The following pages link to Publications Mathématiques (Q177919):
Displaying 50 items.
- On two geometric realizations of an affine Hecke algebra (Q301602) (← links)
- Riemann-Hilbert correspondence for holonomic \(\mathcal{D}\)-modules (Q301604) (← links)
- Lagrangian fibrations on blowups of toric varieties and mirror symmetry for hypersurfaces (Q301606) (← links)
- Effectivity of Iitaka fibrations and pluricanonical systems of polarized pairs (Q301608) (← links)
- The hyperbolic Ax-Lindemann-Weierstraß conjecture (Q301610) (← links)
- Erratum to: ``Holonomic D-modules on abelian varieties'' (Q301612) (← links)
- Ramification theory for varieties over a local field (Q351676) (← links)
- A variational approach to complex Monge-Ampère equations (Q351678) (← links)
- Constant mean curvature surfaces in warped product manifolds (Q351679) (← links)
- Shifted symplectic structures (Q351680) (← links)
- Geometric phantom categories (Q351682) (← links)
- The image of Colmez's Montreal functor (Q384269) (← links)
- Virtually free pro-\(p\) groups. (Q384270) (← links)
- Cherednik algebras, \(W\)-algebras and the equivariant cohomology of the moduli space of instantons on \(\mathbb A^2\) (Q384273) (← links)
- A category of kernels for equivariant factorizations and its implications for Hodge theory (Q483506) (← links)
- Affine Mirković-Vilonen polytopes (Q483508) (← links)
- Sum of Lyapunov exponents of the Hodge bundle with respect to the Teichmüller geodesic flow (Q483509) (← links)
- The space of metrics of positive scalar curvature (Q483510) (← links)
- Teichmüller curves in genus three and just likely intersections in \(\mathbf{G}_{m}^{n}\times\mathbf{G}_{a}^{n}\) (Q507685) (← links)
- Relative Stanley-Reisner theory and upper bound theorems for Minkowski sums (Q507686) (← links)
- On the Fukaya category of a Fano hypersurface in projective space (Q507687) (← links)
- Diffeomorphisms with positive metric entropy (Q507688) (← links)
- \(C^ k\)-conjugacy of holomorphic flows near a singularity (Q579674) (← links)
- Quadratic vector fields in the plane have a finite number of limit cycles (Q579704) (← links)
- Algebra cochains and cyclic cohomology (Q581892) (← links)
- Topological quantum field theories (Q583637) (← links)
- Hyperbolic 4-manifolds and conformally flat 3-manifolds (Q583662) (← links)
- Hyperbolic 4-manifolds and tesselations (Q583664) (← links)
- Ergodic theory, semisimple Lie groups, and foliations by manifolds of negative curvature (Q585588) (← links)
- C*-algebras, positive scalar curvature, and the Novikov conjecture (Q594399) (← links)
- Motivic Eilenberg-MacLane spaces (Q633559) (← links)
- The unipotent motivic fundamental group of \(\mathbf G_m - \mu_N\), for \(N=2,3,4,6\) or \(8\) (Q633560) (← links)
- Drinfeld associators, braid groups and explicit solutions of the Kashiwara-Vergne equations (Q633562) (← links)
- A geometric criterion for generating the Fukaya category (Q633563) (← links)
- Flat forms, bi-Lipschitz parametrizations, and smoothability of manifolds (Q642112) (← links)
- Stability and absence of binding for multi-polaron systems (Q642113) (← links)
- Exponential rarefaction of real curves with many components (Q642114) (← links)
- Khovanov homology is an unknot-detector (Q642117) (← links)
- On the hyperbolicity of general hypersurfaces (Q679649) (← links)
- \(C^*\)-simplicity and the unique trace property for discrete groups (Q679650) (← links)
- Calabi-Yau manifolds with isolated conical singularities (Q679651) (← links)
- Percolation of random nodal lines (Q679652) (← links)
- A viscosity method in the min-max theory of minimal surfaces (Q679653) (← links)
- Flat surfaces and stability structures (Q679655) (← links)
- Stable blow up dynamics for the critical co-rotational wave maps and equivariant Yang-Mills problems (Q691687) (← links)
- Cohomological Hasse principle and motivic cohomology for arithmetic schemes (Q691688) (← links)
- On representations distinguished by unitary groups (Q691689) (← links)
- Existence of log canonical flips and a special LMMP (Q691690) (← links)
- Families of rationally simply connected varieties over surfaces and torsors for semisimple groups (Q691692) (← links)
- Differential forms on log canonical spaces (Q691693) (← links)