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zbMath0732.22008MaRDI QIDQ3997989

Gregory A. Margulis

Publication date: 17 September 1992

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Factor and normal subgroup theorems for lattices in products of groups, Finiteness of maximal geodesic submanifolds in hyperbolic hybrids, Livšic theorems for Banach cocycles: existence and regularity, Arithmetic groups, base change, and representation growth., Symplectically hyperbolic manifolds, The hyperbolic Ax-Lindemann-Weierstraß conjecture, Effective estimates on integral quadratic forms: Masser's conjecture, generators of orthogonal groups, and bounds in reduction theory, Parametrizing Shimura subvarieties of \({\mathrm{A}_1}\) Shimura varieties and related geometric problems, \(L^p\) spectral theory and heat dynamics of locally symmetric spaces, Effective decay of multiple correlations in semidirect product actions, On the work of Rodriguez Hertz on rigidity in dynamics, Knot complements, hidden symmetries and reflection orbifolds, Representations of integers by an invariant polynomial and unipotent flows, On the normalizing groupoids and the commensurability groupoids for inclusions of factors associated to ergodic equivalence relations-subrelations, Imaginary cones and limit roots of infinite Coxeter groups, Aspherical products which do not support Anosov diffeomorphisms, Degrees of strongly special subvarieties and the André-Oort conjecture, On submanifolds in locally symmetric spaces of noncompact type, A joinings classification and a special case of Raghunathan's conjecture in positive characteristic (with an appendix by Kevin Wortman), Finiteness properties of arithmetic groups over function fields., Equidistribution of periodic points for modular correspondences, Growth of quotients of groups acting by isometries on Gromov-hyperbolic spaces., Length functions of Hitchin representations, Relative property (T) and linear groups., Stationary measures and invariant subsets of homogeneous spaces. III., Lattices of minimum covolume are non-uniform, Integrable measure equivalence and rigidity of hyperbolic lattices, Commensurated subgroups of arithmetic groups, totally disconnected groups and adelic rigidity, Connected Lie groups and property RD, Compact quotients of non-Archimedean rank-one groups, The densest lattices in \(\mathrm{PGL}_3(\mathbb Q_2)\), Approximation properties for noncommutative \(L^p\)-spaces associated with lattices in Lie groups, Groups of polynomial automorphisms of the plane, Filling boundaries of coarse manifolds in semisimple and solvable arithmetic groups, Optimal higher-dimensional Dehn functions for some CAT(0) lattices., Appendix to the paper ``Some uniserial representations of certain special linear groups by P. Sin and J. G. Thompson., Nonarchimedean superrigidity of solvable \(S\)-arithmetic groups., Counting lattices in simple Lie groups: the positive characteristic case, Discrete subgroups acting transitively on vertices of a Bruhat-Tits building, Poincaré series for non-Riemannian locally symmetric spaces, Manifolds counting and class field towers, Arithmetic quotients of the mapping class group, On discreteness of commensurators, The classification problem for \(S\)-local torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank, Compactifications and algebraic completions of limit groups, Cohomological equation and cocycle rigidity of parabolic actions in some higher-rank Lie groups, Commensurators of finitely generated nonfree Kleinian groups., Deformation of proper actions on reductive homogeneous spaces, Local rigidity for complex hyperbolic lattices and Hodge theory, Heat kernel estimates for the \({{\bar{\partial}}}\)-Neumann problem on \(G\)-manifolds, Connectivity properties of horospheres in Euclidean buildings and applications to finiteness properties of discrete groups., Arithmetic groups with isomorphic finite quotients., Finite generation properties of cohomology rings for infinite groups., The generalized Chern conjecture for manifolds that are locally a product of surfaces, On the growth of Betti numbers of locally symmetric spaces, On the groups of birational transformations of surfaces, Cayley graph expanders and