scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3288410

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zbMath0181.23901MaRDI QIDQ5571530

William Fulton

Publication date: 1969

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Nonsingular zeros of polynomials defined over finite fields, On a Result of Darboux, Cubic algebraic equations in gravity theory, parametrization with the Weierstrass function and nonarithmetic theory of algebraic equations, Additive combinatorics methods in associative algebras, Self-tuning prediction and control for two-dimensional processes Part 1: Fixed parameter algorithms, Unnamed Item, Algorithme de multiplicativité des sommes de carrés, On the boundary of theC-numerical range of a matrix, On special values of generators of modular function fields, The intersection multiplicity of intersection points over algebraic curves, On structural stability of evolutionary stable strategies, A non-standard Bezout theorem for curves, Regularity Index ofS + 2 Fat Points not on a Linear (S − 1)-Space, On the global analysis of the planar quadratic vector fields, Unnamed Item, Rational functions of degree four that permute the projective line over a finite field, Unnamed Item, On the practical solution of genus zero Diophantine equations, Regular foliations along curves, Special issue in celebration of Jack K. Hale's 70th birthday. Part 3 of 4 parts, Algebraic curves and cryptography, Uniqueness of algebraic limit cycles for quadratic systems, On the geometry in the neighbourhood of infinity of quadratic differential systems with a weak focus, Algorithme de Brill-Noether et codes de Goppa, The real positive definite completion problem for a 4-cycle, Unnamed Item, Unnamed Item, On the regularity index of s fat points not on a linear (r−1)-space, sr+3, Factorizations into idempotent factors of matrices over Prüfer domains, The State of the Art on the Conjecture of Exceptional APN Functions, Level curve portraits of rational inner functions, Analytic integrability of a Chua system, The Geometry of Quadratic Polynomial Differential Systems with a Finite and an Infinite Saddle-Node (C), Second-Order Cone Representation for Convex Sets in the Plane, Globally Linked Pairs of Vertices in Rigid Frameworks, Simultaneous uniformization for the leaves of projective foliations by curves, Superspecial Trigonal Curves of Genus 5