scientific article; zbMATH DE number 843461

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zbMath0842.17012MaRDI QIDQ4862686

Jens Carsten Jantzen

Publication date: 11 February 1996

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I., Lowering-raising triples and \(U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)\), Dualising complexes and twisted Hochschild (co)homology for Noetherian Hopf algebras., Newton-Okounkov convex bodies of Schubert varieties and polyhedral realizations of crystal bases, Bidiagonal triples, \(R\)-matrix Poisson algebras and their deformations, Young tableaux and crystal \(\mathcal B(\infty)\) for finite simple Lie algebras, Addendum to ``Constructing quantized enveloping algebras via inverse limits of finite dimensional algebras, Character formulae for queer Lie superalgebras and canonical bases of types \(A/C\), Examples of quantum cluster algebras associated to partial flag varieties., Cohomology for infinitesimal unipotent algebraic and quantum groups., Quantum sphere \({\mathbb{S}^4}\) as a non-Levi conjugacy class, Quantum Weyl symmetric polynomials and the center of quantum group \(U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_4)\), Dual partially harmonic tensors and Brauer-Schur-Weyl duality., The \(\widehat {\mathfrak {sl}}(n)_k\)-WZNW fusion ring: a combinatorial construction and a realisation as quotient of quantum cohomology, Finite dimensional modules for the \(q\)-tetrahedron algebra, The \(\mathfrak {sl}_{3}\) Jones polynomial of the trefoil: a case study of \(q\)-holonomic sequences, Comodules of \(U_q(sl_2)\) and modules of \(\text{SL}_q(2)\) via quiver methods, Invariant tensors and the cyclic sieving phenomenon, Quantum enveloping algebras with von Neumann regular Cartan-like generators and the Pierce decomposition, Quantum \(\mathfrak{gl}_\infty\), infinite \(q\)-Schur algebras and their representations, Constructing quantized enveloping algebras via inverse limits of finite dimensional algebras, Finite-dimensional irreducible modules of the universal Askey-Wilson algebra, Extensions of finite quantum groups by finite groups., Coxeter elements and root bases, Infinite log-concavity: developments and conjectures, Finite dimensional modules over quantum toroidal algebras, Pointed Hopf algebras -- from enveloping algebras to quantum groups and beyond., Quantum toroidal and shuffle algebras, The Berenstein-Zelevinsky quantum cluster algebra conjecture, The Harish-Chandra homomorphism for a quantized classical Hermitian symmetric pair, Reflection equation algebras, coideal subalgebras, and their centres, A sum formula for tilting filtrations, Complexity of representations of quantised function algebras and representation type, Toric degenerations of Schubert varieties, Non-compact quantum groups and quantum Harish-Chandra modules, Algebras of variable coefficient quantized differential operators, Simple modules over Kq[X,Y⋊Uq≥0(sl2) and Kq[X,Y]⋊Uq(sl2) at root of unity], \(Q\widetilde{Q}\)-systems for twisted quantum affine algebras, Twisted Whittaker modules over \(U_q (\mathfrak{gl}_{n+1})\), The partial Temperley-Lieb algebra and its representations, Annular webs and Levi subalgebras, Quantum supergroup Ur,s(osp(1,2)), Scasimir operators and Dickson polynomials, Frozen pipes: lattice models for Grothendieck polynomials, Comparison of quantizations of symmetric spaces: cyclotomic Knizhnik–Zamolodchikov equations and Letzter–Kolb coideals, \(\mathrm{SL}_2\) tilting modules in the mixed case, Relative braid group symmetries on \(\imath\)quantum groups of Kac-Moody type, Affinization of \(q\)-oscillator representations of \(U_q (\mathfrak{gl}_n)\), Explicit generators of the centre of the quantum group, Oscillator representations of quantum affine orthosymplectic