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zbMath0784.05002MaRDI QIDQ3135082

James G. Oxley

Publication date: 22 September 1993

05-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to combinatorics

05B35: Combinatorial aspects of matroids and geometric lattices

Related Items

The lattice of integral flows and the lattice of integral cuts on a finite graph, Two Decompositions in Topological Combinatorics with Applications to Matroid Complexes, Unnamed Item, On cohomology algebras of complex subspace arrangements, Degenerations of cubic threefolds and matroids, Base exchange properties of graphic matroids, Self-dual graphs, Inequivalent representations of ternary matroids, Binary matroids without prisms, prism duals, and cubes, A dual approximation approach to weighted matroid intersection, Arrangements, channel assignments, and associated polynomials, Families of vectors with prescibed rank partition and a prescribed subfamily, Characterizing combinatorial geometries by numerical invariants, Orienting matroids representable over both GF(3) and GF(5), Envelopes and clutters, About a new class of matroid-inducing packing families, A characterization of graphic matroids using non-separating cocircuits, Matroid representation of clique complexes, Least and most colored bases, A general graphical procedure for finding motion centers of planar mechanisms, Flag arrangements and triangulations of products of simplices, Cyclotomic and simplicial matroids, Excluding a planar graph from \(\mathrm{GF}(q)\)-representable matroids, Biased graphs. VII: Contrabalance and antivoltages, Cycles in circuit graphs of matroids, Odd and even cycles in maker-breaker games, Hamilton cycles in circuit graphs of matroids, Balanced matrices, Adhesivity of polymatroids, Polynomials with the half-plane property and matroid theory, Pairs of largest circuits in 3-connected matroids, A modular triple characterization of circuit signatures, Spanning cycles in regular matroids without \(M^{*}(K_{5})\) minors, On the (co)girth of a connected matroid, A note on binary matroid with no \(M(K_{3,3})\)-minor, Optimization with binet matrices, On deletions of largest bonds in graphs, Orbit-counting polynomials for graphs and codes, Pebble game algorithms and sparse graphs, Matroid automorphisms of the root system \(H_{3}\), The max-flow min-cut property of two-dimensional affine convex geometries, Wild triangles in 3-connected matroids, Matroids with nine elements, Non-separating cocircuits in matroids, A chain theorem for matroids, Sieve methods in combinatorics, Lattice path matroids: structural properties, Matroids with few non-common bases, Branch-width, parse trees, and monadic second-order logic for matroids., On Rota's conjecture and excluded minors containing large projective geometries., On the colored Tutte polynomial of a graph of bounded treewidth, On some properties of base-matroids, Lindström's conjecture on a class of algebraically non-representable matroids, Rigid two-dimensional frameworks with three collinear points, Weight distribution of the bases of a matroid, Minimal blocks of binary even-weight vectors, Extending a matroid by a cocircuit, Equivalence-free exhaustive generation of matroid representations, Approximating clique-width and branch-width, Obstructions to branch-decomposition of matroids, Bias matroids with unique graphical representations, A note on clone sets in representable matroids, On the unique representability of spikes over prime fields, Derivation modules of orthogonal duals of hyperplane arrangements, A note on interconnecting matchings in graphs, Projective geometries in dense matroids, Representable orientations of the free spikes, Rank-width and vertex-minors, The free product of matroids, Families of matroids induced by classes of graphs, On partitioning two matroids into common independent subsets, A note on the Rees algebra of a bipartite graph, The structure of equivalent 3-separations in a 3-connected matroid, On matroids determined by their Tutte polynomials, The chip-firing game, Transition polynomials, Recent work in matroid representation theory, A unique factorization theorem for matroids, Maps of matroids with applications, Extensions of the critical theorem, On pancyclic representable matroids, Distribution of contractible elements in 2-connected matroids, The Bergman complex of a matroid and phylogenetic trees, A Tutte decomposition for matrices and bimatroids, Matroid packing and covering with circuits through an element, On cographic matroids and signed-graphic matroids, Decompositions of signed-graphic matroids, Higher support matroids, Static pickup and delivery problems: a classification scheme and survey. (With comments and rejoinder), A sharp bound on the size of a connected matroid, A particular class of graphic matroids, Expected value of the minimal basis of random matroid and distributions of q-analogs of order statistics, Two disjoint negative cycles in a signed graph, Ring graphs and toric ideals, Covering Directed Graphs by In-Trees, A counterexample to the maximality of toric varieties, Circuit and cocircuit partitions of binary matroids, Totally free arrangements of hyperplanes, Minimum Cycle Bases and Their Applications, Unnamed Item, Techniques in matroid reconstruction, Note on inseparability graphs of matroids having exactly one class of orientations, A 2-isomorphism theorem for hypergraphs, A generalization of a graph result of D. W. Hall, A longest cycle version of Tutte's wheels theorem, On exchange properties for Coxeter matroids