
From MaRDI portal

zbMath0841.43002MaRDI QIDQ4321748

Adam Korányi, Jacques Faraut

Publication date: 25 January 1995

43A85: Harmonic analysis on homogeneous spaces

43A80: Analysis on other specific Lie groups

43A90: Harmonic analysis and spherical functions

43-02: Research exposition (monographs, survey articles) pertaining to abstract harmonic analysis

Related Items

Meromorphic extension of the spherical functions on a class of ordered symmetric spaces, The Maslov triple index on the Shilov boundary of a classical domain, Moment properties of the multivariate Dirichlet distributions, Some P-properties for linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras, Holomorphic functions of moderate growth and distribution vectors, A new smoothing Newton-type method for second-order cone programming problems, A primal-dual interior-point algorithm for second-order cone optimization with full Nesterov-Todd step, The gradient maps associated to certain non-homogeneous cones, A family of Bochner--Riesz type multipliers on the two-dimensional disk, Clarke generalized Jacobian of the projection onto symmetric cones, A damped Gauss-Newton method for the second-order cone complementarity problem, Bessel convolutions on matrix cones: Algebraic properties and random walks, Schur complements, Schur determinantal and Haynsworth inertia formulas in Euclidean Jordan algebras, Characterization of Wishart-Laplace distributions via Jordan algebra homomorphisms, Laguerre functions on symmetric cones and recursion relations in the real case, Higher-rank wavelet transforms, ridgelet transforms, and Radon transforms on the space of matrices, Analysis of a smoothing method for symmetric conic linear programming, Extremal rays and duals for cones of positive definite matrices with prescribed zeros, Berezin kernels and analysis on Makarevich spaces, Two classes of merit functions for the second-order cone complementarity problem, A primitive of the generalized Maslov cocycle, Estimation of normal covariance matrices parametrized by irreducible symmetric cones under Stein's loss, On local CR-transformations of Levi-degenerate group orbits in compact Hermitian symmetric spaces, Convexity and differentiability properties of spectral functions and spectral mappings on Euclidean Jordan algebras, Characterization of the Dirichlet distribution on symmetric 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Mayer's transfer operator and representations of \(\mathrm{GL}_{2}\), Semyanistyi's integrals and Radon transforms on matrix spaces, Sub-quadratic convergence of a smoothing Newton method for second-order cone programming, Analysis of a non-interior continuation method for second-order cone programming, Jordan triples and Riemannian symmetric spaces, A one-step smoothing Newton method for second-order cone programming, On the projections of the Dirichlet probability distribution on symmetric cones, Multivariate stable exponential families and Tweedie scale, Z-transformations on proper and symmetric cones, Wishart-Laplace distributions associated with matrix quadratic forms, Strict semimonotonicity property of linear transformations on Euclidean Jordan algebras, Smoothing algorithms for complementarity problems over symmetric cones, Branching laws for discrete Wallach points, On an interconnection between the Lipschitz continuity of the solution map and the positive principal minor 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II, Homogeneous vector distributions on a Jordan algebra, The generalized Maslov index, Enriched conjugate and reference priors for the Wishart family on symmetric cones, The \(N\)-widths of spaces of holomorphic functions on bounded symmetric domains of tube type, Weighted Bergman spaces and the holomorphic discrete series of \(\widetilde{U(p,q)}\), Similarity and other spectral relations for symmetric cones, Jordan algebras of rank 4 and minimal representations, Nonnegative minimum biased quadratic estimation in mixed linear models, On a commutative class of search directions for linear programming over symmetric cones, The Maslov index revisited, Orthogonal roots, quadratic forms and orbits of simple graded Lie algebras, Symmetric spaces and star representations. II: Causal symmetric spaces, Diagonalizing operators with reflection symmetry, Representations in \(L^{2}\)-spaces on infinite-dimensional symmetric cones, Hua system and pluriharmonicity for symmetric irreducible Siegel domains of type II, Localization type Berezin-Toeplitz operators on bounded symmetric domains., Plancherel formula for Berezin deformation of \(L^{2}\) on Riemannian symmetric space, Symmetric sets with midpoints and algebraically equivalent theories, Zeta functional equation on Jordan algebras of type II, Fourier expansion of holomorphic modular forms on classical Lie groups of tube type along the minimal parabolic subgroup, On self-regular IPMs (with comments and rejoinder), Wishart distributions on homogeneous cones, A unified class of directly solvable semidefinite programming problems, On \(Q\) and \(R_0\) properties of a quadratic representation in linear complementarity problems over the second-order cone, Beta-Riesz distributions on symmetric cones, Quadratic and inverse regressions