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zbMath0638.65058MaRDI QIDQ3779682

Syvert P. Nørsett, Ernst Hairer, Gerhard Wanner

Publication date: 1987

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Some new implicit two-step multiderivative methods for solving special second-order IVP's, Fully implicit time-stepping schemes and non-linear solvers for systems of reaction-diffusion equations, A linearly fourth order multirate Runge-Kutta method with error control, A new stable splitting for singularly perturbed ODEs, Stabilizing effect of large average initial velocity in forced dissipative PDEs invariant with respect to Galilean transformations, Stability of the Richardson extrapolation combined with some implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Beyond the Melnikov method: A computer assisted approach, Complexity of certain nonlinear two-point BVPs with Neumann boundary conditions, Application of a shock-fitted spectral collocation method for computing transient high-speed inviscid flows over a blunt nose, Exponential Runge-Kutta for the inhomogeneous Boltzmann equations with high order of accuracy, Agglomeration multigrid methods with implicit Runge-Kutta smoothers applied to aerodynamic simulations on unstructured grids, Sparse adaptive approximation of high dimensional parametric initial value problems, Efficient computation of high index Sturm-Liouville eigenvalues for problems in physics, Derivation of variation of parameters formulas for non-linear Volterra equations, using a method of embedding, Well-posedness of a linear spatio-temporal model of the JAK2/STAT5 signaling pathway, On the approximate solution of autonomous boundary-value problems by the least-squares method, A new simple method of implicit time integration for dynamic problems of engineering structures, Implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta schemes and applications to hyperbolic systems with relaxation, Parallel-iterated pseudo two-step Runge-Kutta methods with step size control, Defect-based local error estimators for splitting methods, with application to Schrödinger equations. 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Application to Hill's problem, Efficient integration of ordinary differential equations by transformation, Legendre-Gauss collocation methods for ordinary differential equations, One-step collocation methods for differential-algebraic systems of index 1, Explicit Runge-Kutta methods for the integration of rate-type constitutive equations, Stability and bifurcations for the chronic state in Marchuk's model of an immune system, On an accurate third order implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta method for stiff problems, Pseudo-symplectic Runge-Kutta methods, A numerical study of large sparse matrix exponentials arising in Markov chains., KINSOLVER: A simulator for computing large ensembles of biochemical and gene regulatory networks, Efficient numerical integrators for highly oscillatory dynamic systems based on modified magnus integrator method, Response of parametrically excited Duffing-van der Pol oscillator with delayed feedback, Parallel two-step ROW-methods for stiff delay differential equations, On the additive splitting procedures and their computer realization, Free-convection flow for a binary mixture in a thin porous ring, Numerical integration based on Laguerre-Gauss interpolation, Numerical smoothing of Runge-Kutta schemes, An \(r\)-adaptive finite element method based upon moving mesh PDEs, Parallel methods for nonstiff VIDEs, Four-step exponential-fitted methods for nonlinear physical problems, EXPFIT4 -- a FORTRAN program for the numerical solution of systems of nonlinear second-order initial-value problems, On the method of modified equations. II: Numerical techniques based on the equivalent equation for the Euler forward difference method, On the method of modified equations. III: Numerical techniques based on the second equivalent equation for the Euler forward difference method, On the method of modified equations. IV: Numerical techniques based on the modified equation for the Euler forward difference method, On the method of modified equations. V: Asymptotics analysis of direct-correction and asymptotic successive-correction techniques for the implicit midpoint method, Starting algorithms for implicit Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, Numerical computation in heterovalent chromatography, The examination of nonlinear stability and solvability of the algebraic equations for the implicit Taylor series method, On a class of \(P\)-stable mono-implicit Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, A formula for steplength control in numerical integration, The use of approximate factorization in stiff ODE solvers, Step size control in the numerical solution of stochastic differential equations, Comment on: A two-stage fourth-order ``almost \(P\)-stable method for oscillatory problems, One parameter quadratic \(C^1\)-spline collocation method for solving first order ordinary initial value problems, A new numerical method for the integration of highly oscillatory second-order ordinary differential