groups of finite width., Shimura curves with many uniform dessins, The extremal symmetry of arithmetic simplicial complexes, Essential self-adjointness, generalized eigenforms, and spectra for the \(\bar {\partial}\)-Neumann problem on G-manifolds, Nonexistence of arithmetic fake compact Hermitian symmetric spaces of type other than \(A_n\) \((n\leq 4)\), Compactifications of representation spaces of finitely generated groups, Unitary representations of unimodular Lie groups in Bergman spaces, Examples of infinite covolume subgroups of PSL\((2, \mathbb R)^r\) with big limit sets, Fake quadrics from irreducible lattices acting on the product of upper half planes, Joint quasimodes, positive entropy, and quantum unique ergodicity, Hyperbolic monodromy groups for the hypergeometric equation and Cartan involutions., A normal subgroup theorem for commensurators of lattices, On knot complements that decompose into regular ideal dodecahedra, Harmonic maps and representations of non-uniform lattices of \(PU(m,1)\), Random walks on finite volume homogeneous spaces, Geometric cycles, Albert algebras and related cohomology classes for arithmetic groups, Convergence of measures under diagonal actions on homogeneous spaces, Small knot complements, exceptional surgeries and hidden symmetries, Precompact groups and property (T), Maximal representations of complex hyperbolic lattices into \(\mathrm{SU}(m,n)\), On the rigidity of Weyl chamber flows and Schur multipliers as topological groups, The Nevo-Zimmer intermediate factor theorem over local fields, Smooth factors of projective actions of higher-rank lattices and rigidity, Commensurated subgroups in finitely generated branch groups, Expansive automorphisms of totally disconnected, locally compact groups, Systoles of hyperbolic manifolds, A generalization of the intermediate factors theorem, Coding geodesic flow on a tree, Applications of Kazhdan's property (T) to automatic continuity, Subgroup growth of lattices in semisimple Lie groups, Singularities, expanders and topology of maps. II: From combinatorics to topology via algebraic isoperimetry, Strengthening Kazhdan's property \((T)\) by Bochner methods, Group actions and Helly's theorem, Twisted conjugacy classes in lattices in semisimple Lie groups, Poincaré's stated motivations for topology, Arithmeticity of discrete subgroups containing horospherical lattices, Mostow strong rigidity of locally symmetric spaces revisited, Diffeomorphism groups of critical regularity, Representations of polygons of finite groups., Ramanujan complexes of type \(\widetilde A_d\), The Ruziewicz problem and distributing points on homogeneous spaces of a compact Lie group, Realizing congruence subgroups inside the diffeomorphism group of a product of homotopy spheres, New non-arithmetic complex hyperbolic lattices, Distortion elements in group actions on surfaces, Asymptotic windings of horocycles, Non-discrete simple locally compact groups, Finiteness properties of Chevalley groups over \(\mathbb{F}_ q[t\)], New just-infinite pro-\(p\) groups of finite width and subgroups of the Nottingham group., Möbius disjointness for homogeneous dynamics, Homotopy type and volume of locally symmetric manifolds, Invariant random subgroups over non-Archimedean local fields, Best possible rates of distribution of dense lattice orbits in homogeneous spaces, Logarithm laws for unipotent flows. II., Representation varieties of arithmetic groups and polynomial periodicity of Betti numbers, Actions of superrigid non-Kazhdan lattices on compact manifolds, Raghunathan's conjectures for Cartesian products of real and \(p\)-adic Lie groups, Archimedean superrigidity of solvable \(S\)-arithmetic groups, Semigroups containing proximal linear maps, A theory of ordinary \(p\)-adic curves, Cocycle rigidity of abelian partially hyperbolic actions, Profinite completions of Burnside-type quotients of surface groups, Generalised Tits alternative for linear semigroups, Geodesic intersections in arithmetic hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Counting and effective rigidity in algebra and geometry, Entropy rigidity for semisimple group actions, On a variant of Kazhdan's property (T) for subgroups of semisimple groups, Cohomology