and oriented matroids, External and internal elements of a matroid basis, On contractible and vertically contractible elements in 3-connected matroids and graphs, On packing 3-connected restrictions into 3-connected matroids, The covering number of the elements of a matroid and generalized matrix functions, Panelling planar graphs, The connectivity of the SEE-graph and AEE-graph for the connected spanning \(k\)-edge subgraphs of a graph, Flows, view obstructions, and the lonely runner, A splitter for graphs with no Petersen family minor, Removable circuits in multigraphs, Unavoidable minors of large 3-connected matroids, Inverse maximum capacity problems, On the excluded minors for the matroids of branch-width \(k\), \(g\)-elements of matroid complexes., The linear delta-matroid parity problem, An algorithm to compute the set of characteristics of a system of polynomial equations over the integers., Decomposable multi-parameter matroid optimization problems., Cliques in dense GF(\(q\))-representable matroids, Disjoint cocircuits in matroids with large rank, Matroids with many common bases., Unique representability and matroid reconstruction, Lean clause-sets: Generalizations of minimally unsatisfiable clause-sets, Polyhedra with submodular support functions and their unbalanced simultaneous exchangeability, On series-parallel extensions of uniform matroids, On the minor-minimal 3-connected matroids having a fixed minor., Graphs whose positive semi-definite matrices have nullity at most two, The Catalan matroid, Lattice path matroids: Enumerative aspects and Tutte polynomials, The class of binary matroids with no \(M\)(\(K_{3,3}\))-, \(M^{*}\)(\(K_{3,3}\))-, \(M\)(\(K_{5}\))- or \(M^{*}\)(\(K_{5}\))-minor., Towards classification of semigraphoids., Cell complexes, oriented matroids and digital geometry., On the powers of a vectorial matroid -- an equivalence relation., T-uniqueness of some families of \(k\)-chordal matroids, Tutte polynomials of generalized parallel connections, Homogeneous multivariate polynomials with the half-plane property, Complete principal truncations of Dowling lattices, Problems related to type-\(A\) and type-\(B\) matrices of chromatic joins, A linking polynomial of two matroids, Adjacency, inseparability, and base orderability in matroids, Bicycle dimension and special points of the Tutte polynomial, Stabilizers of classes of representable matroids, Cycle bases for lattices of binary matroids with no Fano dual minor and their one-element extensions, A characterization of the orientations of ternary matroids, On the structure of 3-connected matroids and graphs, Splitting in a binary matroid, On coefficients of the Tutte polynomial, On basis-exchange properties for matroids, Edge-disjoint minimum-weight connected spanning \(k\)-edge subgraphs in a weighted graph: A connectedness theorem, On packing minors into connected matroids, On binary \(k\)-paving matroids and Reed-Muller codes, Combinatorial flag varieties, Graph representations of a bicircular matroid, Covering numbers under small perturbations, Anti-matroids, Coloured Tutte polynomials and Kauffman brackets for graphs of bounded tree width, Biased positional games on matroids, Contractible bonds in graphs, Parallel connections and coloured Tutte polynomials, Largest circuits in matroids, Reconstructing ternary Dowling geometries, Connected rigidity matroids and unique realizations of graphs, Polynomials with the half-plane property and the support theorems, A circuit axiomatisation of Lagrangian matroids, The base-matroid and inverse combinatorial optimization problems., Characterizing the flow equivalent trees of a network, Algebras related to matroids represented in characteristic zero, Orlik-Solomon algebras and Tutte polynomials, Non-separating cocircuits in binary matroids, A short proof of non-GF(5)-representability of matroids, On the minor-minimal 2-connected graphs having a fixed minor, A note on maxflow-mincut and homomorphic equivalence in matroids, Supersolvable frame-matroid and graphic-lift lattices, Generalized \(\Delta\text{--}Y\) exchange and \(k\)-regular matroids, The excluded minors for GF(4)-representable matroids, On the excluded minors for quaternary matroids, A generalization of a theorem of Dirac, Matroid 4-connectivity: A deletion-contraction theorem, Totally free expansions of matroids., On the connectivity function of a binary matroid, On matroids of branch-width three., Discrete polymatroids, Cycle cover ratio of regular matroids, Determination of the bases of a splitting matroid, Inequivalent representations of matroids having no \(U_{3,6}\)-minor, Linearly independent set families, Fork-decompositions of matroids, The Pascal matroid as a home for generating sets of cellular automata configurations defined by quasigroups, Graphs determined by polynomial invariants, Determinantal probability measures, Recurrence relations for the spectrum polynomial of a matroid, On paving matroids and a generalization of MDS codes, Colorability of induced matroids, Bases of certain finite groups, Random packing by matroid bases and triangles, Totally unimodular Leontief directed hypergraphs, On internally 4-connected non-regular binary matroids, The Brown-Colbourn conjecture on zeros of reliability polynomials is false, Clutters and circuits, Tutte polynomials computable in polynomial time, Characterizations of \(\text{PG}(n-1,q)\setminus\text{PG}(k-1,q)\) by numerical and polynomial invariants, Almost-graphic matroids, Line-closed matroids, quadratic algebras, and formal arrangments, Ideal