equations, Multirate ROW methods and latency of electric circuits, Parallel block predictor-corrector methods of Runge-Kutta type, On the implementation of parallel iterated Runge-Kutta methods on a transputer network, A class of half-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for differential-algebraic systems of index 3, Shadows, chaos, and saddles, An extended descriptor form for the numerical integration of multibody systems, On the use of parallel processors for implicit Runge-Kutta methods, A parallel shooting technique for solving dissipative ODE's, A Runge-Kutta method with stepsize control for separated systems of first-order ODEs, Optimal order diagonally implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Convergence results for general linear methods on singular perturbation problems, Numerical integration of ordinary differential equations on manifolds, Finite difference methods for time dependent, linear differential algebraic equations, Algebraic conditions for high-order convergent deferred correction schemes based on Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for second order boundary value problems, Time discretization of parabolic boundary integral equations, Collocation methods for differential-algebraic equations of index 3, Jacobi orthogonal approximation with negative integer and its application to ordinary differential equations, Parallel iteration of symmetric Runge-Kutta methods for nonstiff initial-value problems, The role of difference equations in numerical analysis, Efficiency comparisons of methods for integrating ODEs, Implementing an ODE code on distributed memory computers, Butcher-Kuntzmann methods for nonstiff problems on parallel computers, The use of Butcher series in the analysis of Newton-like iterations in Runge-Kutta formulas, Numerical treatment of the parameter identification problem for delay- differential systems arising in immune response modelling, Canonical Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods of orders five and six, Regular solutions of DAE hybrid systems and regularization techniques, The starting procedure in variable-stepsize variable-order PECE codes, Stepsize control and continuity consistency for state-dependent delay- differential equations, Momentum conserving symplectic integrators, Modeling and velocity stabilization of constrained mechanical systems, Integrated space-time adaptive \(hp\)-refinement methods for parabolic systems, Computation of periodic solutions of Hamiltonian systems, Piecewise-linearized methods for initial-value problems, On spurious fixed points of Runge-Kutta methods, Time filters increase accuracy of the fully implicit method, Composite symmetric general linear methods (COSY-GLMs) for the long-time integration of reversible Hamiltonian systems, Convergence of general linear methods on differential-algebraic systems of index 3, Contour dynamics with symplectic time integration, Stability analysis of continuous implicit Runge-Kutta methods for Volterra integro-differential systems with unbounded delays, A generalization of singly-implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Extended explicit pseudo two-step RKN methods for oscillatory systems \(y^{\prime\prime} + My = f(y)\), Behaviour of the SMF method for the numerical integration of satellite orbits, Comparison of direct to shooting enclosures for an inverse-monotone boundary value problem with locally steep solution, Parallel linear system solvers for Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, On the stability of implicit-explicit linear multistep methods, A new look at finite elements in time: A variational interpretation of Runge-Kutta methods, Unconditionally stable higher-order Newmark methods by sub-stepping procedure, On the fluid dynamics of unsteady separated stagnation-point flow of a power-law fluid on the surface of a moving flat plate, Bone metastasis modeling based on the interactions between the BMU and tumor cells, RKC: An explicit solver for parabolic PDEs, Numerical reconstruction of heat pulse experiments, Gauss-Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, Analysis of the dynamics of local error control via a piecewise continuous residual, Runge-Kutta methods on Lie groups, Nonreflecting boundary conditions for Maxwell's equations, Parametrization of the Cauchy problem for systems of ordinary differential equations with limiting singular points, How to avoid accuracy and order reduction in Runge-Kutta methods as applied to stiff problems, Phase space structure of multi-dimensional systems by means of the mean exponential growth factor of nearby orbits, Error inhibiting block one-step schemes for ordinary differential equations, Quasi-Monte Carlo simulation of differential equations, The extrapolated explicit midpoint scheme for variable order and step size controlled integration of the Landau-Lifschitz-Gilbert equation, An incomplete assembly with thresholding algorithm for systems of reaction--diffusion equations in three space dimensions IAT for reaction--diffusion systems, Multistep numerical methods for functional differential equations, An accelerated Poincaré-map method