Complex dynamics
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zbMath0782.30022MaRDI QIDQ1308622
Theodore W. Gamelin, Lennart Carleson
Publication date: 22 November 1993
Published in: Universitext (Search for Journal in Brave)
Topological dynamics (37B99) Functional equations in the complex plane, iteration and composition of analytic functions of one complex variable (30D05)
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components from the main component in the degree-\(n\) bifurcation set, Symbolic template iterations of complex quadratic maps, Polynomials without repelling periodic point of given period, Domain of attraction for maps tangent to the identity in \(\mathbb C^2\) with characteristic direction of higher degree, The generalized M-J sets for bicomplex numbers, Hausdorff dimension of Julia set of a polynomial with a Siegel disk, Repelling periodic points of given periods of rational functions, Julia sets of permutable holomorphic maps, Local connectivity of some Julia sets containing a circle with an irrational rotation, Formal and analytic linearizability of families of conformal map germs \((\mathbb C,0)\to(\mathbb C,0)\), Accessible fixed points on the boundary of stable domains, Isometries, shifts, Cuntz algebras and multiresolution wavelet analysis of scale \(N\), Transcendental harmonic mappings and gravitational lensing by isothermal galaxies, Groebner basis, resultants and the generalized Mandelbrot set, On Poincaré series of unicritical polynomials at the critical point, A polynomial \(p\)-adic dynamical system, Analytic skew-products of quadratic polynomials over Misiurewicz-Thurston maps, Symmetries of the Julia sets of Newton's method for multiple root, On quasi-conformal (in-) compatibility of satellite copies of the Mandelbrot set. I, Dynamics of quadratic polynomials. I, II, Conjectures on spectra of composition operators and related issues, An effective algorithm to compute Mandelbrot sets in parameter planes, Polynomial skew-products in dimension 2: bulging and wandering Fatou components, On McMullen-like mappings, Distribution of postcritically finite polynomials, Harmonic measure and polynomial Julia sets, Meromorphic self-maps of regions, Infinitely many grand orbits., High-order phase transitions in the quadratic family, Brushing the hairs of transcendental entire functions, Resonances for graph directed Markov systems, On the critical points of modular forms, Webs invariant by rational maps on surfaces, Analytic solutions of a nonlinear iterative equation near neutral fixed points and poles, Dynamics of polynomial-like mappings, On the dynamics of the rational family \(f_{t}(z)={-t/4} {(z^{2}-2)^{2}/(z^{2}-1)}\), Dynamics in chaotic zones of area preserving maps: close to separatrix and global instability zones, Book review of: M. Braverman and M. Yampolsky, Computability of Julia sets, Preperiodic points and unlikely intersections, The dual of a Bergman space on simply connected domains., Common limits of Fibonacci circle maps, Minimal co-volume hyperbolic lattices. II: Simple torsion in a Kleinian group, Julia sets that are full of holes, A method to solve the limitations in drawing external rays of the Mandelbrot set, A new characterisation of the Eremenko-Lyubich class, Chebyshev-Blaschke products: solutions to certain approximation problems and differential equations, Rational maps with Fatou components of arbitrary connectivity number, Short separating geodesics for multiply connected domains, \((K, K^{\prime})\)-quasiconformal harmonic mappings, On the Fibonacci-Mandelbrot set, On the connectivity of the Julia sets of meromorphic functions, On the dynamics of a family of singularly perturbed rational maps, Hölder exponents of Green's functions of Cantor sets, Quotient algebras of Toeplitz-composition \(C^\ast\)-algebras for finite Blaschke products, Boundary constructions of petals at the Wolff point in the parabolic case, On the classification of laminations associated to quadratic polynomials, The parameter planes of \(\lambda z^m \exp(z)\) for \(m \geq 2\), Dimension rigidity in conformal structures, The dynamics of holomorphic germs tangent to the identity near a smooth curve of fixed points, Coupling patterns of external arguments in the multiple-spiral medallions of the Mandelbrot set, Operating with external arguments in the Mandelbrot set antenna, Basins of attraction in quadratic dynamical systems with a Jordan fixed point, How to construct totally disconnected Markov sets?, Rigidity and non-local connectivity of Julia sets