scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3342731

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zbMath0215.58602MaRDI QIDQ5618987

Kenneth J. Arrow

Publication date: 1970

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Instrument effects and stochastic dominance, The probability premium: a graphical representation, Gender differentiation in risk-taking behavior: on the relative risk aversion of single men and single women, Theory of dynamic portfolio for survival under uncertainty, On the derivation of reinsurance premiums, Informal insurance networks, Entropic risk measures and their comparative statics in portfolio selection: coherence vs. convexity, Strategic asset allocation, A market structure for an environment with heterogeneous job-matches, indivisible labor and persistent unemployment, On the theory of risk aversion and the theory of risk, Optimal expected utility risk measures, Spot trading, efficiency, and differential information, On risk aversion under fuzzy random data, Possibilistic risk aversion in group decisions: theory with application in the insurance of giga-investments valued through the fuzzy pay-off method, An MCDM analysis of agricultural risk aversion., Symmetry axioms and 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theory with probability-dependent outcome valuation, Portfolio selection by mutual insurance companies and optimal participating insurance policies, Decision policies minimizing risk in a multistage betting game, Further remarks on measures of risk aversion and their uses, Separation theorems and expected utilities, Risk aversion, impatience, and optimal timing decisions, Multivariate constant risk posture, Increasing risk, On the periodic coordination of linear stochastic systems, Team decision theory and integral equations, Job search in a dynamic economy, The precautionary demand for money: A utility maximization approach, Portfolio selection with transactions costs, Least concave utility functions, Choice among distributions, A model of economic growth with altruism between generations, Wealth and the value of generalized lotteries, Stochastic specification of production functions and economic implications, Mutual fund separation in financial theory - the separating distributions, On arbitration schemes for a wealth distribution problem, The impact of uncertainty in a class of objective functions, A simple general equilibrium model of production: Comparative statics with price uncertainty, Further results on the informational efficiency of competitive stock markets, The role of insurance and gambling in allocating risk over time, Time preferences, conditional risk preference, and two-period cardinal utility, Ordering risks: expected utility theory versus Yaari's dual theory of risk, Would a risk-averse newsvendor order less at a higher selling price?, Uncertainty aversion in nonprobabilistic decision models, Complete monotonicity, background risk, and risk aversion, Optimal hedging under output price uncertainty, Risk aversion and the elasticity of substitution in general dynamic portfolio theory: consistent planning by forward looking, expected utility maximizing investors, Optimization of risk bearing in a statistical model with reinsurance, Multivariate comonotonicity, Asset pricing with incomplete information and fat tails, Possibilistic risk aversion, Stopping rules for utility functions and the St. Petersburg gamble, Variance vs downside risk: Is there really that much difference?, Optimal insurance design with random initial wealth, The topology of fear, A note on the generalised measures of risk aversion, On risk aversion with two risks, Decreasing absolute risk aversion and utility indices derived from cake- eating problems, Efficiency analysis of deductible insurance policies, The comparative statics of cumulative distribution function changes for the class of risk averse agents, Research in decision theory: A personal perspective, Risk aversion in \(n\)-person bargaining, Optimal insurance coverage in situations of pure and speculative risk and the risk-free asset, Incomplete markets, firms and the projection hypothesis, Safety-first analysis and stable Paretian approach to portfolio choice theory, Two-parameter decision models and rank-dependent expected utility, Consistency of mean-variance analysis and expected utility analysis. A complete characterization, Strategic behavior and the persistence of discrimination in professional baseball, On the risk-aversion comparability of state-dependent utility functions