scientific article; zbMATH DE number 3244873

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zbMath0152.32902MaRDI QIDQ5531996

Jacques Dixmier

Publication date: 1964

Title: zbMATH Open Web Interface contents unavailable due to conflicting licenses.

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I, Noncommutative geometry and motives: the thermodynamics of endomotives, On spectral characterizations of amenability, The cohomology of the classical and quantum Weyl CCR in curved spaces, On the theory of topological radicals, Zwei Anwendungen der Bruhatschen Funktion, A unified approach to concrete Plancherel theory of homogeneous spaces, Beyond irreducibility and back, The primitive dual spaces of \([FC\)-groups], Algebras of Toeplitz operators on the \(n\)-dimensional unit ball, Schoenberg's theorem for real and complex Hilbert spheres revisited, Algebras generated by Toeplitz operators on the Hardy space over the Siegel domain, Manuilov algebra, \(C^\ast\)-Hilbert modules, and Kuiper type theorems, From SU(2) gauge theory to qubits on the fuzzy sphere, Relative convolutions. I: Properties and applications, Playing with fidelities, On the irreducibility of induced representations of some groupoid \(C^*\)-algebras, Integrable and proper actions on \(C^*\)-algebras, and square-integrable representations of groups, Sub-Laplacians of holomorphic \(L^p\)-type on rank one AN-groups and related solvable groups, Groups with irreducibly unfaithful subsets for unitary representations, A unified view of space-time covariance functions through Gelfand pairs, Representations, convolution square roots and spherical vectors, Algebras generated by Toeplitz operators on the unit sphere. II: Non commutative case, A solution of the maximality problem for one-parameter dynamical systems, Unbounded \(C^{\ast}\)-seminorms, biweights, and \(^{\ast}\)-representations of partial \(^{\ast}\)-algebras: A review, Orthogonal expansions related to compact Gelfand pairs, A Lévy-Khinchin formula for the space of infinite dimensional square complex matrices, \(C^\ast\)-dynamical systems of solvable Lie groups, On weakly central \(C^*\)-algebras, C\(^*\)-algebraic intertwiners for degenerate principal series of special linear groups, \(\mathcal{Z}\) is universal, Central idempotent measures on connected locally compact groups, Decomposition rank and absorbing extensions of type I algebras, On \(k\)-decomposability of positive maps, Characters of Lie groups: traceability and certain semidirect products, Thin buildings., Induced representations and finite volume homogeneous spaces, Intertwining operators for representations induced from uniform subgroups, Annihilator Banach *-algebras and the Peter-Weyl theorem, The \(C^*\)-algebra of the Heisenberg motion groups \(\mathbb{T}^n\times\mathbb{H}_n\), Topological aspects of algebras of unbounded operators, Tensor products of operator algebras, Algebras of Toeplitz operator on the three-dimensional Siegel domain, Extensions of pure states in normed spaces, Equilibrium states of a semi-quantum lattice system, Ideals of \(A(G)\) and bimodules over maximal abelian selfadjoint algebras, Representation and index theory for \(C^*\)-algebras generated by commuting isometries, Some remarks on C*-dynamical systems with a compact abelian group, Degenerate principal series representations of \(\mathrm{SO}(p+1,p)\), Isomorphisms of UHF-algebras, A Gelfand-Neumark theorem for Jordan algebras, The Plancherel formula for parabolic subgroups of the classical groups, On algebras of operators of finite rank, On the \(K\)-theory of some \(C^*\)-algebras of Toeplitz and singular integral operators, Structure spaces of approximately finite-dimensional C*-algebras. II, Inverse-closedness of subalgebras of integral operators with almost periodic kernels, Derivations and automorphisms of operator algebras. II, On some \(C^ *\)-algebras considered by Glimm, Some applications of tensor products of partially-ordered linear spaces, On structure spaces and extensions of \(C^ *\)-algebras, On weak and monotone \(\sigma\)-closures of \(C^ *\)-algebras, Symmetric states of infinite tensor products of \(C^ *\)-algebras, Harmonic analysis on \(SL(n,C)\), Spectral theory of algebras and adjunction of identity, Allgemeine Eigenfunktionsentwicklungen, unitäre Darstellungen lokalkompakter Gruppen und automorphe Funktionen, Invariant states and asymptotic abelianness, \(L^ p\) matrix coefficients for nilpotent Lie groups, The Penney-Fujiwara Plancherel formula for Gelfand pairs, Sur les caractères des groupes de Lie. 