of some quadratic polynomials, Cones and gauges in complex spaces: spectral gaps and complex Perron-Frobenius theory, Iteration of functions which are meromorphic outside a small set, Inverse limits of postcritically finite polynomials, Shared values, Picard values and normality, Pointwise convergence on the boundary in the Denjoy-Wolff theorem, Quasisymmetries of the basilica and the Thompson group, The inverse iteration method for Julia sets in the 3-dimensional space, Dynamics of certain class of critically bounded entire transcendental functions, Non-uniform hyperbolicity in complex dynamics, Planar nonautonomous polynomial equations II. Coinciding sectors, Quasiconformal homeomorphisms and dynamics. III: The Teichmüller space of a holomorphic dynamical system, Dynamics of McMullen maps, Growth conditions for entire functions with only bounded Fatou components, A new proof of the Ahlfors five islands theorem, A multifractal analysis of equilibrium measures for conformal expanding maps and Moran-like geometric constructions, Groups of real analytic diffeomorphisms of the circle with a finite image under the rotation number function, Holomorphic motions, Fatou linearization, and quasiconformal rigidity for parabolic germs, Random iterations of holomorphic contractions in locally convex spaces and of weaker contractions in uniform spaces, Recurrent critical points and typical limit sets for conformal measures, On the Fibonacci complex dynamical systems, On the family of cubic parabolic polynomials, A note on core decomposition of Mandelbrot set, Iterated function systems, capacity and Green's functions, On explicit connections between dynamical and parameter spaces, Generalized iteration, A lower estimate for the distance of an attracting fixed point to the boundary of its basin via univalence radius, Hypertranscendency of conjugacies in complex dynamics, Classification of recurrent domains for some holomorphic maps, Bi-Lipschitz geometry of quasiconformal trees, Koenigs functions, quasicircles and BMO, Fatou- and Julia-like sets, Spectra of weighted composition operators with quadratic symbols, Achievable connectivities of Fatou components for a family of singular perturbations, Hyperbolicity of the invariant sets for the real polynomial maps, Classifying simply connected wandering domains, Population dynamics with chaos and extinction, Mixing, simultaneous universal and disjoint universal backward \(\Phi\)-shifts, Use of potential functions in 3D rendering of fractal images from complex functions, Fine structure of connectedness loci, Hyperbolic entire functions and the Eremenko-Lyubich class: Class \(\mathcal {B}\) or not class \(\mathcal {B}\)?, The fine structure of Herman rings, Real and complex behavior for networks of coupled logistic maps, Fatou components and Julia sets of singularly perturbed rational maps with positive parameter, Sensitive dependence of geometric Gibbs states at positive temperature, Dynamics of one-resonant biholomorphisms, Long-term orbit dynamics viewed through the yellow main component in the parameter space of a family of optimal fourth-order multiple-root finders, Rees-Shishikura's theorem for geometrically finite rational maps, A characterization of hyperbolic potentials of rational maps, The Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains. I, Hyperbolic components of rational maps: quantitative equidistribution and counting, Connectivity of the Julia sets of singularly perturbed rational maps, The Collet-Eckmann condition for rational functions on the Riemann sphere, Dynamics of a family of rational maps concerning renormalization transformation, On the notions of mating, Blowup points and baby Mandelbrot sets for a family of singularly perturbed rational maps, The Mandelbrot set is the shadow of a Julia set, A note on a quadratic rational map with two Siegel disks, Bounded Fatou components of composite transcendental entire functions with gaps, On the \((p, q)\)th relative order oriented growth properties of entire functions, Analytic transformations of \((\mathbb{C}^p,0)\) tangent to the identity, Newton method for symmetric quartic polynomial, Selected results and open problems on Hardy-Rellich and Poincaré-Friedrichs inequalities, On Lagrange polynomials and the rate of approximation of planar sets by polynomial Julia sets, The Carathéodory topology for multiply connected domains. II, Transversality in the setting of hyperbolic and parabolic maps, ŁS condition for filled Julia sets in \(\mathbb {C}\), Escaping points in the boundaries