On the nature of turbulence

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DOI10.1007/BF01646553zbMath0223.76041OpenAlexW4234284487WikidataQ55895183 ScholiaQ55895183MaRDI QIDQ2548207

Floris Takens, David Pierre Ruelle

Publication date: 1971

Published in: Communications in Mathematical Physics (Search for Journal in Brave)

Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1007/bf01646553

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Part 1. Rayleigh-number scaling, Chaotic dynamics of sea clutter, Chaotic Motions of a Duffing Oscillator Subjected to Combined Parametric and Quasiperiodic Excitation, Secondary frequencies in the wake of a circular cylinder with vortex shedding, What's new on Lorenz strange attractors?, Predictability: a way to characterize complexity, Characterization of unstable periodic orbits in chaotic attractors and repellers, Chaotic transitions in magnetic fluids, Introduction to the 2009 re-publication of the ‘Neimark–Sacker bifurcation theorem’, Generalized travelling waves for perturbed monotone reaction-diffusion systems, LYAPUNOV EXPONENTS OF THE KURAMOTO–SIVASHINSKY PDE, Chaos in mechanical systems -- a review, Universal theory of dynamical chaos in nonlinear dissipative systems of differential equations, Heteroclinic Trajectory and Hopf Bifurcation in an Extended Lorenz System, Reconstructing attractors from filtered time series, Universal theory of dynamical chaos in nonlinear dissipative systems of differential equations, The oscillating wave fronts, Study on Strong Sensitivity of Systems Satisfying the Large Deviations Theorem, Low-order model for successive bifurcations of the fluidic pinball, Furstenberg family and multi-sensitivity in non-autonomous systems, Hyperchaos, adaptive control and synchronization of a novel 4-D hyperchaotic system with two quadratic nonlinearities, Transition to Chaos: From Small to Large Systems in the Nikolaevskiy Model, Quasi-periodic intermittency in oscillating cylinder flow, Linear response in neuronal networks: From neurons dynamics to collective response, A Lorenz-type attractor in a piecewise-smooth system: Rigorous results, SIMPLEST NORMAL FORMS OF HOPF AND GENERALIZED HOPF BIFURCATIONS, BIFURCATION TO HIGH-DIMENSIONAL CHAOS, PHASE SYNCHRONIZATIONS: TRANSITIONS FROM HIGH- TO LOW-DIMENSIONAL TORI THROUGH CHAOS, STRANGE NONCHAOTIC ATTRACTORS, NINETY PLUS THIRTY YEARS OF NONLINEAR DYNAMICS: LESS IS MORE AND MORE IS DIFFERENT, CHAOTIC DYNAMICS OF A SPATIO-INHOMOGENEOUS MEDIUM, Theoretical perspective on the route to turbulence in a pipe, Rapidly rotating precessing cylinder flows: forced triadic resonances, The lid-driven right-angled isosceles triangular cavity flow, On the notion of the dimension with respect to a dynamical system, Forced synchronization of quasiperiodic oscillations in a thermoacoustic system, On scenarios of the onset of homoclinic attractors in three-dimensional non-orientable maps, Some elements for a history of the dynamical systems theory, Continuation and stability of rotating waves in the magnetized spherical Couette system: secondary transitions and multistability, Boundedness of a Class of Complex Lorenz Systems, Attractivity and Hopf bifurcation, Chaos: From theory to applications for the 80th birthday of Otto E. Rössler, Numerical Model Construction with Closed Observables, Quasiperiodic-Chaotic Neural Networks and Short-Term Analog Memory, Sensitivity of Nonautonomous Dynamical Systems on Uniform Spaces, Complexity of host-vector dynamics in a two-strain dengue model, On the role of nonlinear correlations in reduced-order modelling, The Lorenz Attractor, a Paradigm for Chaos, Cluster-based hierarchical network model of the fluidic pinball – cartographing transient and post-transient, multi-frequency, multi-attractor behaviour, Krylov Bogoliubov Type Analysis of Variants of the Mathieu Equation, Analysis of chaotic systems using the cell mapping approach, Nonlinear forecasting and iterated function systems, Topology of trajectories of the 2D Navier–Stokes equations, Dynamical phenomena in systems with structurally unstable Poincaré homoclinic orbits, Universality in the quasiperiodic route to chaos, Dynamical behavior of the multiplicative diffusion coupled map lattices, New structures in the theory of the laser model. II. Microscopic dynamics and a nonequilibrium entropy principle, The onset of turbulence in finite-amplitude Kelvin–Helmholtz billows, Unnamed Item, Chaotic flow in rotating lid cavities, R/S Analysis Strange Attractors, Global organization of phase space in the transition to chaos in the Lorenz system, Measure-Theoretical Sensitivity and Scrambled Sets Via Furstenberg Families, Short-time Lyapunov exponent analysis and the transition to chaos in Taylor–Couette flow, Modulated waves in Taylor-Couette flow Part 1. Analysis, Quasi-Periodic Bifurcations of Higher-Dimensional Tori, Strong sensitivity of systems satisfying the large deviations theorem, Lagrangian coherent structures at the onset of hyperchaos in the two-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations, Phase and amplitude dynamics in large systems of coupled oscillators: Growth heterogeneity, nonlinear frequency shifts, and cluster states, Soliton turbulence and strange attractor, Chaotic motions in a weakly nonlinear model for surface waves, The scattering of light by a chaotically convecting fluid, Asymptotic analysis of the attractors in two-dimensional Kolmogorov flow, Transitions to chaos in two-dimensional double-diffusive convection, Multiconnected chaotic areas in second-order endomorphisms, Instabilities in two-dimensional spatially periodic flows. Part II: Square eddy lattice, Dynamical topology and statistical properties of spatiotemporal chaos, Instabilities of flow in a collapsed tube, Secondary instability of wall-bounded shear flows, Dynamic behaviour of an autonomous system