Publication | Date of Publication | Type |
The growth rate of senile plaques is determined by the competition between the rate of deposition of free A\(\beta\) aggregates into plaques and the autocatalytic production of free A\(\beta\) aggregates | 2024-08-28 | Paper |
Numerical modeling of senile plaque development under conditions of limited diffusivity of amyloid-\(\beta\) monomers | 2024-06-12 | Paper |
Lewy body radius growth: hypothesis of the cube root of time dependency | 2024-04-03 | Paper |
An analytical solution simulating growth of Lewy bodies | 2022-09-14 | Paper |
Bidirectional, unlike unidirectional transport, allows transporting axonal cargos against their concentration gradient | 2022-06-21 | Paper |
The evolution of turbulent micro-vortices and their effect on convection heat transfer in porous media | 2022-05-19 | Paper |
Can the lack of fibrillar form of alpha-synuclein in Lewy bodies be explained by its catalytic activity? | 2022-03-22 | Paper |
Model of drug delivery to populations composed of two cell types | 2022-01-20 | Paper |
Modelling transport and mean age of dense core vesicles in large axonal arbours | 2021-10-29 | Paper |
How old are dense-core vesicles residing in en passant boutons: simulation of the mean age of dense-core vesicles in axonal arbours accounting for resident and transiting vesicle populations | 2021-10-29 | Paper |
Symmetry breaking of turbulent flow in porous media composed of periodically arranged solid obstacles | 2021-10-25 | Paper |
A macroscopic two-length-scale model for natural convection in porous media driven by a species-concentration gradient | 2021-10-05 | Paper |
Position-space representation of charged particles' propagators in a constant magnetic field as an expansion over Landau levels | 2021-05-12 | Paper |
Modeling tau transport in the axon initial segment | 2020-10-22 | Paper |
Coordinate-space representation of a charged scalar particle propagator in a constant magnetic field expanded as a sum over the Landau levels | 2020-10-11 | Paper |
Charged massive vector boson propagator in a constant magnetic field in arbitrary $\xi$-gauge obtained using the modified Fock-Schwinger method | 2020-08-18 | Paper |
Effects of pore scale on the macroscopic properties of natural convection in porous media | 2020-04-06 | Paper |
Simulating the effect of formation of amyloid plaques on aggregation of tau protein | 2019-11-19 | Paper |
Simulating tubulin-associated unit transport in an axon: using bootstrapping for estimating confidence intervals of best-fit parameter values obtained from indirect experimental data | 2019-01-04 | Paper |
How the formation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles may be related: a mathematical modelling study | 2018-12-04 | Paper |
What mechanisms of tau protein transport could be responsible for the inverted tau concentration gradient in degenerating axons? | 2018-10-11 | Paper |
An exact solution describing slow axonal transport of cytoskeletal elements: the effect of a finite half-life | 2017-09-29 | Paper |
Utilization of the bootstrap method for determining confidence intervals of parameters for a model of MAP1B protein transport in axons | 2017-09-07 | Paper |
The onset of bio‐thermal convection induced by a combined effect of gyrotactic and oxytactic microorganisms | 2017-02-28 | Paper |
What can trigger the onset of Parkinson's disease -- A modeling study based on a compartmental model of \(\alpha\)-synuclein transport and aggregation in neurons | 2016-09-07 | Paper |
Can an increase in neuropeptide production in the soma lead to DCV circulation in axon terminals with type III en passant boutons? | 2015-12-21 | Paper |
Approximate modelling of the leftward flow and morphogen transport in the embryonic node by specifying vorticity at the ciliated surface | 2015-10-23 | Paper |
A comparison between the diffusion–reaction and slow axonal transport models for predicting tau distribution along an axon | 2015-10-02 | Paper |
Modeling neuropeptide transport in various types of nerve terminals containing en passant boutons | 2015-05-06 | Paper |
Nanofluid bioconvection: interaction of microorganisms oxytactic upswimming, nanoparticle distribution, and heating/cooling from below | 2014-07-03 | Paper |
What tau distribution maximizes fast axonal transport toward the axonal synapse? | 2014-06-10 | Paper |
Analytical comparison between Nixon-Logvinenko's and Jung-Brown's theories of slow neurofilament transport in axons | 2014-02-27 | Paper |
Modelling of axonal cargo rerouting in a dendrite | 2013-10-18 | Paper |
Nanofluid bio-thermal convection: simultaneous effects of gyrotactic and oxytactic micro-organisms | 2013-03-21 | Paper |
Non-oscillatory and oscillatory nanofluid bio-thermal convection in a horizontal layer of finite depth | 2013-03-07 | Paper |
The effects of combined horizontal and vertical heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a porous medium with horizontal throughflow | 2012-01-13 | Paper |
Investigation of the role of diffusivity on spreading, rate, and merging of the bell-shaped waves in slow axonal transport | 2011-08-23 | Paper |