of Baker domains, Universality of composition operators and applications to holomorphic dynamics, Linearization in ultrametric dynamics in fields of characteristic zero -- equal characteristic case, Asymptotic dynamics of a difference equation with a parabolic equilibrium, On the Hausdorff dimension of the Sierpiński Julia sets, Boundedness of Fatou components of holomorphic maps, Hölder exponents of the Green functions of planar polynomial Julia sets, Dimension of elliptic harmonic measure of snowspheres, Dynamics, topology and bifurcations of McMullen maps, Schwarz-type lemmas for solutions of \(\bar\partial \)-inequalities and complete hyperbolicity of almost complex manifolds., Some problems of arithmetic origin in rational dynamics, Trees and hyperbolicity. The continuum self-similar tree, Template iterations of quadratic maps and hybrid Mandelbrot sets, Stable components in the parameter plane of transcendental functions of finite type, On the dynamics of rational maps with two free critical points, Stochastic adding machines based on Bratteli diagrams, Rellich type inequalities with weights in plane domains, Plurisubharmonic functions on a neighborhood of a torus leaf of a certain class of foliations, Hereditarily non uniformly perfect non-autonomous Julia sets, The maximum number of zeros of \(r(z) - \overline{z}\) revisited, On Rellich's inequalities in Euclidean spaces, Expanding metrics for unicritical semihyperbolic polynomials, A note about the spectrum of composition operators induced by a rotation, The iterated minimum modulus and conjectures of Baker and Eremenko, Shadowing is generic on dendrites, Orbit portraits in non-autonomous iteration, Linearization of complex hyperbolic Dulac germs, A note on \(q\)-difference operator and related limit direction, Julia sets in topological spaces, Real laminations and the topological dynamics of complex polynomials, Statistics of multipliers for hyperbolic rational maps, Bounded critical Fatou components are Jordan domains for polynomials, Common preperiodic points for quadratic polynomials, Dynamics of multicritical circle maps, Conformally invariant inequalities, Prescribing the postsingular dynamics of meromorphic functions, On the quasiconformal equivalence of dynamical Cantor sets, The residual index and the dynamics of holomorphic maps tangent to the identity, Complex difference equations of Malmquist type, Connectedness of Julia sets of rational functions, Continued fractions, discrete groups and complex dynamics, Hardy-type inequalities on planar and spatial open sets, Unicritical Blaschke products and domains of ellipticity, Bounded Fatou components of transcendental entire functions with order less than 1/2, Buried components of a Julia set, Fibrewise expansive systems, Green functions on self-similar graphs and bounds for the spectrum of the Laplacian, Hausdorff dimension of harmonic measure for self-conformal sets, Normal forms of hyperbolic logarithmic transseries, Competition between decoherence and purification: quaternionic representation and quaternionic fractals, Bers slices in families of univalent maps, Invariant curves of some discrete dynamical systems, Prime number theorems and holonomies for hyperbolic rational maps, On the Shroer-Sauer-Ott-Yorke predictability conjecture for time-delay embeddings, Families of Baker domains II, Linéarisation des perturbations holomorphes des rotations et applications, Triviality of fibers for Misiurewicz parameters in the exponential family, Rigidity of smooth critical circle maps, On proper holomorphic mappings from domains with T-action, Iteration of meromorphic functions, Normality, Quasinormality and Periodic Points, Yang-Lee and Fisher zeros of multisite interaction Ising models on the Cayley-type lattices, Julia sets for Fibonacci endomorphisms of ℝ2, Limit functions of discrete dynamical systems, Julia sets on ℝℙ² and dianalytic dynamics, Some topological characterizations of rational maps and Kleinian groups, Julia and John, Rellich inequalities for polyharmonic operators in plane domains, Frontiers in complex dynamics, Absorbing sets and Baker domains for holomorphic maps, Book Review: Conformal fractals: ergodic theory methods, No hyperbolic sets in \(J_{\infty}\) for infinitely renormalizable quadratic polynomials, Generalized rings around the McMullen domain, On the basins of attraction of a one-dimensional family of root finding algorithms: from Newton to Traub, Singular perturbations of the unicritical polynomials with two parameters, Transitive dendrite map