superalgebras, Crystal limits of compact semisimple quantum groups as higher-rank graph algebras, An intrinsic approach to relative braid group symmetries on ı$\imath$quantum groups, On the structure and representation theory of \(q\)-deformed Clifford algebras, \(U^0\)-free quantum group representations, The PBW basis of \(U_{q,\overline{q}}(\ddot{\mathfrak{gl}}_n)\), A dichotomy between twisted tensor products of bialgebras and Frobenius algebras, Quantum tilting modules over local rings, Quantum loop groups and shuffle algebras via Lyndon words, On automorphisms of quantum Schubert cells, The \(R\)-matrix presentation for the rational form of a quantized enveloping algebra, Explicit constructions of the fundamental representations of the symplectic Lie algebras, Quantum divided power algebra, \(q\)-derivatives, and some new quantum groups, Topological description of representations of \(U_q(sl_2)\), Crystal bases for Kac-Moody superalgebras, Skew primitive elements in Hopf algebras and related identities, Computing with quantized enveloping algebras: PBW-type bases, highest-weight modules and \(R\)-matrices, Raising/Lowering Maps and Modules for the Quantum Affine Algebra, Quantum Dixmier algebras, A category for the adjoint representation, \(\mathcal U_q(\operatorname{sl}(2))\) satisfies a Bernstein duality, BGG CATEGORY FOR THE QUANTUM SCHRÖDINGER ALGEBRA, The twisted Whittaker modules over the quantum group of type B2, Quantum octonions, Generalized Kac–Moody Lie Algebras and Product Quivers, On a q-analog of a Sahi result, Continuing Remarks on the Unrolled Quantum Group of 𝔰𝔩(2), SOLUTIONS OF THE tt*-TODA EQUATIONS AND QUANTUM COHOMOLOGY OF MINUSCULE FLAG MANIFOLDS, Crystal structures on FFLV polytopes, Hopf algebras having a dense big cell, The bar involution for quantum symmetric pairs, Unnamed Item, Tridiagonal pairs of q-Racah type, the Bockting operator ψ, and L-operators for U_q(L(sl_2)), Center of the universal Askey-Wilson algebra at roots of unity, Contravariant form on tensor product of highest weight modules, Quantum polynomial functors from \(e\)-Hecke pairs, Quantum Weyl Polynomials and the Center of the Quantum Group Uq(𝔰𝔩3), On the Construction of Chevalley Supergroups, Finite-dimensional irreducible \(U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)\)-modules from the equitable point of view, Reduced standard modules and cohomology, Representations of two parameter quantum algebras and \(p,q\)-special functions, Modular Representations, Old and New, Tensor Products and Whittaker Vectors for Quantum Groups, An Algorithm for Computing the Global Basis of a Finite Dimensional IrreducibleUq(so2n+1) orUq(so2n)-Module, Rank one polynomial modules over the quantum group of type A1, Nonsemisimple quantum invariants and TQFTs from small and unrolled quantum groups, Classical weight modules over \(\imath\)quantum groups, Quantization of borderline Levi conjugacy classes of orthogonal groups, Contravariant forms and extremal projectors, Cellularity of endomorphism algebras of tilting objects, Quantized nilradicals of parabolic subalgebras of and algebras of coinvariants, The Translation Operator for Self-Projective Coalgebras, SEMISIMPLICITY OF HECKE AND (WALLED) BRAUER ALGEBRAS, Based modules over the \(\imath\) quantum group of type AI, Universal K-matrices for quantum Kac-Moody algebras, The Lusztig automorphism of Uq(𝔰𝔩2) from the equitable point of view, Koszul duality and Soergel bimodules for dihedral groups, Determinantal ideals and the canonical commutation relations: classically or quantized, Cellular bases of generalised q-Schur algebras, Gröbner–Shirshov pair of irreducible modules over quantized enveloping algebra of type An, The relative monoidal center and tensor products of monoidal