High-Dimensional Probability

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DOI10.1017/9781108231596zbMath1430.60005OpenAlexW4250954493MaRDI QIDQ4643248

R. V. Vershinin

Publication date: 24 May 2018

Full work available at URL: https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108231596

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partitioning problem, Distributed Decoding From Heterogeneous 1-Bit Compressive Measurements, Sparse principal component analysis for high‐dimensional stationary time series, The MLE is a reliable source: sharp performance guarantees for localization problems, Linearly convergent adjoint free solution of least squares problems by random descent, Sampling rates for \(\ell^1\)-synthesis, Zero entropy actions of amenable groups are not dominant, Generalized Low-Rank Plus Sparse Tensor Estimation by Fast Riemannian Optimization, Covariate-Assisted Sparse Tensor Completion, UNIFORM-IN-SUBMODEL BOUNDS FOR LINEAR REGRESSION IN A MODEL-FREE FRAMEWORK, \( \varepsilon \)-isometric dimension reduction for incompressible subsets of \(\ell_p\), LASSO Reloaded: A Variational Analysis Perspective with Applications to Compressed Sensing, The least singular value of a random symmetric matrix, Mining the factor zoo: estimation of latent factor models with sufficient proxies, Robustifying Markowitz, 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with application to order determination in sufficient dimension reduction, Targeted principal components regression, A note on concentration for polynomials in the Ising model, Salem-Zygmund inequality for locally sub-Gaussian random variables, random trigonometric polynomials, and random circulant matrices, Community detection with a subsampled semidefinite program, The \(\ell^p\)-Gaussian-Grothendieck problem with vector spins, Weighted \(p\)-radial distributions on Euclidean and matrix \(p\)-balls with applications to large deviations, Bayesian factor-adjusted sparse regression, Hamilton-Jacobi equations for inference of matrix tensor products, Near-optimal performance bounds for orthogonal and permutation group synchronization via spectral methods, The restricted isometry property of block diagonal matrices for group-sparse signal recovery, Optimal robust mean and location estimation via convex programs with respect to any pseudo-norms, The Hanson-Wright inequality for random tensors, Concentration of kernel matrices with application to kernel spectral clustering, Equation of state of neutron-rich matter in \(d\)-dimensions, On an unsupervised method for parameter selection for the elastic net, Generalized notions of sparsity and restricted isometry property. II: Applications, Robust concentration inequalities in maximal exponential models, On the robustness of noise-blind low-rank recovery from rank-one measurements, Time-varying general dynamic factor models and the measurement of financial connectedness, \(\ell^1\)-analysis minimization and generalized (co-)sparsity: when does recovery succeed?, Dynamic optimization with side information, Robust post-selection inference of high-dimensional mean regression with heavy-tailed asymmetric or heteroskedastic errors, First passage percolation on hyperbolic groups, On the complexity of the Plantinga-Vegter algorithm, Differentially private high dimensional sparse covariance matrix estimation, Optimal rates of estimation for multi-reference alignment, On a posteriori error estimation using distances between numerical solutions and angles between truncation errors, On the number of faces and radii of cells induced by Gaussian spherical tessellations, Estimating piecewise monotone signals, On delocalization of eigenvectors of random non-Hermitian matrices, Monte Carlo estimators for the Schatten \(p\)-norm of symmetric positive semidefinite matrices, The capacity of feedforward neural networks, SONIC: social network analysis with influencers and communities, Uniform Hanson-Wright type concentration inequalities for unbounded entries via the entropy method, Condition numbers for the cube. I: Univariate polynomials and hypersurfaces, Guarantees for the Kronecker fast Johnson-Lindenstrauss transform using a coherence and sampling argument, Generic error bounds for the generalized Lasso with sub-exponential data, Estimation of the \(\ell_2\)-norm and testing in sparse linear regression with unknown variance, Conditional regression for single-index models, Quantum learning Boolean linear functions w.r.t. product distributions, Budget-limited distribution learning in multifidelity problems, Scaling positive random matrices: concentration and asymptotic convergence, DAS-PINNs: a deep adaptive sampling method for solving high-dimensional partial differential equations, Distance geometry and data science, Central limit theorems for classical multidimensional scaling, Optimal rates for estimation of two-dimensional totally positive distributions, Lasso regression in sparse linear model with \(\varphi\)-mixing errors, Smoothed quantile regression with large-scale inference, Phase transitions in rate distortion theory and deep learning, Robust inference via multiplier bootstrap, Random projections for quadratic programs, Lower bounds on the size of general branch-and-bound trees, On approximations of the PSD cone by a polynomial number of smaller-sized PSD cones, Bound-constrained global optimization of functions with low effective dimensionality using multiple random embeddings, Policy mirror descent for reinforcement learning: linear convergence, new sampling complexity, and generalized problem classes, Group sparse recovery in impulsive noise via alternating direction method of multipliers, High-dimensional VARs with common factors, Random projections of linear and semidefinite problems with linear inequalities, Estimating the probability that a given vector is in the convex hull of a random sample, Statistical inference via conditional Bayesian posteriors in high-dimensional linear regression, Interacting diffusions on sparse graphs: hydrodynamics from local weak limits, On the eigenstructure of covariance matrices with divergent spikes, Concentration inequalities for random tensors, Wavelet eigenvalue regression in high dimensions, Most powerful test against a sequence of high dimensional local alternatives, The cylindrical width of transitive sets, Randomized block subsampling Kaczmarz-Motzkin method, ERM and RERM are optimal estimators for regression problems when malicious outliers corrupt the labels, Comparing a large number of multivariate distributions, Hanson-Wright inequality in Hilbert spaces with application to \(K\)-means clustering for non-Euclidean data, Bounds on tail probabilities for quadratic forms in dependent sub-Gaussian random variables, On nearly assumption-free tests of nominal confidence interval coverage for causal parameters estimated by machine learning, Inference on the change point under a high dimensional sparse mean shift, Estimating covariance and precision matrices along subspaces, On block Gaussian sketching for the Kaczmarz method, Testing independence of functional variables by angle covariance, Complex phase retrieval from subgaussian measurements, Quantized Compressed Sensing: A Survey, Concentration of Markov chains with bounded moments, Crawling subsampling for multivariate spatial autoregression model in large-scale networks, Improved convergence guarantees for learning Gaussian mixture models by EM and gradient EM, Variable importance assessments and backward variable selection for multi-sample problems, A note on statistical analysis of factor models of high dimension, Bounding the expectation of the supremum of empirical processes indexed by Hölder classes, Sharp asymptotics for \(q\)-norms of random vectors in high-dimensional \(\ell_p^n\)-balls, Diversification benefits in the cryptocurrency market under mild explosivity, Thin-shell concentration for random vectors in Orlicz balls via moderate deviations and Gibbs measures, On concentration inequalities for vector-valued Lipschitz functions, Additive models for extremal quantile regression with Pareto-type distributions, Unnamed Item, Statistical convergence of the EM algorithm on Gaussian mixture models, Bounding flows for spherical spin glass dynamics, Concentration Inequalities for Statistical Inference, Harmonic means of Wishart random matrices, Exact recovery in the hypergraph stochastic block model: a spectral algorithm, Norms of sub-exponential random vectors, The two-to-infinity norm and singular subspace geometry with applications to high-dimensional statistics, Minimax optimality of permutation tests, Strong selection consistency of Bayesian vector autoregressive models based on a pseudo-likelihood approach, Existence and uniqueness of recursive utilities without boundedness, Derandomized compressed sensing with nonuniform guarantees for \(\ell_1\) recovery, Singularity of discrete random matrices, Convex cones spanned by regular polytopes, Central limit theorem for peaks of a random permutation in a fixed conjugacy class of \(S_n\), On norms in some class of exponential type Orlicz spaces of random variables, Side-constrained minimum sum-of-squares clustering: mathematical programming and random projections, Spectral estimation from simulations via sketching, An isomorphic Dvoretzky-Milman theorem using general random ensembles, Prediction theory for stationary functional time series, An optimal uniform concentration inequality for discrete entropies on finite alphabets in the high-dimensional setting, Tail bounds for empirically standardized sums, Particle Gaussian mixture filters. I., Measure concentration and the weak Pinsker property, Probabilistic condition number estimates for real polynomial systems. I: A broader family of distributions, Analysis of the ratio of \(\ell_1\) and \(\ell_2\) norms in compressed sensing, Asymptotic estimates for the largest volume ratio of a convex body, Robust two-sample test of high-dimensional mean vectors under dependence, Two-stage data segmentation permitting multiscale change points, heavy tails and dependence, Localising change points in piecewise polynomials of general degrees, Temporal correlation in last passage percolation with flat initial condition via Brownian comparison, On recovery guarantees for one-bit compressed sensing on manifolds, Regression in Tensor Product Spaces by the Method of Sieves, Hanson-Wright inequality in Banach spaces, Rank-one multi-reference factor analysis, Instability results for Euclidean distance, nearest neighbor search on high dimensional Gaussian data, Tracy-Widom distribution, Airy\(_2\) process and its sample path properties, High dimensional decision making, upper and lower bounds, Finite impulse response models: a non-asymptotic analysis of the least squares estimator, Nearly optimal robust mean estimation via empirical characteristic function, Random projections for conic programs, Diffusions interacting through a random matrix: universality via stochastic Taylor expansion, Universality of approximate message passing algorithms, Estimating multi-index models with response-conditional least squares, Sparse random tensors: concentration, regularization and applications, Iteratively reweighted \(\ell_1\)-penalized robust regression, Estimation of smooth functionals of location parameter in Gaussian and Poincaré random shift models., Robust \(k\)-means clustering for distributions with two moments, Fast generalization error bound of deep learning without scale invariance of activation functions, Sharp threshold for the Ising perceptron model, Non-uniform packings, Dimensionality reduction for \(k\)-distance applied to persistent homology, Maximum likelihood estimation of potential energy 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one-bit quantization, Robust and resource-efficient identification of two hidden layer neural networks, Estimating processes in adapted Wasserstein distance, Solving phase retrieval with random initial guess is nearly as good as by spectral initialization