of dynamical systems and rigidity of partially hyperbolic actions of higher-rank lattices, Geodesic rays in locally symmetric spaces, \(n\)-dimensional linear representations of \(\Aut F_ n\), and more, Random walks on weakly hyperbolic groups, On the regularity of stationary measures, Free quotients and the first Betti number of some hyperbolic manifolds, Rosenthal sets for Banach-valued functions, Quantum chaos on constant negative curvature surfaces, Global smooth and topological rigidity of hyperbolic lattice actions, Constructing irreducible representations of discrete groups, On panel-regular \(\tilde{A}_2\) lattices, Effective equidistribution of \(S\)-integral points on symmetric varieties, A generalization of Brauer's theorem on splitting fields to semigroups, Kazhdan-Margulis theorem for invariant random subgroups, A general spectral gap property for measures., Extremal elements in Coxeter groups and metric commensurators of Kac-Moody groups, Random generation in semisimple algebraic groups over local fields., Distortion and the automorphism group of a shift, Symmetry of entropy in higher rank diagonalizable actions and measure classification, The modular group action on real \(SL(2)\)-characters of a one-holed torus, Area preserving group actions on surfaces, On dense embeddings of discrete groups into locally compact groups, Fundamental groups of some ergodic equivalence relations of type II\(_{\infty}\), A reinforcement of property (T), Dimension rigidity of lattices in semisimple Lie groups, Horocyclic products of trees, Uniform independence in linear groups., A homogeneous \({\tilde{A}}_2\)-building with a non-discrete automorphism group is Bruhat-Tits, A building-theoretic approach to relative Tamagawa numbers of semisimple groups over global function fields, Spectrum, entropy and geometric structures for smooth actions of Kazhdan groups, Characteristic free measure rigidity for the action of solvable groups on homogeneous spaces, Local rigidity for certain groups of toral automorphisms, Contractible Lie groups over local fields, Pointwise bounds for \(L^{2}\) eigenfunctions on locally symmetric spaces, Malnormal subgroups of lattices and the Pukánszky invariant in group factors, Local rigidity of uniform lattices, The cohomology of local systems on \(p\)-adically uniformized varieties, On commensurator growth, A lattice in more than two Kac-Moody groups is arithmetic., Superrigidity for irreducible lattices and geometric splitting, Polynomial representation growth and the congruence subgroup problem., Smooth Lie groups over local fields of positive characteristic need not be analytic, Incoherence of integral group rings., Profinite surface groups and the congruence kernel of arithmetic lattices in \(\text{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\)., Teichmüller curves, triangle groups, and Lyapunov exponents, Joining measures for horocycle flows on abelian covers, Lattices of minimum covolume in Chevalley groups over local fields of positive characteristic, Connection preserving actions of lattices in \(SL_ n\mathbb{R}{}\), Growth of homogeneous spaces, density of discrete subgroups and Kazhdan's property \((T)\), Popa superrigidity and countable Borel equivalence relations, Simplicity and superrigidity of twin building lattices., Coxeter-Davis lattices and commensurators, On the complexity of the classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of rank two., Product groups acting on manifolds, Discrete subgroups generated by lattices in opposite horospherical subgroups, On the multiplicities of the discrete series of semisimple Lie groups, Thick metric spaces, relative hyperbolicity, and quasi-isometric rigidity., Weakly commensurable arithmetic groups and isospectral locally symmetric spaces, The \(G\)-Fredholm property of the \(\bar{\partial}\)-Neumann problem, A non-abelian free pro-\(p\) group is not linear over a local field, Explicit Kazhdan constants for representations of semisimple and arithmetic groups, Analogs of Wiener's ergodic theorems for semisimple Lie groups. II, Co-fibered products of algebraic curves, Superrigidity theorems in positive characteristic, Veech groups and polygonal coverings, Correspondences on hyperbolic