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COBRA: a combined regression strategy ⋮ Combining a relaxed EM algorithm with Occam's razor for Bayesian variable selection in high-dimensional regression ⋮ Bayesian structure learning in sparse Gaussian graphical models ⋮ A dependent Dirichlet process model for survival data with competing risks ⋮ Local R-linear convergence of ADMM-based algorithm for \(\ell_1\)-norm minimization with linear and box constraints ⋮ Bivariate box plots based on quantile regression curves ⋮ Normal variance mixtures: distribution, density and parameter estimation ⋮ Boosting multi-state models ⋮ Editors' introduction to the special issue ``Bayes factors for testing hypotheses in psychological research: practical relevance and new developments ⋮ The philosophy of Bayes factors and the quantification of statistical evidence ⋮ Model selection for factorial Gaussian graphical models with an application to dynamic regulatory networks ⋮ Shrinkage of dispersion parameters in the binomial family, with application to differential exon skipping ⋮ Consistency of cluster analysis for cognitive diagnosis: the reduced reparameterized unified model and the general diagnostic model ⋮ A proof of the duality of the DINA model and the DINO model ⋮ Design of blurring mean-shift algorithms for data classification ⋮ Ordered spatial sampling by means of the traveling salesman problem ⋮ Bootstrap variance estimation for complex survey data: a quasi Monte Carlo approach ⋮ Introduction to data analysis and graphical presentation in biostatistics with R. Statistics in the large ⋮ Local adaptation and genetic effects on fitness: calculations for exponential family models with random effects ⋮ Bayesian model search and multilevel inference for SNP association studies ⋮ Hidden Markov models with mixtures as emission distributions ⋮ Fuzzy geometric programming approach in multivariate stratified sample surveys under two stage randomized response model ⋮ A minimum distance estimator in an imprecise probability model -- computational aspects and applications ⋮ Modeling infectious disease parameters based on serological and social contact data. A modern statistical perspective. ⋮ Frequentist and Bayesian measures of confidence via multiscale bootstrap for testing three regions ⋮ \texttt{TopKLists}: a comprehensive \texttt{R} package for statistical inference, stochastic aggregation, and visualization of multiple omics ranked lists ⋮ Adjusting for spurious gene-by-environment interaction using case-parent triads ⋮ Lambert \(W\) random variables -- a new family of generalized skewed distributions with applications to risk estimation ⋮ Wild binary segmentation for multiple change-point detection ⋮ Comparing segmentation methods for genome annotation based on RNA-seq data ⋮ Generalized random forests ⋮ Improved Laplace approximation for marginal likelihoods ⋮ TIGER: A tuning-insensitive approach for optimally estimating Gaussian graphical models ⋮ Particle filters for partially-observed Boolean dynamical systems ⋮ A robust approach for estimating change-points in the mean of an \(\mathrm{AR}(1)\) process ⋮ Least squares 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An unsupervised approach based on reduction of dimensionality ⋮ Permutation tests for between-unit fixed effects in multivariate generalized linear mixed models ⋮ The discriminative functional mixture model for a comparative analysis of bike sharing systems ⋮ A fast algorithm for manifold learning by posing it as a symmetric diagonally dominant linear system
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