scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3307642

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zbMath0193.34701MaRDI QIDQ5588717

Serge Lang

Publication date: 1965

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Hopf algebra level, Irrational speeds of configurations growth in generalized Pascal triangles, Algebraic extensions of finite corank of Hilbertian fields, Connected subgroups of the Poincaré group. I, Components of branched coverings of current graphs, Zur Theorie endlich dimensionaler alternativer Algebren, Rational choice and polynomial measurement models, Left algebraic groups, On finite linear groups. II, The real numbers as a wreath product, Fortsetzbarkeit \(k\)-meromorpher Funktionen, The fundamental group of fibered knot cobordisms, Localization at epimorphisms and quasi-injectives, Nilpotence and local nilpotence of linear groups, Sum and product separabilities of multivariable functions and applications, Algebraic system theory: An analyst's point of view, The elementary theory of \(\omega\)-free \(Ax\) fields, Ring models for delay-differential systems, Representation and realization of operational differential equations with time-varying coefficients, Fourier-Stieltjes transforms of measures with a certain continuity property, Notes on infinite determinants of Hilbert space operators, Covering finite fields with cosets of subspaces, Quotients d'algèbres de demi-groupes finis, The degree and branch set of a branched covering, On some questions of rationality and decidability, An elementary proof for Strassen's degree bound, \(R\)-endomorphisms of \(RX_1,\dots ,X_n\), Locally finite representations, Similarity of matrices over Artinian principal ideal rings, A lattice theoretic generalization of normal subgroups, A remark on infinite cyclic covers, Modelle ebener metrischer Ringgeometrien, Approximation of p-adic numbers by algebraic numbers of bounded degree, Arf's theorem for trace Noetherian and other rings, On the class numbers of arithmetically equivalent fields, Approximationszahlen von Sobolev-Einbettungen, Explicit solutions of an algebraic differential equation, Characteristic polynomials of a permutation representation, Torsion points of elliptic curves over large algebraic extensions of finitely generated fields, A property of the Taylor expansion of a class of rational functions in several variables, Topological division algebras without corresponding topological affine plane, On the stratification of the discriminant varieties, Complexity of deciding Tarski algebra, Generators of central simple algebras, Henselian valued stable fields, A note on the axioms for differentially closed fields of characteristic zero, Character sums over \(p\)-adic fields, Finite groups over arithmetical rings and globally irreducible representations., An algorithm for the construction of a normal basis, On Galois groups over Pythagorean and semi-real closed fields, Unitary dilations of commutation relations associated to alternating bilinear forms, A condition for finite generation of the kernel of a derivation., Commutative \(L\)-algebras and measure theory, The Hilbert-Schinzel specialization property, Convergence rate analysis for the higher order power method in best rank one approximations of tensors, Rosso's form and quantized Kac-Moody algebras, An elementary approach to the Serre-Rost invariant of Albert algebras, The Euler--Lagrange theory for Schur's algorithm: algebraic exposed points, On the integer form of the additive Hilbert's theorem 90, The combinatorial approach yields an NC algorithm for computing Pfaffians, Irreducibility of \(f(u(x),v(y))\), First order theory of cyclically ordered groups, Factoring stochastic relations, Eisenstein's footnote, Square-free algorithms in positive characteristic, Restricted independence in displacement function for better estimation of cyclicity, Finite analogues of Euclidean space, On Brauer \(p\)-dimensions and absolute Brauer \(p\)-dimensions of Henselian fields, Nilpotency criteria for multiplicative Lie algebras, Binomial ideals, On a construction of the Cliffordean algebra, A complete set of intertwiners for arbitrary tensor product representations via current algebras, Algebraic differential equations of the first order and the second degree, Centers of generalized quantum groups, Multiple discriminants and extreme values of polynomials in several variables, Bogolyubov endomorphisms and non-commutative hyperbolic functions, Linear functional equations with a catalytic variable and area limit laws for lattice paths and polygons, Minimal basis of the syzygy module of leading terms, Using the theory of cyclotomy to factor cyclotomic polynomials over finite fields, A combinatorial problem on polynomials and rational functions, Embeddings of \(\text{PGL}_2(31)\) and \(\text{SL}_2(32)\) in \(E_8(\mathbb{C})\). With appendices by Michael Larsen and J. -P. Serre, Some