for autonomous oscillators, Dissipative Chebyshev exponential-fitted methods for numerical solution of second-order differential equations., A high-order conservative Patankar-type discretisation for stiff systems of production--destruction equations, Finite difference heterogeneous multi-scale method for homogenization problems., Coulomb artifacts and breakdown of perturbative matching in lattice NRQCD, Variable order Adams codes., Explicit Numerov type methods with reduced number of stages., An algorithm for starting multistep methods., On smooth dependence on initial conditions for dissipative PDEs, an ODE-type approach., Semi-implicit projection methods for incompressible flow based on spectral deferred corrections., Efficient linearly implicit methods for nonlinear multidimensional parabolic problems., Exponentially fitted and trigonometrically fitted two-derivative Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for solving \(y^{\prime \prime}(x) = f \left(x, y, y^\prime\right)\), Fast exact digital differential analyzer for circle generation, Radial basis function generated finite differences for option pricing problems, An efficient variable step-size rational Falkner-type method for solving the special second-order IVP, Radio frequency and microwave numerical simulation techniques based on multivariate formulations, A family of improved Falkner-type methods for oscillatory systems, Compact \(\theta \)-method for the generalized delay diffusion equation, On self-regularization properties of a difference scheme for linear differential-algebraic equations, Integration processes of delay differential equation based on modified Laguerre functions, A note on step-size selection in the Störmer-Cowell methods, Bifurcation and chaotic behavior in the Euler method for a Uçar prototype delay model, Order properties of symplectic Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, The absolute coordinate formulation with elasto-plastic deformations, Computing Lyapunov exponents of continuous dynamical systems: Method of Lyapunov vectors, Stability regions of one step mixed collocation methods for \(y=f(x,y)\), Numerical simulation of contaminant biodegradation by higher order methods and adaptive time stepping, Testing of adaptive symplectic conservative numerical methods for solving the Kepler problem, A simple kinetic model for the phase transition of the van der Waals fluid, Lyapunov exponents in resonance multiplets, A regularized approach for frictional impact dynamics of flexible multi-link manipulator arms considering the dynamic stiffening effect, Development and application of an exponential method for integrating stiff systems based on the classical Runge-Kutta method, Parametrization of the solution of the Kepler problem and new adaptive numerical methods based on this parametrization, QMC methods for the solution of delay differential equations., Constrained least squares methods for linear timevarying DAE systems, An efficient Runge-Kutta \((4,5)\) pair, Explicit parallel two-step Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, On the method of modified equations. VI: Asymptotic analysis of and asymptotic successive-corrections techniques for two-point, boundary-value problems in ODE's, Computable explicit bounds for the discretization error of variable stepsize multistep methods, High-order accurate time-stepping schemes for convection-diffusion problems, Automatic time step control algorithms for structural dynamics., A numerically efficient model for simulation of defibrillation in an active bidomain sheet of myocardium, Behind and beyond the MATLAB ODE suite, A phase-fitted collocation-based Runge-Kutta-Nyström method, Additive Runge-Kutta methods for the resolution of linear parabolic problems, Explicit methods based on a class of four stage fourth order Runge-Kutta methods for preserving quadratic laws, Starting algorithms for low stage order RKN methods, Parameter estimation in nonlinear delayed feedback systems from noisy data, Linear conservation laws for ODEs, Mono-implicit Runge-Kutta formulae for the numerical solution of second order nonlinear two-point boundary value problems, Complexity of nonlinear two-point boundary-value problems, Symplectic neural networks in Taylor series form for Hamiltonian systems, Convergence of stochastic-extended Lagrangian molecular dynamics method for polarizable force field simulation, Adaptive moving mesh computations for reaction--diffusion systems, The use of the Euler method in identification of multiple bifurcations and chaotic behavior in numerical approximation of delay-differential equations, Explicit two-step methods for second-order linear IVPs, A general linear method approach to the design and optimization of efficient, accurate, and easily implemented time-stepping methods in CFD, Parallel transport dynamics for mixed quantum states with applications to time-dependent density functional theory, Optimal convergence rate of the explicit Euler method for convection-diffusion equations, Adaptive, second-order, unconditionally stable partitioned method for fluid-structure interaction, Interacting two-dimensional vortex structures: Point vortices, contour kinematics and stirring properties, Comparison of adaptive methods for one-dimensional parabolic systems, Comparing stability properties of three methods in DAEs or ODEs with invariants, A-stable, explicit method for solving stiff problems in science and engineering, Third- and fourth-order ESDIRK methods for stiff and differential-algebraic problems, A note on the convergence of discretized dynamic iteration, Generalized Hermite multistep methods of high order with a variable stepsize, Second-order weak approximations for Stratonovich stochastic differential equations, Parallel one-step methods with minimal parallel stages, Variable-step boundary value methods based on reverse Adams schemes and their grid redistribution, Boundary value methods based on Adams-type methods, The effect of the stopping of the Newton iteration in implicit linear multistep methods, Efficient parallel predictor-corrector methods, Properties and implementation of \(r\)-Adams methods based on mixed-type interpolation, Parallel iteration across the steps of high-order Runge-Kutta methods for nonstiff initial value problems, The Chebyshev methods of Panovsky and Richardson as Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, The Taylor series method for the problem of the rotational motion of a rigid satellite, Towards sharp error analysis of extended Lagrangian molecular dynamics, Lie-Butcher theory for Runge-Kutta methods, Alternative integration methods for problems in structural dynamics, Explicit symmetric Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for parallel computers, A composition law for Runge-Kutta methods applied to index-2 differential-algebraic equations, On the performance of parallel waveform relaxations for differential systems, The development of Runge-Kutta methods for partial differential equations, Störmer-Cowell: Straight, summed and split. An overview, Optimized extrapolation methods for parallel solution of IVPs on different computer architectures, Isogeometric analysis for phase-field models of geometric PDEs and high-order PDEs on stationary and evolving surfaces, Collocation-based two-step Runge-Kutta methods, Interval methods of Adams-Bashforth type with variable step sizes, Legendre-Gauss-Radau collocation method for solving initial value problems of first order ordinary differential equations, Jacobian-dependent vs Jacobian-free discretizations for nonlinear differential problems, Multiple shooting-local linearization method for the identification of dynamical systems, A tau method for nonlinear dynamical systems, General formulation of second-order semi-Lagrangian methods for convection-diffusion problems, Non-linear CFL conditions issued from the von Neumann stability analysis for the transport equation, A control for spatial motions of a robot in a rectangular Cartesian coordinate system, Direct and converse theorems for iterative methods of solving irregular operator equations and finite difference methods for solving ill-posed Cauchy problems, Convergence rates of Gaussian ODE filters, Interval versions for special kinds of explicit linear multistep methods, Explicit Runge-Kutta methods combined with advanced versions of the Richardson extrapolation, Conservation laws and the numerical solution of ODEs. II, Characterization of low degree A-stable symmetric RK collocation methods, Enforcing constraints for interpolation and extrapolation in generative adversarial networks, Semi-implicit methods for the dynamics of elastic sheets, Integrating finite rotations, On existence of a closed trajectory in a three-dimensional model of a Brusselator, Oscillatory Störmer-Cowell methods, Constructive polynomial approximation with \textit{a priori} error bounds for nonlinear initial value differential problems, Explicit-in-time goal-oriented adaptivity, Visualization of four limit cycles of two-dimensional quadratic systems in the parameter space, Reprint of: Peer methods with improved embedded sensitivities for parameter-dependent ODEs, Uniform approximation of trajectories maximal to the right under the condition of asymptotic integral stability, Optimal convergence behavior of adaptive FEM driven by simple \((h-h/2)\)-type error estimators, Simple a posteriori error estimators in adaptive isogeometric analysis, Studying absolute stability properties of the Richardson extrapolation combined with explicit Runge-Kutta methods, Implicit multistage two-derivative discontinuous Galerkin schemes for viscous conservation laws, Finite difference methods for second order in space, first order in time hyperbolic systems and the linear shifted wave equation as a model problem in numerical relativity, Isogeometric analysis of insoluble surfactant spreading on a thin film, Using automatic differentiation to compute periodic orbits of delay differential equations, Adaptive time propagation for time-dependent Schrödinger equations, Evolutionary derivation of Runge-Kutta pairs for addressing inhomogeneous linear problems, Theoretical and numerical analysis for Volterra integro-differential equations with Itô integral under polynomially growth conditions, Effective order of partitioned