scientific article; zbMATH DE number 727429

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zbMath0822.11001MaRDI QIDQ4324348

Don Zagier

Publication date: 1994

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Large N behaviour of the two-dimensional Yang–Mills partition function, EXPLICIT RELATIONS BETWEEN KANEKO-YAMAMOTO TYPE MULTIPLE ZETA VALUES AND RELATED VARIANTS, ON <i>q</i>-ANALOGUES OF ZETA FUNCTIONS OF ROOT SYSTEMS, On the sum formula for the $q$-analogue of non-strict multiple zeta values, Vanishing of multizeta values over at negative integers, Duality of Weighted Sum Formulas of Alternating Multiple $T$-Values, A variation of multiple $L$-values arising from the spectral zeta function of the non-commutative harmonic oscillator, Weak stuffle algebras, On variants of the Euler sums and symmetric extensions of the Kaneko-Tsumura conjecture, Dirichlet type extensions of Euler sums, A symbolic approach to multiple Hurwitz zeta values at non-positive integers, Evaluation of iterated log-sine integrals in terms of multiple polylogarithms, Extension of Hoffman's combinatorial identity via specific zeta-like series, Large \(N\) limit of Yang-Mills partition function and Wilson loops on compact surfaces, On the Evaluation of Euler Sums, On Thakur’s basis conjecture for multiple zeta values in positive characteristic, SUPERCONGRUENCES OF MULTIPLE HARMONIC <i>q</i>-SUMS AND GENERALIZED FINITE/SYMMETRIC MULTIPLE ZETA VALUES, Gromov–Witten invariants and localization, Apéry-type series and colored multiple zeta values, Computations about formal multiple zeta spaces defined by binary extended double shuffle relations, Another proof of Kaneko–Ohno’s duality formula for multiple zeta star values, Duality of one-variable multiple polylogarithms and their \(q\)-analogues, The Asymptotic Statistics of Random Covering Surfaces, OHNO–ZAGIER TYPE RELATIONS FOR MULTIPLE t-VALUES, Alternating multiple \(T\)-values: weighted sums, duality, and dimension conjecture, On \(q\)-analogues of zeta functions of root systems. II., Intersection of duality and derivation relations for multiple zeta values, Balanced multiple q-zeta values, Euler sums of generalized hyperharmonic numbers, Mathematical Renormalization in Quantum Electrodynamics via Noncommutative Generating Series, On shuffle of double Eisenstein series in positive characteristic, Renewal sequences and record chains related to multiple zeta sums, Transcendental numbers and special values of Dirichlet series, On Lara Rodríguez’ full conjecture for double zeta values in function fields, Analytic and algorithmic aspects of generalized harmonic sums and polylogarithms, Analytic Continuations of Character and Alternating Tornheim Zeta Functions, New properties of multiple harmonic sums modulo 𝑝 and 𝑝-analogues of Leshchiner’s series, New results for the \(\varepsilon{}\)-expansion of certain one-, two- and three-loop Feynman diagrams, The decomposition theorem of products of multiple zeta values of height one, Multiple zeta values: an introduction, Integrals of polylogarithmic functions, recurrence relations, and associated Euler sums, A generating function for sums of multiple zeta values and its applications, Iterated integrals of modular forms and noncommutative modular symbols, Algebraic Aspects of Multiple Zeta Values, Sum Relations for Multiple Zeta Values, The Sum Formula for Multiple Zeta Values and Connection Problem of the Formal Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov Equation, Unnamed Item, Twisted elliptic multiple zeta values and non-planar one-loop open-string amplitudes, Hecke eigenform and double Eisenstein series, Unnamed Item, Symmetry on Linear Relations for Multiple Zeta Values, Unnamed Item, Explicit formulas of sums involving harmonic numbers and Stirling numbers, The polylog quotient and the Goncharov quotient in computational Chabauty–Kim Theory I, A new proof of the duality of multiple zeta values and its generalizations, Some evaluations of infinite series involving parametric harmonic numbers, An algebraic study of multivariable integration and linear substitution, MULTIPLE ZETA VALUES AND ITERATED LOG-SINE INTEGRALS, Harmonic Sums, Polylogarithms,Special Numbers, and Their Generalizations, Multiple Zeta Values and Modular Forms in Quantum Field Theory, Feynman Graphs, Unnamed Item, Some relations deduced from regularized double shuffle relations of multiple zeta values, On certain mean values of the double zeta-function, Zero distribution