clutters, How is a chordal graph like a supersolvable binary matroid?, On the number of non-isomorphic matroids, The affine representation theorem for abstract convex geometries, The structure of the 3-separations of 3-connected matroids, A chain theorem for 4-connected matroids, Trees, grids, and MSO decidability: from graphs to matroids, Uncoverings-by-bases for base-transitive permutation groups., Matroid tree-width, Antisymmetric flows in matroids, Representations of matroids and free resolutions for multigraded modules, Defining matroids through sequential selection, Circuits and cocircuits in regular matroids, On combinatorial optimization problems on matroids with uncertain weights, Extreme point axioms for closure spaces, Vertex-minors, monadic second-order logic, and a conjecture by Seese, The number of nowhere-zero flows on graphs and signed graphs, Enumerating disjunctions and conjunctions of paths and cuts in reliability theory, Combinatorics of multigraded Poincaré series for monomial rings, The homology of the cycle matroid of a coned graph, Enumerating orientations of the free spikes, The structure of 3-connected matroids of path width three, Bimatroids and Gauss decomposition, The structure of the 3-separations of 3-connected matroids. II., Edge-rooted forests and the \(\alpha\)-invariant of cone graphs, Closure axioms for a class of fuzzy matroids and co-towers of matroids, Matroids on convex geometries (cg-matroids), Paths in circuit graphs of matroids, Rees cones and monomial rings of matroids, Maintaining 3-connectivity relative to a fixed basis, The structure of crossing separations in matroids, Generating cut conjunctions in graphs and related problems, Glicci simplicial complexes, On cocircuit covers of bicircular matroids, On the chromatic number of an oriented matroid, On the \(K\)th best base of a matroid, Relations between the circumference and \(e\)-circumference of a matroid, A MacWilliams type identity for matroids, Sufficient enlargements of minimal volume for finite-dimensional normed linear spaces, Rank functions of strict cg-matroids, Constructive characterizations of 3-connected matroids of path width three, Minimally 3-connected binary matroids, On chromatic and flow polynomial unique graphs, A unified interpretation of several combinatorial dualities, The signed-graphic representations of wheels and whirls, Connectivity in frame matroids, Contracting an element from a cocircuit, Some open problems on excluding a uniform matroid, Shellable complexes and topology of diagonal arrangements, A new characterization of graphic matroids, On minimally \(k\)-connected matroids, A combinatorial proof of the Rayleigh formula for graphs, Enumerating bases of self-dual matroids, The box-TDI system associated with 2-edge connected spanning subgraphs, The Erdös-Pósa property for matroid circuits, Growth rates of minor-closed classes of matroids, Ideal secret sharing schemes whose minimal qualified subsets have at most three participants, Blowup algebras of square-free monomial ideals and some links to combinatorial optimization problems, Removing circuits in 3-connected binary matroids, Nowhere-zero 4-flow in almost Petersen-minor free graphs, Packing circuits in matroids, On contracting hyperplane elements from a 3-connected matroid, Frame cellular automata: Configurations, generating sets and related matroids, On clone sets of \(GF(q)\)-representable matroids, Deletion-contraction to form a polymatroid, On minor-minimally 3-connected binary matroids, Tangles, tree-decompositions and grids in matroids, On the matroids in which all hyperplanes are binary, Large circuits in binary matroids of large cogirth. I, Some extremal connectivity results for matroids, Rigidity of octahedral-tetrahedral trusses, Weak maps and stabilizers of classes of matroids, Clutters and circuits. II, Matroids on partially ordered sets, The combinatorics behind number-theoretic sieves, A characterization of jointless Dowling geometries, Spanning trees and a conjecture of Kontsevich, Counting points on varieties over finite fields related to a conjecture of Kontsevich, Some remarks on Jaeger's dual-hamiltonian conjecture, On the connectivity of random subsets of projective spaces, Triads and triangles in 3-connected matroids, Matroid representations by partitions, On matroids with many common bases, On matroids without a non-Fano minor, On extremal connectivity properties of unavoidable matroids, Schur complements obey Lambek's categorial grammar: Another view of Gaussian elimination and LU decomposition, On the problem of approximating the number of bases of a matroid, The complexities of the coefficients of the Tutte polynomial, Coins and cones, Connectivity and \(\beta\)-invariants of isotropic systems and 4-regular graphs, On rounded five-element lines of matroids, Decomposition of the flow polynomial, Splitting formulas for Tutte polynomials, Unnamed Item, Topological representations of matroids, Unnamed Item, The axiomatization of randomness, The “Art of Trellis Decoding” Is NP-Hard, Matroids Can Be Far from Ideal Secret Sharing, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On Matroids Representable over 𝐺𝐹(3) and Other Fields, The computational complexity of antimatroid properties, On circuit valuation of matroids, Connected hyperplanes in binary matroids, On matroid connectivity, The combinatorial Laplacian of the Tutte complex, Base-sortable matroids and Koszulness of semigroup rings, On the covering number of a matroid element, Parallel connections and bundles of arrangements