Runge-Kutta methods, A parallel-in-time approach for wave-type PDEs, Asymptotic stability of compact and linear \(\theta \)-methods for space fractional delay generalized diffusion equation, Collocation-variation difference schemes with several collocation points for differential-algebraic equations, Bayesian ODE solvers: the maximum a posteriori estimate, Parallel-in-time high-order multiderivative IMEX solvers, A note on error expressions for reflected and averaged implicit Runge- Kutta methods, Parallel iteration of high-order Runge-Kutta methods with stepsize control, Eigenvalues of discontinuous Sturm-Liouville problems with symmetric potentials, Convergence of LMM when the solution is not smooth, Note on explicit parallel multistep Runge-Kutta methods, Efficient implementation of advanced Richardson extrapolation in an atmospheric chemical scheme, A family of matrix coefficient formulas for solving ordinary differential equations, Constructing diffeomorphisms between simply connected plane domains, Validation of a computational algorithm based on the discontinuous Galerkin method for the Baer-Nunziato relaxation model, New algorithmic implementation of exact three-point difference schemes for systems of nonlinear ordinary differential equations of the second order, Unconditionally stable higher-order accurate collocation time-step integration algorithms for first-order equations, Bifurcations ``cycle-chaos-hyperchaos in some nonideal electroelastic systems, Stability of implicit multiderivative deferred correction methods, A posteriori error control and adaptivity for the IMEX BDF2 method for PIDEs with application to options pricing models, On the stability and convergence of fully discrete solutions in linear elastodynamics, The discontinuous Petrov-Galerkin method for elliptic problems, Comparison of time and spatial collocation methods for the heat equation, Approximate resolving equations of mathematical model of a curved thin-walled cylinder, Non-reflecting artificial boundaries for modelling scalar wave propagation problems in two-dimensional half-space., Non-linear evolution using optimal fourth-order strong-stability-preserving Runge-Kutta methods, Bi-discontinuous time step integration algorithms. I: First-order equations., Bi-discontinuous time step integration algorithms. II: Second-order equations., Order conditions of two kinds of canonical difference schemes, Parallel interpolation of high-order Runge-Kutta methods, Generalized symmetric Runge-Kutta methods, Note on the performance of direct and indirect Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods, Partially Implicit Runge-Kutta Methods for Wave-Like Equations, Numerical equilibrium analysis for structured consumer resource models, Local error estimation for multistep collocation methods, Analysis of error estimators for the semidiscrete equations of linear solid and structural dynamics, A class of pseudo Runge-Kutta methods, Estimation of parameters in incomplete data models defined by dynamical systems, An implicit Landweber method for nonlinear ill-posed operator equations, Multistep characteristic method for incompressible flow in porous media, Analysis and Improved Methods for the Error Estimation of Numerical Solutions in Solid and Multibody Dynamics, High-order \(W\)-methods, A spectral method for the wave equation of divergence-free vectors and symmetric tensors inside a sphere, Monotone schemes for convection-diffusion problems with convective transport in different forms, Time step selection for the numerical solution of boundary value problems for parabolic equations, An algorithm of variable structure based on three-stage explicit-implicit methods, On the asymptotic properties of IMEX Runge-Kutta schemes for hyperbolic balance laws, Iterated θ-method for hyperbolic equations, On interval predictor-corrector methods, Efficient error control in numerical integration of ordinary differential equations and optimal interpolating variable-stepsize peer methods, On the choice of a method for integrating the equations of motion of a set of fluid particles, Applying the method of integration of ordinary differential equations based on the Chebyshev series to the restricted plane circular three-body problem, Time Step for Numerically Solving Parabolic Problems, Modeling of information dissemination processes based on diffusion equations with fuzzy time accounting, Adaptive symplectic conservative numerical methods for the Kepler problem, Interval versions of Milne's multistep methods, Attainable order of theP-stable family of certain two-step methods for periodic second order initial value problems, Variationally consistent mass scaling for explicit time-integration schemes of lower- and higher-order finite element methods, A study of elastic-plastic boundary propagation in a tube of elastic-perfectly plastic material under dynamic loadings of different types, A higher order method for input-affine uncertain systems, AIDS — Risikoanalyse für Lebens- und Berufsunfähigkeitsversicherung, Extrapolation quadrature from equispaced samples of functions with jumps, Full linear multistep methods as root-finders, Symmetrized local error