of v-adic multiple zeta values over 𝔽q(t), Bounds for the Tornheim double zeta function, Proof of Kaneko–Tsumura conjecture on triple T-values, EXTENSIONS OF EULER-TYPE SUMS AND RAMANUJAN-TYPE SUMS, Alternating double \(t\)-values and \(T\)-values, On multisets, interpolated multiple zeta values and limit laws, Some identities for multiple Hurwitz zeta values, Special values of multiple polylogarithms, Zinbiel algebras and multiple zeta values, Euler-type sums involving multiple harmonic sums and binomial coefficients, Structure of polyzetas and explicit representation on transcendence bases of shuffle and stuffle algebras, On restricted sum formulas for multiple zeta values with even arguments, Proving dualities for \(q\)MZVs with connected sums, Zeta-like multiple zeta values in positive characteristic, Merits and demerits of the orbit method, On a unified double zeta function of Mordell-Tornheim type, A symbolic approach to multiple zeta values at negative integers, On Zagier-Hoffman's conjectures in positive characteristic, Two variants of Euler sums, Multiple zeta values for classical special functions, Logarithmic integrals, zeta values, and tiered binomial coefficients, Generalization of the non-local derangement identity and applications to multiple zeta-type series, Zeta-functions of root systems and Poincaré polynomials of Weyl groups, Laurent series expansions of multiple zeta-functions of Euler-Zagier type at integer points, Another look at Zagier's formula for multiple zeta values involving Hoffman elements, Euler sums of multiple hyperharmonic numbers, Sum relations from shuffle products of alternating multiple zeta values, Some results on multiple polylogarithm functions and alternating multiple zeta values, Explicit formulas of Euler sums via multiple zeta values, Modular graph functions and odd cuspidal functions. Fourier and Poincaré series, Several weighted sum formulas of multiple zeta values, Functional relations and special values of Mordell-Tornheim triple zeta and 𝐿-functions, Evaluations of some quadruple Euler sums of even weight, Generalized harmonic number sums and quasisymmetric functions, Zeros and special values of Witten zeta functions and Witten \(L\)-functions, Universal families of Eulerian multiple zeta values in positive characteristic, Multiple zeta functions and polylogarithms over global function fields, An overview and supplements to the theory of functional relations for zeta-functions of root systems, Generators for vector spaces spanned by double zeta values with even weight, Generalizations of Euler decomposition and their applications, Conical zeta values and their double subdivision relations, On \(q\)-analogues of quadratic Euler sums, Alternating multiple zeta values, and explicit formulas of some Euler-Apéry-type series, Séries hypergéométriques multiples et polyzêtas, Quasi-shuffle products, The Number Theory of Superstring Amplitudes, A Dimension Conjecture for q-Analogues of Multiple Zeta Values, Uniform Approach to Double Shuffle and Duality Relations of Various q-Analogs of Multiple Zeta Values via Rota–Baxter Algebras, q-Analogues of Multiple Zeta Values and Their Application in Renormalization, On a Family of Polynomials Related to $$\zeta (2,1)=\zeta (3)$$, Explicit evaluations for several variants of Euler sums, A weighted sum formula for alternating multiple zeta-star values, On shuffle-type functional relations of desingularized multiple zeta-functions, Stuffle product formulas of multiple zeta values, A mad day’s work: from Grothendieck to Connes and Kontsevich The evolution of concepts of space and symmetry, Duality relations among multiple series with three parameters, On relations for the multiple \(q\)-zeta values, On \(q\)-analogues of two-one formulas for multiple harmonic sums and multiple zeta star values, Hilbert schemes and multiple \(q\)-zeta values, Explicit formulas of some mixed Euler sums via alternating multiple zeta values, Fast evaluation of multiple zeta sums, Periods of mirrors and multiple zeta values, On lower bounds of the dimensions of multizeta values in positive characteristic, Congruence identities of regularized multiple zeta values involving a pair of index sets, Structure of polyzetas and Lyndon words, Special values of multiple Hecke \(L\)-functions, Finite real multiple zeta values generate the whole space Z, Multiple zeta values, Some weighted sum formulas for multiple zeta, Hurwitz zeta, and alternating multiple zeta