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I, Die Epimorphismen der Ringe von Operatoren, The general Stone-Weierstrass problem, Structure in simplexes. II, Einige Bemerkungen über Projektionsoperatoren, Transcendental quasi-nilpotents in operator algebras, 1-cohomologie des représentations unitaires des groupes de Lie semi-simples et résolubles. Produits tensoriels continus de représentations, Joint spectra and interpolation of operators, States and invariant maps of operator algebras, Nets of \(C^*\)-algebras and classification of states, The enveloping algebra of a covariant system, Continuity of group representations, with applications to \(C^ *\)- algebras, On GCR-operators, Subalgebras of \(C^ *\)-algebras, Index theory for skew-adjoint Fredholm operators, Integral representation of states on a \(C^*\)-algebra, Left ideal structure of \(C^*\)-algebras, Unnamed Item, A theorem on discrete groups and some consequences of Kazdan's thesis, Maximal Abelian subalgebras of hyperfinite factors. II, Classes of operations in quantum theory, Duality in analysis from the point of view of triples, A note on the spectrum of a local symmetry group, The theory of pure operations, A liminal crossed product of a uniformly hyperfinite \(C^ *\)-algebra by a compact abelian automorphism group, Groups of inner automorphisms of von Neumann algebras, On the \(C^*\)-algebra of a one-parameter semigroup of isometries, \(C^ *\)-Algebren mit geordneten Ideal Folgen. (\(C^ *\)-algebras with ordered ideal sequences), \(C^ *\)-algebras with a two-point dual, Operators commuting with a von Neumann algebra modulo the set of compact operators, Convenient categories of topological algebras, and their duality theory, Weak compactness in the dual space of a \(C^*\)-algebra, \(W^*\)-algebras and nonabelian harmonic analysis, Dirichlet forms on symmetric spaces, An algebraic reduction theory for W\(^*\)-algebras. I, Subalgebras of C\(^*\)-algebras. II, On basic concepts of non-commutative topology, A separable group having a discrete dual space is compact, On nuclear C\(^*\)-algebras, Certain topological groups are type I. II, Separate and joint analyticity in Lie groups representations, Multipliers of C -algebras, Maximale Integralzerlegungen invarianter positiv definiter Funktionen auf diskreten Gruppen, C\(^*\)-algebras with finite duals, Ein maßtheoretisches Marginalproblem, Unnamed Item, Applications of operator spaces to abstract harmonic analysis., Reiter's condition \((P_{2})\) and hypergroup representations, On the continuity of spectra for families of magnetic pseudodifferential operators, Spectral Noncommutative Geometry Standard Model and all that, Multiplicité un pour les espaces symétriques exponentiels, Caractères des représentations factorielles normales d'un groupe de Lie connexe, Sur les isomorphismes de certaines algèbres de von Neumann, Strict deformation quantization for a particle in a magnetic field, Representations of the algebra of all operators in hilbert space, and related analytic function algebras, Produits tensoriels infinis et représentations des relations d'anticommutation, Smoothing operators and C∗-algebras for infinite dimensional Lie groups, Poids et espérances conditionnelles dans les algèbres de von Neumann, Derivations of simple $C^*$-algebras. II, Unitary representations of solvable Lie groups, A type I conjecture and boundary representations of hyperbolic groups, The plancherel formula for group extensions, Deforming algebras with anti-involution via twisted associativity, Exotic closed subideals of algebras of bounded operators, Operator algebras and measure preserving automorphisms. II, Covering entropy for types in tracial W<sup>*</sup>-algebras, A-ergodicity of probability measures on locally compact groups, Approximate propervalues and characters of $C^*$-algebra, The plancherel formula for group extensions II, Action of algebraic groups of automorphisms on the dual of a class of type ${\rm I}$ groups, Unnamed Item, Spectral formulas in quotient \(C^*\)-algebras, Unnamed Item, On the quantisation of points, On \(C^{\ast}\)-algebras of exponential solvable Lie groups and their real ranks, Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with fibred corners, Spectral formulas in quotient \(C^*\)-algebras, Unnamed Item, Locality and differential operators on \(C^*\)-algebras, Invariant faces of a simplex, *-products in the method of orbits for nilpotent groups, The coshape category as an imprimitivity algebra, Some concrete realizations of Bratteli-diagrams, Compactness in dual spaces of locally compact groups and tensor products of irreducible representations, Semi-crossed products of C*-algebras, Locally compact group actions on \(C^ *\)-algebras and compact subgroups, Représentations unitaires et opérateurs à trace. (Unitary representations and traceable operators), The ideal property, the projection property, continuous fields and crossed products, On II\(_{1}\) factors arising from 2-cocycles of \(w\)-rigid groups, On algebras generated by Toeplitz operators and their representations, Scaling asymptotics of Szegö kernels under commuting Hamiltonian actions, Some automatic continuity theorems for operator algebras and centralizers of Pedersen's ideal, Résolubilité d'équations différentielles et représentation induites. (Solubility of differential equations and induced representations), Decomposition of invariant states and nonseparable C*-algebras, Sphericity and multiplication of double cosets for infinite-dimensional classical