebras of Lie-Rinehart algebras as a left adjoint functor, Homotopy invariants for \(\overline{\mathcal{M}}_{0,n}\) via Koszul duality, Cohomology of finite-dimensional connected cocommutative Hopf algebras, Cohomology of unipotent algebraic and finite groups and the Steenrod algebra, Projective configurations, homology of orthogonal groups, and Milnor \(K\)-theory, Homotopy Lie algebras; lower central series and the Koszul property, Tensor products of matrices, cyclic homology, homology of Lie algebras, Quantum superalgebra representations on cohomology groups of non-commutative bundles, Extended Dyer-Lashof algebras and modular coinvariants, Cohomology of Abelian matched pairs and the Kac sequence., Loops of \(H\)-spaces with finitely generated cohomology rings, The Morava \(K\)-theory of spaces related to \(BO\), Correspondence homomorphisms for singular varieties, Cohomology of the universal enveloping algebras of certain bigraded Lie algebras, Construction of field algebras with quantum symmetry from local observables, A remark on the structure of torsors under an affine group scheme, On configuration spaces, their homology, and Lie algebras, \(S\)-module and the new Massey-product, Rational homotopy nilpotency of self-equivalences, Equivalence classes of homotopy-associative comultiplications of finite complexes, Low dimensional cocommutative connected Hopf algebras, The fibre of an iterative adjunction of cells, On Schur multiple zeta functions: a combinatoric generalization of multiple zeta functions, Co-Poisson structures on polynomial Hopf algebras, Spectral sequences for the classification of extensions of Hopf algebras, On \(\lambda\)-rings and the \(K\)-theory of infinite loop spaces, The deformation complex for differential graded Hopf algebras, Stripping and conjugation in the Steenrod algebra, A note on the homotopy invariance of Pontrjagin classes, Color Lie superalgebras and Hopf algebras, Nilpotence for modules over the mod 2 Steenrod algebra. I, Restricted Lie algebras via monadic decomposition, Hopf algebra extensions of monogenic Hopf algebras, Towards the algebra structure of the Morava \(K\)-theory of the orthogonal groups, Lefschetz number and degree of a self-map, Complete intersection dimension, Generalizations of Lie algebras, Coseparable Hopf algebras, On a conjecture of Bredon, On the algebraic structure of iterated integrals of quasimodular forms, On the collapse of certain Eilenberg-Moore spectral sequences., Gromov \(k\)-area and jumping curves in \(\mathbb{CP}^n\), Finite type invariants of rational homology 3-spheres, Differential calculi on \(\mathbb Z_3\)-graded Grassmann plane, Koszul duality in algebraic topology, Quantizations of Hopf algebras of decorated planar trees and connection with quantum groups., A nondiagrammatic description of the Connes-Kreimer Hopf algebra., The mod 2 homology of infinite loopspaces, Rational cohomology of the free loop space of a simply connected 4-manifold, Bott periodicity and stable quantum classes, Representation stability for homotopy groups of configuration spaces, A Hopf algebra for counting cycles, Cofree Hopf algebras., Higher Lie idempotents, Poincaré/Koszul duality, On support varieties for Lie superalgebras and finite supergroup schemes, Pullbacks and nontriviality of associated noncommutative vector bundles, On the unstable Hurewicz homomorphism and Toda brackets, The spectrum for commutative complex \(K\)-theory, A map between the mod odd Steenrod and Dyer-Lashof subcoalgebras, Adams filtration and generalized Hurewicz maps for infinite loopspaces, On \(\mathrm{BP}\langle 2 \rangle\)-cooperations, A semi-abelian extension of a theorem by Takeuchi, Hopf algebras up to homotopy and the Bockstein spectral sequence., On the homotopy type of \((n-1)\)-connected \((3n+1)\)-dimensional free chain Lie algebra, A cubical model for a fibration, Algebraic structures based on a classifying space of a compact Lie group, A 3-polyGEM of nilpotent modulo 2 cohomology., Homotopy groups of highly connected manifolds, Right angled Artin groups and partial commutation, old and new, Hopf algebra structure of generalized quasi-symmetric functions in partially commutative variables, Mapping spaces and \(R\)-completion, Crossed squares of cocommutative Hopf algebras, Classification of plethories in characteristic zero, The controlling \(L_\infty \)-algebra, cohomology and homotopy of embedding tensors and Lie-Leibniz triples, Integrals along bimonoid homomorphisms, Odd-dimensional orbifolds with all geodesics closed are covered by manifolds, Scissors congruences and the bar and cobar constructions., Families parametrized by coalgebras, On computer-assisted research in homological algebra., Categories equivalent to the category of rational H-spaces, Cointegrations, relative cohomology for comodules, and coseparable corings, An R-local Milnor-Moore theorem, Série de Hausdorff d'une algèbre de Lie et projections canoniques dans l'algèbre enveloppante. (Hausdorff series of a Lie algebra and canonical projections in the enveloping algebra), The bar spectral sequence converging to \(h(SO(2n+1))\), A model for computing rational algebraic K-theory of simply connected spaces, Some Pontrjagin rings. II, Two conjectures in the homology of local rings, \(\mathbb{G}_a^{\operatorname{perf}} \)-modules and de Rham cohomology, A Hopf algebra approach to H\(^*\)(SO;Z), Curvature, diameter, homotopy groups, and cohomology rings, Pontryagin algebras and the LS-category of moment-angle complexes in the flag case, On a Hopf algebra in graph theory, On the ranks of homotopy groups of two-cones, The general linear supergroup and its Hopf superalgebra of regular functions., Eulerian idempotents and Milnor-Moore theorem for certain non-cocommutative Hopf algebras, On anchored Lie algebras and the Connes-Moscovici bialgebroid construction, The Hopf algebras of decorated rooted trees. I, On the braid groups for the Möbius band, Lie representations and an algebra containing Solomon's., Rational homotopy groups and Koszul algebras, Equivalences of comodule categories for coalgebras over rings, Categorical algebra, Rigidity properties of the cotangent complex, Multiplicative fibre maps, A topological characterisation of the Kashiwara–Vergne groups, Cocommutative Hopf algebras with antipode, The first cohomology group of the generalized Morava stabilizer algebra, Infinite loop spaces with trivial Dyer-Lashof operations, On Hopf Algebras and Their Generalizations, On the Indecomposable Elements of the Bar Construction, Indecomposables of multiplicative fibrations, The cohomology of certain Hopf algebras associated with 𝑝-groups, On the Structure of Graded Commutative Exponential functors, Characteristic classes for spherical fiber spaces, Isotropic Cuspidal Functions in the Hall Algebra of a Quiver, Hopf Algebras up to Homotopy, On maps of a sphere to a simply connected space with finitely generated homotopy groups, Values of the weight system on a family of graphs that are not the intersection graphs of chord diagrams, A PARTIALLY DEFINED BRAIDING ON A NON-BRAIDED CATEGORY C, On the behavior of the algebraic transfer, On a certain type of differential Hopf algebras, Unnamed Item, Zeroes of the Cohomology of the Steenrod Algebra, Quantum enveloping superalgebras and link invariants, Nested sums, expansion of transcendental functions, and multiscale multiloop integrals, Finite dimensional 𝐻-spaces, The Hopf algebra of identical, fermionic particle systems—Fundamental concepts and properties, Product formulas for Steenrod operations, The fibre of a cell attachment, On endomorphisms of crossed products, Cohomology of Algebras Over Hopf Algebras, The Order of the Antipode of a Hopf Algebra, Unnamed Item, Hopf Algebras with One Grouplike Element, The Clebsch-Gordan rule for \(U(\mathfrak{sl}_2)\), the Krawtchouk algebras and the Hamming graphs, Cobordism Operations and Hopf Algebras, Characteristic Classes for Spherical Fiber Spaces, Two observations about free graded hopf algebras, Homological Algebra and the Eilenberg-Moore Spectral Sequence, Pairings and Products in the Homotopy Spectral Sequence, ON THE COHOMOLOGY OF TORELLI GROUPS, Homology stability for symmetric diffeomorphism and mapping class groups, Homotopy groups of finite 𝐻-spaces, On a cotriple homology in a fibred category, Nice Homology Coalgebras, Vassiliev invariants and the Hopf algebra of chord diagrams, On the Classification of Transitive Effective Actions on Stiefel Manifolds, Some Remarks on the Structure of Hopf Algebras, A Hopf algebra on subgraphs of a graph, Stiefel-Whitney Numbers of Quaternionic and Related Manifolds, Homotopy Lie groups, A Spectral Sequence for the Homotopy of Nice Spaces, Algebras