values, Perturbative corrections to Kähler moduli spaces, A note on evaluations of multiple zeta values, On multiple zeta values of level two, Relationships between multiple zeta values of depths 2 and 3 and period polynomials, On \(p\)-Bernoulli numbers and polynomials, Alternating multizeta values in positive characteristic, Some identities for multiple alternating zeta values, Parabolic cohomology and multiple Hecke \(L\)-values, Explicit relations between multiple zeta values and related variants, Duality formulas for Arakawa-Kaneko zeta values and related variants, Bipartite and directed scale-free complex networks arising from zeta functions, Structural properties of multiple zeta values, Generalized log sine integrals and the Mordell-Tornheim zeta values, Finite and symmetric Mordell-Tornheim multiple zeta values, Exploring transcendentality in superstring amplitudes, On the solutions of the universal differential equation with three regular singularities (on solutions of \(KZ_3)\), Some applications of the Gamma and polygamma functions involving convolutions of the Rayleigh functions, multiple Euler sums and log-sine integrals, Analogues elliptiques des nombres multiz\'etas, Association of multiple zeta values with positive knots via Feynman diagrams up to 9 loops, Euler’s constant: Euler’s work and modern developments, Integrating three-loop modular graph functions and transcendentality of string amplitudes, The cosmic Galois group and extended Steinmann relations for planar \(\mathcal{N} = 4\) SYM amplitudes, On some explicit evaluations of nonlinear Euler sums, Double shuffle relations for arborified zeta values, Sum relations for multiple zeta values and connection formulas for the Gauss hypergeometric functions, Evaluations of some Euler-Apéry-type series, On the convolutions of sums of multiple zeta(-star) values of height one, Bernoulli numbers and multiple zeta values, Multiple Dedekind zeta functions and evaluations of extended multiple zeta values, On Euler's decomposition formula for \(q\)MZVs, A note on Arakawa-Kaneko zeta values and Kaneko-Tsumura \(\eta\)-values, Weighted sum formulas from shuffle products of multiple zeta-star values, Multiple zeta star values on 3-2-1 indices, Variants of multiple zeta values with even and odd summation indices, Random unitary representations of surface groups. I: Asymptotic expansions, Matroids, motives, and a conjecture of Kontsevich., Identities among restricted sums of multiple zeta values, Relations of multiple zeta values and their algebraic expression., Bachmann-Kühn's brackets and multiple zeta values at level \(N\), Binary shuffle bases for quasi-symmetric functions, Infinite series identities derived from the very well-poised \(\Omega\)-sum, Duality and (\(q\)-)multiple zeta values, Relations for multiple zeta values and Mellin transforms of multiple polylogarithms, Evaluations of multiple Dirichlet \(L\)-values via symmetric functions, Weighted sum formula for multiple zeta values, Behaviour at the non-positive integers of Dirichlet series associated to polynomials of several variables, Hierarchy of modular graph identities, Kontsevich's integral for the Homfly polynomial and relations between values of multiple zeta functions, Gauss hypergeometric functions, multiple polylogarithms, and multiple zeta values, Explicit evaluation of Euler and related sums, Some evaluation of cubic Euler sums, On harmonic numbers and nonlinear Euler sums, Some weighted sum identities for double zeta values, On complex zeros off the critical line for non-monomial polynomial of zeta-functions, The multiple Hurwitz zeta function and a generalization of Lerch's formula, Shuffle product formulas of multiple zeta values, On Schur multiple zeta functions: a combinatoric generalization of multiple zeta functions, Multiple zeta functions and asymptotic structure of free Abelian groups of finite rank., The parity theorem for multiple polylogarithms, The algebra of multiple harmonic series, Derivation relations and duality for the sum of multiple zeta values, Iterated period integrals and multiple Hecke \(L\)-functions, On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras. I, On a reciprocity law for finite multiple zeta values, On a conjecture by Pierre Cartier about a group of associators, Shuffle relations for regularised integrals of symbols, The multiple zeta value data mine, On generating functions of multiple zeta values and generalized hypergeometric functions, The algebra of