with zero entropy, The WS transform for the Kuramoto model with distributed amplitudes, phase lag and time delay, Homogenization of iterated singular integrals with applications to random quasiconformal maps, Not all Julia sets are quasi-self-similar, A model for boundary dynamics of Baker domains, Hölder continuity property of filled-in Julia sets in $\mathbb \{C\}^n$, When do two rational functions have the same Julia set?, Low-temperature phase transitions in the quadratic family, Hausdorff dimension of Julia sets in the logistic family, Unnamed Item, Hausdorff dimension of quadratic rational Julia sets, On Rational Maps with Two Critical Points, Chirurgie croisée, Characterizing indecomposable plane continua from their complements, On multicorns and unicorns II: bifurcations in spaces of antiholomorphic polynomials, Siegel discs, Herman rings and the Arnold family, Characterization of Dynamics of a Class of Polynomial Automorphisms in ℂn, On the topology of the inverse limit of a branched covering over a Riemann surface, Equilibrium states of weakly hyperbolic one-dimensional maps for Hölder potentials, Hyperbolic metric and normal family, Transversality for Critical Relations of Families of Rational Maps: An Elementary Proof, Periodic points and normal families, Some Connections of Complex Dynamics, Generalized Mandelbrot and Julia Sets in a Family of Planar Angle-Doubling Maps, Fibred quadratic polynomials can admit two attracting invariant curves, Quasiconformal and geodesic trees, Snowballs are quasiballs, The One-Equator Property, Hausdorff Convergence and the Limit Shape of the Unicorns, On the connectivity of the escaping set for complex exponential Misiurewicz parameters, Dynamics of the family 𝜆tan𝑧, Return times of polynomials as meta-Fibonacci numbers, An efficient construction of period-2 bulbs in the cubic Mandelbrot set with parametric boundaries, Singular perturbations ofznwith a pole on the unit circle, Are Devaney hairs fast escaping?, Planar nonautonomous polynomial equations: the Riccati equation, Picard values and normal families of meromorphic functions with multiple zeros, Symbolic dynamics in investigation of quaternionic Julia sets, Sur la persistance des courbes invariantes pour les dynamiques holomorphes fibrées lisses, Analytic solutions of a second-order nonautonomous iterative functional differential equation, On saddle measures, Quantitative uniform distribution of points of small height on the projective line, Punishing factors for finitely connected domains, Extending rational maps, Equivalence of domains with isomorphic semigroups of endomorphisms, Wandering orbit portraits, Ergodic and Bernoulli properties of analytic maps of complex projective space, Eigenvaluations, Continuity of Julia set for a family of entire functions, The combinatorial rigidity conjecture is false for cubic polynomials, Stability of Julia sets for a quadratic random dynamical system, Topology of quadrature domains, Backward stability for polynomial maps with locally connected Julia sets, The dynamics of maps tangent to the identity and with nonvanishing index, On the number of zeros of certain rational harmonic functions, Dynamics of the meromorphic families $f_\lambda=\lambda \tan^pz^q$, Upper-bound for the number of robust parabolic curves for a class of maps tangent to identity, Conjugacy of real diffeomorphisms. A survey, Boundary points as limit functions of iterated holomorphic function systems, Periodic points and the measure of maximal entropy of an expanding Thurston map, Dynamical properties and structure of Julia sets of postcritically bounded polynomial semigroups, Regularity of dynamical Green’s functions, Normality and repelling periodic points, Non-autonomous Julia sets with escaping critical points, A Fatou type theorem for complex map germs, Normal families: New perspectives, Limit functions of iterates of entire functions on parts of the Julia set, Measures in wavelet decompositions, Shrinking targets in parametrised families, Uniformly perfect sets, rational semigroups, Kleinian groups and IFS’s, Dynamics and universality of unimodal mappings with infinite criticality, Building blocks for quadratic Julia sets, Mating a Siegel disk with the Julia set of a real quadratic polynomial, Computation of capacity, A nonalgebraic attractor in $\mathbf{P}^{2}$, Polynomials Versus Finite Blaschke Products, Infinitely Renormalizable Quadratic Polynomials, A Family of Cubic Rational Maps and Matings of Cubic Polynomials, The nonautonomous function-theoretic center problem