Modeling bidirectional transport of quantum dot nanoparticles in membrane nanotubes | 2011-08-04 | Paper |
The onset of convection in a tridisperse porous medium | 2011-07-13 | Paper |
The Cheng-Minkowycz problem for natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a tridisperse porous medium | 2011-07-13 | Paper |
A three-velocity three-temperature model for a tridisperse porous medium: Forced convection in a channel | 2011-06-24 | Paper |
The Cheng-Minkowycz problem for the double-diffusive natural convective boundary layer flow in a porous medium saturated by a nanofluid | 2011-02-02 | Paper |
Comparison of active transport in neuronal axons and dendrites | 2011-01-31 | Paper |
Forced convection in a channel partly occupied by a bidisperse porous medium: asymmetric case | 2010-12-01 | Paper |
Comparison between numerically simulated and experimentally measured flowfield quantities behind a pulsejet | 2010-09-16 | Paper |
The onset of convection in a horizontal nanofluid layer of finite depth | 2010-09-02 | Paper |
Effect of vesicle traps on traffic jam formation in fast axonal transport | 2010-09-02 | Paper |
The cheng-minkowycz problem for cellular porous materials: effect of temperature-dependent conductivity arising from radiative transfer | 2010-07-20 | Paper |
Forced convection in cellular porous materials: effect of temperature-dependent conductivity arising from radiative transfer | 2010-07-20 | Paper |
The onset of convection in a bidisperse porous medium | 2010-06-30 | Paper |
Thermally developing forced convection in a channel occupied by a porous medium saturated by a non-Newtonian fluid | 2010-06-24 | Paper |
Forced convective cooling via acoustic streaming in a narrow channel established by a vibrating piezoelectric bimorph | 2010-06-21 | Paper |
Investigation of stability of a laminar flow in a parallel-plate channel filled with a fluid saturated porous medium | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
Modeling of particle trajectories in an electrostatically charged channel | 2010-04-22 | Paper |
The Cheng-Minkowycz problem for natural convective boundary-layer flow in a porous medium saturated by a nanofluid | 2009-12-21 | Paper |
Thermal instability in a porous medium layer saturated by a nanofluid | 2009-12-21 | Paper |
Instability of a slip flow in a curved channel formed by two concentric cylindrical surfaces | 2009-12-09 | Paper |
A macroscopic model of traffic jams in axons | 2009-05-07 | Paper |
The method of separation of variables for solving equations describing molecular-motor-assisted transport of intracellular particles in a dendrite or axon | 2009-01-23 | Paper |
A bioheat transfer model: Forced convection in a channel occupied by a porous medium with counterflow | 2008-12-04 | Paper |
Modeling traffic jams in intracellular transport in axons | 2008-12-04 | Paper |
The effects of combined horizontal and vertical heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a porous medium: Moderate heterogeneity | 2008-06-10 | Paper |
Natural convection about a vertical plate embedded in a bidisperse porous medium | 2008-05-14 | Paper |
Thermal in vivo skin electroporation pore development and charged macromolecule transdermal delivery: A numerical study of the influence of chemically enhanced lower lipid phase transition temperatures | 2008-05-14 | Paper |
The effect of combined vertical and horizontal heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a bidisperse porous medium | 2007-06-29 | Paper |
Effect of Fouling on Stability of Bioconvection of Gyrotactic Microorganisms in a Porous Medium | 2007-05-11 | Paper |
Investigation of the onset of bioconvection in a suspension of oxytactic microorganisms subjected to high-frequency vertical vibration | 2007-04-26 | Paper |
The effects of combined horizontal and vertical heterogeneity on the onset of convection in a porous medium | 2007-04-26 | Paper |
Thermal damage reduction associated with in vivo skin electroporation: a numerical investigation justifying aggressive pre-cooling | 2007-01-22 | Paper |
Investigation of the onset of thermo-bioconvection in a suspension of oxytactic microorganisms in a shallow fluid layer heated from below | 2006-09-12 | Paper |
Numerical modeling of a falling bioconvection plume in a porous medium | 2006-06-30 | Paper |
The onset of thermo-bioconvection in a shallow fluid saturated porous layer heated from below in a suspension of oxytactic microorganisms | 2006-04-06 | Paper |
Forced convection in a helical pipe filled with a saturated porous medium | 2005-11-22 | Paper |
Forced convection in a bi-disperse porous medium channel: a conjugate problem | 2005-11-22 | Paper | | 2005-10-04 | Paper |
Effect of Suspended Particles on Couple-Stress Fluid Heated and Soluted from Below in Porous Medium | 2005-09-26 | Paper |
Effect of Turbulence on Forced Convection in a Composite Tube Partly Filled with a Porous Medium | 2005-09-26 | Paper |
Effects of Gross Heterogeneity and Anisotropy in Forced Convection in a Porous Medium: Layered Medium Analysis | 2004-11-19 | Paper | | 2004-09-21 | Paper |
