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zbMath0611.10001MaRDI QIDQ3751634

Jonathan M. Borwein, Peter B. Borwein

Publication date: 1987

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Several absolutely monotonic functions related to the complete elliptic integral of the first kind, Generalized Grotzsch ring function and generalized elliptic integrals, Aczél's iterations for discontinuous or non strict means, Optimal bounds for Seiffert-like elliptic integral mean by harmonic, geometric, and arithmetic means, Sharp bounds for Gauss lemniscate functions and lemniscatic means, Series expansions of powers of arcsine, closed forms for special values of Bell polynomials, and series representations of generalized logsine functions, Monotonicity of the ratio for the complete elliptic integral and Stolarsky mean, Padé approximant related to inequalities for Gauss lemniscate functions, Pair correlation of roots of rational functions with rational generating functions and quadratic denominators, Dynamics of stochastic non-Newtonian fluids driven by fractional Brownian motion with Hurst parameter \(H \in (\tfrac 14,\tfrac 12)\), Jacobi's four and eight squares theorems and 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properties of the Gaussian hypergeometric functions, with applications, Lattice sums for double periodic polyanalytic functions, The Elliptic Integral Machine: A Collision-based Model of Computation, On the Dirichlet problem in rectangular domain for Lavrentiev-Bitsadze equation, On a generalization of Jacobi's elegantissima, Ramanujan–Sato series for $1/\pi $, Exact results for the diamond lattice Green function with applications to uniform random walks in a plane, INFINITE SERIES CONCERNING HARMONIC NUMBERS AND QUINTIC CENTRAL BINOMIAL COEFFICIENTS, The Dirichlet problem for rectangle and new identities for elliptic integrals and functions, Infinite series about harmonic numbers inspired by Ramanujan-like formulae, Invariance property for extended means, Sharp approximations for complete \(p\)-elliptic integral of the second kind by weighted power means, Fast evaluation algorithms for elementary algebraic and inverse functions using the FEE method, A best possible upper bound for the 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Inequalities and bounds for a certain bivariate elliptic mean II, Functional equations involving means and their Gauss composition, Monotonicity properties and bounds for the complete \(p\)-elliptic integrals, New bounds for the ratio of power means, Absolutely monotonic functions involving the complete elliptic integrals of the first kind with applications, Some curious results related to a conjecture of Strohmer and Beaver, Jonathan Borwein: Renaissance Mathematician, Apéry Limits: Experiments and Proofs, On lemniscate functions, Inequalities for Zero-Balanced Hypergeometric Functions, Computation of Continued Fractions Without Input Values, Fast evaluation of multiple zeta sums, Detecting perfect powers in essentially linear time, Inequalities for Gaussian hypergeometric functions, An arithmetic-geometric mean inequality, Multiplicative independence of algebraic numbers and expressions, Crystal Symmetry Viewed as Zeta Symmetry, New Representations for the Madelung Constant, Unnamed Item, Topics in special functions. II, Supercongruences for the Catalan-Larcombe-French numbers, Using Fourier-Legendre expansions to derive series for \(\frac{1}{\pi}\) and \(\frac{1}{\pi^{2}}\), Unnamed Item, A sharp lower bound for Toader-Qi mean with applications, A concavity property of generalized complete elliptic integrals, Inequalities for the generalized trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, Diffusion phenomena in a mixed phase space, Alternating series of Apéry-type for the Riemann zeta function., Means, generalized harmony proportion and applications, HYPERGEOMETRIC MODULAR EQUATIONS, Regularity of Conjugacies between Critical Circle Maps: An Experimental Study, A MAGNETIC DOUBLE INTEGRAL, On the genesis of BBP formulas, Answers to three conjectures on convexity of three functions involving complete elliptic integrals of the first kind, On the irrationality of certain series, Mean-type mappings and invariance principle, Holonomic relations for modular functions and forms: First guess, then prove, ON LINEAR RELATIONS FOR DIRICHLET SERIES FORMED BY RECURSIVE SEQUENCES OF SECOND ORDER, Invariance in the Family of Weighted Gini Means, Unnamed Item, A WZ proof for a Ramanujan-like series involving cubed binomial coefficients, Several Optimal Bounds for Some Means Derived from the Lemniscatic Mean, On the Representations of xy + yz + ZX, NEW SERIES IDENTITIES FOR ${\frac{1}{\Pi}}$, Empirical Determinations of Feynman Integrals Using Integer Relation Algorithms, On the fully anisotropic honeycomb lattice Green function, Bessel function integrals and Pearson random walks