curves, Uniform pointwise bounds for matrix coefficients of unitary representations and applications to Kazhdan constants, Affine actions of higher rank lattices, On linear just infinite pro-\(p\) groups, Dependence of Kazhdan constants on generating subsets, A Pólya-Hilbert operator for automorphic \(L\)-functions, On the structure of certain \(C^*\)-algebras associated to lattices of \(\text{PSL}_2(\mathbb{R})\), Identity excluding groups, Arithmetic lattices and commensurator according to G. A. Margulis, On the cohomology of Kottwitz's arithmetic varieties, About the linearization of certain subgroups of polynomial diffeomorphisms of the plane and the envelopes of holomorphy, Real-analytic, volume-preserving actions of lattices on 4-manifolds, Arithmeticity of rank-1 lattices with dense commensurators in positive characteristic., The classification problem for torsion-free abelian groups of finite rank, On the density of S-adic integers near some projective G-varieties, LOCALLY NORMAL SUBGROUPS OF TOTALLY DISCONNECTED GROUPS. PART II: COMPACTLY GENERATED SIMPLE GROUPS, Ergodic group theory, Leafwise holomorphic functions, On the Finiteness length of some soluble linear groups, A Survey of Complex Hyperbolic Kleinian Groups, Fourier decay, renewal theorem and spectral gaps for random walks on split semisimple Lie groups, Bounded Kähler class rigidity of actions on Hermitian symmetric spaces, C1 actions on manifolds by lattices in Lie groups, On realization of isometries for higher rank quadratic lattices over number fields, 𝐺-cohomologically rigid local systems are integral, Anosov automorphisms for nilmanifolds and rigidity of group actions, Unnamed Item, Infinitely many quasi-arithmetic maximal reflection groups, Cusp types of quotients of hyperbolic knot complements, Quaternionic hyperbolic lattices of minimal covolume, Time change for unipotent flows and rigidity, On invariant subalgebras of group and von Neumann algebras, Charmenability of higher rank arithmetic groups, Boundaries of dense subgroups of totally disconnected groups, Abelianization and fixed point properties of units in integral group rings, Banach property (T) for \(\mathrm{SL}_n (\mathbb{Z})\) and its applications, Conditions on the monodromy for a surface group extension to be CAT(0), Arithmeticity, superrigidity and totally geodesic submanifolds of complex hyperbolic manifolds, Aritmethic lattices of \(\operatorname{SO}(1,n)\) and units of group rings, Elementary 𝑝-adic Lie groups have finite construction rank, Positive definite functions and relative property (T) for subgroups of discrete groups, Bottom of the length spectrum of arithmetic orbifolds, Expanding measures: Random walks and rigidity on homogeneous spaces, Radial rapid decay does not imply rapid decay, ON THE COHOMOLOGY OF TORELLI GROUPS, Noncommutative ergodic theory of higher rank lattices, A totally disconnected invitation to locally compact groups, Weighted badly approximable complex vectors and bounded orbits of certain diagonalizable flows, Rotation equivalence and cocycle superrigidity, Quasi‐pullback of Borcherds products, Totally disconnected locally compact groups locally of finite rank, An effective Arakelov-theoretic version of the hyperbolic isogeny theorem, Flexible stability and nonsoficity, Commensurability and Arithmetic Equivalence for Orthogonal Hypergeometric Monodromy Groups, Simply transitive quaternionic lattices of rank 2 overq(t) and a non-classical fake quadric, CAT(-1)-spaces, divergence groups and their commensurators, Distribution of shapes of orthogonal lattices, Local-global principles in circle packings, Finiteness of totally geodesic exceptional divisors in Hermitian locally symmetric spaces, Profinite invariants of arithmetic groups, New Simple Lattices in Products of Trees and their Projections, The cohomology of Torelli groups is algebraic, Amenable uniformly recurrent subgroups and lattice embeddings, Automorphism groups of positive entropy on projective threefolds, Deformations of group actions, Spread out random walks on homogeneous spaces, Ordering Thurston’s geometries by maps of nonzero degree, Disjointness of Moebius from Horocycle Flows, Version kählérienne d'une conjecture de Robert