with three pairs of pure imaginary eigenvalues, Series-nonuniform rational B-spline signal feedback: From chaos to any embedded periodic orbit or target point, Cycles, randomness, and transport from chaotic dynamics to stochastic processes, Route to chaos in porous-medium thermal convection, Power law asymptotics in the creation of strange attractors in the quasi-periodically forced quadratic family, Finding First Foliation Tangencies in the Lorenz System, Torus Breakdown and Homoclinic Chaos in a Glow Discharge Tube, Bénard-von Kármán instability: transient and forced regimes, Chaotic advection in three-dimensional unsteady incompressible laminar flow, The symmetry of convective transitions in space and time, Plane Wave Solutions to Reaction-Diffusion Equations, Transition to chaos in Rayleigh-Bénard convection, Transmitting a signal by amplitude modulation in a chaotic network, Strange nonchaotic attractors in Harper maps, Dynamical flow characterization of transitional and chaotic regimes in converging–diverging channels, FROM SYMMETRY TO COMPLEXITY: ON INSTABILITIES AND THE UNITY IN DIVERSITY IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE, Two delays induce Hopf bifurcation and double Hopf bifurcation in a diffusive Leslie-Gower predator-prey system, Primary and secondary instabilities in the wake of a cylinder with free ends, Frequency selection and asymptotic states in laminar wakes, Finite amplitude holmboe waves, Instabilities in large economies: aggregate volatility without idiosyncratic shocks, Attractors with Positively Lyapunov Stable Trajectories, Bifurcations and chaos in single-roll natural convection with low Prandtl number, Properties of Center Manifolds, GEOMETRY OF DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS AND TOPOLOGICAL STABILITY: FROM BIFURCATION, CHAOS AND FRACTALS TO DYNAMICS IN NATURAL AND LIFE SCIENCES, Energetic systems and global attractors for the 3d navier-stokes equations, Transition to two-dimensional turbulent convection in a rapidly-rotating annulus, Linear stability of modulated circular Couette flow, C2-stably inverse shadowing diffeomorphisms, Prototurbulent motions in dissipative model systems, Accessibility and Everywhere Chaos, Onset of Küppers–Lortz-like dynamics in finite rotating thermal convection, The dynamical systems approach to differential equations, The concept of minimal attractor and maximal attractors of partial differential equations of the Kuramoto–Sivashinsky type, THREE-FREQUENCY RESONANCES IN DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, A VIEW OF NEURAL NETWORKS AS DYNAMICAL SYSTEMS, A formula for the solution of the Navier-Stokes equations based on a method of Chorin, Universality and strange attractors in internal-wave dynamics, Strange attractors and chaotic motions of dynamical systems, Roads to turbulence in dissipative dynamical systems, The topological classification of Lorenz attractors, Direct numerical simulation of rotating fluid flow in a closed cylinder, Resolving actions of compact Lie groups, Onset of Taylor vortices and chaos in viscoelastic fluids, On the Diffculty to Foresee Solar Cycles: A Non-Deterministic Approach, Periodic points and chaotic functions in the unit interval, CHAOTIC SOLUTIONS OF THE DIRICHLET PROBLEMS FOR THE FORCED NAGUMO EQUATION, TRANSITION TO CHAOS FROM QUASIPERIODIC MOTIONS ON A FOUR-DIMENSIONAL TORUS PERTURBED BY EXTERNAL NOISE, Response to strain rate in a discrete dynamical system model of the high-wavenumber Navier-Stokes equations, Unnamed Item, Measure-Theoretical Sensitivity and Scrambled Sets via Furstenberg Families, Transition to chaos in a two-sided collapsible channel flow, Bifurcation and symmetry breaking in applied mathematics, Nonperiodic oscillations of Langmuir waves, INFLUENCES ON OTTO E. 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microbial system, Complicated quasiperiodic oscillations and chaos from driven piecewise-constant circuit: Chenciner bubbles do not necessarily occur via simple phase-locking, Peano dynamics as a model for ergodic and strange nonchaotic behaviour, Mathematical model for chaos and ergodic criticality in four dimensions, Unpredictable points and stronger versions of Ruelle-Takens and Auslander-Yorke chaos, Complex and chaotic response of a non-linear oscillator with an isothermal gas spring, Self-similar constructions in smooth dynamics: Rigidity, smoothness and dimension, Liapunov direct method in approaching bifurcation problems, The qualitative dynamics of a class of biochemical control circuits, Bifurcation of a periodic solution of the Navier-Stokes equations into an invariant torus, The orbit structure of the Hopf bifurcation problem, Sur la deuxième bifurcation d'une solution stationnaire de systèmes du type Navier-Stokes, Bifurcations and trajectories joining critical points, Applications conservant une mesure absolument continue par rapport à \(dx\) sur \([0,1\)], On the uniqueness of invariant manifolds, Ein selektives Projektions-Iterationsverfahren und Anwendungen auf Verzweigungsprobleme, Chaos in abstract kinetics: Two prototypes, Integral averaging and bifurcation, The Fuller index and global Hopf bifurcation, Random evolutionarily stable strategies, Power spectra of nonlinearly coupled waves, Qualitative dynamics of three species predator-prey systems, The dynamics of density dependent population models, The Hopf bifurcation theorem in infinite dimensions, Gyrostat model regular and chaotic behavior, A generalized Lorenz system, Finite-time Lyapunov dimension and hidden attractor of the Rabinovich system, A five-dimensional truncation of the plane incompressible Navier-Stokes equations, Occurrence of strange Axiom A attractors near quasi periodic flows on \(T^m\), \(m\geq 3\), The effects of cell density and metabolite flux on cellular dynamics, 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