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zbMath0080.22005MaRDI QIDQ3247887

P. A. M. Dirac

Publication date: 1958

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Solèr, An analysis and explanation of the uncertainty principle, QUANTUM MECHANICS AS A MEASUREMENT THEORY ON BICONFORMAL SPACE, ENTANGLED STATES, SQUEEZED STATES GAINED VIA THE ROUTE OF DEVELOPING DIRAC'S SYMBOLIC METHOD AND THEIR APPLICATIONS, Depolarization of Light Rayleigh-Scattered from Atoms, Manifestly covariant quantum electrodynamics without unphysical photons, THE DENSITY MATRIX FOR AN ELECTRON CONFINED IN QUANTUM DOTS UNDER A UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD, THE BIEDENHARN APPROACH TO RELATIVISTIC COULOMB-TYPE PROBLEMS, A PHYSICAL REALIZATION OF THE GENERALIZED PT-, C-, AND CPT-SYMMETRIES AND THE POSITION OPERATOR FOR KLEIN–GORDON FIELDS, Elementary Particles and Symmetry Principles, Uniformisation et développement asymptotique de la solution du problème de Cauchy linéaire, à données holomorphes ; analogie avec la théorie des ondes asymptotiques et approchées (Problème de Cauchy I bis et VI.), Position Operators and Localizability of Quantum Systems Described by Finite- and Infinite-Dimensional Wave Equations, Self-Adjoint Ladder Operators (I), Simultaneous Measurement of Noncommuting Observables, Angle and Phase Coordinates in Quantum Mechanics, Optimization of Control Systems with Non-linear Plants by means of the Maximum Principle†, The Statistical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, EFFICIENT QUANTUM CIRCUITS FOR NON-QUBIT QUANTUM ERROR-CORRECTING CODES, APPLICATION OF INTERMEDIATE ENTANGLED STATE REPRESENTATION ON SOLVING COUPLED OSCILLATOR, Classical relativistic dynamics of « spin » particles, Properties of the One-Particle Green's Function for Nonuniform Many-Fermion Systems, Relativistic theory of motion in the external field for a system with internal degrees of freedom, Constructing the Spin Hamiltonian for an<mml:math xmlns:mml="" display="inline"><mml:mi>N</mml:mi></mml:math>-Electron System, An application of half-order differential operators to four-dimensional off-shell super Yang-Mills theory, Lie Group Dynamical Formalism and the Relation between Quantum Mechanics and Classical Mechanics, Monopole supersymmetries and the Biedenharn operator., V. A. Fock and N. N. Bogolyubov and their role in establishing modern quantum field theory, The works of Vladimir Aleksandrovich Fock in quantum field theory (on the centennial of the birth of V. A. Fock), Conservation laws for polynomial Hamiltonians and for discrete models of the Boltzmann equation, Soluble Problems in the Scattering from Compound Systems, Supersymmetric quantum mechanics of scattering, On the geometry of spin 1/2, Nonlinear quantum mechanics: a conflict with the Ptolomean structure?, A brief note on analyticity and causality, and the ``levels of physics, Lagrangian statistical mechanics applied to nonlinear stochastic field equations, NONDIVERGENT STATISTICAL QUANTUM ELECTRODYNAMICS, Inference in Hybrid Bayesian Networks with Deterministic Variables, Stochastic Dynamics of Quantum-Mechanical Systems, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Functional analytic treatment of the transport equation, On Schrödinger's factorization method for Sturm-Liouville operators