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zbMath0070.29002MaRDI QIDQ3232397

Arthur Erdélyi

Publication date: 1956

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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II: Island models, Ganze Funktionen mit einer vorgeschriebenen asymptotischen Entwicklung, A mathematical analysis of Miller's algorithm, Asymptotic study at infinity of supersonic flows of a dissipative fluid, Semilinear Sturm-Liouville problem with periodic nonlinearity, Uniform early time asymptotic solutions for parabolic partial differential equations, On localized solutions of discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation: an exact result, The Hardy-Littlewood operator associated with the Riemann-Liouville transform, On the equivalence of thermodynamics ensembles for flexible polymer chains, Creation of excitations from a uniform impurity motion in the condensate, Exact equilibrium distributions in statistical quantum field theory with rotation and acceleration: scalar field, Neumann-Michell theory of short ship waves, Wave propagation from a cylindrical cavity, Togetherness among schistosomes: Its effects on the dynamics of the infection, Estimating the Lyapunov function and stability of motion of a system with equations of motion with an asymptotically expanded right-hand side, The flow due to the motion of an object through a non-diffusive stratified fluid confined between horizontal planes, Polynomial indexing of integer lattice-points. I. General conceopts and quadratic polynomials, Some recent advances in the dynamics of thin elastic shells. Linear theory, One-loop quantum cosmology: \(\zeta\)-function technique for the Hartle-Hawking wave function of the universe, Estimation of stopping times for stopped self-similar random processes, A law of the iterated logarithm for stable processes in random scenery, Bochner-Riesz means of functions in weak-\(L^ p\), Gabor multipliers associated with the Bessel-Kingman hypergroup, Stationary Schrödinger equation in the semi-classical limit: WKB-based scheme coupled to a turning point, Formal power series of logarithmic type, Large charge at large N, A version of Watson lemma for Laplace integrals and some applications, Oscillatory integrals with quadratic phase function on a real abstract Wiener space, An extension of Laplace's method, The volume-of-tube method for Gaussian random fields with inhomogeneous variance, Asymptotic expansion of the Bergman kernel for weakly pseudoconvex tube domains in \(\mathbb{C}^2\), Small-\(t\) expansion for the Hartman-Watson distribution, Uniform high-frequency approximations of the square root Helmholtz operator symbol, Formal theory of cornered asymptotically hyperbolic Einstein metrics, Local Riesz transform and local Hardy spaces on Riemannian manifolds with bounded geometry, Rotation number of a system of single oscillators in definite and white noise perturbed cases, Oscillatory solutions in the planar restricted three-body problem, The convergence of multidimensional Fourier-Bessel series, On modifications of the exponential integral with the Mittag-Leffler function, Complex semiclassical description of scattering problem systems with 1.5 degrees of freedom, Asymptotic behavior in a deterministic epidemic model, A new velocity decomposition for viscous flows: Lighthill's equivalent-source method revisited, Application of the generalized stationary phase method to the asymptotics of the tsunami head wave in the hydrodynamic piston model, On the Burgers equation with moving boundary, A survey of numerical techniques for solving singularly perturbed ordinary differential equations, Singularly perturbed problems in partial differential equations: A survey, Laplace's method on a computer algebra system with an application to the real valued modified Bessel functions, Empirical Bayes estimation of several population means and variances under random sampling variances model, Timelines and quantum time operators, Asymptotic expansion of the off-diagonal Bergman kernel on compact Kähler manifolds, The prefactor of the stationary probability distribution in variational non-equilibrium thermodynamics, An extrapolation technique to iterate to the smallest and largest eigenvalues of an infinite-dimensional normal matrix used in function fitting, An $L^p$ a priori estimate for the Tricomi equation in the upper half space, New asymptotic expansions of the quotient of gamma functions, Asymptotic expansions of a class of hypergeometric polynomials with respect to the order, On the asymptotic behaviour of the number of trials necessary to complete a set with random selection, A method of asymptotic expansion of Fourier-type integrals, Long memory and long run variation, A singular initial value problem and self-similar solutions of a nonlinear dissipative wave equation, A New Treatment for Some Periodic Schrödinger Operators I: The Eigenvalue, Gaussian Measure of Large Balls in a Hilbert Space, An Asymptotic Approximation for a Type of Fourier Integral, Singularity analysis and fracture energy-release rate for composites: Piecewise homogeneous-anisotropic materials, Coherent states, quantum gravity, and the Born- Oppenheimer approximation. II. Compact Lie groups, An other uncertainty principle for the Hankel transform, Generalized finite moments and Liouville-Green approximations, Current trends in asymptotics: Some problems and some solutions, Unifying the BGM and SABR Models: A Short Ride in Hyperbolic Geometry, Fast computation of a class of highly oscillatory integrals, Boundary-layer approach to high-frequency diffraction by a jump of curvature, Flooding dynamics of diffusive dispersion in a random potential, Oscillatory integrals and fractal dimension, The Fourier transform of bivariate functions that depend only on the maximum of