J. Zimmer, Abstract commensurators of surface groups, Invariants of translation surfaces, Green currents for holomorphic automorphisms of compact Kähler manifolds, Lattices in product of trees, On abstract homomorphisms of Chevalley groups with nonreductive image. I, On the operator homomorphisms of polysurface groups, Asymptotic properties of convolution operators and limits of triangular arrays on locally compact groups, Borel's stable range for the cohomology of arithmetic groups, Measurable rigidity of actions on infinite measure homogeneous spaces, II, Finiteness theorems for K3 surfaces and abelian varieties of CM type, Two theorems on units of orders, On the indecomposability of unit groups, Quaternionic arithmetic lattices of rank 2 and a fake quadric in characteristic 2, Polynomial Growth, Recurrence and Ergodicity for Random Walks on Locally Compact Groups and Homogeneous Spaces, Non-distortion of twin building lattices., Super-rigidity and non-linearity for lattices in products, Lyapunov spectrum of ball quotients with applications to commensurability questions, On the first cohomology of automorphism groups of graph groups, Counting cusped hyperbolic 3-manifolds that bound geometrically, ON THE EXISTENCE OF ADMISSIBLE SUPERSINGULAR REPRESENTATIONS OF -ADIC REDUCTIVE GROUPS, Low-dimensional linear representations of 𝐴𝑢𝑡𝐹_{𝑛},𝑛≥3, Unnamed Item, On the full C*-algebras of arithmetic groups and the congruence subgroup problem, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, Quotients of the mapping class group by power subgroups, Cocycle rigidity of partially hyperbolic abelian actions with almost rank-one factors, Lattices in amenable groups, Bounding the covolume of lattices in products, Infinite series of quaternionic 1-vertex cube complexes, the doubling construction, and explicit cubical Ramanujan complexes, Normal subgroups of mapping class groups and the metaconjecture of Ivanov, On distinct finite covers of 3-manifolds, Crystallographic actions on contractible algebraic manifolds, Random groups and nonarchimedean lattices, BOREL DENSITY FOR APPROXIMATE LATTICES, Arithmeticity of discrete subgroups, Profinite commensurability of $S$-arithmetic groups, Three chapters on Cremona groups, Rate of Mixing for Equilibrium States in Negative Curvature and Trees, Logarithmic Riemann–Hilbert correspondences for rigid varieties, Arithmeticity of hyperbolic -manifolds containing infinitely many totally geodesic surfaces, On the profinite rigidity of lattices in higher rank Lie groups, On absolutely profinitely solitary lattices in higher rank Lie groups, Growth of mod-2 homology in higher-rank locally symmetric spaces, Counting commensurability classes of hyperbolic manifolds, Galois action on Fuchsian surface groups and their solenoids, Arithmetic groups and the Lehmer conjecture, Nilpotence, radicals and monoidal structures. With an appendix by Peter O'Sullivan., Property \((T)\) and rigidity for actions on Banach spaces, Joinings of higher-rank diagonalizable actions on locally homogeneous spaces, Confined subgroups and high transitivity, Examples of Lie foliations, Symmetric differentials, Kähler groups and ball quotients, Operator-algebraic superridigity for \(\mathrm{SL}_{n}(\mathbb Z)\), \(n \geq 3\), Property (T) for fiber products, Local rigidity of affine actions of higher rank groups and lattices, Cocycle superrigidity from higher rank lattices to \(\mathrm{Out}{(F_N)}\), Charmenability of arithmetic groups of product type, Presentations: from Kac-Moody groups to profinite and back, Divisibility properties of higher rank lattices, Distinguishing 4-dimensional geometries via profinite completions, Fourier non-uniqueness sets from totally real number fields, Random walks with bounded first moment on finite-volume spaces, The \(p\)-approximation property for simple Lie groups with finite center, Diagonal actions in positive characteristic, Simplicial volume, barycenter method, and bounded cohomology, Local rigidity of higher rank homogeneous abelian actions: a complete solution via the geometric method, The Balian-Low theorem for locally compact abelian groups and vector bundles, Joinings of higher rank torus actions on homogeneous spaces, First order rigidity of