multitangent functions, Applications of shuffle product to restricted decomposition formulas for multiple zeta values, Eisenstein series identities based on partial fraction decomposition, The analytic continuation and the asymptotic behaviour of certain multiple zeta-functions. I., Polylogarithms and multiple zeta values from free Rota-Baxter algebras, Rota-Baxter algebras and left weak composition quasi-symmetric functions, Cyclic sum of certain parametrized multiple series, The classical theory of zeta and \(L\)-functions., Shuffle products for multiple zeta values and partial fraction decompositions of zeta-functions of root systems, Algebraic values of analytic functions., Multiple zeta values vs. multiple zeta-star values, Evaluation of Dedekind sums, Eisenstein cocycles, and special values of \(L\)-functions, A study on multiple zeta values from the viewpoint of zeta-functions of root systems, Rooks on Ferrers boards and matrix integrals, Summation formulas involving binomial coefficients, harmonic numbers, and generalized harmonic numbers, Evaluation of double \(L\)-values., The Herglotz-Zagier function, double zeta functions, and values of \(L\)-series, Multiple harmonic series related to multiple Euler numbers, \(\zeta(\{ \{ 2 \}^m, 1, \{2 \}^m, 3 \}^n, \{2 \}^m) / \pi^{4 n + 2 m(2 n + 1)}\) is rational, Analytic and combinatoric aspects of Hurwitz polyzetas, Multiple zeta values at the non-positive integers, Renormalization of multiple zeta values, Z-Sum approach to loop integrals using Taylor expansion, Identities for the multiple zeta (star) values, Transformation of generalized multiple Riemann zeta type sums with repeated arguments, On \(q\)-analogues of multiple zeta values, On Stirling numbers and Euler sums, Lacunary recurrences for Eisenstein series, A conjectural characterization for \(\mathbb{F}_q(t)\)-linear relations between multizeta values, Zeta and \(L\)-functions and Bernoulli polynomials of root systems, Explicit evaluations of sums of sequence tails, Harmonic-number summation identities, symmetric functions, and multiple zeta values, Renormalization of multiple \(q\)-zeta values, Homology of depth-graded motivic Lie algebras and koszulity, Special values of generalized polylogarithms, Multiple zeta values and Euler sums, Linear differential equations and multiple zeta values. II: A generalization of the WKB method, On the singularities of multiple \(L\)-functions, ARI/GARI, dimorphy and multiple zeta arithmetic: a first evaluation, On Witten multiple zeta-functions associated with semisimple Lie algebras. II., Witten multiple zeta values attached to \(\mathfrak {sl}(4)\), Multiple zeta values and zeta-functions of root systems, Fourier series of modular graph functions, (Pure) transcendence bases in \(\varphi\)-deformed shuffle bialgebras, Sums of products of Riemann zeta tails, Duality/sum formulas for iterated integrals and their application to multiple zeta values, A class of relations among multiple zeta values, On multiple analogues of Ramanujan's formulas for certain Dirichlet series, Double Lerch value relations and functional relations for Witten zeta functions, Moment integrals of \(1/\sin t\) and related zeta-values, Multi-loop Feynman integrals and conformal quantum mechanics, An integral representation of the Mordell-Tornheim double zeta function and its values at non-positive integers, Differential algebraic Birkhoff decomposition and the renormalization of multiple zeta values, On the quasi-derivation relation for multiple zeta values, Some relations among Apostol-Vu double zeta values for coordinatewise limits at non-positive integers, A generalization of Ohno's relation for multiple zeta values, A generalization of the duality and sum formulas on the multiple zeta values, Arrangement of hyperplanes. II: The Szenes formula and Eisenstein series, Weighted sum formulas of multiple \(t\)-values with even arguments, On the variance of the number of maxima in random vectors and its applications, The dihedral Lie algebras and Galois symmetries of \(\pi_1^{(l)}(\mathbb P^1-(\{0,\infty\}\cup\mu-\{N\}))\)., Combinatorics of (perturbative) quantum field theory, The algebra and combinatorics of shuffles and multiple zeta values, Lyndon words and shuffle algebras for generating the coloured multiple zeta values relations tables, Multiple zeta values of fixed weight, depth, and height, Pfaffian and Hafnian identities in shuffle algebras, New families of weighted sum formulas for multiple zeta values