estimators for time-reversible one-step methods in nonlinear evolution equations, Dahlquist's barriers and much beyond, The construction of arbitrary order ERKN methods based on group theory for solving oscillatory Hamiltonian systems with applications, Adaptive fast interface tracking methods, Semi-implicit spectral deferred correction methods for highly nonlinear partial differential equations, Low-rank parareal: a low-rank parallel-in-time integrator, Bicompact schemes for an inhomogeneous linear transport equation in the case of a large optical depth, Computations with inverse Runge-Kutta schemes, A 3D finite element method for flexible multibody systems, Analysis of trigonometric implicit Runge-Kutta methods, Optimal tuning of the hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm, Legendre spectral collocation method for second-order nonlinear ordinary/partial differential equations, An ADI extrapolated Crank-Nicolson orthogonal spline collocation method for nonlinear reaction-diffusion systems, Asymptotic preserving Monte Carlo methods for the Boltzmann equation, Collocation Techniques for Structured Populations Modeled by Delay Equations, Taylor series method for dynamical systems with control: convergence and error estimates, Unnamed Item, Periodic points for two-dimensional Stokes flow in a rectangular cavity, A note on continuous dependence of solutions of dynamic equations on time scales, Polynomial cost for solving IVP for high-index DAE, Numerical solution of integro-differential systems with a degenerate matrix multiplying the derivative by multistep methods, Adaptive stiff solvers at low accuracy and complexity, Efficient integration of large stiff systems of ODEs with exponential propagation iterative (EPI) methods, Software for ordinary and delay differential equations: Accurate discrete approximate solutions are not enough, Time-stepping schemes for moving grid finite elements applied to reaction-diffusion systems on fixed and growing domains, Extension of LMS formulations for L-stable optimal integration methods with U0–V0 overshoot properties in structural dynamics: the level-symmetric (LS) integration methods, Variable stepsize implementation of multistep methods for \(y\prime\prime =f(x,y,y^{\prime})\), Analysis of a defect correction method for geometric integrators, Nonlinear stability of general linear methods, An integral equation method for epitaxial step-flow growth simulations, Modifications of the method of variation of parameters, Complexity of initial-value problems for ordinary differential equations of order \(k\), A spatial high-order hexahedral discontinuous Galerkin method to solve Maxwell's equations in time domain, A parallel explicit/implicit time stepping scheme on block-adaptive grids, Defect-based local error estimators for splitting methods, with application to Schrödinger equations. III: The nonlinear case, Runge-Kutta Methods for Partial Differential Equations and Fractional Orders of Convergence, Runge-Kutta methods for a semi-analytical prediction of milling stability, Self-similar factor approximants for evolution equations and boundary-value problems, Solution formulas for differential Sylvester and Lyapunov equations, Probabilistic solutions to ordinary differential equations as nonlinear Bayesian filtering: a new perspective, A numerical third-order method for solving the Navier-Stokes equations with respect to time, An energy-stable time-integrator for phase-field models, Time-domain goal-oriented adaptivity using pseudo-dual error representations, Symplectic effective order numerical methods for separable Hamiltonian systems, Unconditional stability for multistep ImEx schemes: practice, Discrete \(C^1\) convergence of linear multistep methods, On Numerical Issues in Time Accurate Laminar Reacting Gas Flow Solvers, Runge-Kutta collocation methods for differential-algebraic equations of indices 2 and 3, Numerical simulation of shear layer instability using a scheme with ninth-order multioperator approximations, A quartic \(C^ 3\)-spline collocation method for solving second-order initial value problems, On the comparison of four different implementations of a third-order ENO scheme of box type for the computation of compressible flow, Linearized \(\Theta\)-methods. I: Ordinary differential equations, An analysis of the order of Runge-Kutta methods that use an iterative scheme to compute their internal stage values, A probabilistic model for the numerical solution of initial value problems, Higher order regularity and approximation of solutions to the Monod biodegradation model, Computation of optimal disturbances for delay systems, Long-time error estimation for semilinear parabolic equations, Numerical solution of the generalized Burgers' equation via spectral/spline methods, Numerical evaluation of the Evans function by Magnus integration, High-order integration of smooth dynamical systems: Theory and numerical experiments, Convergence of adaptive 3D BEM for weakly singular integral equations based on isotropic mesh-refinement, A methodology for the formulation of error estimators for time integration in linear solid and structural dynamics, A