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zbMath0068.11702MaRDI QIDQ3229718

Salomon Bochner

Publication date: 1955

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II, Die asymptotische Verteilung von mehrfachen Koinzidenzen, Measures that Vanish on Half Spaces, Half-spectral analysis of spatial-temporal data: The case study of Iranian daily wind speed data, First passage times for some classes of fractional time-changed diffusions, Local times for Markov processes, Singular translates of measures on linear spaces, Gaussian measure on the projective limit space of spheres, Harmonic analysis and the theory of cochains, Fractional Euler Limits and their Applications, A de-singularized meshfree approach to default probability estimation under a regime-switching synchronous-jump tempered stable Lévy model, Subordination and memory dependent kinetics in diffusion and relaxation phenomena, Generalization of the HSIC and distance covariance using PDI kernels, Bochner's subordination and fractional caloric smoothing in Besov and Triebel–Lizorkin spaces, Covariate‐based cepstral parameterizations for time‐varying spatial error covariances, Stochastic Processes in the Decades after 1950, The Havriliak–Negami and Jurlewicz–Weron–Stanislavsky relaxation models revisited: memory functions based study, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process driven by \(\alpha\)-stable process and its gamma subordination, Delta complete monotonicity and completely monotonic degree on time scales, On spectral properties of stationary random processes connected by a special random time change, Measurable transformations on compact groups, Space-time covariance models on networks, INEQUALITIES AND COMPLETE MONOTONICITY FOR THE GAMMA AND RELATED FUNCTIONS, Random Linear Functionals, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Fourier series in several variables, On some inequalities for the gamma and psi functions, Unnamed Item, Spatio-temporal variograms and covariance models, Classification of Operators by Means of Their Operational Calculus, Pathological Topologies and Random Walks on Abelian Groups, Products and projective limits of continuous valuations on T0 spaces, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Uniformly Bounded Representations for the Lorentz Groups, Mathematical theory of Feynman path integrals, Uncertainty Quantification for Hyperbolic Conservation Laws with Flux Coefficients Given by Spatiotemporal Random Fields, Algebraic Models for Probability Measures Associated with Stochastic Processes, Quantum field theory on noncommutative spaces, Unnamed Item, A completely monotone function related to the gamma function, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Cluster and feature modeling from combinatorial stochastic processes, Some Sample Function Properties of a Process with Stationary Independent Increments, Fractional thoughts, Equivalent measure changes for subordinate diffusions, Mittag-Leffler functions and complete monotonicity, Unnamed Item, Transition density estimates for relativistic alpha-stable processes on metric spaces, Solution of the Cauchy problem for a time-dependent Schrödinger equation, Probability theory on discrete semigroups, Favard classes for 𝑛-dimensional singular integrals, Wiener’s contributions to generalized harmonic analysis, prediction theory and filter theory, Finite Dimensional Approximations to Some Flows on the Projective Limit Space of Spheres, Symmetric polynomials in information theory: Entropy and subentropy, Markov processes with creation of mass, [ �ber straffe Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen im Raum der Schwartzschen Distributionen], Limits of inverse systems of measures, Nonparametric variogram and covariogram estimation with Fourier-Bessel matrices, Expected utility theory and inner and outer measures of loss aversion, Fractional Brownian motion time-changed by gamma and inverse gamma process, Positive definite symmetric functions on finite dimensional spaces. 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II: Differential equations and eigenspace representations, Simulating space-time random fields with nonseparable Gneiting-type covariance functions, Sums of squares and products of Bessel functions, On multivariate infinitely divisible distributions, Efficient numerical solution of the time fractional diffusion equation by mapping from its Brownian counterpart, Positive polynomials on projective limits of real algebraic varieties, Macdonald polynomials and extended Gelfand-Tsetlin graph, Shape-preserving wavelet-based multivariate density estimation, La descente et la montée étendues [extended rises and descents: the spatially \(d\)-anisotropic and the spatio-temporal case], Two theorems on Hunt's hypothesis (H) for Markov processes, Generalized Widder theorem via fractional moments, Probability interference in expected utility theory, Hypercontractivity, Nash inequalities and subordination for classes of nonlinear semigroups, Linear Fourier and stochastic analysis, Approximation formulae of Voronovskaya-type for certain convolution operators, Contributions to harmonic analysis. 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Martingales. Applications, Generalized absolutely monotone functions, [ Multiple points for transient symmetric L�vy processes in R d], Distributional boundary values of analytic functions and positive definite distributions, Exit Properties of Stochastic Processes with Stationary Independent Increments, Nonparametric estimation in Markov processes, Determining the absolutely continuous component of a probability distribution from its Fourier-Stieltjes transform, Orthogonally scattered measures, Semi-groupes de mesures complexes et calcul symbolique sur les générateurs infinitesimaux de semi-groupes d'opérateurs, On continuous collections of measures, CHARACTERIZATION AND DUALITY OF PROJECTIVE AND DIRECT LIMITS OF MEASURES AND APPLICATIONS, Martingale - perimetro, Spherical convergence, bounded variation, and singular integrals on the N-torus, On complete monotonicity for several classes of functions related to ratios of gamma functions, Unendlich oft teilbare Wahrscheinlichkeitsverteilungen auf kompakten Gruppen. (Infinitely divisible probability distributions on compact groups), On empirical density function, Algebraic integers and distributions on the N-torus, On Whitham's conjecture of a highest cusped wave for a nonlocal dispersive equation, Distances hilbertiennes invariantes sur un espace homogene, MULTIFRACTALS, GENERALIZED SCALE INVARIANCE AND COMPLEXITY IN GEOPHYSICS, Improved density and distribution function estimation, On the Macroscopic Fractal Geometry of Some Random Sets, Some Relationships Involving Subordination, Some Theorems on Stable Processes, A significance test for covariates in nonparametric regression, The dialectics archetypes/types (universal categorical constructions/concrete models) in the work of Alexander Grothendieck, On Mellin convolution operators: a direct approach to the asymptotic formulae, Tail correlation functions of max-stable processes, Nonlinear noise excitation of intermittent stochastic PDEs and the topology of LCA groups, Nonparametric regression: An up–to–date bibliography, Vitesse de fuite et comportement asymptotique du mouvement brownien sur les groupes de Lie nilpotents