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zbMath0994.68074MaRDI QIDQ2755103

John Shawe-Taylor, Nello Cristianini

Publication date: 6 November 2001

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Nondifferentiable regularisers and Banach spaces, Zero-shot visual recognition via bidirectional latent embedding, On approximation by reproducing kernel spaces in weighted \(L^p\) spaces, Statistical performance of support vector machines, Just interpolate: kernel ``ridgeless regression can generalize, Automated machine learning can classify bound entangled states with tomograms, Variable selection for binary classification in large dimensions: comparisons and application to microarray data, Employing different loss functions for the classification of images via supervised learning, The theory of the quantum kernel-based binary classifier, A DC programming approach for feature selection in support vector machines learning, Robust kernel principal component analysis and classification, A review on consistency and robustness properties of support vector machines for heavy-tailed distributions, The graph matching problem, Learning representations from dendrograms, A review on distance based time series classification, A new class of metrics for learning on real-valued and structured data, Heuristic approaches for support vector machines with the ramp loss, Convergence analysis of online algorithms, Simultaneous adaptation to the margin and to complexity in classification, A comparison of generalized linear discriminant analysis algorithms, Breast tumor susceptibility to chemotherapy via support vector machines, Fixed-size least squares support vector machines: A large scale application in electrical load forecasting, An improved gradient projection-based decomposition technique for support vector machines, Support vector machine as an efficient framework for stock market volatility forecasting, Accurately learning from few examples with a polyhedral classifier, A convergent decomposition algorithm for support vector machines, Modeling sequence evolution with kernel methods, Efficient regularized least-squares algorithms for conditional ranking on relational data, Delineating boundaries for imprecise regions, Parallel interior-point solver for structured quadratic programs: Application to financial planning problems, Computing minimum-volume enclosing axis-aligned ellipsoids, Can matching improve the performance of boosting for identifying important genes in observational studies?, Fingerprint classification using fast Fourier transform and nonlinear discriminant analysis, Composite support vector quantile regression estimation, Unsupervised ensemble minority clustering, Approximation of kernel matrices by circulant matrices and its application in kernel selection methods, Mathematics of the neural response, Selective support vector machines, Self-adaptive support vector machines: modelling and experiments, The weight-decay technique in learning from data: an optimization point of view, A nonlinear multi-classification knowledge-based kernel machine, Multicategory classification via discrete support vector machines, Exploiting structure in parallel implementation of interior point methods for optimization, Application of SVM and ANN for image retrieval, Approximation with polynomial kernels and SVM classifiers, The method of virtual experts in mathematical diagnostics, Efficient optimization of support vector machine learning parameters for unbalanced datasets, Convex kernel underestimation of functions with multiple local minima, Integrating support vector regression with particle swarm optimization for numerical modeling for algal blooms of freshwater, Multiclass classification based on multi-criteria decision-making, A support vector machine with the tabu search algorithm for freeway incident detection, Pattern analysis in parallel coordinates based on pairwise comparison of parameters, Entropy-based estimation in classification problems, Predicting the fault-proneness of class hierarchy in object-oriented software using a layered kernel, Feature uncertainty bounds for explicit feature maps and large robust nonlinear SVM classifiers, Sparse multi-criteria optimization classifier for credit risk evaluation, Estimating population average causal effects in the presence of non-overlap: the effect of natural gas compressor station exposure on cancer mortality, Sparse kernel deep stacking networks, A flexible probabilistic framework for large-margin mixture of experts, Nuclear discrepancy for single-shot batch active learning, Distribution-free uncertainty quantification for kernel methods by gradient perturbations, On support vector machines under a multiple-cost scenario, Dissecting graph measure performance for node clustering in LFR parameter space, The use of bigrams to enhance text categorization, Approximate interpolation with applications to selecting smoothing parameters, A multiple attributes convolution kernel with reproducing property, Theoretically optimal parameter choices for support vector regression machines with noisy input, Koopman-based spectral clustering of directed and 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