non-uniform higher rank arithmetic groups, Introduction to random walks on homogeneous spaces, Representation growth of linear groups, Higher finiteness properties of reductive arithmetic groups in positive characteristic: the rank theorem., Groups not presentable by products., Braid groups and Hodge theory, On Benjamini-Schramm limits of congruence subgroups, Simple Lie groups without the approximation property, Connection blocking in \(\mathrm{SL}(n, \mathbb{R})\) quotients, Representation theory and homological stability., On the topology of relative and geometric orbits for actions of algebraic groups over complete fields, A geometric construction of panel-regular lattices for buildings of types \(\widetilde A_2\) and \(\widetilde C_2\)., Milnor-Wood inequalities for products, On globally hypoelliptic abelian actions and their existence on homogeneous spaces, Ax-Lindemann-Weierstrass with derivatives and the genus 0 Fuchsian groups, Linear algebraic groups with good reduction, Image of the Burau representation at \(d\)-th roots of unity., Cohomological equation and cocycle rigidity of discrete parabolic actions in some higher-rank Lie groups, On \(\epsilon\)-escaping trajectories in homogeneous spaces, Rigidity results for groups with radical cohomology of finite groups and arithmeticity problems, Counting maximal arithmetic subgroups. Appendix by Jordan Ellenberg and Akshay Venkatesh, \(S\)-arithmeticity of discrete subgroups containing lattices in horospherical subgroups, Quasi-isometric rigidity for \(PSL_2 (\mathbb{Z} [1/p)\)], On the density at integer points of a system comprising an inhomogeneous quadratic form and a linear form, Analytic torsion, dynamical zeta function, and the Fried conjecture for admissible twists, New nonarithmetic complex hyperbolic lattices. II, Quasi-isometric rigidity of higher rank \(S\)-arithmetic lattices., Stationary characters on lattices of semisimple Lie groups, The integral Novikov conjectures for \(S\)-arithmetic groups. I, Characteristic classes of fiberwise branched surface bundles via arithmetic groups, Special geometry and the swampland, On groups with property \((T_{\ell_p})\), Uniform pointwise bounds for matrix coefficients of unitary representations on semidirect products, Rigidity of group actions on homogeneous spaces. III, Symmetric differentials and the fundamental group, Minimal anisotropic groups of higher real rank, Arithmeticity, superrigidity, and totally geodesic submanifolds, Conformality for a robust class of non-conformal attractors, \(S\)-arithmetic spinor groups with the same finite quotients and distinct \(\ell^2\)-cohomology, Non-commensurable hyperbolic manifolds with the same trace ring, Standard Hausdorff spectrum of compact \(\mathbb{F}_pt\)-analytic groups, Geometric construction of homology classes in Riemannian manifolds covered by products of hyperbolic planes, Algebraic hull of maximal measurable cocycles of surface groups into Hermitian Lie groups, Qualitative counting closed geodesics, Quotient topology on the set of commensurability classes of hyperbolic 3-manifolds, On profinite subgroups of an algebraic group over a local field, On abstract homomorphisms of Chevalley groups over the coordinate rings of affine curves, Lattice envelopes, Some applications of arithmetic groups in cryptography, Arithmeticity and hidden symmetries of fully augmented pretzel link complements, Superrigidity of actions on finite rank median spaces, Counting non-uniform lattices, Superrigidity of maximal measurable cocycles of complex hyperbolic lattices, Hyperbolic tessellation and colorings of trees, Non-virtually abelian anisotropic linear groups are not boundedly generated, Tame discrete sets in algebraic groups, Maximal subgroups and von Neumann subalgebras with the Haagerup property, Commensurating actions for groups of piecewise continuous transformations, Bounded orbits of diagonalizable flows on finite volume quotients of products of \(\mathrm{SL}_2(\mathbb{R})\), Effective discreteness radius of stabilizers for stationary actions, On the asymptotic number of generators of high rank arithmetic lattices, An adelic arithmeticity theorem for lattices in products, Generalization of Selberg's 3/16 theorem for convex