categories, Web calculus and tilting modules in type \(C_2\), Differential calculi on some quantum prehomogeneous vector spaces, Quasitriangular coideal subalgebras of Uq(g) in terms of generalized Satake diagrams, Crystal bases for $U_{q}(\Gamma (\sigma _{1},\sigma _{2},\sigma _{3}))$, Minuscule weights and Chevalley groups, Generic Modules Over a Class of Drinfeld's Quantum Doubles, Prime Spectra of Abelian 2-Categories and Categorifications of Richardson Varieties, Webs and $q$-Howe dualities in types $\mathbf {BCD}$, The center of 𝒰q (𝔫ω), Motzkin algebras and the An tensor categories of bimodules, Invariants of coadjoint representations of regular factors, Non-Levi closed conjugacy classes of SO q(N), Generic extensions and multiplicative bases of quantum groups at 𝐪=0, Quantum cluster algebra structures on quantum nilpotent algebras, BIDIAGONAL PAIRS, THE LIE ALGEBRA 𝔰𝔩2, AND THE QUANTUM GROUP Uq(𝔰𝔩2), Fixed subrings of Noetherian graded regular rings., The quantum algebra \(U_q(\mathfrak{sl}_2)\) and its equitable presentation, The equitable presentation for the quantum group associated with a symmetrizable Kac-Moody algebra, Drinfel'd doubles and Lusztig's symmetries of two-parameter quantum groups, Two-parameter Quantum Groups of Exceptional Type E-Series and Convex PBW-type Basis, Crystal Graphs and the Combinatorics of Young Tableaux, Crystal bases for the quantum superalgebra $U_q(\mathfrak {gl}(m,n))$, Crystal bases and combinatorics of infinite rank quantum groups, R-matrix for the two parameter quantum superalgebra U r,s(osp(1|2n)), Nakajima Monomials and Crystals for Special Linear Lie Algebras, Structure ofTModules and Restricted Duals: The Classical and the Quantum Case, Admissible diagrams in quantum nilpotent algebras and combinatoric properties of Weyl groups, REGULAR FUNCTIONS ON THE SHILOV BOUNDARY, ON LIE INDUCTION AND THE EXCEPTIONAL SERIES, The regular representation of 𝑈_{𝜐}(𝔤𝔩_{𝔪|𝔫}), Cyclic complexes, Hall polynomials and simple Lie algebras., Gröbner-Shirshov bases of irreducible modules over the quantum group \(U_q(F_4)\), Decomposition numbers of quantized walled Brauer algebras., Remarks on PBW bases of Ringel–Hall algebras of cyclic quivers, A quantum octonion algebra, Monomial Bases for Little q-Schur Algebras s(2,r), On the Spectra of Quantum Groups, Cohomology for quantum groups via the geometry of the nullcone, R-matrix and inverse Shapovalov form, Presenting generalized 𝑞-Schur algebras, Constructing Canonical Bases of Quantized Enveloping Algebras, An analog of Kostant’s theorem for the cohomology of quantum groups, Kostant-Lusztig 𝔸-bases of multiparameter quantum groups, The equitable presentation for the quantum group νq(sl2), QUANTUM DEFORMATION AND TABLEAUX REALIZATION OF SIMPLE DENSE ${\mathfrak g} l (n, {\mathbb C})$-MODULES, The 𝑆𝐿₃ colored Jones polynomial of the trefoil, Functoriality of the BGG Category 𝒪††, The Rahman polynomials and the Lie algebra $\mathfrak{sl}_{3}(\mathbb{C})$, Braided Enveloping Algebras Associated to Quantum Parabolic Subalgebras, Quantized enveloping algebras for Borcherds superalgebras, Modular representations of simple Lie algebras, Chevalley supergroups, Cartan subalgebras for quantum symmetric pair coideals, Extremal Bases for the Adjoint Representations of the Simple Lie Algebras, On Certain Integral Tensor Categories and Integral TQFTs, On a family of non-unitarizable ribbon categories, Orthogonal basis for the Shapovalov form on $U_q(\mathfrak{sl}(n + 1))$, Global crystal bases and q-Schur algebras, Covariant q-differential operators and unitary highest weight representations for Uqsun,n, Nilpotent representations of classical quantum groups at roots of unity, On the construction of semisimple Lie algebras and Chevalley groups, EXAMPLES OF FCR-ALGEBRAS