remarks on tilting modules, double centralisers and Lie modules, Intersections of matrix algebras and permutation representation of \(\text{PSL}(n,q)\), Canonical matrices of isometric operators on indefinite inner product spaces, Canonical matrices of bilinear and sesquilinear forms, Projective binary linear codes from special Boolean functions, On the residue fields of Henselian valued stable fields, Writing representations over proper division subrings., Digital net properties of a polynomial analogue of Frolov's construction, On simulations of the classical harmonic oscillator equation by difference equations, Elementary properties of power series fields over finite fields, On calculation of monomial automorphisms of linear cyclic codes, Double centralisers and annihilator ideals of Young permutation modules, Tridiagonal canonical matrices of bilinear or sesquilinear forms and of pairs of symmetric, skew-symmetric, or Hermitian forms, Abelian varieties over fields of finite characteristic, Indicator function and complex coding for mixed fractional factorial designs, Maximum subclasses in classes of linear automata over finite fields, Generalised Kawada-Satake method for Mackey functors in class field theory, Distinguishing simple algebras by means of polynomial identities, A solution of the problem of van den Essen and Shpilrain. II, On the behaviour of Brauer \(p\)-dimensions under finitely-generated field extensions., Multidimensional residues and polynomial equations, On the primitivity of four-dimensional finite semifields, Positivity in \(T\)-equivariant \(K\)-theory of flag varieties associated to Kac-Moody groups, The pro-\(p\) group of upper unitriangular matrices, Continued fractions and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle, Classification of subsets of \(B^n\) and additive channels, Absolute instability of a thin viscoelastic plate in an air flow, Polynomial equations with one catalytic variable, algebraic series and map enumeration, Multiplicative induction and units for the ring of monomial representations, Cusp transitivity in hyperbolic 3-manifolds, Differential equations in a partial differential ring: basic properties and observability conditions, The field of definition of affine invariant submanifolds of the moduli space of abelian differentials, A new approach to the description of one-parameter groups of formal power series in one indeterminate, Finite groups acting on Severi-Brauer surfaces, L-fuzzy sets, Fredholm theories in von Neumann algebras. I, Multi-letter Youden rectangles from quadratic forms, Odd degree polynomials with dihedral Galois groups, On Drinfeld modular forms of higher rank IV: modular forms with level, Rational central simple algebras, On complements of J-residuals in finite solvable groups, Affine spaces within projective spaces, Affine Hopf algebras. I, Linear maps preserving commutativity, Solutions of pure equations in rational division algebras. I, Eine Bemerkung zu den Wittringen endlicher Galoisscher Körpererweiterungen, Numerical polynomials for arbitrary characters, A generalization of Stark's theorem, On twisted polynomial rings, On the representation of \(-1\) as a sum of two-squares in an algebraic number field, On solvability by radicals of finite fields, Solutions of pure equations in rational division algebras. II, Representations by \(k\)-th powers in \(GF(q)\), The combinatorial analysis of patterns and the principle of inclusion- exclusion, Distributional properties of \(d\)-FCSR sequences, Two theorems on perfect codes, A characterization of U\(_3\)(\(q\)), Envelope theorems for static optimization and calculus of variations, Realization of finite groups over function fields, The Tutte-Grothendieck ring, Irreducible representations of finite groups, Companion based matrix functions: Description and minimal factorization, Algebraic representations for finite-state machines. II: Module formulation, Symmetry, invariants, topology. Basic tools, Homotopy dominations by polyhedra with polycyclic-by-finite fundamental groups, On reduction of elements of the full matrix superalgebra to a block-diagonal form by conjugation, Dynamical structure of space-time discontinuum and spin 1/4, Differential equations for \(\mathbb F_q\)-linear functions. II: Regular singularity., Selective orders in central simple algebras and isospectral families of arithmetic manifolds, Probabilistic absolute irreducibility test for polynomials, Realizability and Nonrealizability of Dickson Algebras as Cohomology Rings, On the Picard number of a complex projective variety, Serre duality for non-commutative ${\mathbb {P}}^{1}$-bundles, Unnamed Item, Subnormal subgroups of the groups of rational points of reductive algebraic groups, Maximal Separable Subfields, Unnamed Item, Generalized Gröbner bases: Theory and applications. A condensation, Polynomial rings and weak second-order logic, Finite quotients of the