novel ‘optimal’ exponential-based integration algorithm for von-Mises plasticity with linear hardening: Theoretical analysis on yield consistency, accuracy, convergence and numerical investigations, Transmutation techniques and observability for time-discrete approximation schemes of conservative systems, On an approach to integration of ordinary differential equations with the use of series, Collocation Runge–Kutta–Nyström methods for solving second-order initial value problems, On the numerical solution of second-order stiff linear differential-algebraic equations, Компактная аппроксимация двумерной краевой задачи для эллиптических уравнений второго порядка с разрывным коэффициентом, Validated Spectral Stability via Conjugate Points, An Algorithm for the Exact Numerical Integration of a Special Class of Functions, IMEX Runge-Kutta Parareal for Non-diffusive Equations, Runge-Kutta Pairs For Scalar Autonomous Initial Value Problems, An extension and analysis of the Shu-Osher representation of Runge-Kutta methods, Polynomial Chaos Expansions for Stiff Random ODEs, Dense Output for Extrapolation Based on the Semi‐Implicit Midpoint Rule, 3‐Stage Implicit Runge‐Kutta Methods with Global Error Estimation for Stiff Problems, Implicit algorithms for solving the Cauchy problem for the equations of the dynamics of mechanical systems, A Method for Solving Initial Value Problems for Linear Differential Equations in Hilbert Space Based on The Cayley Transform, Dense Output for Extrapolation Based on the Semi‐Implicit Midpoint Rule, The benefits of parallel multibody simulation, Приближенное интегрирование обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений методом рядов Чебышeва с контролем точности, Numerical solution of initial value problems by nonlinear trapezoidal formulae and extrapolation methods, Practical splitting methods for the adaptive integration of nonlinear evolution equations. II: Comparisons of local error estimation and step-selection strategies for nonlinear Schrödinger and wave equations, Richardson method for a diffusion equation with functional delay, Computer-Assisted Proof of Shil'nikov Homoclinics: With Application to the Lorenz-84 Model, Explicit stabilized multirate method for stiff differential equations, Optimal convergence rate of the explicit Euler method for convection–diffusion equations II: High dimensional cases, Numerical evaluation of line, surface and toroidal integrals on level sets of toroidally symmetric functions, On the theory of fast projection methods for high-order Navier-Stokes solvers, Implicit Runge-Kutta schemes for optimal control problems with evolution equations, Arbitrarily high‐order accurate and energy‐stable schemes for solving the conservative Allen–Cahn equation, Cauchy, Le Verrier et Jacobi sur le problème algébrique des valeurs propres et les inégalités séculaires des mouvements des planètes, ON THE CONSISTENCY AND CONVERGENCE OF CLASSICAL RICHARDSON EXTRAPOLATION AS APPLIED TO EXPLICIT ONE-STEP METHODS, Numerical solution of the Cauchy problem based on the basic element method;Численное решение задачи Коши на основе метода базисных элементов, Error analysis of modified Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for nonlinear second-order delay boundary value problems, Jacobian-free implicit MDRK methods for stiff systems of ODEs, A new stepsize change technique for Adams methods, An adaptive optimized Nyström method for second‐order IVPs, A general class of second-order \(L\)-stable explicit numerical methods for stiff problems, A multiple shooting approach for the numerical treatment of stellar structure and evolution, Quantum Dynamics with the Parallel Transport Gauge, Компактные разностные схемы для аппроксимации дифференциальных соотношений, Instabilities appearing in cosmological effective field theories: when and how?, Partitioned Runge-Kutta Methods for Separable Hamiltonian Problems, Implicit Runge-Kutta-Nystr ¨om Methods with Lagrange Interpolation for Nonlinear Second-Order IVPs with Time-Variable Delay, An explicitness-preserving IMEX-split multiderivative method, Legendre-Gauss-Radau Spectral Collocation Method for Nonlinear Second-Order Initial Value Problems with Applications To Wave Equations, Unconditional Stability for Multistep ImEx Schemes: Theory, Stability Properties of Explicit Runge-Kutta Methods Combined with Richardson Extrapolation, Operational Quadrature Methods for Wiener-Hopf Integral Equations, A Geometric Approach to Dynamical Model Order Reduction, Unnamed Item, Efficient Numerical Integration of the Equations of Motion of Non‐Smooth Mechanical Systems, A family of fifth-order Runge-Kutta pairs, A boundary value approach to the numerical solution of initial value problems by multistep methos, Численный метод решения обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений с помощью приведения их к форме Шеннона, Existence and convergence of Neimark–Sacker bifurcation for delay differential equations using Runge–Kutta methods, Численное решение жестких систем обыкновенных дифференциальных уравнений с помощью приведения их к форме Шеннона, SYMPLECTIC RUNGE-KUTTA METHODS OF HIGH ORDER BASED ON W-TRANSFORMATION, О