of Iterated Path Integrals and Fundamental Groups, Uniqueness theorems for left-symmetric enveloping algebras, HIGHER ORDER MEASURES, GENERALIZED QUANTUM MECHANICS AND HOPF ALGEBRAS, On tertiary exotic characteristic classes, An algebraic approach to multiparameter spectral theory, HOPF PAIRINGS AND (CO)INDUCTION FUNCTORS OVER COMMUTATIVE RINGS, Filtered finiteness of the image of the unstable Hurewicz homomorphism with applications to bordism of immersions, Maps between classifying spaces, COMBINATORIAL HOPF ALGEBRAS IN QUANTUM FIELD THEORY I, A Candidate for the Abelian Category of Mixed Elliptic Motives, Regularity in the growth of the loop space homology of a finite CW complex, On Successive Approximations in Homological Algebra, Homological Dimensions of Stable Homotopy Modules and their Geometric Characterizations, A GEOMETRIC PERSPECTIVE ON COUNTERTERMS RELATED TO DYSON–SCHWINGER EQUATIONS, Analytic and algorithmic aspects of generalized harmonic sums and polylogarithms, A Theorem in Homological Algebra and Stable Homotopy of Projective Spaces, Quadratic Differential Operators, Bicharacters and • Products, Homology of the Lie algebra gl(\infty, R), Quantum groups, Lie coalgebras and rational homotopy theory II: Hopf invariants, Cohomology of the Steenrod algebra, Representations of Lie colour algebras, On May spectral sequence and the algebraic transfer, Lie superalgebras, Steenrod Squares in Spectral Sequences. II, On the universal enveloping algebra of a Lie algebroid, Koszul Resolutions, On the Hodge decomposition of differential graded bi-algebras., Algebraic Aspects of Multiple Zeta Values, An algebraic theory of order, Cohomology rings of 3-local finite \(H\)-spaces, A factorization of the homology of a differential graded Lie algebra, A Cartier-Milnor-Moore-Quillen theorem for the dendriform bigebras and the brace algebras, On \(p\)-adic \(\lambda\)-rings and the \(K\)-theory of \(H\)-spaces, Torsion in loop space homology of rationally contractible spaces, Algebraic Lie algebras, A configuration space for equivariant connective \(K\)-homology, Unnamed Item, The cohomology of the Steenrod algebra and representations of the general linear groups, Functional equations and their related operads, Free and semi-inert cell attachments, On the Cohomology of Exact Sequences of Compact Groups, The Batalin–Vilkovisky Algebra in the String Topology of Classifying Spaces, Sur L'anneau De Grothendieck De La Catégorie Des Modules Instables, Connected (graded) Hopf algebras, On Differential Hopf Algebras, Extension theory for connected Hopf algebras, The cohomology of restricted Lie algebras and of Hopf algebras, Algebraization of iterated integration along paths, COVER OF THE BROWNIAN BRIDGE AND STOCHASTIC SYMPLECTIC ACTION, Invariant Theory and the Lambda Algebra, Realizability and Nonrealizability of Dickson Algebras as Cohomology Rings, Graded Lie algebras with finite polydepth, Algebraic structure in the loop space homology Bockstein spectral sequence, Unnamed Item, Adjoint action of a finite loop space. II, VASSILIEV KNOT INVARIANTS COMING FROM LIE ALGEBRAS AND 4-INVARIANTS, Properness of Lie Algebras and Enveloping Algebras. I, Generalized Gel’fand invariants and characteristic identities for quantum groups, A Characterization of symmetric and exterior algebras in characteristic zero, Towards a splitting of the $K(2)$-local string bordism spectrum, Koszul spaces, On The Growth of the Homology of a Free Loop Space II, A spectral sequence for the homology of a finite algebraic delooping, Algèbres de Leibnitz : définitions, propriétés, Analytic computing methods for precision calculations in quantum field theory, Category of loop spaces of open subsets in euclidean space, The structures on the universal enveloping algebras of differential graded Poisson Hopf algebras, A class of representations of involutive bialgebras, The homology of MSpin, The extension problem and the mod 2 cohomology of the space of loops on Spin (N), A CATEGORICAL APPROACH TO ALGEBRAS AND COALGEBRAS, On the real cohomology of arithmetic groups and the rank conjecture for number fields, A Lower Central Series for Split Hopf Algebras with Involution, Growth of groups and graded algebras: Erratum, Finite-dimensional representations of the Lie superalgebra gl(2/2) in a gl(2)⊕gl(2) basis. II. Nontypical representations, On the