scientific article; zbMATH DE number 839556

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zbMath0848.68031MaRDI QIDQ4864249

Serge Abiteboul, Victor Vianu, Richard Hull

Publication date: 30 January 1996

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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bounded predicate arities and implications, SHACL: a description logic in disguise, Inseparability and Conservative Extensions of Description Logic Ontologies: A Survey, Navigational and Rule-Based Languages for Graph Databases, Recent Advances in Datalog$$^\pm $$, Ontology-Mediated Query Answering with Data-Tractable Description Logics, Reasoning about functional and full hierarchical dependencies over partial relations, On the primitivity of operators in SPARQL, Positive Dedalus programs tolerate non-causality, The price of query rewriting in ontology-based data access, Inf-datalog, Modal Logic and Complexities, Automated reformulation of specifications by safe delay of constraints, In defense of PDDL axioms, Tractable reasoning and efficient query answering in description logics: The DL-Lite family, Reasoning in description logics by a reduction to disjunctive datalog, A paraconsistent logic programming approach for querying inconsistent databases, Unnamed Item, Characterising nested database dependencies by fragments of propositional logic, Itemset frequency satisfiability: complexity and axiomatization, Constructibility and decidability versus domain independence and absoluteness, ONTOGRATE: TOWARDS AUTOMATIC INTEGRATION FOR RELATIONAL DATABASES AND THE SEMANTIC WEB THROUGH AN ONTOLOGY-BASED FRAMEWORK, Database Theory, Yuri, and Me, A Generalisation of Entity and Referential Integrity in Relational Databases, STEP implementation of imperfect EXPRESS model in fuzzy object-oriented databases, About the processing of possibilistic queries involving a difference operation, Modulo constraints and the complexity of typechecking XML views, Axiomatizing the logical core of XPath 2.0, A complexity theory for hard enumeration problems, A monotone preservation result for Boolean queries expressed as a containment of conjunctive queries, The complexity of embedded axiomatization for a class of closed database views, Functional and multivalued dependencies in nested databases generated by record and list constructor, Checking inference-proofness of attribute-disjoint and duplicate-preserving fragmentations, On the Complexity of Query Result Diversification, Model checking hybrid logics (with an application to semistructured data), The hardness of resilience for nested aggregation query, Monitoring Metric First-Order Temporal Properties, Comparison of expressive power of some query languages for databases, Conjunctive query pattern structures: a relational database model for formal concept analysis, Monadic Datalog Tree Transducers, On the Efficiency of Query-Subquery Nets with Right/Tail-Recursion Elimination in Evaluating Queries to Horn Knowledge Bases, Repetitions and permutations of columns in the semijoin algebra, On the Complexity of Insertion Propagation with Functional Dependency Constraints, WEYL REEXAMINED: “DAS KONTINUUM” 100 YEARS LATER, HR-SQL: extending SQL with hypothetical reasoning and improved recursion for current database systems, Semantic Acyclicity for Conjunctive Queries: Approximations and Constraints, Conceptual Modeling for Data Integration, Characterization of Optimal Complements of Database Views Defined by Projection, Coding Theory Motivated by Relational Databases, Graph-Theoretic Formalization of Hybridization in DNA Sticker Complexes, Foundations of RDF Databases, Query Answering with DBoxes is Hard, Combining Consistency and Confidentiality Requirements in First-Order Databases, Calculi for symmetric queries, Maintenance of datalog materialisations revisited, Foundations of ontology-based data access under bag semantics, How many variables are needed to express an existential positive query?, Evaluating Datalog via tree automata and cycluits, The semijoin algebra and the guarded fragment, Computing possible and certain answers over order-incomplete data, Minimal and consistent evolution of knowledge bases, \(N\)-dimensional versus \((N-1)\)-dimensional connectivity testing of first-order queries to semi-algebraic sets, Algebraic Databases, The incredible ELK. From polynomial procedures to efficient reasoning with \(\mathcal {EL}\) ontologies, Orbital concept lattices, Linear constraint query languages expressive power and complexity, Logics capturing relativized complexity classes uniformly, Answer Counting under Guarded TGDs, The notion of abstraction in ontology-based data management, Languages generated by conjunctive query fragments of FC[REG], DNAQL: a query language for DNA sticker complexes, On the k-Boundedness for Existential Rules, Inductive definitions in logic versus programs of real-time cellular automata, Deciding FO-rewritability of Regular Languages and Ontology-Mediated Queries in Linear Temporal Logic, Efficient Evaluation of Arbitrary Relational Calculus Queries, From DB-nets to Coloured Petri Nets with Priorities, Three views on dependency covers from an FCA perspective, Saturation-based Boolean conjunctive query answering and rewriting for the guarded quantification fragments, Expressiveness of SHACL Features and Extensions for Full Equality and Disjointness Tests, Dual forgetting operators in the context of weakest sufficient and strongest necessary conditions, A simple logic of concepts, A Tutorial on Query Answering and Reasoning over Probabilistic Knowledge Bases, Reconciling communication delays and negation, Early detection of temporal constraint violations, Rewriting with Acyclic Queries: Mind Your Head, On Barwise and Cooper’s “Generalized Quantifiers and Natural Language”, Correctness Notions for Petri Nets with Identifiers, Efficient edit rule implication for nominal and ordinal data, POINCARÉ–WEYL’S PREDICATIVITY: GOING BEYOND, Metafinite model theory

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