точности одного семейства адаптивных симплектических консервативных численных методов решения задачи Кеплера, Multiderivative extended Runge–Kutta–Nyström methods for multi-frequency oscillatory systems, Six-Dimensional Adaptive Simulation of the Vlasov Equations Using a Hierarchical Basis, Stability analysis for delay differential equations with multidelays and numerical examples, A P-stable exponentially-fitted method for the numerical integration of the Schrödinger equation, An adaptive finite element method for magnetohydrodynamics, Solution of a kinetic equation for diatomic gas with the use of differential scattering cross sections computed by the method of classical trajectories, An analysis of multistep methods for solving integral-algebraic equations: Construction of stability domains, Mixed collocation methods for \(y=f(x,y)\), Stability analysis of cellular neural networks with nonlinear dynamics, Stability of Rational Multistep Approximations of Holomorphic Semigroups, Chaos in the Lorenz equations: A computer assisted proof. Part II: Details, Trapezoidal and midpoint splittings for initial-boundary value problems, Upper Semicontinuity of Attractors for Linear Multistep Methods Approximating Sectorial Evolution Equations, Integration processes of ordinary differential equations based on Laguerre-Radau interpolations, Stochastic differential algebraic equations of index 1 and applications in circuit simulation., Liquid vorticity computation in non-spherical bubble dynamics, Stability of weak numerical schemes for stochastic differential equations, Improving Ecological Impact Assessment by Statistical Data Synthesis Using Process-Based Models, Physical Modeling of Turbocharged Engines and Parameter Identification, Variable-Stepsize Explicit Two-Step Runge-Kutta Methods, A Stage Structure Model for the Growth of a Population Involving Switching and Cooperation, Explicit Canonical Methods for Hamiltonian Systems, Discrete dynamics of implicit time integration schemes for a dissipative system, Eulerian–Lagrangian time-stepping methods for convection-dominated problems, Sensitivity analysis of ODEs and DAEs — theory and implementation guide, Arbitrary Lagrangian--Eulerian Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Hyperbolic Equations Involving $\delta$-Singularities, Convergence of exponential Lawson-multistep methods for the MCTDHF equations, Third‐order‐accurate semi‐implicit Runge–Kutta scheme for incompressible Navier–Stokes equations, Direct time integration of rigid body motion with discrete‐impulse midpoint approximation: explicit Newmark algorithms, An Iterative Variable-timestep Algorithm for Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Construction of Higher-Order Accurate Time-Step Integration Algorithms by Equal-Order Polynomial Projection, Probabilistic Line Searches for Stochastic Optimization, Parallel-In-Time Magnus Integrators, Adaptive Crouzeix–Raviart boundary element method, AN APPROXIMATE PROJECTION SCHEME FOR INCOMPRESSIBLE FLOW USING SPECTRAL ELEMENTS, Existence of Globally Attracting Solutions for One-Dimensional Viscous Burgers Equation with Nonautonomous Forcing---A Computer Assisted Proof, On Strongly Algebraically Closed Lattices, Issues in the Software Implementation of Stochastic Numerical Runge–Kutta, A PRIORI ESTIMATION OF A TIME STEP FOR NUMERICALLY SOLVING PARABOLIC PROBLEMS, Accuracy of Symmetric Multi-Step Methods for the Numerical Modelling of Satellite Motion, Taylor mapping method for solving and learning of dynamic processes, Automatic differentiation of numerical integration algorithms, Resonance-based schemes for dispersive equations via decorated trees, High Algebraic Order Methods for the Numerical Solution of the Schrödinger Equation, Stability and boundedness in the numerical solution of initial value problems, Discretization of inherent ODEs and the geometric integration of DAEs with symmetries, Third order complex-time-step methods for transient analysis, Stable quartic spline integration method for solving stiff ordinary differential equations, Finite-difference approximations to the transport equation. II, Solving DDEs in Matlab, The Koren upwind scheme for variable grid size, Stability results for fractional step discretizations of time dependent coefficient evolutionary problems, An error indicator monitor function for an \(r\)-adaptive finite-element method, High-order convergent deferred correlation schemes based on parameterized Runge-Kutta-Nyström methods for second-order boundary value problems, The linear rational collocation method, Bessel and Neumann fitted methods for the numerical solution of the Schrödinger equation, Experiments with an ODE solver on a multiprocessor system, The window Josephson junction: a coupled linear nonlinear system, Parallel implementation of a high-order implicit collocation method for the heat equation, Explicit Runge-Kutta methods for initial value problems with oscillating solutions, On the structure of errors for Radau IA methods applied to index-2 DAEs, Software based on explicit RK formulas, Stochastic differential algebraic equations of index 1 and applications in circuit simulation.