cocompact thin subgroups of \(\operatorname{SO}(n, 1)\), Abstract homomorphisms from some topological groups to acylindrically hyperbolic groups, Random walks on hyperbolic spaces: concentration inequalities and probabilistic Tits alternative, Zimmer's conjecture: subexponential growth, measure rigidity, and strong property (T), Invariant measures and measurable projective factors for actions of higher-rank lattices on manifolds, On arithmetic Fuchsian groups and their characterizations., Special subvarieties of non-arithmetic ball quotients and Hodge theory, Infinite volume and infinite injectivity radius, Hidden symmetries of hyperbolic links, Minimality of topological matrix groups and Fermat primes, Minimally intersecting filling pairs on surfaces, The 334-triangle graph of \(\operatorname{SL}_3(\mathbb{Z})\), Counting conjectures and \(e\)-local structures in finite reductive groups, \(\operatorname{SL}_2\) representations and relative property (T), On quotients of Coxeter groups, On the trivializability of rank-one cocycles with an invariant field of projective measures, Profinite genus of free products with finite amalgamation, Parameterized Counting and Cayley Graph Expanders, Nilpotent algebras, implicit function theorem, and polynomial quasigroups, QUANTUM ERGODICITY FOR COMPACT QUOTIENTS OF IN THE BENJAMINI–SCHRAMM LIMIT, Piecewise strongly proximal actions, free boundaries and the Neretin groups, Stationary \(C^\ast \)-dynamical systems (with an appendix by Uri Bader, Yair Hartman, and Mehrdad Kalantar), Boundary maps and maximal representations on infinite-dimensional Hermitian symmetric spaces, Approximate lattices in higher-rank semi-simple groups, Poisson representation and Furstenberg entropy of hypergroups, On ergodic properties of time changes of partially hyperbolic homogeneous flows, Simple algebraic groups with the same maximal tori, weakly commensurable Zariski-dense subgroups, and good reduction, Drinfeld discriminant function and Fourier expansion of harmonic cochains, Hyperbolic Actions and 2nd Bounded Cohomology of Subgroups of 𝖮𝗎𝗍(𝖥_{𝗇}), Unnamed Item, On the uniform equidistribution of long closed horocycles, Recurrence and ergodicity of random walks on linear groups and on homogeneous spaces, Arithmetic $(1;e)$-curves and Belyĭ maps, Reciprocity laws and Galois representations: recent breakthroughs, Strong property (T) for higher-rank simple Lie groups: Figure 1., Integral Gassman equivalence of algebraic and hyperbolic manifolds, What are Lyapunov exponents, and why are they interesting?, Quasi-arithmeticity of lattices in \(\mathrm{PO}(n,1)\), The distribution ofS-integral points on SL2-orbit closures of binary forms, ON AUTOMORPHISMS OF ARITHMETIC SUBGROUPS OF UNIPOTENT GROUPS IN POSITIVE CHARACTERISTIC, Curve Complexes Versus Tits Buildings: Structures and Applications, Buildings and Kac-Moody Groups, Rigidity of higher rank Abelian cocycles with values in diffeomorphism groups, Determining hyperbolic 3-manifolds by their surfaces, Algebraic curves uniformized by congruence subgroups of triangle groups, ARITHMÉTICITÉ DE SOUS-GROUPES D’UN PRODUIT DE GROUPES DE RANG, Deformation rigidity for subgroups of 𝑆𝐿(𝑛,𝐙) acting on the 𝐧-torus, The Levi problem on strongly pseudoconvex \(G\)-bundles, Asymptotic invariants of finitely generated algebras. A generalization of Gromov's quasi-isometric viewpoint., Johnson homomorphisms, Local rigidity problem of smooth group actions, On solvable compact Clifford-Klein forms, Polynomial effective equidistribution, Sur une notion d'autonomie de systèmes dynamiques, appliquée aux ensembles invariants des flots d' Anosov algébriques, The noncommutative factor theorem for lattices in product groups, Presentability by products for some classes of groups, Polynomial effective density in quotients of \(\mathbb{H}^3\) and \(\mathbb{H}^2 \times \mathbb{H}^2\), A transfer principle: from periods to isoperiodic foliations, Isometric group actions with vanishing rate of escape on \(\mathrm{CAT}(0)\) spaces, Regular dessins d'enfants with field of moduli Q(p√2), Commensurability of Fuchsian groups and their axes, Groups and dynamics: topology, measure, and Borel structure. Abstracts from the workshop held January 16--22, 