the absolute values of their variables, Unnamed Item, Some useful theorems for asymptotic formulas and their applications to skew plane partitions and cylindric partitions, Lee-Yang property and Gaussian multiplicative chaos, On expansions in the exact and asymptotic eigenfunctions of the one-dimensional Schrödinger operator, The last departure time from an \(M_t/G/\infty\) queue with a terminating arrival process, Lossless error estimates for the stationary phase method with applications to propagation features for the Schrödinger equation, Sharpenings of Li's criterion for the Riemann hypothesis, The Construction and Properties of Assortative Configuration Graphs, Analytic Approximation of Invasion Wave Amplitude Predicts Severity of Insect Outbreaks, Asymptotically derived boundary elements for the Helmholtz equation in high frequencies, On the monodromy of the deformed cubic oscillator, Asymptotic Expansions for Stationary Distributions of Perturbed Semi-Markov Processes, Asymptotic Analysis of Gaussian Integrals. I. Isolated Minimum Points, Multifractal behavior of polynomial Fourier series, Moments and Lyapunov exponents for the parabolic Anderson model, A new look at the collapse of two-dimensional polymers, Inhomogeneous field theory inside the arctic circle, Weak type estimates of square functions associated with quasiradial Bochner-Riesz means on certain Hardy spaces, Inequalities for formal power series and entire functions, Unnamed Item, 𝐿^{𝑝} and operator norm estimates for the complex time heat operator on homogeneous trees, Asymptotic representations for a class of multiple hypergeometric functions with a dominant variable, The numerical evaluation of a class of singular, oscillatory integrals, The correlation functions of plane polygons, Weak type estimates on certain Hardy spaces for smooth cone type multipliers, Extremes on trees, On global solutions of a nonlinear dispersive equation of Sobolev type, On the coefficients that arise from Laplace's method, Asymptotics for certain harmonic functions and the Martin compactification on the quaternionic Heisenberg group, COLORED JONES POLYNOMIALS WITH POLYNOMIAL GROWTH, Off diagonal short time asymptotics for fundamental solution of diffusion equation, Asymptotics of certain sums required in loop regularisation, Experimental Investigation of Local Searches for Optimization of Grillage-Type Foundations, Difference Equations Over Locally Compact Abelian Groups, Complete continuity of kernel in generalized potential scattering. I: Short range interaction without strong singularity. II: Generalized Fourier series expansion, On the analytic properties of solutions for a generalized, axially symmetric Schrödinger equation, Étude des solutions d'équations différentielles du second ordre dependant d'un paramètre complexe de grand module, The zeros of Hankel functions as functions of their order, Über die Approximation asymptotischer Entwicklungen. I, Asymptotic expansions of Gaussian integrals, Linear differential systems with periodic coefficients involving a large parameter, On the Reissner-Sagoci problem at high frequencies, Eine Methode zur Bestimmung günstiger Konvergenzfaktoren für asymptotische Entwicklungen, The Solution of problems in radiowave propagation by the method of parabolic equations and transformation operators, Nonlinear high-Froude-number free-surface problems, On general conditions for the existence of certain solutions of the equations of plane transonic flow. The perturbation problem, Remarks on a lattice point problem, On the limit cycles of \(\ddot y- \mu\sin\dot y+y = 0\), On the limit cycles of \(\ddot y - \mu \sin \dot y + y = 0\), A priori estimates for solutions of the Helmholtz equation in exterior domains and their application, Analytic theory and uniqueness problems for the generalized, axially symmetric Schrödinger equation, An algebra of pseudodifferential operators and quantum mechanics in phase space, A generalized multiple scales approach to a class of linear differential equations, Asymptotic expansions for the solutions of a class of nonhomogeneous differential equations, Topologically induced metastability in a periodic XY chain, A cruciform crack deformed by an arbitrary internal pressure, Error bounds for the Laplace approximation for definite integrals, Turning point problems of almost diagonal systems, A crack perpendicular to an elastic half-plane, Error rates for poisson process discrimination, Pulse generation in an elastic half-space by the uniform normal loading of a circular surface segment, Asymptotic expansion of a class of integral transforms with algebraically dominated kernels, Some observations about an odd order parabolic equation, The scope of the function theoretic approach for equations permitting a separation of variables, Existence and stability of periodic solutions of \(\ddot y-\mu F(\dot y) +y=0\)., Trapped shallow water waves for continuous bottom topographies, Trace formulas for the matrix Schrödinger operator on the half-line with general boundary conditions, On the evaluation of lattice Green functions and Watson-like integrals, A special form of Galerkin's method applied to heat transfer in plane Couette-Poiseuille flows, Unnamed Item, The classical Hankel transform in the Kirillov model of the discrete series, Unnamed Item, Estimates for functions of the Laplace operator on homogeneous trees, Asymptotic formulae associated with the Wallis power function and digamma function, A General Scalar Solution for the Half-plane Problem, Asymptotic analysis of oscillating parametric integrals and ordinary boundary value problems at resonance, The Ghosts of Departed Quantities in Switches and Transitions, On the Structure of Certain Subalgebras of a Universal Enveloping Algebra, Analytic continuation by means of the methods of divergent series