The effect of deposition and declogging on the critical permeability in bioconvection in a porous medium | 2004-08-31 | Paper |
Boundary-layer analysis of forced convection with a plate and porous substrate | 2004-08-31 | Paper |
Thermally Developing Forced Convection in a Porous Medium: Parallel-Plate Channel or Circular Tube with Walls at Constant Heat Flux | 2004-08-24 | Paper |
Effects of Temperature-Dependent Viscosity in Forced Convection in a Porous Medium: Layered-Medium Analysis | 2004-08-24 | Paper | | 2004-08-10 | Paper |
Effects of Heterogeneity in Forced Convection in a Porous Medium: Parallel-Plate Channel, Asymmetric Property Variation, and Asymmetric Heating | 2004-03-21 | Paper |
Numerical study of the efficiency of acoustic streaming for enhancing heat transfer between two parallel beams | 2004-01-14 | Paper |
Thermally developing forced convection in a porous medium: Parallel plate channel with walls at uniform temperature, with axial conduction and viscous dissipation effects. | 2003-07-30 | Paper |
Development of low-diffusion flux-splitting methods for dense gas-solid flows. | 2003-05-20 | Paper |
Effect of local thermal non-equilibrium on thermally developing forced convection in a porous medium | 2003-05-14 | Paper |
Forced Convection in a Couette Flow in a Composite Duct: An Analysis of Thermal Dispersion and Non-Darcian Effects | 2002-09-24 | Paper |
Analytical investigation of forced convection from a flat plate enhanced by a porous substrate | 2002-08-28 | Paper |
Comparison between lever and Scheil rules for modeling of microporosity formation during solidification | 2002-08-19 | Paper |
Symmetry of turbulent boundary-layer flows: Investigation of different eddy viscosity models | 2002-03-10 | Paper |
Influence of thermal dispersion on forced convection in a composite parallel-plate channel. | 2001-12-05 | Paper |
Investigation of the effect of transverse thermal dispersion on forced convection in porous media | 2001-08-30 | Paper | | 2001-06-25 | Paper | | 2001-05-15 | Paper |
Fluid flow and heat transfer analysis of Couette flow in a composite duct | 2001-01-30 | Paper |
Numerical simulation of the effect of thermal dispersion on forced convection in a circular duct partly filled with a Brinkman‐Forchheimer porous medium | 2001-01-11 | Paper |
The interaction of thermal nonequilibrium and heterogeneous conductivity effects in forced convection in layered porous channels | 2001-01-01 | Paper |
Local thermal nonequilibrium effects in forced convection in a porous medium channel: A conjugate problem | 2000-11-12 | Paper |
Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer in the Interface Region Between a Porous Medium and a Fluid Layer: A Boundary Layer Solution | 2000-09-10 | Paper |
Analytical investigation of Couette flow in a composite channel partially filled with a porous medium and partially with a clear fluid | 2000-07-19 | Paper |
Analytical study of fluid flow and heat transfer during forced convection in a composite channel partly filled with a Brinkman-Forchheimer porous medium | 2000-06-07 | Paper |
Simulation of coupled turbulent flow and heat transfer in the wedge-shaped pool of a twin-roll strip casting process. | 2000-01-01 | Paper |
Effects of heterogeneity in forced convection in a porous medium: parallel plate channel or circular duct | 2000-01-01 | Paper |
A perturbation solution for heating a rectangular sensible heat storage packed bed with a constant temperature at the walls | 1999-11-08 | Paper |
Investigation of the coupled heat transfer, fluid flow and the solute transport during the strip casting process | 1999-10-06 | Paper |
Development and investigation of three-phase model of the mushy zone for analysis of porosity formation in solidifying castings | 1999-08-31 | Paper |
Analytical investigation of heat transfer in Couette flow through a porous medium utilizing the Brinkman-Forchheimer-extended Darcy model | 1999-06-27 | Paper | | 1999-04-29 | Paper |
Optimal control of the heat storage in a porous slab | 1999-04-27 | Paper |
An investigation of a wave of temperature difference between solid and fluid phases in a porous packed bed | 1998-09-21 | Paper |
Thermal nonequilibrium, non-darcian forced convection in a channel filled with a fluid saturated porous medium—A perturbation solution | 1998-07-20 | Paper |
Determination of the Optimal Rate of Heat Generation for Conductive Heating of a One‐Dimensional Slab | 1998-04-22 | Paper |
Analytical investigation of the fluid flow in the interface region between a porous medium and a clear fluid in channels partially filled with a porous medium | 1998-02-19 | Paper |
Investigation of a Non‐Thermal Equilibrium Flow of an Incompressible Fluid in a Cylindrical Tube Filled with Porous Media | 1997-10-28 | Paper |
Determination of the optimal initial temperature distribution in a porous bed | 1997-09-21 | Paper |
Stochastic modeling of heating of a one-dimensional porous slab by a flow of incompressible fluid | 1996-10-31 | Paper |
An analytical solution for heating a two-dimensional porous packed bed by a non-thermal equilibrium fluid flow | 1996-05-22 | Paper |