for Wishart distributions., Estimation and testing for lattice conditional independence models on Euclidean Jordan algebras, Representations of the affine transformation groups acting simply transitively on Siegel domains, The Lukacs-Olkin-Rubin characterization of Wishart distributions on symmetric cones, Function spaces on the Ol'shanskiĭ semigroup and the Gel'fand-Gindikin program, Lie semigroup associated to the symmetric cone, Analytic singularities of the Bergman kernel for tubes, Hua-type integrals over unitary groups and over projective limits of unitary groups, Contractions of angles in symmetric cones., Hypergeometric functions associated to cones of convex type in a Euclidean Jordan algebra, The geometry of null systems, Jordan algebras and von Staudt's theorem., Branching coefficients of holomorphic representations and Segal-Bargmann transform, Geometric norm equality related to the harmonicity of the Poisson kernel for homogeneous Siegel domains, An independence property for the product of GIG and gamma laws, Uniform primeness of the Jordan algebra of Hermitian quaternion matrices., Generalized binomial expansion on Lorentz cones., Estimation of proportional covariances in the presence of certain linear restrictions., Maximum boundary regularity of bounded Hua-harmonic functions on tube domains, Differential systems of type \((1,1)\) on Hermitian symmetric spaces and their solutions., Zeta distributions and boundary values of Poisson transforms, Hua system on irreducible Hermitian symmetric spaces of nontube type., Representations of rank 2 Jordan algebras and associated zeta functions, Zeta functions of Jordan algebra representations, Representations of the solvable group acting on a homogeneous Siegel domain, A generalized Hecke identity, Some \(\omega \)-unique and \(\omega -P\) properties for linear transformations on Hilbert spaces, A proximal gradient descent method for the extended second-order cone linear complementarity problem, Degenerate principal series representations and their holomorphic extensions, A semismooth Newton method for SOCCPs based on a one-parametric class of SOC complementarity functions, Radon transform on real, complex, and quaternionic Grassmannians, Riesz inverse Gaussian distributions, Deformations of cones of primitive vectors, A predictor-corrector smoothing method for second-order cone programming, A Newton's method for perturbed second-order cone programs, A formula for polynomials with Hermitian matrix argument, Weighted inequalities and a.e. convergence for Poisson integrals in light-cones, The \(Q\) method for second order cone programming, Weighted Bergman kernels and virtual Bergman kernels, The Laguerre process and generalized Hartman-Watson law, Extension of smoothing functions to symmetric cone complementarity problems, Invariance and efficiency of convex representations, New smooth C-functions for symmetric cone complementarity problems, On the approximate augmented Lagrangian for nonlinear symmetric cone programming, Application of the Minlos and Poincaré theorems to the asymptotic study of an orbital integral, A descent method for a reformulation of the second-order cone complementarity problem, An index theorem for Wiener-Hopf operators, Conditions for error bounds and bounded level sets of some merit functions for the second-order cone complementarity problem, A characterization of symmetric tube domains by convexity of Cayley transform images, Singular Poisson-Kähler geometry of Scorza varieties and their secant varieties, Differential recursion relations for Laguerre functions on symmetric cones., A topological Maslov index for 3-graded Lie groups, \(L^p\)-Poisson integral representations of solutions of the Hua system on Hermitian symmetric spaces of tube type, Geometry over composition algebras: projective geometry, The \(\mathbf Q\)-property of composite transformations and the \(\mathbf P\)-property of Stein-type transformations on self-dual and symmetric cones, On Euclidean algebra of Hermitian operators on a quaternionic Hilbert space, Hua operators and Poisson transform for bounded symmetric domains, Riesz potentials and integral geometry in the space of rectangular matrices, Application of Hilbert's projective metric on symmetric cones, On the optimal parameter of a self-concordant barrier over a symmetric cone, An unconstrained smooth minimization reformulation of the second-order cone complementarity problem, Analysis on flat symmetric spaces, On the coerciveness of some merit functions for complementarity problems over symmetric cones, Berezin transform on real bounded symmetric domains, Spherical unitary highest weight representations, Properties of a Class of Nonlinear Transformations Over Euclidean Jordan Algebras with Applications to Complementarity Problems, SOME PROPERTIES OF A CLASS OF MERIT FUNCTIONS FOR SYMMETRIC CONE COMPLEMENTARITY PROBLEMS, Scalar Statistics Which Have Constant Regression on the Mean of a Riesz Distribution, Three-dimensional quasi-static frictional contact by using second-order cone linear complementarity problem, The convex and monotone functions associated with second-order cone, Differential equations and recursion relations for Laguerre functions on symmetric cones