2022, Working session: Thin groups and super-approximation. Abstracts from the working session held October 10--15, 2021 (hybrid meeting), IMAGES OF QUANTUM REPRESENTATIONS OF MAPPING CLASS GROUPS AND DUPONT–GUICHARDET–WIGNER QUASI-HOMOMORPHISMS, Stabilizers of ergodic actions of lattices and commensurators, On representations of direct products and the bounded generation property of branch groups, On arithmetic properties of solvable Baumslag-Solitar groups, On the linearity of lattices in affine buildings and ergodicity of the singular Cartan flow, Amenability of Groups and G-Sets, The scale function and lattices, Lattices of minimal covolume in SLn(R), The arithmetic and geometry of Salem numbers, Periods of abelian differentials and dynamics, Non-uniform measure rigidity for ℤ^{𝕜} actions of symplectic type, Vastness properties of automorphism groups of RAAGs, Sublinear quasiconformality and the large-scale geometry of Heintze groups, Arithmetic rigidity and units in group rings, The Tits building and an application to abstract central extensions of $p$-adic algebraic groups by finite $p$-groups, Superrigid subgroups of solvable Lie groups, On one-dimensional dynamics in intermediary regularity, Divergence in lattices in semisimple Lie groups and graphs of groups, On density of infinite subsets II: Dynamics on homogeneous spaces, A characterization of relative Kazhdan property T for semidirect products with abelian groups, Dimension expanders, On uniqueness of invariant means, Incommensurability criteria for Kleinian groups, \(L^{p}\)-spectral theory of locally symmetric spaces with \(\mathbb{Q}\)-rank one, Cohomology of buildings and finiteness properties of ̃𝐴_{𝑛}-groups, Flat vector bundles over parallelizable manifolds, Presentations of finite simple groups: A quantitative approach, Lyapunov exponents and invariant manifolds for random dynamical systems in a Banach space, Invariant measures for the stable foliation on negatively curved periodic manifolds, Infinite Coxeter groups are virtually indicarle, Counting hyperbolic manifolds with bounded diameter, Abstract simplicity of non-affine Kac-Moody groups., Cremona group and complex dynamic., Simple Lie groups without the Approximation Property II, Integer points on spheres and their orthogonal grids, Irreducible lattices, invariant means, and commensurating actions, On the $p$-adic cohomology of some $p$-adically uniformized varieties, Almost-minimal nonuniform lattices of higher rank, Critical exponents of discrete groups and 𝐿²–spectrum, Arithmetic hyperbolic reflection groups, Two questions on mapping class groups, Boundary entropy spectra as finite subsums, Riemann’s zeta function and beyond, Abstract commensurators of profinite groups, On relative property (T) and Haagerup’s property, A vanishing theorem for the homology of discrete subgroups of Sp( n , 1) and F 4 –20, Geodesic curves on Shimura surfaces, Relative Kazhdan Property, Geometry of Riemann surfaces based on closed geodesics, Unnamed Item, Measure rigidity for almost linear groups and its applications, Topological nonrigidity of nonuniform lattices, Finitely presentable, non-Hopfian groups with Kazhdan's Property~(T) and infinite outer automorphism group, Almost isometric actions, property (T), and local rigidity, Group pairs with property (T), from arithmetic lattices, Actions of \(\text{SL}(n,\mathbb Z)\) on homology spheres, Co‐rigidity of groups, von Neumann algebras and Kac algebras, Complex analytic geometry of complex parallelizable manifolds, Integrability of induction cocycles for Kac-Moody groups, Counting problems for geodesics on arithmetic hyperbolic surfaces, Compact non-orientable hyperbolic surfaces with an extremal metric disc, Linear algebraic groups and countable Borel equivalence relations, Group-theoretic compactification of Bruhat–Tits buildings, Rigidity of Furstenberg entropy for semisimple Lie group actions, Cofinite proper classifying spaces for lattices in semisimple lie groups of R-rank 1, Invariant measures for algebraic actions, Zariski dense subgroups and Kazhdan’s property (T), Deficiencies of lattices in connected Lie groups, Representations of some lattices into the group of analytic diffeomorphisms of the sphere S^2