multiplicative group of a finite dimensional division algebra are solvable, On the efficiency of algorithms of analysis, The Connectedness of Symmetric and Skew-Symmetric Degeneracy Loci: Even Ranks, On the parallel complexity of linear groups, Heisenberg Manifolds and Theta Functions, Logarithmic derivatives of solutions to linear differential equations, Unnamed Item, The number of planar central configurations for the 4–body problem is finite when 3 mass positions are fixed, Computational complexity. On the geometry of polynomials and a theory of cost. I, Braids, Link Polynomials and a New Algebra, On the investigations of Ivan Prodanov in the theory of abstract spectra, Full signature invariants for $L_0(F(t))$, On Finite Division Rings, Algebraic Generation of Orthogonal Fractional Factorial Designs, About Emmy Noether, Equivariant Concordance of Invariant Knots, Chebyshev polynomials and Galois groups of De Moivre polynomials, When Does a Given Polynomial with Integer Coefficients Divide Another?, Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Uniqueness of the Characteristic Cauchy Problem for Differential Operators with Constant Coefficients, Order algebras: a quantitative model of interaction, Élimination des quantificateurs dans des paires de corps, The local catenativity of DOL-sequences in free commutative monoids is decidable in the binary case, No distribution is prime, Functional analysis and additive arithmetic functions, Unnamed Item, Jordan Groups and Automorphism Groups of Algebraic Varieties, Prime numbers and factorization in IE1 and weaker systems, Why All Rings Should Have a 1, The Cauchy problem for a first-order quasilinear equation in the class of Besicovitch almost periodic functions, Algebraic Extensions of Difference Fields, On o-minimal expansions of Archimedean ordered groups, On -units for valuations of the second degree in hyperelliptic fields, Symplectic structure in the enveloping algebra of a Lie algebra, Varieties of abelian quasigroups, A second almost subidempotent radical for rings. To the memory of Professor OTTÓ VARGA (1909–1969), On 𝐶𝑅-mappings between algebraic Cauchy-Riemann manifolds and separate algebraicity for holomorphic functions, Galois theory of aigebraic and differential equations, Structure Theory for a Class of Grade Four Gorenstein Ideals, Describing Groups, Unnamed Item, Classic and Quantum Error Correcting Codes, Quaternionic Kaehler Manifolds, Unnamed Item, Sous-groupes $H$-loxodromiques, Simultaneous embeddings of finite dimensional division algebras, Self-correcting for function fields of finite transcendental degree, Unnamed Item, On almost valuation ring pairs, Subnormal subgroups of group ring units, On the Discriminant of a Hyperelliptic Curve, Noetherian Subrings of Power Series Rings, On the irreducibility of the iterates of 𝑥ⁿ-𝑏, Liouvillian First Integrals of Differential Equations, On the relationship between Bilinear maps and linear two-dimensional maps, From Field Theoretic to Abstract Co-Galois Theory, Finite Rings with Applications, On model complete differential fields, Class groups of global function fields with certain splitting behaviors of the infinite prime, Polynomial extensions of IDF-domains and of IDPF-domains, The algebraist’s upper half-plane, Unnamed Item, Isometrically Invariant Extensions of Lebesgue Measure, The flat model structure on complexes of sheaves, Arboreal Cantor actions, Rational Points of Commutator Subgroups of Solvable Algebraic Groups, Approximating the jump discontinuities of a function by its Fourier-Jacobi coefficients, Fixed points and powers of self-maps of 𝐻-spaces, Commutative Regular Rings with Integral Closure, The fundamental theorem of algebra and complexity theory, On the Inverse Problem of Galois Theory, Graded-division algebras over arbitrary fields, Reduced and irreducible simple algebraic extensions of commutative rings, On the Order and Degree of Solutions to Pure Equations, Root systems in number fields, Construction d’une base de fonctions $P_1$ non conforme à divergence nulle dans $\mathbb {R}^3$, New convexity conditions in the calculus of variations and compensated compactness theory, Factoring with Cyclotomic Polynomials, Rational approximation to real points on quadratic hypersurfaces, Valuations on Meromorphic Functions of Bounded Type, La K-théorie stable, First Order Differential Closures of Certain Partially Ordered Fields, Fixed-Point-Free Actions on a Class of Abelian Groups, On the decay of viscosity solutions to Hamilton–Jacobi equations with almost periodic initial data, Alternating forms and the Brauer group of a geometric field, Small fields, Unnamed Item, A new proof of D. Popescu’s theorem on smoothing of ring homomorphisms, Decompositions of Linear Maps, Model-complete theories of e-free Ax fields, Three Identities between Stirling Numbers and the Stabilizing Character Sequence, Root lattices in number fields