May spectral sequence at the prime 2, Twisting Cochains and Duality Between Minimal Algebras and Minimal Lie Algebras, $H$-spaces with finitely generated cohomology algebras, Dieudonné rings associated with $K(n)_\ast \underline {k(n)}_{ \ast }$, Milnor-Moore theorems for bialgebras in characteristic zero, THE BIG CHERN CLASSES AND THE CHERN CHARACTER, Algebraic and topological structures on rational tangles, Graded group schemes and graded group varieties, The depth and LS category of a topological space, The Serre spectral sequence of a multiplicative fibration, Loop spaces of 𝐻-spaces, A braided look at Green ansatz for parabosons, Twisted product and cohomology, Modules of infinite regularity over commutative graded rings, GK dimension of some connected Hopf algebras, Steenrod structures on categorified quantum groups, Unnamed Item, Module structure on Lie powers and natural coalgebra-split sub-Hopf algebras of tensor algebras, Adjoint action of a finite loop space, SYMMETRIC GROUP ACTIONS ON TENSOR PRODUCTS OF HOPF ALGEBROIDS, Hopf cyclic cohomology and biderivations, Un diviseur de zéro induisant un élément d'homotopie central, The sh-Lie algebra perturbation lemma, WHITEHEAD EXACT SEQUENCE AND DIFFERENTIAL GRADED FREE LIE ALGEBRA, The mod 2 homology of the space of loops on the exceptional Lie group, Spherical functions on homogeneous superspaces, Comultiplications in algebra and topology, Growth of groups and graded algebras, On loop spaces of configuration spaces, Cotensor products of modules, Elliptic spaces, Hopf Algebras, Combinatorics of rooted trees and Hopf algebras, The classical trilogarithm, algebraic 𝐾-theory of fields, and Dedekind zeta functions, Loop-theoretic properties of H-spaces, «Autopsie d'un meurtre» dans l'homologie d'une algèbre de chaînes, Rational BP operations and the Chern character, Additive Cohomology Operations, A localization theorem in homological algebra, Iterated path integrals, Characterizations of spectra with 𝒰-injective cohomology which satisfy the Brown-Gitler property, Embeddings of Four-valent Framed Graphs into 2-surfaces, On the structure of cofree Hopf algebras, Fock space representations of the Lie superalgebra A(0,n), Iterated Integrals, Fundamental Groups and Covering Spaces, Hopf-theoretic approach to motives of twisted flag varieties, Bialgebras of type one*, Hopf algebras of rooted forests, cocyles, and free Rota-Baxter algebras, Calculation of Lin's Ext groups, CONTINUOUS TRACE C*-ALGEBRAS, GAUGE GROUPS AND RATIONALIZATION, THE ALGEBRA OF RACK AND QUANDLE COHOMOLOGY, ENVELOPING ALGEBRAS OF PRELIE ALGEBRAS, SOLOMON IDEMPOTENTS AND THE MAGNUS FORMULA, NATURAL ENDOMORPHISMS OF SHUFFLE ALGEBRAS, The cohomology of finite H-spaces as U(M) algebras: I, Multiple points of codimension one immersions of oriented manifolds, UNIVERSAL ENVELOPING ALGEBRAS OF PBW TYPE, 𝑝-central groups and Poincaré duality, The koszul dual of the ring of commuting matrices, On conjugation invariants in the dual Steenrod algebra, Cohomology of Lie superalgebras 𝔰𝔩m|nand 𝔬𝔰𝔭2|2n, The cohomology of finite H-spaces as U(M) algebras. II, Codimension one immersions and the Kervaire invariant one problem, Unnamed Item, s-DEFORMED PARTICLE ALGEBRAS AND THE ADDITION OF s, The cohomology of finite H-spaces as U(M) algebras III, 3-primary exponents, On powerful andp-central restricted Lie algebras, The Koszul Dual of a Quotient Ring by the Jacobian Ideal of a Trilinear Form, A note on the depths of a graded algebra, Quantum double construction for graded Hopf algebras, Some Pontrjagin rings, I, Algèbre des descentes et cogroupes dans les algèbres sur une opérade, Loop space homology associated with the mod 2 Dickson invariants, Graded Geometry, Q‐Manifolds, and Microformal Geometry, On the motivic Segal conjecture, A COMBINATORIAL IDENTITY AND THE FINITE DUAL OF INFINITE DIHEDRAL GROUP ALGEBRA, The primitive filtration of the Leibniz complex, Fundamental weight systems are quantum states, The homotopy Lie algebra of a Tor-independent tensor product, Some rational homology computations for diffeomorphisms of odd‐dimensional manifolds, Graded comodule categories with enough projectives, Algebra of shares, complete bipartite graphs and $\mathfrak{sl}_2$ weight system, Three Schur functors related to pre-Lie algebras, On the graph products of simplicial groups and connected Hopf algebras