groups, Weighted \(L^2\)-cohomology of Coxeter groups., Differential algebras with Banach-algebra coefficients. I: From \(C^*\)-algebras to the \(K\)-theory of the spectral curve, Extreme points in sets of positive linear maps on \(\mathcal B (\mathcal H)\), A central decomposition, Derivations of non-separable \(C^*\)-algebras, Approximations and the spectral properties of measure-preserving group actions, Positive cones in enveloping algebras, Equivalence and traces on \(C^*\)-algebras, Korovkin's theorems for C*-algebras, Approximation in a Banach space defined by a continuous field of Banach spaces, Ideaux primitifs induits dans les produits croises, Wiener-Hopf operators on \(U_2\), Some simple C*-algebras constructed as crossed products with discrete outer automorphism groups, Spectral representations for Abelian automorphism groups of von Neumann algebras, The norm of the \(L^p\)-Fourier transform. III. Compact extensions, Nonlinear completely positive maps and dilation theory for real involutive algebras, Compact \(\kappa \)-deformation and spectral triples, Cohomology and extensions of von Neumann algebras. II, Zur Spektralsynthese in Zentren von Gruppenalgebren, Near inclusions of C*-algebras, Riemann-Lebesgue lemma for real reductive groups, On traceable factor representations of crossed products, Characterization of measures in the group \(C^*\)-algebra of a locally compact group, Extensions of positive definite integral kernels on the Heisenberg group, The type structure of multiplier representations which vanish at infinity, Protolocalisations of homological categories, *-semisimplicity of tensor product lmc *-algebras, Multipliers on locally symmetric spaces, Pseudodifferential operators on manifolds with foliated boundaries, A complex semigroup approach to group algebras of infinite dimensional Lie groups, A Bochner type theorem for inductive limits of Gelfand pairs, The convexity of the moment map of a Lie group, Compact quantum groups and groupoid \(C^*\)-algebras, On some classes of multiplicity free representations, From Schoenberg coefficients to Schoenberg functions, Polynomial representations of \(C^\ast\)-algebras and their applications, Holomorphic geometric models for representations of \(C^*\)-algebras, A class of essential representations of product systems, A Galois correspondence for compact group actions on C\(^{\ast}\)-algebras, Die Frobeniuseigenschaft FP für diskrete Gruppen. (The Frobenius property FP for discrete groups), Groups with completely regular primitive dual space, A family of simple \(C^*\)-algebras related to weighted shift operators, Relativity groups in the presence of matter, Symmetric nonself-adjoint operators in an enveloping algebra, On the regular representation of a nonunimodular locally compact group, The order structure of topological \(^*\)-algebras of unbounded operators. I, Certain quotient spaces are countably separated. II, Unitarily invariant convex functions on the state space of type I and type III von Neumann algebras, States on a Weyl algebra of field observables, A class of subnormal operators related to multiply-connected domains, Holomorphic almost periodic functions and positive-definite functions on Siegel domains, Self-dual cones in Hilbert space, Certain quotient spaces are countably separated. III, Basis constants for the space of \(n\times n\) matrices, Simple facts about algebras of unbounded operators, Sur les représentations unitaires d'un groupe, On operators commuting with Toeplitz operators modulo the compact operators, Flat orbits, minimal ideals and spectral synthesis, Spectral and propagation results for magnetic Schrödinger operators; a \(C^*\)-algebraic framework, Extensions and degenerations of spectral triples, Invariance of return probabilities on locally compact groups, *-regularity and uniqueness of \(C^*\)-norm for tensor products of *- algebras, A functional analytic proof of a Borel selection theorem, Holomorphic representations of nilpotent Lie groups, On the decomposition of Wightman functionals in the Euclidean framework, Group representations in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, On clustering states, On the independence of local algebras. II, Quaternion quantum mechanics: Second quantization and gauge fields, The \(C^*\)-algebra of the semi-direct product \(K \ltimes A\), Group algebras with a unique C*-norm, The Dirac operator and the principal series for complex semisimple Lie groups, K-theory for certain group \(C^*\)-algebras, Perturbation theory for groups and lattices, On the universal convergence sets, Unbounded derivations commuting with compact group actions. \(II^*\), Relative locality of derivations, Representations of tensor product l.m.c. *-algebras, Factor state extensions of type III, Homogeneous quantization and multiplicities of group representations, The Kadison-Singer problem, Characters of induced representations of a compact hypergroup, The G-central decomposition of states of statistical systems in the algebraic and in the operational description