scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3198571

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zbMath0122.39901MaRDI QIDQ5734920

Sigurdur Helgason

Publication date: 1964

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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Cartan's geometrie theory of partial differential equations, Orbital angular momentum and group representations, On a theorem of Anosov, Approximation theory on SU (2), Minimal codimension one foliation of a symmetric space by Damek-Ricci spaces, Représentation intégrale de certaines séries de fonctions sphériques d'un système de racines \(BC\). (Integral representation of certain series of spherical functions of a root system \(BC\)), Weyl quantization of symmetric spaces. I: Hyperbolic matrix domains, Disorienting patterns of motion, The bounded spherical functions on symmetric spaces, A character-theoretic criterion for a coset geometry to be a generalized polygon, Lattices of subalgebras of real Lie algebras, Conformal internal symmetry of 2d \(\sigma \)-models coupled to gravity and a dilaton, Geometry of spinors, Deformations of balls in Schiffer's conjecture for Riemannian symmetric spaces, On Riemannian symmetric spaces of rank one, One-parameter groups generated by operators in an enveloping algebra, A duality for symmetric spaces with applications to group representations, On the boundary spectrum of contractions in Minkowski spaces, Convexity theorem for isoparametric submanifolds, Lipschitz spaces on compact manifolds, Holonomy groups of four-dimensional pseudo-Riemann spaces, Representations of the principal series of a complex semisimple Lie group, Limits of holomorphic discrete series, Homogeneous manifolds with intrinsic metric. II, Local forms of invariant differential operators. I, Some regularity theorems for operators in an enveloping algebra, Estimates of the solutions to invariant hyperbolic systems of the first order, Intertwining operators and unitary representations. I, On \(C^\infty\)-vectors and intertwining bilinear forms for representations of Lie groups, Control systems on Lie groups, \(G/H\) M-branes and \(\text{AdS}_{p+2}\) geometries, \(N=8\) gaugings revisited: an exhaustive classification., Growth of connected locally compact groups, BFV quantization on Hermitian symmetric spaces, \(N=8\) BPS black holes with \(1/2\) or \(1/4\) supersymmetry and solvable Lie algebra decompositions, A separable group having a discrete dual space is compact, Essential self-adjointness of powers of generators of hyperbolic equations, A model for an interacting quantum field, On the Ricci curvature of homogeneous metrics on noncompact homogeneous spaces, The Poisson kernel of positively curved manifolds, Conformally invariant differential equations and projective geometry, Dualistic differential geometry of positive definite matrices and its applications to related problems, Representations of certain solvable Lie groups on Hilbert spaces of holomorphic functions and the application to the holomorphic discrete series of a semisimple Lie group, Quasi-bialgebras and dynamical \(r\)-matrices, Central measures on compact simple Lie groups, Sur un théorème de Paley-Wiener associe à la décomposition spectrale d'un opérateur de Sturm-Liouville sur \([0, \infty\)], The parameter space of orbits of a maximal compact subgroup acting on a flag manifold, On the Lebesgue constants, Analysis on flat symmetric spaces, Characteristic polynomials of random Hermitian matrices and Duistermaat-Heckman localisation on non-compact Kähler manifolds, On irreducible representations of the ultrahyperbolic BMS group, The weighted composition operators as intertwining operators for holomorphic Lie group representations, Multiplicative nonholonomic/Newton-like algorithm, Non-compact quantum groups and quantum Harish-Chandra modules, Matrix valued spherical functions associated to the complex projective plane, One-dimensional representations of \({U(p,q)}\) and the Howe correspondence, Branching coefficients of holomorphic representations and Segal-Bargmann transform, Bochner formulae for orthogonal \(G\)-structures on compact manifolds., On the invariant theory and geometry of compact linear groups of cohomogeneity \(\leq 3\), Curvature-orbits and locally homogeneous Riemannian manifolds, Asymptotic windings of Brownian motion around the windings in a compact Riemannian variety of dimension 3, On the centralizer of \(K\) in the universal enveloping algebra of \(\text{SO}(n,1)\) and \(\text{SU}(n,1)\), Endomorphisms of \(\mathcal{B(H)}\). II: Finitely correlated states on \(\mathcal{O}_n\), Harmonic maps into Lie groups and homogeneous spaces, Holomorphic discrete series for hyperboloids of Hermitian type, Duality of algebras with an involution and generalized shift operators, \(E_{7(7)}\) duality, BPS black-hole evolution and fixed scalars, Hua operators on bounded homogeneous domains in \(\mathbb{C}^ n\) and alternative reproducing kernels for holomorphic functions, Double coset decompositions of reductive Lie groups arising from two involutions, Asymptotic expansion and generalized Schläfli integral representation for the eigenfunction of a singular second-order differential operator, Classifications of bundle connection pairs by parallel translation and lassos, Quantization of constrained systems with singularities using Rieffel induction, One-dimensional hypergroups, On Howe's duality theorem, Lie-CR-structures on a real Lie algebra, Spherical functions on a real semisimple Lie group. A method of reduction to the complex case, Qualitative behavior of special functions on compact symmetric spaces, On T-accretive operators, Global solvability of the Laplacians on pseudo-Riemannian symmetric spaces, Restrictions and expansions of holomorphic representations, A duality for symmetric spaces with applications to group representations. III: Tangent space analysis, Complex and quaternionic analyticity in chiral and gauge theories. I, Uniform topologies on enveloping algebras, Proper actions and pseudo-Riemannian space forms, Espaces \(H^ p\) au dessus de l'espace hermitien hyperbolique de \(C^ n\) (\(n>1\)). II, Vanishing theorems for Lie algebra cohomology and the cohomology of discrete subgroups of semisimple Lie groups, Distributions de type K-positif sur l'espace tangent, On the rate of change of spectra of operators. II, On the minimum time map, Riemann's contribution to differential geometry, Multiplicative partial integration and the Trotter product formula, On the failure of spectral synthesis for compact semisimple Lie groups, An overdetermined Neumann problem in the unit disk, Norms of zonal spherical functions and Fourier series on compact symmetric spaces, BMO in the Bergman metric on bounded symmetric domains, Logarithmic Sobolev inequalities on loop groups, Some forms of Kac-Moody algebras, Controllability of bilinear systems, The Maslov index on the simply connected covering group and the metaplectic representation, Simply connected compact standard homogeneous Einstein manifolds, Connected subgroups of the Poincaré group. I, Zonal measure algebras on isotropy irreducible homogeneous spaces, Sur les groupes de Lie nilpotents, Lie algebras of infinitesimal norm isometries, A new kind of inequality for Bessel functions, The horospheric approach to harmonic analysis on a semi-simple Lie group, The Klein-Gordon operator in conformal space, Coherent states and bounded homogeneous domains, The spherical Bochner theorem on semisimple Lie groups, Representations of differential operators on a Lie group, An example of a Riemannian manifold, diffeomorphic to a Euclidean space, whose spheres of fixed radius have nonuniformly bounded volumes, Harmonic analysis on real reductive groups. I: The theory of the constant term, A transitivity problem from control theory, Symmetric nonself-adjoint operators in an enveloping algebra, An extension of the Kakutani-Beboutov system, The algebraic CM (3) model, Bessel functions and representation theory. I, Topological invariants of the maximal ideal space of a Banach algebra, The structural consideration of the tangent bundle \(T(M_2)\) with \(g^M\) over a Riemannian manifold \(M_n\), Properties of dilatations and conformal transformations in Minkowski space, Singular Cauchy problems in symmetric spaces, An identity for T-ordered exponentials with applications to quantum mechanics, Signal detection for bilinear systems, Regular conjugate classes in some groups of flows, Curvatures of left invariant metrics on Lie groups, Conjugacy classes in linear groups, Local ternary quasigroups associated with a 4-web of multidimensional surfaces, Self-adjointness of the Beltrami-Laplace operator on a complete paracompact Riemannian manifold without boundary, A duality for symmetric spaces with applications to group representations. II: Differential equations and eigenspace representations, Approximation on compact Riemannian globally symmetric manifolds of rank one, Control in conservative dynamical systems: Recurrence and capture in aperiodic fields, Linearization of analytic vector fields in the transitive case, Positive operators and automorphism groups of bounded symmetric domains, Real slices of complex space-time in general relativity, On a condition characterizing the Lorentz and Galilei groups, On fundamental groups of complete affinely flat manifolds, Group theoretic nature of certain recursion relations for singular Cauchy problems, The automorphisms of convolution algebras of \(C^\infty\) functions, Minimal K-types for certain representations of real semisimple groups, Generalized Verma modules, the Cartan-Helgason theorem, and the Harish- Chandra homomorphism, Co-adjoint action determines parameters of transitive mechanical systems, Analytic continuation of the Fourier series on connected compact Lie groups, Distribution representations of Lie groups, Elementary representations and intertwining operators for the group SU*(4), Spectra of domains in compact manifolds, Positive definite distributions on \(K\setminus G/K\), Analysis on real hyperbolic spaces, Eigenfunctions on symmetric spaces with distribution-valued boundary forms, Relative continuum mechanics in general relativity. I: Kinematical foundations, Hypoellipticity on the Heisenberg group, \(L^1\) estimates for maximal functions and Riesz transform on real rank 1 semisimple Lie groups, P. A. Shirokov's work on the geometry of symmetric spaces, Unitary representations of Lie groups with reflection symmetry, The Berezin form for rank one para-Hermitian symmetric spaces, Laguerre ensemble and integrable systems, Short time behavior of Hermite functions on compact Lie groups, Double quantization of \(\mathbb{C}\mathbb{P}^n\) type orbits by generalized Verma modules, Fields without spin structures and their applications in differential geometry and physics, On the Cartan decomposition for classical random matrix ensembles, Trace class groups: the case of semi-direct products, Representation of Lie algebra \({\mathcal T}_3\) and generalized Bessel functions, Ricci soliton and pseudo-Einstein real hypersurfaces in the complex hyperbolic quadric, Random walk on spheres, The Lebesgue constants on projective spaces, Chow transformation of coherent sheaves, Reductions in finite-dimensional integrable systems and special points of classical r-matrices, Characterization of Dini Lipschitz functions in terms of their Helgason transform, Geometric formulation of the Cauchy invariants for incompressible Euler flow in flat and curved spaces, Mostow's decomposition theorem for \(L^\ast\)-groups and applications to affine coadjoint orbits and stable manifolds, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck operators and holomorphic representations for a class of bounded symmetric domains, Szabos algorithm and applications, Counting orbits of certain infinitely generated non-sharp discontinuous groups for the anti-de Sitter space, The central limit problem for geodesic random walks, The injectivity radius and shortest arcs of the oblate ellipsoid of revolution, Croissance et mouvements browniens d'un groupe de Lie nilpotent et simplement connexe, Infinite-Dimensional Multiplicity-Free Spaces I: Limits of Compact Commutative Spaces, Gaussian processes on compact symmetric spaces, Analysis on Lie groups, On \(\delta \)-homogeneous Riemannian manifolds, On algebraic cycles on a fibre product of families of K3-surfaces, The Golden-Thompson inequality: Historical aspects and random matrix applications, Supersymmetry and first order equations for extremal states: Monopoles, hyperinstantons, black holes and \(p\)-branes, Some applications of plurisubharmonic functions to orbits of real reductive groups, On the generators of semisimple Lie algebras, The Ginibre evolution in the large-N limit, Spherical means on two-point homogeneous spaces and applications, Homogeneous domains in the space of complex structures, General integrable n-level, many-mode Janes-Cummings-Dicke models and classical r-matrices with spectral parameters, Connections with irreducible holonomy representations, Controllability of nonlinear systems, Lie triple systems, restricted Lie triple systems, and algebraic groups, Geometry of WZW orientifolds, Small-time asymptotics of Hermite functions on compact symmetric spaces, Invariant subspaces, quasi-invariant subspaces, and Hankel operators., On subsemigroups of semisimple Lie groups, Scalar–spinor fields interaction in de Sitter ambient space formalism, \(CR\)-structures on a real Lie algebra